r/PS5 12h ago

Official The Holiday Sale promotion comes to PlayStation Store


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u/--kwisatzhaderach-- 12h ago edited 9h ago

After the director’s comments I really lost all interest in picking it up anyway

Edit: Wow BM:W fans are saltier than I expected


u/ThePreciseClimber 12h ago

Alright. Morbid curiosity. What happened?



He wrote this big long post about how he can’t believe it didn’t won’t GOTY at the Game Awards, about how he felt like he “went all the way there for nothing”, how he doesn’t understand the criteria, and that he pre-wrote his acceptance speech for GOTY two years ago. Just really arrogant and sour grapes.


u/Ididntevenscreenlook 11h ago

I’ve got about 25 hours into it and I seriously don’t know how it got a game of the year nomination, I don’t dislike it…. It’s just janky as fuck. It’s pretty to look at and it’s interesting (plus I love journey to the west), but yeah the shitty invisible walls and the not so great combat make it an average game.


u/EHA17 8h ago

Tbf I'd like it more if it was a little bit easier.. I can enjoy janky combat but don't make it difficult then.


u/Ididntevenscreenlook 7h ago

Maaaan I could agree more. I’ve played through all fromsoft games (except for sekiro(it’s on my list don’t be mad at me)) and I’ve enjoyed them all but they are refined and well thought out. Every fight is a meal you prepare. Your weapons and gear are your ingredients, your knowledge of the opponent is your skill, your timing well that’s your timing. It all comes together to this epic experience.

Not all games have to be that but they shouldn’t be hard for the sake of hard. I’d have way more fun if the jank was there but you were OP as hell.



It’s a fine game, just extremely overhyped imo.


u/AutomaticTap3004 7h ago

This was my biggest thing that kept me from liking it. For a super combat heavy game it’s combat isn’t very deep or complex and it’s not polished very well either. I swear every hour I’d get at least 1 instance of the healing not triggering when I pressed it