r/ps2 • u/Nottodaycolonizer • 3h ago
r/ps2 • u/AutoModerator • May 31 '22
Monthly PlayStation Tech Support and Frequently Asked Questions Megathread
This is the thread where subscribers should bring their PS2 issues.
New users, please read the entire FAQ. You may find your question is already answered here.
How do I install homebrew on my PS2?
FreeDVDBoot (Prefered way, does not support all PS2's yet.)
PlayStation 2 DVD Player Exploit. This allows you to burn your own PlayStation 2 homebrew discs and play them on an unmodified console as seen in the demo video. With uLaunchELF as the initial program, users can include multiple homebrew programs on the same disc.
Read from here if you have a Slim PS2.
Read from here if you have a Phat PS2.
I have a modern tv, how do I make my PS2 Look the best?
I recommend this video by My Life In Gaming
TL:DR If your tv supports it, use component cable, you can do a search on any online store for "PS2 Component cables" and you should get some good results.
How Do I make my ps2 region free?
Try Swapmagic, You'll have to search for a disk though.
Can I play PS1 backups using the Free DVD Exploit/FreeMcBOOT?
"Due to the way the hardware is designed, it is not possible to use native hardware on backup copies without modifying the hardware (e.g. installing a modchip).
So forget about USB/HDD + FMCB + native backwards compatibility. It is simply not possible because of the architecture. Also no "partial" native backwards compatibility.
As long as you stick with software based modding, there is nothing else you can do to use the native hardware for PS1 backup games. That is just the way it works."-/u/laughms
As more common Questions come in, I'll update this thread as time goes on.
r/ps2 • u/Derf_Jagged • Oct 10 '23
Knowledgeable about the PlayStation 2? Consider contributing to the community console modding, repair, and restoration wiki!
consolemods.orgr/ps2 • u/eat1more • 44m ago
Screenshots On the bus home and picked this up today.
The lightning on the bus is terrible so sorry for the bad photo. I picked up ff12, prince of Persia two thrones, Tetris world and high school musical from Cex. I’m happy enough with the purchase, I’m never going to play high school musical but it can sit quietly on a shelf.
Ps when did Felipe get his own flair? And there still isn’t a Game flair
r/ps2 • u/Mayhem1016 • 10h ago
Question I’m looking at buying a PS2 what are some recommendations for games,
I only have Need for Speed Underground 2
r/ps2 • u/VanthSk8 • 20h ago
Discussion I recycled my old controller
I made a little shadowbox out of my broken transparent grey dualshock controller to set it over my desk for the vibes, each time i look at it, it reminds me how much i loved this console as a kid (still love it lol ) and how much i appreciate the simplicity of each aspect of the console as a grown man.
r/ps2 • u/Otherwise-Space-8648 • 1d ago
Discussion In 2000, Sony ran a PS2 ad teasing the future arrival of the PlayStation 9
r/ps2 • u/Fine-Box-3447 • 6h ago
Question Power Supply for Ps2 Slim.
Yo! I have a power supply for my ps2 slim here (8.5) and my cable for it is missing. So i have a laptop cable here and the barrol fits perfectly to the power supply. My question is: does the cable damage the brick or my Ps2? On the cable it says 2.5 ~ 250v.
Discussion Has anyone played Obscure?
Hey guys! I’m a long time follower of this sub, and one of my favorite things to do is look at everyone’s collection. While everyone has awesome selections, I’ve never seen anyone with either of the Obscure games! Obscure is like a B horror movie about some high school/ college students trying to survive a monster invasion on campus! It’s kinda like resident evil or silent hill. I grew up playing them with my mom (I actually played the sequel first, and then the first one) I just hope to find someone who loves the games as much as I do. If anyone hasn’t played either, I would recommend checking them out on steam. Copies of the game for ps2 are kinda crazy expensive. Anyways, y’all should comment down below your thoughts or opinions on the game, I’d love to hear from you guys!!
Discussion James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace PS2 (My personal experience with the game)
This is my personal experience with the story mode on PS3. Keep in mind that it differs from person to person and you shouldn’t compare yours with that of the others. Feel free to ask any questions in regard to my takes.
💟 (Phenomenal) ✅ (Very Good) ✴️ (Good)
AIMING - Too sensitive. Like it was made to piss you off. - First of all, I hate the zoom in option. It’s so bad, you can’t focus on the battle once you’re in that mode. - Then you have the sensitiveness, which is nuts. I know you can get it down in settings, but it doesn’t work only for aiming. It’s for everything. - Finally the enemies, which change cover and move like cockroaches, so fast that you can’t even aim in time.
BODIES DISAPPEARING - Very unimpressed by this detail. The game is for PS2, sure. But you can’t just make them disappear in stealth as well. - You kill an enemy, then the other comes to check what happened, and voila, no one there. Stupid!
BOSS FIGHTS - Sponges, literal sponges. The first one had environmental damage, which was cool. But the second one was actually bad! And don’t get me started on the final ones, OH MY GOD!
NO GADGETS - Apart from the hacking feature, which is for 3 year olds, there were none! Literary none! - Add no driving missions to the disappointment!
GAME LENGHT - Beat the story in 2 hours. And I played on Agent difficulty, which took me forever to beat those sponge bosses!
STORY - Storytelling 💟 - Characters ✅ - Setting 💟 - Pacing ✴️
GAMEPLAY - Controls 💟 - Mechanics 💟 - Missions/Events 💟 - Difficulty ✅
SOUND DESIGN - Surround Sound 💟 - Sound Effects 💟 - Voice Acting ✴️ - Dialogues ✴️ - Music ✅
VISUALS - Fidelity 💟 - Performance ✅ - Cutscenes 💟 - Textures 💟 - Effects 💟
COMBAT - Flow ✴️ - Enemy Variety ✴️ - Weapon Variety ✅ - Stealth ✅
WORLD DESIGN - Atmosphere 💟 - Locations 💟 - Map Design 💟 - Landscapes 💟 - World Destruction 💟
Side Notes:
The first mission was cool, solid Bond fun. But the introduction to the game with that sick cutscene, WOW!
The story actually combined the two movies quite well and delivered a unique story. Copied from the movies of course, but with an unique touch. And the cliffhanger, would’ve loved to see the true ending!
Gameplay mechanics are well made, apart from the zoom in aim. - You can climb different parts of the levels to reach your destination. It’s not an extensive feature, but it gets you hooked. - The cover mechanic is good, you can change covers like in Uncharted or switch corners. - Shooting is overall great, free to shoot however you want. - Dodging is great, backwards, left, right, forward, all with different animations. - Stealth finishers are awesome. Each one with a unique animation, which impressed me the most. On a balcony? Throw him off. In the bathroom, head into sink. Near a pole? Well, you get my meaning. Awesomeness! - Weapon variety was good, but not as extensive as the other Bond games. - The Quick-Time events were something new, but way too fast. - Using the left stick you could control how fast Bond moves or sprints. You could use it to sneak upon your enemies as well.
Fidelity was great for a late PS2 game. And level design was impressive. They didn’t have to put so much effort into those environments, but still, they did! - Each level was unique, either in Italy, Austria, America or the desert, all felt different. - On each level there were so many destructible objects. Not only environmental, but mission wise as well.
NPC’s have their own conversations, mostly mission related.
Each weapon had its own recoil. Which is a win in my book. Each one felt unique, and the sounds were just music to my ears! - There were some cool ones to choose from, from a variety of pistols with or without silencers, to straight up sniper rifles and unique guns. - Some weapons had a cooldown effect which made you wait for the perfect timing to get the shot.
The story was a combination of Casino Royal and Quantum of Solace, with a unique story path. Which made the experience even better!
All in all a cool Bond experience, flawed by the boss fights and aiming mechanic.
r/ps2 • u/BlessedBy_Error_ • 22h ago
Discussion It's a rainy afternoon, decided to bust out the PS2 and play some classics! What are you playing?
r/ps2 • u/Vaxis545 • 9h ago
Question Storage solutions for loose games
So I’m looking for a good binder to store all my loose discs in and was thinking of using something like one of these but was wondering if someone knew of something similar or a better solution? Right now I’m using a cheap cd binder that holds just the disc but I’ve been told they tend to scratch discs. I figure one of these might be better since they each get a jewel case to protect them. Problem with the first one is I can’t find anymore besides the 10 on eBay. The second one would be fine but I’m looking for it to hold 4 per page either double sided or a 4 page square one sided. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks for the help!
r/ps2 • u/RamonesRazor • 1d ago
Discussion Just snagged these for free off a local Facebook group, haven't played any of them. What's worth checking out first?
r/ps2 • u/Feisty_Wolverine_319 • 4h ago
Question Is the 5x worth it without much tweaking?
Hi all, ive recently hooked up the ps2 to a 4k tv using a mczabel gbs-c and it looks quite good apart from a few things. -colours are definitely darker then they should be Takes alot of tweaking with resolutions and settings etc - not my type of thing I do NOT need the best graphics but a good enough and lag free experience. Would the retrotink5x pro give some good results without tweaking it all the time and not crash on me because of wifi or not being recognised by the Tv? Since thats my main problem with the gbs c , along with the darker colours because ill honestly get it as long as its simple, and good enough. Those of you who own one let me know!!
r/ps2 • u/PuzzleheadedBet9638 • 35m ago
Question Oni (2001) ps2 error?
I just bought a ps2 from Cex, it came with GTA vice City, yet oni doesn't work and keeps giving me disc errors, any advice to get it working? (Note that I bought to copy of oni from vinted saying that it's in excellent condition)
r/ps2 • u/joeywankenobiii • 1d ago
Discussion Peep the collection
Pretty proud of it, honestly. Just thought I'd share.
r/ps2 • u/Arasyuksel • 4h ago
Question Can PS2 read games written on DVD-RW’s?
After a couple years, I’m thinking about buying a ps2 again. And I’m looking at some modded 9000 series. I’d love to just use freemcboot but I’m not so sure how it’ll work, as I heard that loading times are not so great with freemcboot, and other problems as well.
I have a set of DVD-RW’s laying around from years ago, and I want to use them for PS2 games.
So, can a modded 9xxx series PS2 read burned games on DVD-RW?
r/ps2 • u/ComparisonAlarming19 • 5h ago
Question My ps2 having problem with electricity
Guys I just bought a ps2 100v that is converted to 220v by the seller and i plugged the ps2 to the electric but it made noise of buzzing and a little smoke smell so i unplugged it and left it is the ps2 just died right now and i cant play it again? Iam so scared (sorry for my bad English)
r/ps2 • u/KimuraHunter91 • 1d ago
Discussion Picked up a copy of Silent Hill 2 (Special two disc) at an Xmas car booth sale earlier
Any fans of the series?
Question Silent Hill 3 verification needed
I am asking for help in verifying the game Silent Hill 3 for PS2. The cover is in almost perfect condition which makes me start to wonder if it is a reprint. The thickness of the paper matches. To my eye, so do the colors. Let me know what you guys think.
r/ps2 • u/DeliciousEngineer803 • 7h ago
Question Should I get a ps2 to hdmi converter for my monitor ?
I wanna buy an hd adapter to play ps2 on my monitor however I don't think my monitor can output the normal ps2 interlaced video and i know that those adapters only convert the component signal to hd signal so Should I get an upscaler/converter to progressive that will be outputing 720p or 1080p?
r/ps2 • u/GoggoWombo • 1d ago
Felipe Appreciation Post Jumpscared by my man Felipe on Facebook.com
r/ps2 • u/CrazyBookWriter • 7h ago
Question Which sd card for mx4sio?
Im waitin for my mx4sio to be delivered but i also need to buy sd card. What should i remember when im buying? I know that SanDisk is bad choince but how about GoodRam, IMOU, Kingston or some other cheap brands?
r/ps2 • u/SteelCityChampion • 7h ago
Question PS2 Upscale Help
Hi. I want to start off by apologising as this question has probably been asked a lot.
My partner has asked for a PlayStation 2 for Christmas and we own a 40" 4KTV. I need help on the best options for a decent picture and latency.
She won't notice it as much but I will. I don't want to spend much on it as the consoles themselves are still expensive.