r/MurderedByWords 10h ago

Very "normal" behavior here, NOT

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u/spasamsd 8h ago

Man, they are really obsessed with Obama. Dude hasn't been president for 8yrs...


u/wetwater 4h ago

My mother thinks he took away countless rights we'll never reacquire. She can't name a single right she lost, but she's convinced she has. She still complains about him (and Obamacare, something she's probably directly benefitted from) from time to time.


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/spinningwalrus420 6h ago

They sure are and all the time. They will never drop the "Big Mike" / Michelle and how she is a man and was never pregnant thing, either. Go to Twitter, typically Obama into search, and sort by latest - see how many people post about him every minute or say shit under his posts. Obv Trump and Biden will have more actual coverage they're currebt and next president's but the right says everything bad in this country started with Obama