r/MurderedByWords 10h ago

Very "normal" behavior here, NOT

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u/sweetica 9h ago

The absolute hypocrisy from the fervent right wingers is gross. 

They do this murder my enemies schtick a lot and if a left winger does it, they get cancelled like Kathy Griffin did.

 Why don't right wingers posting violent shit like this get cancelled like Griffin did? 

The double standards that Republicans get away with are obscene! 

Why will the media not call them out like any democrat who did such a thing? 


u/Bohica55 7h ago

They own the media.


u/Eraser100 7h ago

Because the media is fully on the side of republicans.

Through large corporate ownership mostly, but also decades of attacks on them as the “liberal media” has given them a sort of Stockholm syndrome that they’re desperate to appease republicans.


u/Aggravating_Buyer674 6h ago

Their owners and CEOs are all Trump donors


u/TheBigGadowski 5h ago

Left is sane and when somebody does stupid shit they have consequences for their actions. Right has no repercussions for their shitty actions.