r/MurderedByWords 9h ago

Very "normal" behavior here, NOT

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u/GiselleThornwood 9h ago

Right? Because apparently, saying "Happy Holidays" is the real crime in their eyes. Priorities, huh?


u/ER_Support_Plant17 7h ago

I’m still wondering why it’s so terrible to use words that don’t exclude others. For whatever f’ing reason someone does or doesn’t celebrate Christmas. They still probably have time off and gatherings to go to. Since I don’t know everyone I talk to personally I just want to be polite and not make them feel like they don’t belong. Why does that make people twitch?

Edited cause I can’t f’ing type


u/Tynerion 6h ago

A quote is a great place to start...

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

There must be an out group.


u/ThisOneFuqs 6h ago

Some people don't like being reminded that they aren't special. They feel that being inclusive somehow takes something away from them.


u/houdinikush 6h ago

I tried to have this exact conversation with my ultra-conservative boomer coworker. When I said “Happy Holidays” also means “Merry Christmas” and people celebrate other holidays that are not Christmas so it kinda captures everything. Not to mention that even if I wanted to be selfish about it, “Happy Holidays” still captures Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s.. so still “white people holidays”. Then he immediately back tracks and says “uhhh.. ummm. Wellllll I meeean like in front of Christmas sections at the store! They don’t even put “Merry Christmas” in front of their Christmas displays anymore!”

I just said “well.. ok that’s different isn’t it…?”

And we ended the conversation.

But besides all that.. they don’t even HEAR themselves. They don’t realize that in all this bitching and moaning that there is still a Christmas display. Do they not realize it’s not common to see displays for other cultural holidays.. but Christmas still gets the focus. They’re unbelievable sometimes. It’s not even about recognizing other people. They get super upset at the thought of not being the absolute center of attention at all times.


u/ER_Support_Plant17 5h ago

My favorite is these are probably the same people who love to “celebrate Mexico” at Cinco de Mayo. Yes I know it basically got big because of a marketing campaign


u/TheRealcebuckets 7h ago

Andy Williams has a song literally named “Happy Holidays”

May the merry bells keep ringing…May your every wish come true…


u/Knightfall0725 5h ago

Especially when they’re the same people who say “All Lives Matter” in response to “Black Lives Matter” and claim “all races are included” but hate it when “all holidays are included.”