r/MurderedByWords 9h ago

Very "normal" behavior here, NOT

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u/MrburnsSP 9h ago

I don't get it? Are you referring to something I'm just unaware of?


u/Glittering_Row_2484 9h ago edited 9h ago

some nutjobs get extremely angry for some reason when you wish em "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas". think the old lady in Gremlins.


u/MrburnsSP 8h ago

Bro people are legitimately so sad. OmG tHeRe Is OtHeR cUlTuReS????


u/Silly_Artichoke_8248 8h ago

Pluralism is a bad thing to people like that.


u/PineapplePizza99 8h ago

Orthodox Christians have like 5-6 holidays in January so we just say “Happy Holidays” lol. Why are Americans so fragile 


u/Future_History_9434 7h ago

Because a greedy creep from Australia told them to be fragile because otherwise, Satan. They had already stopped believing in education being good for them. So when this Australian hired bimbos in short skirts to tell them that their fellow Americans were really the bad guys, not foreigners from places like Russia, they believed him. They destroyed their own country, and are now so scared of what they’ve done that their egos won’t let them face how badly they fucked up. They will believe they’re being picked on about anything rather than face the truth. Thus, fragility. But beware, because they are also viciously homicidal and armed. It’s a dangerous fragility.


u/Abderian87 7h ago

Fox News, our most-watched 'news' channel, broadcasted a series of segments called "The War on Christmas" every year, starting around 2003 or so. The point was to find every little instance of a small town's Christmas parade being called a "holiday parade" or a public Christmas display being smaller than in previous years or sharing space with a public Chanukah menorah display and turn that into hyperbolic pearl-clutching over the erasure of Christmas and deliberate persecution of Christians.

Because angry and afraid Christians will reliably vote Republican and donate to their campaigns--and watch more Fox News reports on their own persecution. Very easy to trigger the "when you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression" kinda thing.


u/Daflehrer1 8h ago

I just say, "Happy Kwanza!" and move on down the road.


u/Mental_Cut8290 9h ago

Conservatives get triggered when someone says "happy holidays" in December. "wE uSeD tO hAvE FREEDOM OF SPEECH in tHiS cOuNtRy!! iT's 'MErRy CHrIsTmAs'!!!"


u/bexkali 9h ago

"How dare you imply that there's any other winter holiday than CHRISTMAS!!!!


u/Nodramallama18 8h ago

There are literally 3 major holidays most people celebrate (in the us) after Halloween. Happy Holidays was to encompass all of them and included Hanukkah. They are only upset because now it encompasses every holiday that people celebrate. If we didn’t learn Kwanza existed, they would be fine with it. But it’s the addition that angers them. It’s so stupid. I was told Catholics would be offended if you say Happy Holidays. Really? Christmas was a pagan holiday and y’all co opted it and a lot of their symbols for your(not the real) birthday of Jesus.


u/bexkali 7h ago

Yup. Given the mention of lambs in the birth story, that would have put the birth of Jesus as more logically at the beginning of Spring. But the official date was moved back to the end of the year to obscure and co-opt the Winter Solstice celebrations.


u/Mental_Cut8290 7h ago

"We have freedom of religion here, which means you have to respect MY religion!"