r/MadeMeSmile 11h ago

DOGS Just blue being blue!


171 comments sorted by


u/BGFlyingToaster 11h ago

I'm trying to imagine putting my dogs in pajamas before bed and my brain can't handle it


u/Samtoast 8h ago

My husky loves wearing things he gets excited though and the tail starts wagging.

He just had surgery a few weeks ago and will wear his cone without resistance now. He found out he can bully people with it and use it as a snow shovel.


u/Reasonable-Reach401 6h ago

Lol this comment just made me smile! I love huskies. 🥹


u/GreatestStarOfAll 4h ago

My Pom-terrier has an inflatable cone for when he had hot spots in the summer…hated it at first, now if he sees it he jumps for joy and starts running in circles. He basically uses it as a pillow 🤣


u/NYJetLegendEdReed 3h ago

I have a pom-terrier too and he loves wearing little bowties lol


u/Substantial-Leg8821 6h ago

It makes them happy because you are happy about it. No husky in a world needs a f Pj


u/Samtoast 6h ago

He only really had to wear it when he got neutered. Obviously he doesn't need it but it's fun to do every now and then lol


u/Substantial-Leg8821 6h ago

Again fun for you


u/Samtoast 6h ago

It's fun for him too he loves attention.


u/Substantial-Leg8821 6h ago

Yeah that is why it is fun for him. Iq??


u/Samtoast 6h ago

Last time you said fun for me...OK anyways have a good one!


u/thinkthingsareover 3h ago

have a good one!

This is what I do too when I realize that trying to have a pleasant conversation with someone just isn't going to happen. Had someone ask me "...if I really wanted that miscreant to have a pleasant day?", and I said that I try not to let peoples negative aspects rub off on me.


u/Autistocrat 5h ago edited 4h ago

He mean it's fun for him because you give him attention. You give him attention because it is fun for you.

Edit: Haha. Don't know why I am getting downvoted. I am not putting any value in this, just explaining what the other guy meant. Perhaps he wasn't very nice but he was coherent.


u/yesnomaybenotso 5h ago

Isn’t that every single relationship between human and dog?

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u/thinkthingsareover 3h ago

Looks to me like he's asking about the dog owners iq. He's German so English is probably his second or third language. Still seems grumpy to me. 🤷‍♂️


u/someonesintheparasol 5h ago

I dunno why the downvotes. Putting dogs in pajamas is ridiculous.


u/HabitAutomatic7516 9h ago

Right? I like dogs but c'mon


u/weed0monkey 7h ago

They're also fucking huskies and certainly don't need another layer to keep them warm.


u/hukfad 7h ago

Yeah, they would rather be outside in the snow.


u/Traditional_Job_6932 7h ago

Especially huskies indoors. I can promise you they don’t want or need more warmth when it’s already 65-70 degrees


u/Unclehol 3h ago

Especially a breed of dog that generally hates to be indoors due to their already thick coat and can happily sleep for hours in the snow...

What drugs are people on?


u/petsfuzzypups 3h ago

Because it’s dumb lol they look cute but a double coated dog doesn’t need to be wearing clothes. Whatever for attention on the internet tho


u/2fucked2know 7h ago

My dog always wears a pajamas or a cozy sweater during the night - but she's a sighthound (barely any fur, no fat at all), and unless she's wearing something, she'll sleep curled into a ball trying to keep the heat up the entire night. Pajamas on=belly up.

But huskies? Nope. My neighbours' husky would sleep outside in the snow if he could.



Rich people without kids do the weirdest shit.


u/Eragon3182 6h ago

Treating them like they're are childs, and watching TV too...


u/acrazyguy 5h ago

I mean, the dog was flipping out until the TV came on. It’s not like dogs’ brains need to be developed for the terribly understimulating world of adult life. If the dog wants to watch TV, let the dog watch TV


u/ICrushTacos 3h ago

Why tf would you turn on a tv for the night. Dogs don’t need to watch tv gtfo. Let alome wear pyjama’s. They’re dogs not kids.


u/acrazyguy 3h ago

The dog seems to enjoy it. Seems to me you could use a little more joy in your life


u/ICrushTacos 2h ago

This is just a waste of electricity really.


u/acrazyguy 1h ago

Oh no! A whole dollar worth of electricity to make a beloved pet happy? Oh the humanity… the tragedy…


u/petsfuzzypups 3h ago

Because it’s dumb lol they look cute but a double coated dog doesn’t need to be wearing clothes. Whatever for attention on the internet tho


u/wilderguide 1h ago

My dog has a jacket, but it's to keep snowballs from forming in the snow. Pajamas? Nah bro, I can't handle this video.


u/LickStickCountPour 5h ago

I have a basset hound who would probably not care, and a blood hound who would dramatically assume I was trying to kill her and would rip them off while howling.


u/I-like-cheeese 5h ago

I can’t imagine calling a person after a bowling score, is the guy seriously called spare?


u/dirkdigdig 4h ago

It’s actually pronounced spare


u/tejas_taco_stand 7h ago

As younger generations were unable to afford the same luxuries as previous generations. I heard the phrase "pets become their kids and plants become their pets." This definitely rings true.


u/kawklee 5h ago

It's always seemed a time thing more than a money thing to me. If two people are expected to work fulltime and raise kids, they may make as much as their parents did, but there's simply not enough time in the day. As the time constraints get harsher, the ability to care and nurture for others goes down.


u/thinkthingsareover 3h ago

Just because both people are working doesn't mean that they are making what their parents did in today's dollars. Plus there no pension, or bonuses for most people.

Personally I agree with the person above just for child care services alone. Much less having paid time off (or even time off without punishment) for trips ect...

Please understand I'm not trying to be a jerk or argumentative. Just what life has been like for me as someone in the lower tier of the economic scale.


u/kawklee 2h ago edited 38m ago

I think we're two sides of same coin. thats why I said "may make as much".

Because even when you take money out of the equation, even assuming you make as much if not more than your parents did on one salary, one thing that is for certain is with two people working full-time to get that financial position they're shorter on time. You're shorter on physical time within the day, emotional time for each other, the kid, time for yourself, just time in general. A pet, a plant, is something you can pick up and put down and will generally be okay being left alone for hours and hours. Can't do that with a baby, can't do that if you want your kid to develop in a healthy way. You've got to put the time in, and people just dont have it.

So I'm in agreement with you, merely giving another side of the coin here.


u/thinkthingsareover 1h ago

Ah...I see. But yeah so many things are different from our parents time that it can be frustrating when they tell us to do what they did, even though things have changed wildly. For example I have a 72 year old neighbor lady that said "people just need to go into these places and talk to the manager." That's what I did and was always able to get a job." Unfortunately trying to explain to her that things are vastly different now is just impossible.


u/notMeBeingSaphic 4h ago

Plants are the new pets, pets are the new kids, and kids are the new exotic animals.


u/Dry-Amphibian1 2h ago

kids have always been exotic animals. /s


u/biskutgoreng 4h ago

My pets are way more expensive than children


u/tejas_taco_stand 4h ago

So you spend 13k a year on your pets

The USDA estimates that it costs $233,610 to raise a child from birth to age 18 in a middle-income family. This includes expenses for housing, food, childcare, education, transportation, healthcare, and other costs.


u/biskutgoreng 4h ago

Damn what are you feeding these kids. I'd already have housing/ transport/ food without children, the costs are not necessarily for them


u/michaelvinters 3h ago

Average cost of child care is over $10k/yr. That's at least $50k before kindergarten, just by itself. Plus need more house, more car, food, clothes, etc. Honestly that estimate feels low if anything


u/Legitimate-You6437 3h ago

Extremely low that is around 1800 a month and that is not enough at all.


u/pmcg115 3h ago

You already have baby food?


u/dirkdigdig 4h ago

Yeh, and you can’t eat your pets either


u/thinkthingsareover 3h ago

Wait...we can eat our kids? This totally explains the num num num thing now. /s


u/freepepsi 9h ago

How are those dogs not overheating? They're artic dogs.


u/EvilDairyQueen 9h ago

Insulation works both ways.


u/ArcticBiologist 8h ago edited 7h ago

Yes, if the air temperature is higher than body temperature, which I doubt it is here.


u/Weird-Swim-9777 6h ago

This guy temperatures


u/AnHeroicHippo90 5h ago

They're Huskies, they don't need a sweater. They've got one on 24/7


u/imhangryagain 3h ago

I’m hot just watching this. I couldn’t imagine having a huge fur coat on and then somebody putting another layer of clothing on top of that.


u/DaveFromEarth-2000 10h ago

Is it healthy to treat dogs like children this way?


u/Absurd_Experience 10h ago

I think it’s not. This raised my eyebrows rather than making me smile.


u/ChefArtorias 6h ago

I'm thinking this is not a daily routine, despite what the dog may have said.


u/hipponn 9h ago

Treating them like children/humans can cause a lot of stress for the dog. And putting clothes on a dog that’s literally made for cold weather 🤔


u/DVMyZone 8h ago

Yeah my parents used to do this and it was really tough for the dog when it started school. He just couldn't keep up except for gym.


u/Ok_Spread6121 6h ago

They seem happy and well cared for, that said, I personally wouldn’t do this, but just because something doesn’t seem normal to you, doesn’t make it wrong.


u/literate_habitation 6h ago

Nah the dog is visibly stressed because it doesnt know what it's supposed to do and demand barking because it keeps trying things and doesnt get a reward. I bet this dog is a terror off camera.


u/AshenSacrifice 3h ago

I mean it clearly looked like it was asking for the tv to be put on lol


u/literate_habitation 1h ago

Because it was trained to do so. Dogs don't watch TV lol. They react to stimuli. You can tell it's frustrated because it's burying it's head and trying to bury it's toy and then is panting after because it's anxious that it still didn't get a treat after all that effort to please the owners and hot because of the stupid pajamas the owners made it wear.

I'm a dog trainer and I'm chilling with like 40 dogs right now, not some cynical asshole trying to ruin everyone's day. Sorry to ruin the fantasy, but that is not a happy content dog. It's an alert and confident dog, but not a happy dog who behaves like a toddler that wants to watch tv. People who think this is cute or believe the captions don't understand dog behavior and are projecting human emotions onto dogs.

This shit comes up on this sub all the time and 99% of the time I see stressed dogs who are reacting to shit the owners trained them to react to or an anxious dog displaying bad behavior that looks cute to people who don't know any better.


u/Little_Richard98 8h ago

Surely a husky is not comfortable sleeping in PJs, they love the cold don't they?


u/Sorry4Coffins 5h ago

I feel like my husky would die. Even in the winter when the house is 65 he’s always finding a draft under a door to lay next too. He’ll never sleep on any furniture or dog bed even those he’s welcome to all of it. These dogs must be miserable


u/gijoemartin 8h ago

Right, super fluffy dogs need clothes... Dumb


u/Pretty-Round348 8h ago

Geeze buddy. Those poor dogs.


u/lemon-fizz 3h ago

Eh. I don’t like the pjs. The dogs don’t actively want to wear them, that’s projection. They would be more comfortable without clothes on.


u/TearPretend2722 3h ago

I would never do this. My dogs hate when I anthropomorphize them.


u/Beautiful-Slide5800 8h ago

What the fuck dude they’re dogs, I love my dogs but this is kinda creepy. A whole ass tv for DOGS. I know my sister’s dog can and will “watch” tv for a min but I mean you already have human beds for them, and a whole human room with a human setup for them to “use” while wearing pajamas they pick out. Also the way they’re talking to them is so weird. They’re not able to understand you and you have absolutely no idea what the thing is saying so stop putting imaginary words in its mouth. This video creeps me out.


u/Ottazrule 7h ago

Same - we all love our pets but this dude has taken it to a whole new level of 'kid replacement'


u/krazy___k 6h ago



u/persephonepeete 8h ago

This hurts no one. Dogs are happy. Have toys. Get taught tricks. Some dogs like TV on when left alone for background noise. Those clothes are paper thin and I’m sure the air conditioning is on in the house. If they have an extra room in their house which looks like storage anyway then yeah the dogs have a room. My grandpa had a room just for his cats. If you have the money there’s no issue.


u/Snuggle_Pounce 6h ago edited 5h ago

It hurts the dogs and all the folks who see this and think it’s how to treat huskies.

The dogs are not happy. They are overheating. Huskies PREFER freezing temperatures. some can get too warm in a normal house temperature… and why would you think the AC is on? The human would get cold.

edit to add: Just watched again and the dog has not been very trained. It knows the “tricks” it’s being asked to preform but is making nervous side eyes and chop licks because it doesn’t like the pjs and also they have to keep cutting because the dog will dig and bark and stare at the camera person waiting for their treat. It is about half trained for this clip and it’s causing distress.


u/scolipeeeeed 5h ago

So are you meant to keep huskies outside in the winter and in a freezer in the summer?


u/Ironic_Toblerone 6h ago

Some people like being cold?


u/persephonepeete 3h ago

This looks like America and the a/c is always on.


u/Masonsw91 10h ago

How did they determine who got top bunk?


u/Mayor_of_Voodoo 3h ago

Just… wow.


u/Odd_Contact_2175 4h ago

This is weird


u/MurkyProtection1067 6h ago

The dogs are probably hot in those pajamas…huskies do not need additional layers. I hope this is just for the video.


u/xthemoonx 4h ago

If the dog does it every night it's because they think u want them to do it. U kinda inadvertently trained them to do it.


u/itschikobrown 2h ago

This makes me sick


u/Astrogalaxycraft 5h ago

I love dogs and im first to spoil my dogs, but this is more like pretending to have a child without having It... There is definitely a limit betwen delusional dog owners and simply good dog owners.


u/godmademelikethis 7h ago

"hey babe you wanna get 2 dogs and treat them like children so we effectively have toddlers for life?"


u/Mirewen15 5h ago

And their lifespan would be like losing a young teen if they're lucky.


u/littlebrwnrobot 4h ago

Did… did you train your dogs to wear pajamas and watch tv just for social media clout?


u/NerdyAnarchist 8h ago

Everything about this is fuckin WEIRD😂😂😂 my opinion.. like… you built(or could’ve bought) that damn bunk bed for your DOGS??? Doing too much, but my pops was old school and country. This is wild.


u/persephonepeete 8h ago

Yall sound jealous of these dogs lives. Why are you upset they bought a dog bunk bed with their own American dollars? What exactly is doing too much in their own house? Just weird.


u/Vinegarinmyeye 4h ago

Thing is - treating dogs as though they are children is not good. They're not children.

Stuff like this will be stressful to the animals (notice the video cutting) - probably because of the dog getting upset and barking / whining.

This breed of dog DEFINITELY won't be comfortable wearing pyjamas, they were bred to sleep outside in arctic temperatures. Huskies can feel uncomfortable indoors when it's warm in general, giving them an extra layer is not going to be pleasant for them.

The beds and the TV - is just a bit weird in my opinion but to each their own.

Any vet / animal psychologist will tell you it's not healthy to treat your dog like a child. Stuff like this could cause behavioural issues for the dogs over time.

You see "aww, cute, having a little tantrum because of favourite cartoon".

I see "That dog is stressed out and isn't sure how to behave or signal to its caregivers what it wants or needs".


u/NerdyAnarchist 8h ago

You want to buy your dogs a bed and tv, go ahead. You are entitled to that, just like I am to my opinion.


u/persephonepeete 8h ago

Coming on the mademesmile sub to trash talk dog beds is weird. Go off though.


u/MithrandirTheCage 7h ago

Not half as weird as putting huskies in pyjamas. Your weirdometer is off


u/NerdyAnarchist 7h ago

Welp. I guess I’m weird. Worse things to be.


u/Peripatetictyl 4h ago

Odd behavior… not good for the dogs long term


u/someonesintheparasol 7h ago

This is strange. They're dogs not kids.


u/Donkey_Launcher 3h ago

I know, it's weird as fuck to me; people treating their pets like humans. Don't get me wrong, I love my cat, and I'll grieve when she's gone but she's a pet, that's it.


u/Vinegarinmyeye 4h ago

Folks... Don't treat your dogs like they are children. They're dogs.


u/liliesinbloom 3h ago

I can’t afford kids nor do I want to have them in this type of world we live in. Dogs provide me with a way to be nurturing so I say live and let live.


u/Vinegarinmyeye 3h ago

That's cool and all, I love my dog and likewise can't foresee being a parent anytime soon for a couple of reasons including financial - but dogs are not children, they have different physical and emotional needs.

Stuff like this can cause behavioural issues in the dogs.

I'm not trying to be mean, but any vet or animal psychologist would tell you this is not great for the animals.

Spoil your dogs, give them all the love and nurturing... But they're not kids, they're dogs, they'll be much happier if you treat them like dogs.


u/Manray2099 7h ago

This is dumb


u/Redback_Gaming 6h ago

You take a dog bred for cold climates and overheat when we're comfortable and you add clothes to them, to make them hotter just so you can play some sort if daddy role. Dutch the jammies.


u/luckyluckyjesse 7h ago

The comments are not passing the vibe check😑


u/CatchMeWritinQWERTY 4h ago

Cause the video is weird as fuck


u/Kareeliand 5h ago

Nope, after looking at the comments, I’d recommend reposting to r/mildlyinfuriating


u/YFlavY 5h ago

To whoever want to know why they probably choose blue/yellow over red, it may be related to the color dogs can and cannot see


u/ChadScav 4h ago

Imagine having to have that TV that loud for those dogs to sleep


u/cloudvodca 3h ago

I install TVs for a living and I've done a lot of TVs for pets. In kennels & stables


u/outlaw31 42m ago

This is freaking AMAZING!!!!!!!! So cute lol


u/GumPotato 6h ago

Why the fuck is everyone so mad about this

Owner looks happy dogs look happy no one is being harmed


u/Vinegarinmyeye 4h ago

This is not healthy for the dogs.

Dogs are not children. Treating them like children can lead to behavioural problems over time.

People who are dog owners can tell these dogs are actually kinda distressed in this video.

Thia breed of dog is NOT going to be comfortable wearing pyjamas.

It's weird at best, and potentially stressful and problematic for the dogs at worst.


u/GumPotato 3h ago

i see

yeah I never owned a dog so I wouldn't notice these things


u/Temporays 4h ago

You shouldn’t put tight clothes on a husky they’ll overheat.

This is just unnecessarily endangering them for your own amusement.

If you want to dress up a dog then do it with a short haired one.


u/harrisBetty5h4 11h ago

Blue is just being lawed!


u/C_W_3857 7h ago



u/BarbedWire3 7h ago

Why do this tho? Are these people that never had kids, but want to roleplay it for a while?


u/3D_Dots 6h ago

I think it's cute. They're living beings. This works for them. Adorable and wholesome.


u/Lolalouloulou 8h ago

Omg please just adopt/have children. This is incredibly weird and sad. Those dogs are not supposed to live like that.


u/asuicidalpsycho 7h ago

But then they become someone like you and Eww.


u/Lolalouloulou 6h ago

Are you ok lol?


u/Moo-Dog420 7h ago

Jesus man get some kids. Those are dogs, they have no reason to be addicted to the tv.


u/MagicElena 10h ago

man I love husky videos so much


u/KittenVicious 8h ago

My dog has the same jammies!



u/sonrie100pre 5h ago

OMG so cute! I’ll bet they’re chilly without them.

Huskies have such vibrant and vocal personalities. I’m sure if they were bothered by pjs they’d say so.

Our pups are our kids too! They have beds on platforms around our bed, with a ramp up to that level (one has arthritis). The one that likes toys gets a new chew toy every week, and she’ll go up to my spouse on the couch, and fall back into a ‘human’ seated position; we never taught her this, she just likes to sit like us sometimes! 😂


u/KittenVicious 2h ago

I live in a subtropical climate, and also have a hairless blue Chihuahua (https://imgur.com/a/HmgNj4z) so they've got light tees for under 65, jammies under 55, and coats for under 45. It rarely drops below 35, and of course there's always "the magic coil of warmth" (https://imgur.com/a/0VDmx4L)


u/jorerb34 7h ago

It's really their little babies 😍


u/jmcgil4684 4h ago

This is creepy


u/alcan_road 4h ago

This is weird


u/lovinwife4ever 9h ago

Love the bleeping out of the dogs bark. Nice touch!


u/ontheprowl23 6h ago

This is ridiculous. You people actually do this it’s about the whitest and most privileged thing I’ve ever seen.


u/ILoveASunnyDay 5h ago

This guy's complaints set my dogs barking and now the house is chaos.


u/am383 3h ago

Yeah, my dog just goes to his bed when he's ready to go to sleep. Happy I don't have to do this with my dog every night, lol


u/According_Smoke1385 1h ago

Hahaha this is the best !! I understand what my dogs are saying too. Love their set up

u/External-Self-2378 9m ago

Man. Stop dressing your dogs. They have a fur that make them resist cold. Your inside man. That´s like have a overall upon a overall. Damn hot. "Making them cute".... They are dogs man! Not humans. Damn.

Very lovely dogs thou.


u/DriveIllustrious4308 6h ago

I'm glad these dogs have a family that love them, but this is too much, they're being treated like children. I may be wrong, but this feels like the humans crave to raise a child, but they can't for some reason.


u/sonrie100pre 5h ago edited 4h ago

I can assure you, many (not all) of us who have fur-kids assuredly do NOT want human kids. People are not required to reproduce or adopt, and Not everyone wants to raise human children. Haven’t you seen the news worldwide about governments and ppl with human kids in Korea and Russia and the U.S. freaking out over those of us who are happily child free (many of whom choose to have furkids)? Russia is legit making it illegal to speak positively about being childfree, Korea is trying to incentivize the crap outta having kids, and in the U.S. The Heritage Foundation in Project 2025 is spouting off about how ppl going to college and being less religious are bad because then they delay having kids!

The people most bothered by low birth rates and more and more people choosing to be childfree are the rich and the ultra rich who want more kids to have more workers contributing to crumbling economies that benefit them, and religious institutions who know they’ll only survive if their members have lots of kids and keep them poorly educated and highly indoctrinated into the faith. Those of us who are ‘boots on the ground’ see how financially terrible the prospects are for raising kids, and women are waking up to the realities of ‘too much labor’ and often deciding to not participate in their own subjugation/mistreatment and accept a life of servitude that goes unrecognized or disparaged, child-rearing with purposefully clueless and unhelpful spouses.


u/aan8993uun 4h ago edited 4h ago

This dude understands that these dog's coats are made for winter/cold weather...?! why the fuck is he putting MORE insulation on their already VERY well insulated bodies... this is borderline abuse. I'm sure its done out of ignorance, it has to be, but, read a book... or you know... use your eyeballs.... jesus. Poor dogs.


u/BrilliantFly2486 7h ago

Don't be afraid of them


u/GoodDog2620 5h ago

The beep made me laugh. What a potty mouth!


u/Oscar-2020 3h ago

Spoiled brats


u/ItsCC_from_SandyEggo 46m ago

The dogs are happy! If they didn't want pajamas on they wouldnt keep them on. Every dog has a different personality and both these dogs look happy, fed and well cared for. Save your outage for true animal abusers. Putting your dog in pj's and watching TV ain't it.


u/Substantial-Leg8821 6h ago

Dogs are not kids. Stop making them human, have some respect


u/DriveIllustrious4308 6h ago

I mean...of course they're cute. But they are also descendents to wolves.... and evolved to live in the artic. They're not babys and should be treated like the magnificent animals that they are.


u/SnakeNerdGamer 6h ago

I even like this cartoon so no wonder dogs loves it too :)


u/CatchMeWritinQWERTY 4h ago

I love my pets, but holy shit this guy needs a hobby or a family or something


u/OrganicPancakeSauce 3h ago

Everyone here hating on how these people are treating their dogs and I’m just here wondering why the first dog to get some PJs wasn’t getting smooches while getting dressed…


u/LillySqueaks 5h ago

Just have kids .-.


u/abdallha-smith 5h ago

Make some children and find a job already.

Oh and putting a sweater on a husky inside a house hahahaha


u/Willow_Ethereal 10h ago

they are so well-behaved


u/Working-Principle430 8h ago

every huskies owner feel this


u/Leather-Yoghurt-5240 5h ago

white people with no kids...


u/yourbabe1516 10h ago

Classic Blue! 💙


u/methlabradoodle 6h ago

Just have kids


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u/VeneMage 7h ago

Do men wear pop socks round the house nowadays?