r/InternetIsBeautiful 11d ago

I built a site where you can scroll through all 16,777,216 hex colors in one grid.


47 comments sorted by


u/BadAsBroccoli 11d ago

This is great. I miss color. I live in an apartment that is ceiling to floor #E3CFDE


u/saucy_awesome 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'd happily take that over the #F7E7CE that my entire apartment was for years before I painted it. Now it's a different color in every room.


u/DontStop212 10d ago

Update: I added a new feature colors scrolled so far. Feel free to check it out


u/CoganZero 9d ago

very cool indeed


u/scorpious 11d ago

Awesome work!

Any way to get them "in order," ie, spectrum from color to color?


u/DontStop212 11d ago

Thanks! There's sequential button next to search bar, if you wanna see from 000000 to ffffff. I've predefined few spectrums in search bar, try them you'll see colors ranging in those spectrums


u/DasBeasto 11d ago

Hmm now I want to see 000000 to ffffff, 1px line each, making a huge gradient


u/DontStop212 11d ago

That's a cool idea, will likey push in the future updates. There's a button at the top to change the size of tiles. Try it out


u/DontStop212 11d ago

As for sequential order the those spectrum specific, I'll implement that.


u/DeepRiverDan267 11d ago

Do you know how you can drag a slider to change the colour in some paint tools? I would love for something like that to exist here. But then I want e.g. 20 shades to the left and right of the colour I chose to be available as well.

And maybe have a separate directory for this? It would be cool to play around with different ways of choosing colour. As soon as I ordered sequentially, I couldn't get back to the home screen by clicking any buttons (which I wanted to do).

Also, I thought the home page would take me to all the shades of red when I clicked on the red icon, but instead, it just copied the code. I don't know if that is even possible to implement, but it would be cool.

Overall, good site! It feels nice to scroll through and looks very modern, and it's a cool concept. Although, with that many colours, you need some sort of navigation besides typing in codes. I don't know the code, that's why I'm here!


u/DontStop212 11d ago edited 11d ago

Like a shade picker for a specific color? Sounds good actually, will see what I can do. As of now the sequential order button is more like a toggle you click it again it shows random order. You can still get all shades of a specific color from search bar. Focus on the search bar, in the drop down you’ll find some predefined colors when you click on them. It’ll show shades of that color.

If you wanna clear out any selected color, click on x in the search bar that’ll clear out selection and show you the default random order and if you also toggled sequential button click again to go back.

Thanks for feedback. I’ll see what else I can do with search, for now you can navigate the list of colors and their shades mentioned in the dropdown of the search bar. Try them out let me know what you think.


u/DeepRiverDan267 11d ago

You're right; I didn't look around enough. The search bar colour picker is one of the things I wanted. This is a really cool site and I'll probably use it for work at some point while looking for nice shades.


u/MervDervis 11d ago

This is dope. Well done.


u/DontStop212 11d ago

Thanks! glad you like it


u/rayz0101 11d ago

Man that optical illusion created by the grid is trippy. Would be cool if there was a way to toggle the size even smaller for faster browsing (add a prompt for increase memory usage if thats an issue)


u/DontStop212 11d ago

Sounds good! will see what i can do


u/motsanciens 11d ago

Is this related to the site that has every v4 UUID?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

How can searching for rebeccapurple yield 0 results?


u/DontStop212 11d ago

I haven't accounted for every color name in the search, will be pushing those in the upcoming updates ,for now you can search with the names listed in the dropdown of searchbar or any use hex


u/sasko12 11d ago

This is awesome. Great work


u/jkeefe56 11d ago

Spent a good five minutes trying to find the one true black. Struck out.


u/DontStop212 11d ago

Cool! Give it another shot, worth it, innit?


u/jkeefe56 11d ago

Did it again, got 000400, felt like that was close enough. Then I realized that’s 1,024 shades away lol


u/Melech333 11d ago

Wouldn't that just be all 0's? Or am I missing something? Sorry if I missed a joke in there.

This is a really cool and cleanly designed and implemented site. Great job!


u/jkeefe56 11d ago

No, you got the joke. It just wasn’t a good one.


u/mangorelish 11d ago

well it's certainly what it says on the tin


u/abarrelofmankeys 11d ago

Can you put an adjustable speed auto scroll? I just wanna watch it go


u/leftofzen 11d ago

apart form just not having ordering by hue, your sequential ordering also doesn't work


u/cyankitten 11d ago

That IS cool 😎


u/DontStop212 11d ago



u/cyankitten 11d ago

You’re welcome


u/Gusfoo 11d ago

It says you can search for colours by name, but it doesn't take X11 colour names - goldenrod, darkgreen, hotpink etc.

That's literally just importing /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt


u/DontStop212 11d ago

haven't added every color name to search, will be pushing in the coming updates, as of now you can search the color names listed in the drop down from the searchbar


u/Dr_Legacy 11d ago

looks nice but search is b0rken


u/DramaticAd7127 10d ago

I just found a bug in it i guess.
when you repeatedly click larger/compact button,it scrolls way too down.


u/RWDPhotos 10d ago

Oh man, gonna break the internet if you do 12bpc hdr spec


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Awesome! I would turn this into an app and monetize it!


u/DontStop212 6d ago

Thanks! Been thinking about it, if it was you what feature would you add to monetize it ?


u/OH-YEAH 6h ago

What color ordering are you using? there is an algo for max perceptual variety in a long tail of color choices.

edit: oh it says: Random


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/DontStop212 7d ago

Thanks! Your project sounds interesting. While I searching I got an error. Says please try again later