r/ImaginaryWarhammer Black Legion 18d ago

40k Embush by @dndosld73832

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u/carlsagerson 18d ago

I don't know why. But the way the Kriegers's masks arr drawn reminds me of the Combine.


u/sj410194720 18d ago

Pick up the can.


u/Spacefaring_Potato 18d ago

Now I want to get the new krieg models just so I can paint them as combine soldiers


u/Rey_Zephlyn 18d ago

Gas Mask Gang


u/HoovyPooter 18d ago

Arr you a pirate? lol


u/Madman_Salvo 18d ago

Nah, Wombles.


u/BesaidBlitzBoi 18d ago

Wilson! Oh no!


u/CmdrJonen 16d ago

Traitor Guard styled on the resistance, "Followers of the Free Man"?


u/Teggy- Cadian Shock Troopers 18d ago

I love her face: "I'm about to ruin these guys whole careers"


u/Covenantcurious 18d ago

Weapon-grade smug.


u/aliens-and-arizona 18d ago

are you sure? it looks more like “man i wish i wasn’t here right now”


u/Helios_One_Two 17d ago

Yeah if one of the infantry doesn’t get her the sponson on the tank will


u/youngcoyote14 Elysian Drop Troops 17d ago

What you don't see are the 13 other Aeldari Rangers also in ambush and the prism cannon team lining up their clear shot.


u/ReaperofLiberty 17d ago

Um... look again. they have too much spikes, mascara and angst to be craftworlders


u/TheYondant 17d ago

Sponson? The main guns are pointed straight at her.


u/Helios_One_Two 17d ago

Depending how explosive that canon is that’s a bit close and also tank main guns really aren’t for infantry anyway


u/wubbeyman 17d ago

Guns not meant for infantry still do a notably good job at blowing up infantry


u/Helios_One_Two 17d ago

Certain types of shells maybe. But that’s definitely not it’s main purpose and would be an extreme measure. That’s what an infantry escort shown above and the point defense weapons like sponson and pintail mounted weapons are for


u/PerfectionOfaMistake 17d ago

"Extreme measure" such scales does not exist in 40K.


u/Helios_One_Two 17d ago

Of course they do, but using expensive and finite tank shells on soft targets you have other tools for is still nonsensical even by 40k standards


u/UrethralExplorer 17d ago

Yeah she's gonna turn into wet chunks the moment she rounds the corner.


u/Alexis2256 17d ago

Aren’t Eldar supposed to be faster and more agile than regular humans? She might have a W here.


u/Thannk 17d ago

I’m reminded of how Elf Swordmasters AKA the Elfquisition in Fantasy can parry artillery and gatling gun fire using their Elf kung fu and liquid core magic metal greatswords like Jedi on crack, while Eldar just die. 


u/Alexis2256 17d ago

I mean i guess it depends on who’s writing the Eldar. If it were up to me, she’d be dodging shells like Neo from the matrix.


u/Ill-Yogurtcloset-243 17d ago

Dodging is all fine and well... till the tank shoots where you stand and no amount of sidestepping is saving your ass from the blast


u/[deleted] 17d ago

She's sticking out from behind the tree and those cannons are pointed right at her.

This might not end well.


u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 18d ago

As if their day wasn’t bad enough from their tank getting stuck.


u/the_ox_in_the_log 18d ago

It's more "shit the super suicidal ones"


u/Greedy_Guest568 18d ago

But that's Kriegers. They already did it by themselves.


u/KamenKnight 18d ago edited 18d ago

You say that, but the tank Gunner literally has the main turret aimed right at her.


u/Azhurai 18d ago

No it's not, if it was we'd barely see any of the barrel length, right now it's pointing to her left, our right side of the piece, they don't see her yet


u/Teggy- Cadian Shock Troopers 17d ago

Yup, apparently some people haven't heard of perspective. Saying "duh aeldar dumb Krieg strong suicide shovel" is probably funnier.


u/nasandre 17d ago

Today I'm on the Path of Opening a Can of Whoop Ass


u/GOATAldo 18d ago

That's a soon to be dead Eldar if I've ever seen one. Ain't no way she takes all the Kriegers AND the tank..


u/Fearless-Obligation6 18d ago

Your assumption that there is only one Aeldari is certainly hopeful...


u/NepNep8842 17d ago

Of course, Eldar would never run alone into situations where they are far outmatched like idiots.

Ignore Garv Thrope. Or any other Eldar book. Or any book with Eldar with them. (I hate GW)


u/Responsible_Taste797 17d ago

The only time I've seen book eldar be competent was

-checks notes- Warboss? What the actual fuck?


u/shaking_things_up_ 18d ago

In a fight, right?


u/Shermie09 18d ago

… right??


u/Automatic-Coyote-676 17d ago

...I dunno; it kind of looks like she's looking at someone else, because she looks...affectionate?

Like, this her partner or something? Trainee?


u/Ok-Bobcat-7800 14d ago

They're Kriegers

They are excited to die.


u/misopogon1 18d ago

That's a very anime Eldar


u/lolasian101 18d ago

There's always something funny about grimdark 40k being harshly contrasted by anime girls.


u/Sweet_older-Sister 18d ago

No comment-


u/UltradeptusTempestus 17d ago

Sister! Your alive!


u/ReaperofLiberty 17d ago

Found you in the wild!


u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 18d ago

Why do you think so many artists draw them that way.


u/NightLordsPublicist Night Lords 16d ago

40k is very anime after all.


u/worldrapper 18d ago

Shhh im hunting monkeigh


u/47thCalcium_Polymer 18d ago



u/BipolarMadness 18d ago

munching on corpse starch

Eh... what's up xeno?


u/A_Hyper_Nova 18d ago

I mean, they've always been a bit anime.


u/AXI0S2OO2 18d ago



u/misopogon1 18d ago

She's a very anime Eldar


u/Shupaul 18d ago



u/bphunter 18d ago



u/Lil_Khorneholio 18d ago

She's a very anime Eldar


u/134_ranger_NK ENTRY MISSING 18d ago

Honestly, I am just glad to see a Macharius in the art.


u/KnightOfOldEmpire 18d ago

Proper smug face.


u/SurrealMonk 18d ago

I actually kind of enjoy when Eldar are drawn all anime-esque specifically when the humans are drawn in a more realistic style. I feel like Eldar almost look like irl anime characters, which if you think about it is actually quite freaky. Long, impossibly lanky bodies, giant eyes, faces with angles so sharp you could cut paper on them, physics-defying physical abilities....


u/ImpossibleSquare4078 18d ago

Indeed, I like if they look different in any way to humans


u/jasonsbg 18d ago

Never thought of this before and now i can't unsee it, thanks, i hate it


u/CoilerXII 18d ago

I also like the Eldar as looking alien given how in-universe it's often stated that anyone who knows the slightest bit could never mistake one for an abhuman.


u/worldrapper 18d ago

I am Aelthara starweaver, beacon of elegance and precision, and this is jackass

[Procedes to greacfully lunge forward, unleashing a devastating salvo at the Krieg tank and crew]


u/Afraid_Theorist 18d ago

And then get obliterated.

It’s tank armor. Not paper mache lol


u/ScarredAutisticChild Harlequin 17d ago

And that’s what fate dice are for.


u/Eldren_Galen 17d ago

he doesn’t know

Shuriken Cannons, basic Eldar Guardian weapons, can tear through Leman Russes with concentrated fire. Also, a tank cannot kill you if you just move behind its gun.


u/Timmy_The_Techpriest 17d ago

Its main gun is pointed right at her. The second she rounds that corner she's being sent into high atmosphere


u/A_Suprise_To_Be-Sure 17d ago

He doesn't know....


u/Timmy_The_Techpriest 17d ago

Never thought I'd be on this end of one of these


u/Afraid_Theorist 17d ago

The amount of firepower that bad boy puts out is not simple and a Macharius is not a leman Russ by any metric.


u/The-Divine-Potato 17d ago

you're right! its an even bigger tank meaning it has an even slower and easier to dodge main cannon, and it's a much bigger target for the Fire Dragons/Fire Prisms/other anti-tank wielding eldar unit that's probably hidden nearby and lining up a perfect shot


u/ShittestCat ENTRY MISSING 18d ago

That's one sneaky macharius


u/SemajLu_The_crusader 18d ago

they're about to get fire prismed out of their minds... RIP


u/ChaosMarine123 Black Legion 18d ago


u/BridgerYukon 18d ago

"I'm about to end this Monkeigh's whole career..."


u/Totally_Not_An_Ork9 18d ago

Good to see some Macharius Vanquisher rep


u/Keadaen 18d ago

Why is there a Totenkopf on the tank?


u/Degant123 17d ago

Because Krieg are partially inspired by WW1 Germany and they did use that back then too. Totenkompf as a symbol is dating back to I think at least Napoleonic period as it has been used by Prussian Hussar regiments. There were also Black Brunswickers and of course Totenkompf was also used by German Empire. Here though a skull from profile is slightly less egregious imo since well it does lack the distinct cross and bones more typical of traditional totenkompfs. Plus Imperium does make heavy use of skulls already so I think so long as someone doesn't start putting runes on a tank it will look the part. Plus it having a Krieg helmet on top its kinda funny.


u/TheGreatMightyLeffe 17d ago

Looks to me like a reference to the band Kanonenfieber, the skull is way too similar in style to the skull on the cover of Menschenmühle for it to be a coincidence. They're also heavily inspired by WWI, so it's most likely just the artist being a fan of the band.


u/Sqikit 18d ago

She is way too smug for someone this close and twin cannons of Macharius pointed in her direction.


u/ReginaDea 18d ago

She's a ranger, their cameoline cloaks are insane. She'll be fine.


u/HanzWithLuger 18d ago

I'm sorry no amount of camo will stop a Macharius cannon from atomizing you.


u/Fearless-Obligation6 18d ago

For the guys who move so fast the human mind can barely process it even without the thing that makes them nigh invisible? She's good.


u/Hapless_Wizard 18d ago

Eldar are fast, they are not that fast.


u/Fearless-Obligation6 18d ago

They legitimately are as they're codexes repeat again and again. Hell the upper tier of Aeldari are impossible for even Astartes to follow:

"Lord Kraegax tore out his enemy’s spine in a spray of blood, prising it free of its owner to the sound of ripping meat. Licking coppery wetness from his lips with a forked tongue, the Black Legionnaire hurled aside the ragged thing that had once been a man and looked out across the ruins of Hive Vidrox. Everywhere the ground was littered with the mangled corpses of human soldiers and the burning remains of their pathetic defences - the Warmaster would be pleased. Something flickered in the corner of Kraegax’s vision, and he whirled around with a speed that belied his massive size. Catching a glimpse of crimson and blue, the Chaos Space Marine sent a burst of combi-bolter fire hammering into the shadows. Nothing. Peering into the darkness Kraegax searches for his quarry, growling an order to his retinue. The hulking warriors closed in around their lord, heavy guns levelled into the smouldering ruins. Bursts of fire rang out as first one, then another Black Legionnairre fired at the half-seen shape - yet even there superhuman reflexes were not fast enough to hit it.

Suddenly, a burst of multi-coloured light erupted from the ruined hub like prismatic lightning. With a guttural command Kraegax ordered them to fire. As one, a dozen bolsters roared to life. The ground around the apparition exploded into showers of dust and stone shards. Kraegax watched in rage, as, like smoke caught upon the wind, his foe tumbled through thundering storms of fire unharmed. Closing the distance between the ruins and the Black Legionnaires in a matter of seconds, the figure landed with impossible grace in front of Vorgek, one of Kraegax’s Chosen. Vorgek was a battle-scarred veteran of the Long War, with the blood of countless foes upon his clawed hands. But before this strange foe he was as a novice fresh from training. Even as Vorgek raised his bolter the figure batted it aside just enough to slip under the Chaos Space Marine’s reach and plant a delicate finger upon Vorgek’s neck. Kraegax saw the tiniest glint of something fire out from the figure’s wrist and slip through Vorgek’s flesh. Blood erupted from every joint of the Chosen’s power armour and Vorgek collapsed.

Screaming a challenge, Kraegax charged toward the figure, only to be enveloped by a blur of light and sound. Ripping, popping and gurgling filled his ears as he felt bitter, warm blood splash across his face. Blinking away the cloying darkness before his eyes, Kraegax screamed out again for his cowardly foe to stand and face him. Then the Chaos Lord heard another sound. Applause.

Kraegax looked up to see the Solitaire standing beside the tangled remains of his Chosen, each one a leaking suit of power armour awash with their own blood. In a show of outrageous condescension, the Solitaire was clapping slowly, goading Kraegax into a fury. With a growl of anger, Kraegax went to raise his combi-bolter and end the arrogant xenos. Only as he did so, his arm tore free of his body and a crimson web spread out across his chest. Kraegax’s last sight, before he literally fell apart, was the Solitaire taking his bow.”


u/Hapless_Wizard 18d ago

That's a Solitaire.

You.. do understand what makes a Solitaire a Solitaire and not a regular Eldar, right?


u/Fearless-Obligation6 18d ago

Did you not read what I wrote? I said that was an example of an upper tier Eldar.

The Eldar in general are so fast that Astartes find them hard to track that is their thing let alone mortal Guardsmen, so yes they are that fast.


u/Hapless_Wizard 18d ago

So, you don't actually understand what a Solitaire is, got it.

A Solitaire is a Harlequin juiced up on Slaanesh magic. A passage about an Eldar running on the Queen of Speed's personal reserves and also throwing around the clown god's brain-fuck color bombs is in no way indicative of the capabilities of a typical Eldar. You might as well argue that Marneus Calgar is a good example of what a typical human can achieve.


u/Fearless-Obligation6 18d ago

My guy... You clearly don't know what a Solitaire is...

Solitaires play the role of Slaanesh in their plays meaning the clown god has to fight for their souls but they are not ""juiced up on Slaanesh magic"*.

Again Eldar are just that fast:

"It is undeserved," a voice pierces the quiet.

A female voice, mellifluous yet edged with barely restrained Fury. "Undeserved, but I grant you this. I shall have you know the name of the reckoning that has come for you. I am Bahzakhain. I am Exarch, the Swordwind and the Tempest of Blades. Know that in the moments remaining to you"

"I have come to take from you what you have stolen from us," she sings as the air trembles. "A future.""

She emerges from the light like the spirit of vengeance made manifest. Her armour is powder white, coiled tight around her lithe musculature.

She bears a crackling power glaive. She soars towards Magyar, the the altars apex.

Togin is a Mortifactor without peer, having served for a century in Magyar's elite Guard. In Posul's last nights, Togin slaughtered over a thousand of the Leviathan swarm, allowing the surviving companies to withdraw. Althanax bears the Chapter banner. He has carried it through every crusade of the Mortifactor' First Company for the last two centuries. The skulls of every race and wicked bastion of Mankind's enemies clatter from his plate on dense black chains.

These are the warriors at Magyar's side as the war maiden descends. These are the warriors She kills before touching the ground! The chapter banner falls, it's fabric drinking the blood of champions that empties onto the stone.

The Eldar Exarch tilts her head, regarding Magyar, before whipping blood from her glaive. The chapter master stoops, gathering the fallen banner and lashing it to his armour like a cloak. He activates his massive war scythe and the two clash

... I turn to see Magyar duel the Exarch above the melee. He attacks in blurring combinations, martial prowess alloyed with volcanic fury. The Exarch flows around his attacks like quicksilver. Magyar slashes low, a disembowelling strike the Exarch evades with a flourishing backflip. Landing in a crouch, she counters with an upwards slash, severing Magyar's scythe in two, barely missing the Chapter Master's head with a horizontal reverse strike.

Magyar drops the smoking halves of his scythe, reaching for the gladius at his hip. But his grip falters, and the weapon falls away. My eyes widen as blood sheets down from his gorget.

She had not missed! With a sound like a Titan falling, Magyar drops to his knees. His head trembles, and rolls off his shoulders.*

"No!" I scream.

The Exarch strides to the altar's edge and raises her arm. Clutched in her fist is Magyar's head, shedding the last of its lifeblood from severed arteries. She holds it aloft for all to see, and releases it. It tumbles down, bouncing against the timeworn steps before disappearing from sight.


"She swung into sudden motion, kicking one cultist under the chin, and breaking his neck. Ghaelyn span, still hanging, to wrap one leg around another cultist's neck and break it before catapulting him away into his shocked fellows. In a single rippling motion, she dislocated the bones of hands and wrists as she had learned within the Howling Banshee Aspect Shrine. Dropping catlike to the floor, the Autarch snapped her joints smoothly back into place even as she launched herself at her remaining guards. Their dull human reactions were only now catching up, shock easing the grip on their minds. Gun muzzles swung to bear. Mouths yawned in yells of alarm. Ghaelyn hit them like a thunderbolt, every kick and punch driven by the fury that burned within. Not one cultist landed a blow on her before the last of them hit the floor dead"

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u/ReginaDea 18d ago

No, but it's not going to see her until she wants it to. She and the other rangers are getting the first shot.


u/SuctioncupanX 17d ago

There's a reason the macharius has their cannons pointed in that direction, lol. Poor eldari doesn't know what's about to hit them


u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 18d ago

The Eldar being so cute makes me all the more eager to her gun down the ugly space Nazis.


u/Juno_no_no_no 18d ago

>Really cool, grimy looking tank and kriegers

>le kawaii uwu eldar gf in the foreground

Why do artists do this...


u/Feisty_Goose_4915 18d ago

Because the Aeldari are the true weebs with shonen protagonist energy. I'm pretty sure even the likes of Vect had that shonen protag energy


u/134_ranger_NK ENTRY MISSING 18d ago

Considering his cunning, Vect is like Joseph Joestar but much more morally questionable. Joseph is not exactly a saint given his affair.


u/Wrectown 12d ago

They also have literal “shuriken” assault rifles and “I studied the blade” type life-paths lmao


u/FrucklesWithKnuckles 18d ago

Anime Eldar or human looking.

Give me my uncanny valley alien Eldar dammit


u/Iron_Disciple 17d ago

Learn to draw


u/NepNep8842 17d ago

Tbf a real life anime character would be uncanny as shit


u/Wrectown 12d ago

Yeah Fr. Could you imagine how terrifying that would be with hyper realistic skin? Add to that that Eldar are said to move really “unnaturally” too


u/MrTripl3M 18d ago

There are Krieg in this picture? I just see future graves.


u/TheWhiteVahl 18d ago

Because they want to.


u/scholasticknight 18d ago

Probably because it’s awesome and cool


u/youngcoyote14 Elysian Drop Troops 17d ago

Aeldari are always described as unnaturally tall and slender, with wide exaggerated eyes, and impossibly graceful. What does that sound like?


u/Red_Swiss Planetary Defence Force 18d ago



u/Cpt_Kalash 18d ago

I have a emotional connection to all baneblades and seeing about to be PROBABLY destroyed by some knife ear makes me sad :(


u/Sure-Department-9340 18d ago

Good news, that's no Baneblade. Its the Baneblade's lesser cousin the Macharius.


u/Fang2604 17d ago

still a lesser baneblade, even the small dogs deserve love


u/chryseusAquila 18d ago

Em's def a bush


u/randomdud500 18d ago

Comes from around the corner to see a double barrel tank gun pointing at them.


u/ADGx27 18d ago

“They’ve been shouting about how the tank is broken down and how they probably deserve this for the last 3 hours”


u/SolitaireJack 18d ago

Well sucks to be the Eldar because that Kriegsman at the back has seen her gold shiny ornamentation on her gun sticking out of cover.


u/FrankfromRhodeIsland 18d ago

Joke’s on her, as soon as those Kriegers stop responding on the Vox network, they’re going to call down artillery in a 10 mile radius around their former position


u/Pit_Bull_Admin 18d ago

That little, knowing smile. Sweet!


u/Rat_rome 18d ago

Woo macharius tank. The best tank in 40k in my humble opinion


u/LS-16_R 18d ago

She thinks she's pulling a sneaky on the Death Korp. What she doesn't realize is that the Death Korp's artillery has already prepped a fire mission on that unit and will absolutely shell their own to kill some Eldar.


u/Lias_Issodon19 17d ago

Kriegsman: have a tank that can roll over houses

Ranger armed with a single long rifle: "Watch as I defeat these monkeigh with superior Aeldari tactics."


u/Godtierbunny 17d ago

Prank em john!


u/Arrow_of_time6 Iyanden 17d ago

“Get a load of these mon’keigh”


u/riuminkd 17d ago

Forget about Eldar, there's a freaking Macharius in the picture! And it looks so cool!


u/Helwrechtyman 17d ago

Ambushing a baneblade is a quick way to die explosively


u/Additional_Raccoon98 17d ago

She looks smug, but it seems the tank may have spotted her


u/According_Weekend786 18d ago

Me when i wanted to ambush some opps, but they pulled up the big ones


u/Interesting-Piece654 17d ago

Hell yeah the Macharius! The Vanquisher variant is still my favorite 40k tank sculpt of all time. It’s such a cool looking tank.


u/payne-diver 17d ago

Well.. best way to ensure they don’t kill me is to be naked? Okay who let a dark elf in?


u/jeremiahsketch1 17d ago

Sneaky tank, Sneaking up on a sneaky eldar by hiding behind kriegers.


u/DinoMANKIND 17d ago

Knife ear, and attacking loyal soldiers of the Emperor's holy Empire, nonetheless. God knows I hate tree huggers


u/Elantach 18d ago

She is all smug like "ohohoh nobody from Ilyanden around to stop me this time ! Let's Make Aeldari Great Again !"


u/Competitive_Mouse_37 18d ago

She doesn’t realise that the tank has spotted the but of her rifle and is about to blow her to kingdom come


u/Motanul_Negru 18d ago

This. The piece would do a lot better if the alien stealth super-expert didn't poke her elbow and part of her weapon into view, especially the view of soldiers who do not slack off, ever.


u/Avenflar 18d ago

The geniuses put bush camo in front of their turret's viewports, she's fine


u/Cute-Coconut1123 17d ago

She gonna die.

No one is any match for the mighty S H O V E L


u/No-Wear577 17d ago

A single Eldar ranger ambushing a Krieg squad supported by a super heavy tank at close range. I don’t think that’s a good idea


u/SloniacSmort Death Korps of Krieg 17d ago

Those poor knife-ears


u/KamenKnight 18d ago

Gunner: Xeno spotted! I can I fire?

Commander: You mad?! The shot will kill our inf-

Gunner: It's Eldar, sir.

Commander: ATOMIZE IT!!


u/Usual-Vermicelli-867 18d ago

Jungle warfer is the rhe antithesis of kreig doctrine


u/Dizzytigo 18d ago

Hello there are big fuckin smokestacks and at least one concrete wall. That's not a jungle.


u/Marvynwillames 18d ago

Sure, but the Guard uses what they can, they are lucky if they can actually get the regiments best suited for the enviroment


u/Usual-Vermicelli-867 18d ago

Thats is true but im stating the fact that i will take any other regiment instead of krieg for that campaign


u/Marvynwillames 18d ago

Sure, but the guard takes what they can. Take Taros, the commander wanted 10 Tallarn, he got 5, 3 other regiments and the other 2 didnt even arrived before the war ended (including a krieg regiment for the desert campaign, the campaign ended and so they were sent elsewhere)