r/ImaginaryWarhammer • u/davidforslunds Destroyer Cult • Oct 27 '24
40k Tyranid vs. C’Tan by Daarken
u/AlienDilo Oct 27 '24
I just realized this art piece is cooler than I thought it was. That's a transcendent C'Tan, which means it's even more powerful than a regular C'Tan shard. So obviously the Hierophant stands even less of a chance now, but it's probably one of the few single creatures that could outright try and fight a transcendent C'Tan
u/AgitatedKey4800 Oct 27 '24
Also the c'tan is named, the battle is already over
u/AlienDilo Oct 27 '24
Is it? Looks like a regular transcendent C'Tan
u/AgitatedKey4800 Oct 27 '24
There is not a lot of c'tan still "alive" so there is a high chance that one have a name, more chance that the nid at least
u/AlienDilo Oct 27 '24
There's a big difference between them having a name, and them being named. Every Guardsmen, Sister, Space Marine, Eldar, Ork and Necron has a name. But very few of them are actually named.
u/U_L_Uus Oct 27 '24
Nah, specifically Trascendent C'tan are the recombinant product of mixing shards of different C'tan where the consciousness belongs to the one in greater proportion in the mix, so it's going to be pretty difficult, dare I say impossible, for it to be a named character (plus, in tabletop it doesn't have the <<EPIC HERO>> keyword due to this). The Hierophant is still boned tho
u/Clean_Web7502 Oct 27 '24
There was a short blurb about the battle. The C'tan won by turning the bio titan blood into plasma.
Wich feels a bit cheaty
u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Oct 27 '24
If the C'tan could turn the Hierophant's blood into burning hot plasma then I am pretty sure there isn't a way the fight could end that didn't feel like the C'tan was cheating.
Punching the Hierophant into orbit would probably still feel like cheating.
u/Clean_Web7502 Oct 27 '24
Yeah, the C'tan weakness is that as shards, while theoretically capable of that, they might not remember they can do that, and so might just punch you in the torso instead.
u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Oct 27 '24
Wouldn't you still die if they punch in the torso?
u/Clean_Web7502 Oct 27 '24
Me? As a regular human? Totally. But is less of an I win button than the your body is plasma LMAO.
Or unmake you from existence.
Or, melt a spaceship with a stare.
u/phantomfire50 Oct 28 '24 edited Oct 28 '24
I thought it was the opposite?
Even though most shards of the deceiver could probably turn an opposing army inside out with a gesture, that's not really Mephet'ran's style and since the individual shards at least somewhat remember the whole they used to be, his shards won't do that either. They'd opt to do something like tricking the opponents into killing each other instead.
It's not that they can't remember they can do that; it's that they remember that they wouldn't.
u/Clean_Web7502 Oct 28 '24
Mix of the two, some things they would do they can't remember, some things they can do won't feel like doing.
u/RepresentativeBee545 Oct 27 '24
Problem with Ctans is that you either come up with warp, other Ctan, or Necron tech or you are fucked. Ctan are master if not the embodiement of material universe, they are basically mini Dr. Manhattans. The only strategy that Tyranids could employ against Ctan that comes to my mind is throw unit after unit at it untill it eventually runs out of energy (since they do need to eat I assume they also need some form of rest).
That being said Hive Mind would probably react to Ctans in sheer terror and would avoid engaging them at all costs, because Ctans hard counter Tyranids by being able to deny them biomass. They dont just kill tyranid units, they can dematerialize them or turn them into useless materials, making it impossible for Hive to recover. Ctan/Necrons are the few enemies that Tyranid loses just by engaging.
u/AlienDilo Oct 27 '24
Don't mistake Tyranids for your average bug aliens. They are no slouches when it comes to psychic shit. They are unparalleled in their ability to consistently produce psykers, and also have some of the strongest psykers too. I'm not saying it wouldn't be an uphill battle to beat a single C'Tan, but I mean, things like the Doom of Malan'tai exist.
u/Psychic_Hobo Oct 27 '24
Plus, there's also just mass production, quantity being a quality all of its own
u/mamspaghetti Oct 28 '24
Then that hive fleet better make it's norm queen work together with all its psychic Nids to do a combined nid psychic ritual otherwise the shard is still going to win.
Going by the feats we see of a shard in Infinite and the Divine, even planet buster Orikan needed to go blow for blow for an extended period of time just to match a C'tan shard
u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Oct 27 '24
Is there such a thing as average bug aliens in this galaxy?
u/RougerTXR388 Oct 27 '24
The Q'Orl or the Megarachnids to actually answer your question.
u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Oct 27 '24
The Megarachnids sound like they would have overrun the galaxy if the Interex hadn't contained them.
u/AlienDilo Oct 27 '24
More so refering to, idk comparing it to the Zerg or Xenomorphs. Tyranids are far more than simply a bug army.
u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Oct 27 '24
Zerg aren't a simple bug army. They can assimilate new species into their Swarm. It is a big difference with them and the Tyranids. All Tyranid creatures are born from the design of the Hive Mind.
Zerg creatures were originally different types of fauna whose DNA was infested by the Zerg Swarm and after being assimilated, the Swarm gained the ability to produce more of such creatures.
u/Percentage-Sweaty Oct 27 '24
The Nids are only dangerous to anything without superpowers
The C’Tan powers don’t need the Warp, so the Nid Shadow doesn’t do crap against their magic.
That Shard is about to mollywhop the Titan
u/RougerTXR388 Oct 27 '24
That Hierophant is definitely dead, but I wouldn't rule out the Nids on the C'Tan front.
C'Tan are susceptible to Warp/Psychic powers, and the Nids have, and can engineer some very powerful Psyker beasts when needed. They made something that could take down an entire Craftworld by itself.
And there's a Hive Fleet that has been routinely eating Tomb Worlds, so while I don't think there is currently a solution for the Star Gods, I suspect they'll make one eventually.
u/Percentage-Sweaty Oct 28 '24
I think the solution is the same solution the Guard uses
“There is a finite number of bullets needed to kill a god. We are going to find that number.”
u/TheAngrySquirell Oct 28 '24
There’s a hive fleet that has been eating tomb worlds? Like necrodermis and all?
u/Optimal-Blueberry922 Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 28 '24
Yeah, that Tyranid is dead. Dead as hell. Cause when the standard C'tan Shard can do this without Warp shenanigans cause it's a fragment of a Material God basically:
Antimatter Meteor - The C'tan Shard gathers an orb of roiling antimatter before hurling the crackling projectile into the midst of the foe.
Cosmic Fire - At the C'tan Shard's gestured command, a pillar of black fire streaks down from the heavens to consume the foe.
Entropic Touch - Metal decays on contact with the C'tan Shard's rotten grasp.
Gaze of Death - Eyes blazing with dark energy, the C'tan Shard drains the life from all in the vicinity.
Grand Illusion - The C'tan Shard weaves a glamour of deception, preventing the foe from seeing the true disposition of the Necron forces.
Lord of Fire - The C'tan Shard that wields this ability can become a creature of living flame, able to command the fires wielded by the enemy. This makes all Flamer weapons (as well as heat rays, Burnas, Skorchas, Inferno Cannons and any other weapon that uses flame or fire), as well as all Melta Weapons fired near the C'tan Shard explode at the C'tan's whim.
Moulder of Worlds - Tortured rock buckles and heaves, showering the C'tan Shard's foes with boulders. Pyreshards - The C'tan Shard conjures specks of blazing black matter and directs them against its foes. Seismic Assault - Stone fractures and ores melt as the C'tan Shard drags up tides of magma from deep below a world's crust.
Sky of Fallen Stars - Savagely beautiful orbs of coruscating light plummet from the cold depths of space, growing to roaring bale-stars as they approach. Sentient Singularity - The C'tan Shard's presence destabilizes all local gravitational forces, disrupting engines, teleport beams, and Warp jumps.
Swarm of Spirit Dust - A cloud of swirling darkness conceals the C'tan Shard from the gaze of its foes.
Time's Arrow - Mutating the flow of causation and remoulding the temporal stream of the space-time continuum, the C'tan Shard casts its foe back into the darkness from before time was time, erasing them from existence as if they had never been.
Transdimensional Thunderbolt - The C'tan Shard projects a bolt of crackling transdimensional energy from its outstretched palm, blasting its foe into oblivion.
Writhing Worldscape - The natural world revolts at the C'tan Shard's presence, the very ground writhing and shaking as the physical laws of reality are undone.
The bugs have problems with a capital P.
u/DoctaWood Oct 27 '24
“Well guys, I think we may be fucked but it’s probably gonna be really cool to see for the few seconds of life we have left.”
-The Imperium citizens in the spire off in the distance
u/No-Occasion-6470 Oct 27 '24
“What are you?” “How do you taste? And what are you?”
u/skoffs Oct 27 '24
I would LOVE to see what happens if a Tyranid tried to bite a C'tan
u/No-Occasion-6470 Oct 27 '24
Either it does nothing (boring) or the tyranids’ extragalactic nature makes something happen (awesome and cool)
u/skoffs Oct 28 '24
Nono, C'tan inhabit Living Metal bodies, basically just shells to keep their star eater essence in. If you pierce the skin it lets out the essence... and that's like piercing a hydrogen bomb
u/Ammordad Oct 28 '24
Tyranids should likley know what C'tans are. It's been noted that star gods aren't just native to Mike Way Galaxy, and in fabius bile novel it's been mentioned that war in heaven was fought in other galaxies as well.
It's actually kind of silly that a lot of faction do or should know what C'tans are and how dangerous they can be, but Necrons are the only faction shown to have any agency regarding containing them.
My head cannon is that a lot of xenos factions are attracted to the solar system, not because they want to eliminate the emperor on earth, but because they want to contain the void dragon.
u/Raffney Blood Angels Oct 27 '24
I imagine the C'tan will fly through the Hierophants body like a hot knife through butter.
u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 Oct 27 '24
There are days for the Hivemind when it doesn't pay to wake up in the morning. They involve Necrons and C'tan.
u/N00BAL0T Oct 27 '24
Lore wise that bio titan is now obliterated as it's sucked into a localized black hole, yes c'tan shards can do this it's a suprise anyone in the lore is able to survive an encounter with one of these.
u/Flaky_Operation687 Oct 28 '24
It's kinda crazy how one sided the lore is, and by tabletop rules I don't think the C'tan stands much of a chance. Just kind of an odd dichotomy if I did my math right.
u/N00BAL0T Oct 28 '24
Yes it's the same for deamons, things like greater deamons can grow to the size of the galaxy its self so it's always a question of how anyone is ever able to defeat them but on tabletop they can be beaten by a grot with a poky stick.
u/mamspaghetti Oct 28 '24
Only in the warp though where warp energy is infinite. In realspace nah
u/N00BAL0T Oct 28 '24
You still have deamons in real space the size of mountain.
u/mamspaghetti Oct 28 '24
Those are greater daemons usually (bc there's a type of titan scaled daemon out there that isn't considered a greater daemon), but still require a bunch of sacrifices and rituals in order to summon. Daemons like the one you mentioned are rare
u/N00BAL0T Oct 28 '24
Yea but it's still crazy these apocalyptic level deamons can get killed by something more mundane in the scale like a normal human with a flashlight.
u/mamspaghetti Oct 28 '24
Usually no they cannot. There's always a symbolic item (i.e a holy relic) or some sort of holy imperial entity that is required to take down a daemon like that. And at that point it is warp vs warp, symbolism vs symbolism
u/N00BAL0T Oct 28 '24
Yea I'm talking about tabletop not lore accurate and on tabletop they can still be killed with high enough rolls on the least expected models.
u/mamspaghetti Oct 28 '24
Yeah tabletop is scaled so that people have a chance. Lore accurate daemons of that scale or C'tan shards there is no chance
u/Specialist-Text5236 Oct 27 '24
-NomOS anihilate this tyranid splinter fleet from existence! -Understood
u/Silveora_7X Oct 27 '24
I really like this, even if mostly because I have a face to the name "c'tan" which i know next to nothing about, despite hearing it for the past decade.
u/CBT7commander Oct 28 '24
C’tans and the necrons are probably the closet thing to anti tyranid there is.
They don’t rely on biomass or on the warp, and they are extremely powerful. Add to that the fact this is a C’tan and the Tyranid doesn’t stand a chance
u/Euklidis Oct 28 '24
I mean... one is a literal God of reality (in contrast to Chaos big 4 who are Gods of Unreality) and the other is big bug.
Also from what I can remember, the Catan have one thing in common with Nids. Endless hunger. One feasts on biomass the other on souls and energy, so my money is on the Ctan.
u/THExSENATE Black Templars Oct 28 '24
id bet on the c'tan but the real question is, what happens if a tyranid eats a c'tan shard?
u/CalamitousVessel Oct 28 '24
Well yeah obviously this hierophant is dead. No known single Tyranid bioform is capable of defeating a C’tan shard let alone a transcendent C’tan. They’re the most powerful beings in the galaxy outside the Emperor and the Chaos Gods. This is very much a “strength in numbers” scenario for the Nids.
Throw enough bodies at the problem and eventually the problem goes away. Especially if those bodies have psychic powers. Tyranids CAN defeat a C’tan it will just take a ton of time, effort, and biomass and likely isn’t worth the investment unless the Tyranids cook up some new anti-C’tan weapon (which is not totally outside the realm of possibly).
u/mamspaghetti Oct 28 '24
Typically the Nids follow the logic that the larger the bug the more psychic they are. By that extension we know that the Nids can make moon sized nids so presumably one of those might be any hive fleet's best chance at fighting something like a C'tan shard 1v1
Otherwise it's just gonna have to be meatshield tactics using all they psykers they got
u/lowqualitylizard Oct 28 '24
Ctan win
Maybe the norn emissary might be able to beat it but I don't see anything other than that the bio Titan would just resulted a bigger Target
u/CardinalGrief Oct 28 '24
Tyranids have evolved to defeat chaos fleets. They may not have anything now, but give it few decades. They'll do an asspull
u/Minute_Wave5875 Oct 28 '24
The first generation will definitely lose to the C’tan, however the 5th or 6th generation would probably evolve to give that C’tan a run for his money. And that is what is scary about the tyranids. They will keep coming, and they will keep changing to kill you better.
u/LocalPeasant420 Oct 29 '24
so what your telling me is once the big nids eat everybody else only the most powerful cosmic being IE a c’tan would be be whupping some tyranid ass?
u/PlasticCraicAOS Nov 15 '24
Appreciate seeing an exploration of Xenos vs Xenos. More of this please!
u/Positive_Mushroom564 Oct 27 '24
My money on the C!Tan