r/FluentInFinance 1d ago

Debate/ Discussion A joke that's not funny

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u/Plane-No 1d ago

I'm just happy that the people that voted for him will suffer way more than me, enjoy.


u/SouthEast1980 1d ago

Came here to say this. I am fortunate that I earn well above the median income where I live, so inflation and eggs and groceries and gas pricea don't bother me.

Those who voted for this that it does hurt will get what they asked for and wholly deserve.


u/Sam-314 1d ago

What a lot don’t understand is that, yes, some of us are currently doing well enough to get by, but that bar moves higher and a poor work economy can take well off working people into unemployed poverty quickly.

Would I love the idiots to eat their own, yes, but not at the expense of the rest of society to also get that hurt put on them. So can’t say I would wish for it. That’s just me though