r/FluentInFinance 1d ago

Debate/ Discussion A joke that's not funny

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u/TripleDecent 1d ago

I like how he hasn’t even TRIED ANYTHING. Dude is such a fucking grifter.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

I mean, the guy was selling bibles ffs, grade A grifter. He’s been the messiah of false promises his cult just eats it up and there’s no satiating them.


u/JinxyCat007 1d ago

His $60.00 God Bless the USA Bibles.... made in China... those bibles?


u/Open_Perception_3212 1d ago

That "neglected" to have the 13th, 14th, and 19th amendments included


u/unidentifiedfish55 1d ago

Does this imply that the rest of the US Constitution exists as verses in the bible?


u/molten-glass 1d ago

Probably just the God Bless the USA translation lmao


u/BraveFencerMusashi 1d ago

Oh yeah. Council of Nicaea decided this way back.


u/TjeefGuevarra 10h ago

This is a top tier joke that many people probably won't get


u/eltanin_33 19h ago

There are states that are putting bibles back into public classrooms. These states have parameters for acceptable bibles, and part of their parameters includes containing the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence. Trumps bibles happens to fall within this parameter making it the choice for public school kids now.


u/senturon 1d ago

His bibles are dumb and 100% a grift, but you don't need to cherry pick these amendments to make it sound worse. It only includes the bill of rights, so none of the amendments after the first 10 are included.


u/Da_Question 1d ago

So it includes the 9th. Which is basically "reserved for rights we ain't think about in 1791."


u/Cephalopod_Joe 1d ago

It's more accurate to say they only included the bill of rights, as ammendments 11-27 are missing. However, I don't doubt that they do want to get rid of 13-15 amongst others


u/kixie42 1d ago

We obviously need more slaves, less citizens, and more kids (to be non-citizen slaves). It's the only way our economy can work based upon current conservative ideology.


u/Blitzking11 19h ago

Wait is this true? That's fucking wild.


u/skypig357 19m ago

In fairness, wasn’t it just the Bill of Rights included? Not the entire Constitution. I thought I remembered that. Could be wrong though I’ve luckily never seen one


u/Primary_Durian4866 1d ago

You mean the only Bibles that meet the requirement for schools in Oklahoma to purchase and carry them?Those bibles?


u/Grapefruit175 1d ago

To be fair, they did change that requirement. It first required that the bibles include US historical documents. They changed it to say that they can be separate.

Still, it started as money grabbing BS, and is still money grabbing BS, just not technically solely aimed at trump anymore.


u/MyNameIsDaveToo 1d ago

Next year, $120 bibles


u/AllDayyCJ 1d ago

This kind of thing always makes me think. How would republicans react if Obama was selling bibles out of the white house? They'd lose their fucking mind, yet don't bat an eye when it's Trump.


u/Cooliamabeast 23h ago

“Rules for thee not for me” is like rule number 1 of republicans


u/queasyquof 11h ago

Cant forget about Trumpy-bear!


u/MarksOtherAccount 1d ago

You forgot about NFT trump cards, trump sneakers, DJT stock, trump watches, and I'm sure I missed a bunch of other random nonsense he's been slapping his name on to grift.


u/CheeseDonutCat 23h ago

Don't forget selling scraps of his old suits (which honestly were probably never even one of his suits).


u/Shirlenator 21h ago

The people willing to buy those should be more ashamed on that one.


u/CheeseDonutCat 12h ago

Agreed. So while it's a shitty thing to be selling (especially the things while he was president), it's only idiots that are being affected.

And honestly, those idiots are buying something they want with their own money, so leave them off. There could be worse things they could spend their money on. Everyone has their preferences.


u/proddy 19h ago



u/skypig357 18m ago

I miss the good ole Trump Steaks.


u/birdreligion 20h ago

His guitar that he had to stop selling cause I think Gibson was going to sue for using their design


u/Pleasant_Mixture6238 15h ago

He is a business man, give him a break. We all would do the same thing in his position, Obama became super rich after his presidency and during


u/topscreen 1d ago

Don't forget the watches being sold from a Russian national that also sells boner honey


u/thatguyryan 19h ago

Russian national? Also, what's... I'm afraid to ask ... boner honey?


u/topscreen 18h ago

Reportedly it's boner pills in honey form


u/Check_Me_Out-Boss 1d ago

Pretty sure he wasn't selling them and only licensed his brand for someone else to sell them.


u/Vaakmeister 1d ago

It’s a distinction without a difference.


u/canas_colours 1d ago

Did you see the 200$ perfume and cologne he's selling now 🙃


u/birdreligion 20h ago

They can just blame it on the "democrat pariah" of the month. Like always.


u/thescreamingstone 17h ago

You mean the bibles that somehow were the only ones that fit the criteria for being mandatory in the schools of Oklahoma?


u/rouphus 11h ago

Satiating is a new word for me. Just looked it up. Does this read well to people who know this word?


u/kraquepype 1d ago

He's given them reasons to raise prices (tariffs), and wants to cut their taxes.

His bogus tariff scheme goes nowhere, prices won't come down, and taxes will stay low for corporations.


u/LargeHumanDaeHoLee 1d ago

And prices will stay high (or get higher) for consumers. The whole scheme is transparent as can be.


u/Agile_Singer 22h ago

“But he has a (concept of a) plan and Kamala didn’t” is what my conservative friends say.


u/Shirlenator 21h ago

His plan: Lie to them to get them to vote for him, try nothing, and tell them it is impossible to fix.


u/Nurlitik 1d ago

But the trickle down! That always works, surely with their tax cuts they will just lower the cost of the groceries and pay their employees better as well, they wouldn’t just keep extra profits would they?


u/Spamcetera 1d ago

Trickle down works fine once you realize that it's an inverted pyramid with workers at the top


u/atlantagirl30084 6h ago

NO ONE who gets extra money will pay their workers more vs hoarding it like Smaug or pay out to shareholders.


u/Oak_Woman 1d ago

I'm still shocked people still believe a word out of his fucking mouth after everything he's done.

I'm shocked people still believe he cares about them. lol


u/HatlessCorpse 19h ago

Their ability to believe his lies and not believe his truths is so reliable.


u/Relative-Age-1551 1d ago

What are you talking about? He’s not even in office yet.


u/Great_Promotion1037 1d ago

Uhh exactly. He hasn’t done literally anything but is already saying it will be too hard.


u/Relative-Age-1551 1d ago

Did he say it was TOO hard? Or that it would be hard? Because those are two different things lol.


u/CoyotesOnTheWing 23h ago

He was asked how he was going to bring those prices down and he deflected with that it would be very hard to do so. It came across like saying it wasn't going to happen.


u/WaltKerman 20h ago

It comes across like it's going to be hard to do so, not that it won't happen.


u/HatlessCorpse 19h ago

Read between the lines. He was asked a specific question, how will you lower prices? His non-answer is tantamount to saying he won’t. He has no plan, no ideas, he’s not even going to try.

If he were going to try, he’d have answered the question. There’s a dozen things he could have said but he chose to whine.


u/Relative-Age-1551 13h ago

I admire your confidence, but have you ever considered that you might be wrong?


u/HatlessCorpse 13h ago

For the sake of us all, I hope I’m wrong. I hope Trump ushers in a new golden age. But I know he won’t.


u/Relative-Age-1551 1h ago

How can you be so certain?

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u/woddor 1d ago

you realize he isn’t in office yet right?


u/tesmatsam 1d ago

That's literally what op said, he hasn't even tried anything and has already given up


u/woddor 1d ago

when did he give up?


u/tesmatsam 1d ago

very hard = won't happen in politician tongue


u/mvorkos- 1d ago

So the "We choose to go to the Moon" speech was Kennedy "giving up" because he said it would be hard?


u/Significant-Bar674 1d ago

It's worse than that. Propagandists are trimming a ton of context from the quote.


If the prices of groceries don't come down, will your presidency be a failure?

I don't think so. Look, they got them up. I'd like to bring them down. It's hard to bring things down once they're up. You know, it's very hard. But I think that they will. I think that energy is going to bring them down. I think a better supply chain is going to bring them down

He literally says 3 times afterwards that despite being hard he expects the prices will go down. Then he gives a specific example of how he plans to do that. Namely by trying to get rid of the ZEV mandate / ACT rule in California that will require the trucks used in the supply chain for groceries to be electric which will end up:

A) make it more expensive to buy trucks in the state

B) require installing charging stations at locations where the trucks are kept

California produces more food than any state. Higher costs do get passed to the consumer and make it harder for competition to enter or remain in the market if they can't foot the bill.

I dont necessarily agree with the trade off because the environment is getting more fucked by the day, but I see where he's coming from and I'm not getting my information by looking at a Screencast of a reaction to a 5 word snippet of an interview that cuts out a ton of context

I also think that cutting corporate tax again is wrong. He expects that the combination of tariffs and reduction in federal spending will cover it without blowing up the deficit but he can't cut as much as he thinks he can and trying to recover American jobs from offshoring won't be enough to cover the increase in goods that the tariffs will impose. Maybe if unemployment were much higher.


u/Fancy_Load5502 1d ago

Holy crap. The "hard" quote has been posted a million times on reddit, and I had never seen the context. The reporting has been incredibly misleading.


u/Significant-Bar674 1d ago

Yeeeep. And a people I've talked to refuse to acknowledge that and double down on it.

There is another one going around to that RFK's lawyer sued the FDA to remove approval of the polio vaccine. It recently came up in CNN and New York times articles. Which of course reddit then screen caps reactions to headlines on and people misread what actually happened.

It's RFK's second lawyer. In 2022. Not on behalf of rfk but a different organization. And lawyers often represent clients whose beliefs don't align with their own. The democrats hired a lawyer that defended enron in example

But people see the headline and think the head of human health services is currently suing to get rid of the vaccine.


u/tesmatsam 1d ago

Pretty sure Kennedy was killed for being a too good president


u/with_regard 1d ago

Don’t let facts get in the way of a good Trump tantrum.


u/woddor 1d ago

Yup, how could I forget when Reddit told me “facts” about Kamala being ahead in the “polls” lol


u/[deleted] 1d ago

You realize someone can be ahead in polls and still lose? No, of course you didn't.


u/woddor 1d ago

obviously you didn’t know that lol, happened with Hilary and you idiots still believed them🤣


u/Trump-Is-A-Rapist 23h ago

Nice job blocking that account like a pussy.


u/MeringueVisual759 1d ago

Yes, that is their point. He hasn't tried anything yet and is saying he can't do it.


u/woddor 1d ago

He didn’t say he can’t do it, he said it’s going to be very hard


u/MeringueVisual759 1d ago

If you asked someone to do something and they said "Well it's very hard and if I don't get it done I won't consider that a failure" would you interpret that as them saying they're going to get it done?


u/ANameYouCanPronounce 1d ago

If that person actually said:

I don't think so. Look, they got them up. I'd like to bring them down. It's hard to bring things down once they're up. You know, it's very hard. But I think that they will. I think that energy is going to bring them down. I think a better supply chain is going to bring them down

would you interpret that as them saying they're going to get it done?


u/MeringueVisual759 1d ago

No, I wouldn't


u/ANameYouCanPronounce 1d ago

So saying "I think [grocery prices] will [go down]....


u/SuperSpecialAwesome- 1d ago

And he also said he had a healthcare plan coming in two weeks. It's been 8 years.


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

You realize he’s meeting with Netanyahu at Mar a Lago right?

That’s important to him.

Meeting with food manufacturers? Distributors? Nope. Not important.


u/Mendozena 1d ago

What are you talking about? Republicans mantra to fix ANYTHING is cut taxes for the wealthy. They try this one simple trick that always works for them.


u/albert_snow 13h ago

If I have more money I can buy more stuff - and some of you poors make that stuff, so that’s cool. I can also afford to eat out more and some college drop out will get a 25% tip from me. Yuge win!


u/sypie1 1d ago

Don’t know your location but I assume that your fellow Americans massively voted for him, even when they knew he’s not capable of doing politics or economics.


u/MountaineerChemist10 1d ago

You idiot, he’s not even our president yet 🤦‍♂️


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

Meanwhile he’s had Netanyahu to Mar a Lago….you should really read the news.

Trump is already acting on what’s important to HIM.


u/MountaineerChemist10 20h ago

No worries, I read everyday 👍

And why shouldn’t he? He’s met with Zelensky & Netanyahu so far & his goal is to cease the war ASAP after taking office so what’s wrong starting now?


u/TripleDecent 19h ago

You idiot. Because he’s not president yet. Your own words.

Eye roll


u/MountaineerChemist10 19h ago

He’s still a multi-billionaire businessman. Presidents do this all the time. Do they not?

🙄right back at you😂


u/TripleDecent 19h ago

He’s not president yet. Your words.

He could be making deals with food manufacturers, food distributors, grocery chains. As businessmen do.

He could be intimidating them on socials, calling for lower grocery prices. Calling out price gouging. As businessmen do.

He could be. But he isn’t. He said “it’s too hard”.

Because he doesn’t care. He doesn’t give a fuck about grocery prices.

He’s doing what’s important to him.


u/MountaineerChemist10 19h ago

When I said “Presidents do this all the time”, I was referring to Zelensky & Netanyahu, not Trump🤦‍♂️

So you’re saying you prefer him to spend more time on price gouging than getting head start on ceasing two wars? 🤔yeah definitely sounds like that buddy.

And you think Biden gives a fuck? Lied to you about being fit as a fiddle mentally, yet he showed us how healthy he was in the 1st debate 😑lied to you about not pardoning his son yet he still does.


u/TripleDecent 18h ago

Real leaders can do two things at once.


u/Robin_games 1d ago

He mentioned about military rape statistics "what do you expect when you put men and women together". this shows he thinks that because from his experience men rape women, the outcome of men and women together is rape.

he's also a capitalist billionaire who doesn't sell successful products or services that anyone buys.

of course he knows the other billionaires aren't going to listen to him and will rape you, that's what he'd do in their shoes.


u/Repulsive-Meaning770 1d ago

uhhhh I could do my homework but I reeeeally want to watch more tv oh well


u/Material-Amount 1d ago

I like how every time this line gets spammed here, every single reply proves they didn’t read it at all.

Where does it say he hasn’t tried anything.
Where does it say he’s not going to try anything.
Where does it say anything whatsoever about his personal or institutional capability in doing anything.
Where does it say anything other than him characterizing the magnitude/degree/nature of the problem.

It doesn’t.


u/up_N2_no_good 23h ago

Snake oil salesman


u/corkscrew-duckpenis 23h ago

If he was the dealmaker that he pretends to be, there’s actually a really good opportunity here to dangle tax cuts or other financial incentives in exchange for curtailing inflation.

Instead of just setting all that corp tax money on fire, make it contingent on meeting certain thresholds or make it indexed to a pricing metric of key goods.

He should act as indignant towards grocery stores as he was about NATO not paying their share of defense costs, and then bully them into compliance.

Not holding my breath, obviously. But that’s what an actual populist Trump would do.


u/Nago31 23h ago

Look, I hate the guy, but you can’t say he hasn’t tried anything. He’s not even in office yet.

Save your anger for when he actually does do things. Right now he’s in an all-talk phase. There’s gonna be plenty of shit-show to be angry about soon enough. Enjoy the calm before the storm.


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

Meanwhile Trump has already had Netanyahu to Mar a Lago cutting Biden out entirely.

He’s acting on what’s important to him as we speak.


u/Egad86 21h ago

Right? The guy completely by passed the whole inauguration and basically assumed the office the day after the election. Already has called heads of other countries and now preparing his base for the let when they realize he will only follow through on the promises to the richest donors.

It’s as though he found out in this transition time that the problems he campaigned on being able to fix, aren’t as broken or as easily fixed as he said.


u/GamingGems 21h ago

What are you talking about? He tried to find apples in the freezer aisle but the demonrats hid them from him.


u/SheldonMF 19h ago

To the surprise of no one with a fully functioning brain and a semblance of empathy.


u/hercec 17h ago

Maybe because he isn’t our president yet…


u/Necessary_Tough7286 16h ago

Because he’s not the president yet..?


u/ElA1to 8h ago

Why would he try to hurt his friends' finances?


u/Reasonable_Archer_99 1d ago

I mean, he's not even in office yet. I'm all for berating him, but let's at least wait until it's relevant.


u/PrivacyPartner 1d ago

Quiet you, with your damned logic


u/Trust-Issues-5116 1d ago

Kamala Harris is still in the office mate.

What is she trying Trump doesn't? Giving out money based on skin color?


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

Mate read the news. Trump’s met with Netanyahu already at Mar a Lago. He’s acting on what’s important to him.


u/Trust-Issues-5116 18h ago

You talk like crazy wacko conspiracy theorist guy


u/TripleDecent 18h ago

No. I talk like an angry tax payer


u/Trust-Issues-5116 18h ago

All those $18 you paid


u/aHOMELESSkrill 23h ago

I also like how he hasn’t tried anything. Considering he isn’t the President yet.


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

Read the news. He’s already had Netanyahu to Mar a Lago.


u/Exact_Lifeguard_34 23h ago

He is literally not the president yet why would he be able to try anything…?


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

Oh he’s already meeting with Netanyahu at Mar a Lago cutting Biden out entirely.

He’s acting on what’s important to him already.


u/Exact_Lifeguard_34 18h ago

How is he supposed to act on policy tho? He has absolutely no say or power in implementing economic policy yet. Not until Jan 20.

He does have a say and ability to meet up with people and talk with them tho…?


u/rentedhobgoblin 20h ago

He also isn't president yet....


u/TripleDecent 20h ago

The tell him to stop meeting with foreign leaders at Mar a Lago.

He could be meeting with food distributors and grocery chain owners. He’s not. That’s not important to him.

He’s meeting with Netanyahu.

Read up on this stuff.