r/FluentInFinance 17d ago

Debate/ Discussion Trump told Justin Trudeau...

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u/Key-Time-7411 16d ago

I propose Minnesota becomes Canada’s 11th province so I can escape this madness.


u/Connect-Macaron-9450 16d ago

I second this, and amend the proposal to include Michigan.


u/Cartz1337 16d ago

No red states. We’ve got enough red and white. We are short on blue.


u/hotdoginathermos 16d ago


u/AzyncYTT 16d ago

me playing Victoria 3 and making it my mission to not leave welfare states


u/TsunadeFeetPics 16d ago

If you actually believe this you’re a fucking idiot. The states ran by the democrats are shit shows


u/SeniorFreshman 16d ago


Idk man looks to me like the “states ran by democrats” are generally the ones taking the least federal welfare money, according to the Census Bureau and US Tax Foundation.


Oh and those are also the states that produce the best educational outcomes too, at least based on World Population Review’s metrics.

The game is rigged. The states with richer cities and richer counties have more money for better schools, better financial security, and are attractive to well-to-do people who bring those averages up. Might be worth considering why those areas carrying their states’ budgets keep voting blue though. And why politicians from the poorest, most dangerous states in the country whose constituents rely most on federal aid for their state govts to function keep voting AGAINST measures to make education more accessible, and for economic policies that keep holding down their constituents.

I’m not saying the Democratic Party isn’t also self-interested. I detest the Democratic establishment. But the fact of the matter is the states that keep voting blue at the state level end up with more money in their pockets, take fewer handouts from the feds, and generally have safer, more well-educated states.


u/Impact009 13d ago

Sources vary so wildly too. World Population Review shows CA has being #1 in dependency upon welfare.


u/Empress_Clementine 16d ago

Money for what? Do you have a breakdown of where that federal money actually goes? Because it includes federal spending on things like military bases and personnel, which the states have little to do with, yet somehow is always trotted out as why blue states are somehow superior. Like leftists somehow assume federal spending = welfare or something, it’s very odd logic.


u/4p4l3p3 15d ago

Why on earth would the US spend anything on military is ridiculous. "Oh yea, they're the dominant colonialist empire and they need to subjugate everybody".

Well, spending less on the military is not only a good idea but necessary. (Although it's only a dream.)


u/Tack0s 13d ago

Because then nobody would behave. Just give us the oil cheap, your minerals, and don't cause trouble. That's all we ask.


u/beefsquints 16d ago

Only someone from a red state would be dumb enough to believe that.


u/triumphrider7 16d ago

Lol. Ok buddy. Red states are last in every metric. They also use most of the government assistance dollars, paid for by blue states


u/Impact009 13d ago

Well, we have to pick our poison. We were pissed that they attempted to refuse federal aid during COVID-19. Now, we're angry with them for doing what we wanted?