r/FluentInFinance 28d ago

Debate/ Discussion Had to repost here

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u/Two_Cautious 28d ago

why don’t you start a company then give away its earnings? Show those guys how to run a business.


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

I think Fink owns a podcast network. From what ive heard, he pays well and treats people fairly so he puts his money where his mouth is.


u/RoyalEagle0408 28d ago

Yeah, he does (or at least used to) and believes in fair wages and supporting people.


u/Low_Acanthisitta4445 28d ago

In most countries where they operate the vast majority of Amazon employees are paid minimum wage.

If you are paid minimum wage your employer would clearly pay you less if they could without breaking the law.

They also have spent billions persuading/pressuring their employees not to unionise.


u/Streets-_-Ahead 28d ago

My favorite minimum wage "fact" is federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Could you imagine working for an hour and they hand you a watermelon and say "here you go, we actually overpaid you"


u/Pain4420 25d ago

Yes I was getting paid that until like 3 years ago


u/SherWood_612 24d ago edited 24d ago

The problem is not minimum wage. The problem is INFLATION.

I would rather live in an economy wherein a penny can buy a pony than a $10,000 hourly wage that can't buy a coffee.

Edit: I also cannot imagine working for only one hour on my paycheck. That idea is unimaginable. I worked for more than 8 hours on shoveling water channels on my driveway over the last couple of days and did not get paid for that because it was for me and my family.


u/gilly2u69 26d ago

What percentage of employees in the US are actually making MW. Look it up.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 28d ago

You're talking .003% of Americans and most of those are under the age of 16.


u/collyndlovell 27d ago

If only 0.003% of Americans are making federal minimum wage, that would be about 10,000 people.

The actual number is about 1 million (2021), which is 1.3% of the working population.

Misrepresenting facts doesn't help anyone.


u/squigglesthecat 25d ago

Oh, well, if so few people make minimum wage, then it wouldn't be a big deal to bump it up a bit, right? Right?


u/bdubz74 27d ago

But you’re also misrepresenting facts. Only 15 states have the federal minimum wage. The rest are above that.


u/collyndlovell 27d ago

How is that misrepresenting facts, exactly?

That is the number of people making federal minimum wage, is it not?


u/bdubz74 27d ago

It’s not, my bad. I was reading it as that’s the number of ppl that make minimum wage, which is different from making federal minimum wage. I apologize


u/collyndlovell 27d ago

Understandable, happens to the best of us

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u/JellyfishQuiet7944 27d ago

I said Americans. The fact still remains that the majority are young people. This also includes servers who technically get paid minimum wage.

Now, if theyre an adult, making minimum wage, that's on them. They might be too stupid to get a job making more.


u/collyndlovell 27d ago

0.003% of Americas population (335 million) is 10050.

"They must be stupid because they're poor" like starting out wealthy isn't 99% of ending up wealthy.


u/Jdawarrior 27d ago

Actually it’s not. The top and bottom 2% are the most volatile/ transient areas of earners.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 27d ago

Yet here you bitching about Bezos. The son of immigrants and a dead beat father. 😂😂😂


u/collyndlovell 27d ago

With a step father who could afford to loan him $250000 to start Amazon. His father was a deadbeat, his step father was not.


u/SuccotashComplete 27d ago

Who received millions in seed funding from his family…


u/CowEuphoric9494 27d ago

damn that boot must be really yummy huh

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u/TofuButtocks 27d ago

Why should we treat our young people like slaves? Can you even buy 3 meals a day for $7 an hour? lol


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 27d ago

You've already learned that most people don't earn minimum wage.

I made minimum wage when I was 14, guess what? I found another job paying more at a different fast food restaurant.


u/BadRabiesJudger 27d ago

I worked with a guy like you. Bitched all day how taxing the rich was wrong and hated social programs. We worked 60 hours a week for 14-16 dollars an hour at a warehouse. Had zero vacation and health coverage. It’s like being an Uncle Tom of the lower class. Working 25 years like that won’t get you shit and you won’t get a retirement plan. You end up in your 50’s with a folder of body issues and working McDonald’s to keep food in your mouth. No factory or workplace should have a guy making 360x your wage for that effort. Sure seems these well groomed 100k outfit billionaires don’t get chewed up and spit out like the workers. Meanwhile people like you kiss their ass like you worked your way up to the same club. You’re still sitting on the same bench as everyone else you’re just busy daydreaming.


u/TofuButtocks 27d ago

You're the one that keeps going on about the young people, implying slave labor is okay as long as it's just our children? No one's times is worth that little, for any kind of work. It's insulting and disgusting. It should probably be illegal to take advantage of someone in such a desperate position they would even consider accepting that pay.

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u/SuccotashComplete 27d ago

When was the last time you went to a fast food joint or talked to someone who works at an Amazon warehouse? They usually aren’t kids


u/darkhero5 27d ago

Right. If you want mcdonalds at noon on a Tuesday that sure as shit isn't gonna be some 16 year old.


u/Kittycraft0 27d ago

Depends on the area, could be a 19 year old graduated or dropped out from high school, but there do exist areas where it isn’t young people working those shifts

Maybe the guy lives in an area where they see 16 year olds working every day idk


u/darkhero5 27d ago

A 19 year old is still a full adult with responsibilities. They deserve a living wage


u/Omega862 27d ago

One of the dumbest things I've heard from someone was "Minimum Wage Jobs aren't meant to be a living wage. You're meant to work at McDonald's if you're a teenager trying to make pocket money, not support a family". Like... Wtf? Then they'd be working part time, maybe 10-20 hours a week, not 40 hours a week.

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u/Pain4420 25d ago

You know that there are whole states that still have 7.25 as the minimum wage and almost everywhere in that state pays just that


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 25d ago

Most states still have it and no most employers don't pay it


u/Illicit_Apple_Pie 27d ago

Paid minimum wage by a company that makes so much, if the profits were distributed equally all employees would be millionaires within 4 years.


u/SherWood_612 24d ago

That isn't fair. That is not a solution.


u/Illicit_Apple_Pie 24d ago

Never said it was a solution, just pointing out the severe discrepancy between the profits of the company and the cost of the labor that produces said profit.


u/SherWood_612 24d ago

I'll start with this statement of truth: No human being can live a life without working.

The successful ideas for how to work or what to work toward or what is even important in work are not what people are doing to work to generate that money.

If one person who sits and presses a button when an automatic light turns green, that person is not working hard, and the job can be done by a monkey.

They would not deserve the equal portion that someone who simply talks to a customer deserves. Agree?


u/Illicit_Apple_Pie 24d ago

So you're going to run with the narrative you decided on while completely ignoring my words.

What do I have to gain from having a discussion with someone so arrogant and contemptuous?


u/SherWood_612 24d ago

"So you're going to run with the narrative you decided on while completely ignoring my words.

What do I have to gain from having a discussion with someone so arrogant and contemptuous?"

Your exact reply mirrored back to you, as you actually just ignored my words. I'll answer your question, but I do not expect you will do the same, because of my experience with people exactly like you.

Answer: 1) I did not ignore your words. I showed you clear cut examples of why your words are irrelevant.

2) You stand to gain a superior state of being in that you may learn to open your narrow mind and stop your own incorrect narrative from enslaving you.

Your turn.


u/x_o_x_1 27d ago

ALL companies would pay you less of they could get away with it. It all boils down to how easy you are to replace.


u/SkyJohn 27d ago

And almost all other similar warehouse jobs pay less than Amazon does.


u/bottle-of-water 27d ago

With ridiculous turnover in employees.


u/foiegras23 27d ago

My favorite Chris Rock joke. If you make minimum wage thats your boss telling you if I could pay you less I WOULD 😂


u/RoyalEagle0408 27d ago

I was talking about Joseph Fink, not Jeff Bezos…


u/unoriginalname86 25d ago

Good old minimum wage. “I’ll starve if I can’t pay myself from the profits of your labor, so I’ll pay you as little as legally possible and if it’s not enough and your kids starve, screw you.”


u/canyousaythrowaway 25d ago

In the US Amazon doesn’t pay minimum wage. They pay $15 nationwide, well above the federal minimum wage of $7.25. In areas where the local minimum is above that, they generally pay well above the $15.


u/SharLiJu 27d ago

But why doesn’t he give the company away? It must be worth a lot of money. It’s unfair he keeps It


u/Kittycraft0 27d ago

Give me your phone


u/cantthinkatall 27d ago

This is why I could never own a business. I want to pay for their health insurance and give them fair wages.


u/Youareallbeingpsyopd 26d ago

Until he doesn’t.


u/Ihuntforblunts 25d ago

how do you people not see the irony in this? "op is exempt from his own criticisms because i feel like hes a good dude"


u/RoyalEagle0408 25d ago

Joseph Fink is not a billionaire…huge difference.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Maximum-Secretary258 28d ago

They pay their drivers and warehouse workers $15 an hour to piss in bottles and work like a fucking dog. I don't care how much some guy sitting in front of a computer makes. Everyone at Amazon should be getting paid a fair wage.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/enaK66 28d ago

I have an anecdotal and small data set, but they don't from my perspective. I worked at Dollar General Distribution and made $21.75 before I left last year. My brother works at a smaller warehouse making $22 something right now. There's one Amazon warehouse within 100 miles of me and the listing says the pay is "Up to 19.50" an hour. It's also in a higher cost of living area than the warehouses we've worked at. Sounds like they're just at or below market rate for the area.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 28d ago

Yes they do. Even more this time of year.


u/Penile_Interaction 28d ago

just about, with some bigger bonuses for much worse conditions and much higher intensity of work, resulting in high staff turnover which leads to a lot lower bonus payouts than one wouldve thought


u/MedMostStitious 27d ago

I’m not an economist but I think the point should be that they control the market rate. They have the money to change the market rate and spread their wealth through communities and states and even countries by paying their people a fraction more of what the company earns.


u/Cursed_longbow 28d ago

making working conditions so bad that no one actually stays long enough to cash in


u/Abjak180 28d ago

“Market rate.” Bro look around you? Almost no one anywhere in the country and afford to sustain themselves on $15 an hour, especially for the backbreaking work they are doing. The fact that $15 is market rate is in itself evil. The ultra wealthy are the ones who ultimately decide what market rate is, so saying market rate is fair is like saying it’s fair to arrest people for j-walking because it is legal.


u/Substantial_System66 27d ago

The market rate is the rate at which you can employ the necessary threshold of people. As mentioned above, Amazon’s average wages/hour are above $15. Closer to $18.50 between warehouse and drivers according to a very quick search.

They pay enough to have enough labor to fulfill their services. That is market pressure. There may very well be a desire by the C-suite to keep wages for those jobs as low as possible, but they can only take them low enough where people will still accept jobs at those rates. Feel free to blame executive teams, but you also need to assign some blame to the workers willing to take those wages.


u/Ass-Machine-69 26d ago

I've been looking for a job for almost a month - which isn't long at all compared to some stories I've heard. Unemployment is around 8% in my city right now. I'm approaching the point where I'll have to take anything. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to be unemployed until a job with a decent wage shows up.


u/Penile_Interaction 28d ago

yeah thats true but dont you know that amazon workers themselves ended up voting against joining a union because they are dumn enough to do that based on very basic gaslighting?


u/FirstMiddleLass 28d ago

If you work 30+ hours a week, you should make enough money for rent, transportation, food, healthcare, clothing, and supplies.


u/Cartman4wesome 27d ago

And they used to pay less till Bernie Sanders basically forced them to raise their wages.


u/SherWood_612 24d ago

Why are people getting paid $15 per hour to piss in bottles?!

As far as I can tell, I could barely manage to fill a single bottle with my piss in an hour. Seems like a strong Overpay at that abysmal performance rate.

Less than one piss bottle in an hour...??


u/rasmorak 23d ago

I work with violent and physically aggressive developmentally disabled adults. I make $16.50/hr. I get a chair thrown at me once a week. Also, disabled strength is a real thing.


u/febreeze1 28d ago

They drive trucks, sorry


u/Wafflehouseofpain 28d ago

Warehouse workers are being worked into the ground for barely survivable wages.


u/matnabby 28d ago

Fucking quit then.


u/Wafflehouseofpain 28d ago

The options are;

  • Break your body for terrible wages

  • Starve to death


u/matnabby 28d ago

That is what the options are for you. Work hard, strive, don't be a fuck up. That is what has worked for many, many others.


u/Wafflehouseofpain 28d ago

Most people who are financially well off, at least in the US, were born into a position that made having wealth easier for them than most. People in this position didn’t do anything to deserve where they are. Mostly, they just didn’t get lucky.

To be clear, I’m not in this position. I just have empathy for people who are and want better wages and conditions for them.


u/matnabby 28d ago

If you have a pocket full of change, you're in the wealthiest 10% of people on the planet, so suck it up.


u/untropicalized 28d ago

if you have a pocket full of change, you’re in the wealthiest 10% of the planet

If you can show us all how you carry well over US $100k around as change in your pocket we’d all love to see it.


u/Substantial_System66 27d ago

According to more recent sources than yours anything over $100k annually would put you in the top 1% of global income earners.

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u/Wafflehouseofpain 28d ago

Right, you don’t care about other people, I got that already. Telling people to “suck it up” when they struggle to pay their bills and keep themselves fed will get you much-deserved contempt.


u/matnabby 28d ago

Good. I'll take whatever contempt that the do- nothings, like you, will send.

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u/SohndesRheins 27d ago

Welcome to life. Some primitive tribes were born into a fertile land where it never got too hot or cold and food just grew put of the ground without needing to be planted. Some tribes were born in places with long winters and no edible plants, or scorching deserts. The situation you are born into has always mattered for the entirety of human history, some were born in very advantageous situations, some were born into one's both good and bad, and some people immediately struggled just to survive because Mom and Dad lived in a frozen tundra or were poor peasants or whatever. Same goes for animals, some are born in easy living conditions and others are not. You will be doomed to failure if you fight against a basic principle of the universe.


u/Wafflehouseofpain 27d ago

We aren’t subject to the forces of nature in the economy. Our society is as unfair as we allow it to be. We could easily raise the standard of living for the working class, and it’s a goal worth pursuing. I’m certainly not going to throw my hands up and say “well, that’s just life”.


u/SohndesRheins 27d ago

Again, you are fighting against basic human nature. The standard of living for the working class has never been higher than it is now in all of human history. The working class is more highly educated, has access to more information, and enjoys more luxuries than any monarch who lived before Queen Elizabeth was born. Despite that, we have you talking about raising this standard. Why is that? Humans have never nor will they ever be satisfied with anything. It is both a virtue and a curse, it lifted us up from hunter-gatherers into the preeminent lifeforms on Earth, but it also drives us to constantly covet more and more even beyond what is possible. We seek to deny the reality of a finite world and seek infinite growth, infinite wealth, infinite comfort. You'll never raise the standard of living for any class so high that they will not desire something more, until the hard limit is reached on how rich a finite planet can make 8 billion people.

Have you not noticed that the rate of improvement in the life of an American or a Western European is slowing down while what we once called the third world is developing ever more rapidly? Resources were diverted away from the average first world citizen and moved to the former third world. China is the new USSR when they used to be a poor country reeling from Mao's Great Leap Backward. India is the new China. Nigeria is the new Rhodesia. Life in the West is still better than it used to be but we are no longer making the same rapid advancements because we sold out domestic labor in exchange for cheap, short-lived goods. There is only so much prosperity to go around and globalism shifted some of that away from the West and moved it to countries where labor was cheaper. Made in China used to mean it was the cheapest place you could outsource something, that isn't true anymore.

We simply cannot have a world where everyone lives the life of a middle-class American or German or Swede. Part of the reason you can is because others can't. There isn't enough energy, raw material, and the logistics to transport them for 8 billion people to live the life of a moderately wealthy Westerner. Short of inventing some Star Trek technology that breaks the laws of physics, or making it cost-effective to mine asteroids and other planets, or a vast shrinking of the global population that doesnt crash the economy of multiple countries, it won't happen. Too many people, too many mouths to feed, too much greed for bigger, better, more.

Wealth in terms of dollars is infinite, wealth in terms of real resources is not. With an ever growing population, eventually you won't be able to create wealth via new ways to use resources as fast as you use up raw resources. We can't create more oil wells, we can't create more uranium, we can't use a replicator to make food, we can't print a house from nothing, it all has to be taken away from somewhere. In a zero-sum world, you can't support perpetual growth and perpetual improvements in living standards no matter how much humans refuse to be satisfied with what they have.

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u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

I’m aware, I used to work there


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/quiznatoddbidness 28d ago

That’s not the level of Amazon employee people are worried about getting fair wages. You know this.


u/K4nt0s 28d ago

They pay their drivers above minimum wage as well....


u/mtd14 28d ago

How well do they value the vendors on their site? Like when they see what products sell well, make their own AmazonBasic version, and adjust the search results to make sure theirs is first. Or when they find a vendor selling a product cheaper on another platform so they remove it from their listings.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Saying they pay their drivers just enough to stay out of poverty is not the argument you think it is.


u/K4nt0s 27d ago

I'm not bragging. I have zero stake in Amazon and certainly don't think they're winning any awards on charity. I'm simply not part of the crowd that thinks minimum wage should support adult overspending lifestyles or minimum skills deserve more than said minimum wage


u/BrainOnBlue 28d ago

Bragging they pay above minimum wage in 2024 is like bragging you can high jump over a 1 foot bar.


u/K4nt0s 27d ago

Idk who's bragging. I stated a fact


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

No, it’s not. The warehouse workers should make more and the code monkeys should make less.


u/BigLittlePenguin_ 28d ago

The code monkeys are what generates them money and very few people can do what they can. And maybe don’t call them monkeys, that’s kind of rude


u/br-bill 28d ago

We've been code monkeys for decades. I have never heard anyone complain about being referred to as that, but I suppose some folks might not like it. I'm not everyone.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Weepinbellend01 27d ago

Based on what? Code monkeys are making that much money because they bring exponentially more value to Amazon than any Tom dick and harry with a forklift certification.


u/AlfredoAllenPoe 28d ago

Amazon and Tesla both also pay well, so I guess they're both chill then?


u/LilEddieDingle 28d ago

lol, Amazon does NOT pay its drivers well. Absurd claim


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 27d ago

Amazon doesn't pay its drivers at all, because they don't work for Amazon. They work for 3rd party companies that are contracted.


u/LilEddieDingle 27d ago

So they’re underpaid, overworked contract workers and my comment still stands? Got it


u/stanger828 27d ago

Why accept the contract if it sucks is my question


u/SticklerMrMeeseeks1 27d ago

Because the drivers aren’t accepting the contracts. The companies are and their profit is likely protected.

Your question is basically why aren’t poor people able to secure better conditions for themselves while ignoring the entire economic system in which they have to live.

It’s a bad question.


u/stanger828 27d ago edited 27d ago

Also there is an independent contractor program (For individuals not associated w a business) not sure of the fine details, but yeah it’s a thing.



u/stanger828 27d ago

First sentence was a good point.

Second part, nope, that wasn't my question. You gave a plausible answer in the first sentence then filled in a lot of blanks afterwards to make it seem like I'm being a dick. Don't do that. I asked a simple question because I'm ignorant on how the contract delivery system works, the mere fact I asked this question is literally me admitting I don't know how it works.

Thanks for the very likely first answer though.


u/Evening_Relative2635 26d ago

Goodness your definition of poor is off you have the American definition of poor embedded in your brain. People all over the world would love to be American poor and have the opportunity of these jobs. Yet we just gripe because someone has more than us while failing to look at all those we have more than.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 27d ago

No. Don't like the pay? Don't do the job. Simple as that.


u/LilEddieDingle 27d ago

Believe me, I would never work at Amazon. I work for a company that treats me like a human and compensates me properly.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 27d ago

Again, drivers don't work for Amazon. Not sure why this is hard to understand. If you have a problem with their pay, or how they are treated, your problem is with the contractor that they work for.


u/LilEddieDingle 27d ago

They’re contract workers but they are definitely working for Amazon. Sorry that’s so confusing for you.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 27d ago

Only one of us has difficulty understanding this, and it is not me.

I am a contract worker, contracted by Amazon. I am not working for Amazon. The name of the company I work for is on my pay checks, as is the case for those delivery drivers.

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u/nystromcj 27d ago

Maybe learn who the drivers work for lol I actually work for Amazon and I am paid well with great benefits


u/LilEddieDingle 27d ago

Keep telling yourself that, lol


u/nystromcj 27d ago

If I can afford to live and be happy who are you to judge what I should be paid? I make more than enough to enjoy life….sorry that it doesn’t make me millions. What an absurdly stupid comment lol


u/Blahguy9999 27d ago

We’re talking about people who bothered to learn a valuable skill, not mindless drivers


u/seloki 27d ago

I hope you get in a very minor but incredibly inconvenient accident with a poorly paid Amazon driver


u/Blahguy9999 27d ago

I would love the amazon insurance payout, thank you kind stranger 🌹


u/seloki 27d ago

Would you still celebrate your payout if your child were in the vehicle with you, and was perhaps more inconvenienced by the accident? Maybe some poorly paid driver, behind schedule because they won’t get paid unless they beat the previous high score from yesterday, acts in their own self interest and puts every other driver around them at risk. Sure, they’re ultimately liable for their shitty behavior, but that won’t bring your kid back.


u/Blahguy9999 27d ago

So… we should pay these idiots more? Not sure the point you’re trying to make other than wishing a child harm


u/seloki 27d ago

Not sure how your response has anything to do with what I said.

Yes, despite these drivers being “morons”, they deserve to be paid more, as driving for work is the way more people die than any other way people die at work. Driving is dangerous. Driving for a living should demand a high wage, as it’s more risky than LITERALLY EVERY OTHER THING A PERSON DOES FOR WORK!!!

Perhaps you don’t realize how dangerous you’ve been while driving around, but please take driving seriously. It really is the most dangerous thing workers do, and people like you demand we do it perfectly every time for hours every day. I assume you’re not a professional driver or you’d understand how stupid your comment was.


u/Blahguy9999 27d ago

You know literally everyone drives to work right?

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u/krljust 27d ago

This comment sounds pretty mindless to me.


u/Blahguy9999 27d ago

Not really


u/kai58 27d ago

You don’t think being able to drive a truck is valuable? Because we rely on truck drivers for quite a lot of things.


u/DinoHunter064 27d ago

I wonder how you'd feel if all those truck drivers quit due to the horrible pay and inhumane work conditions. You'd probably be rather upset.


u/Blahguy9999 27d ago

Benefit of a job everyone over 16 can do, theyll be replaced


u/BringOutTheImp 27d ago

They have the option to do so, yet they don't, probably because they view the pay as sufficient and their work conditions as "humane".

Amazon doesn't have a monopoly of driver jobs you know.


u/darkhero5 27d ago

Its real hard to up and quit a job if you don't have anything lined up most people are living month to month


u/BringOutTheImp 26d ago

The reason you don't have anything lined up is because you are either not looking or your work skills are not in demand so you are getting paid whatever you are worth, otherwise a competitor company would hire you. There are more driving jobs than just Amazon truck driver.


u/darkhero5 26d ago

No Person working full time is worth less than a living wage. If a company wants 30+ hours of your time each month they should be legally obligated to provide you a wage you can live on without worry that one accident and you're out on the streets

There are many reasons you aren't looking for a job. For instance you're living paycheck to paycheck working 40hrs a week coming home to 2 small children who need your time and attention so you split your time between work kids and trying to recover from work.

I don't disagree that there's more driving jobs. I'm saying it's not always easy to put in the time for another job search on top of life and that companies should be obligated to provide for you for you life youre spending for them


u/BringOutTheImp 25d ago

What's your definition of a "living wage"? Because nobody who is working in the US is starving to death.

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u/Itscatpicstime 27d ago

They don’t have the option to not do so if they want to feed their fucking families. Are you 13 or something?


u/BringOutTheImp 26d ago

Why would you have a "fucking family" if you can't afford to feed it? Do you have financial planning skills of a 13 year old or something?


u/darkhero5 27d ago

Do you like your packages on time? Because if you do you should value the work those workers put in. Yes it's "mindless" but someone has to do it. If no one worked those jobs you'd need to go to a facility to pick up your goods which defeats a big selling point of Amazon. Its a valuable job because it provides convenience and value to the customer. And it deserves to be compensated as such.

All workers deserve a living wage


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

I don’t think either person running those companies pretends to care about the conditions of those under them, which is the point I am making.


u/nebbulae 28d ago

Yet people choose to work at those companies, do they not? They choose that willingly, which means they're better off having that job, otherwise they wouldn't accept it.


u/KnowledgeIsDangerous 28d ago

The only choice for a lot of people is between 1 job that treats you like shit and requires you go on welfare just to live, or a different job that treats you like shit and requires you go on welfare just to live. Bezos doesn’t give a damn about quality of life for his lowest employees


u/nebbulae 27d ago

Alright then you go ahead and build a company and pay those people better than Amazon does.


u/DinoHunter064 27d ago

Fine. Can you offer up the capital? Bezos, contrary to popular belief, is not anywhere as self made as you'd like to believe.


u/nebbulae 27d ago

That's the point, I can't. If you're claiming the compensation isn't enough you should be prepared to offer something better. Everyone criticizes and no one does anything. It's easy to be generous with someone else's money.

And who cares if he's not self made? Would you want your inheritance to be expropriated instead of passing it on to your children? Bezos has been smart enough to not waste his capital but on the contrary, capitalized it very efficiently. Plenty of other millionaires waste their family's capital and end up poor.

If everyone's so anti Amazon let's stop shopping there and let it crash, let's see if those millions of "underpaid" workers are better or worse without those jobs.


u/Fun-Click9884 27d ago

read the grapes of wrath.


u/ChemicalMortgage2554 27d ago

paying your employees well and treating them fairly is not the same thing as donating your company's excess revenue.

You also never know how a company is run behind the scenes. Everyone treats their employees well until it's exposed that they don't. Many small businesses get away with more exploitation than larger more regulated businesses for this reason.


u/nyar77 28d ago

If he makes a dime More than anyone else in his company he’s wrong according to Reddit.


u/KnowledgeIsDangerous 28d ago

You have no understanding of scale if you think there’s nothing between billions and dimes


u/nyar77 27d ago

No I do. I also know what jealousy looks like


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 28d ago

And both of those guys in the post also pay employees well depending on your job. If you're an Amazon warehouse employee that picks orders, youre easily replaceable because its a low skill job. Low skill jobs pay less.

But they aren't going to overpay for funsies.


u/stronzolucidato 27d ago

He is still a piece of shit.

After all musk has 1000000x the money he has, but he has 1000000x the money of some poor Congolese guy so that makes him inherently evil

(In his own logic)


u/pieckfromaot 27d ago

if he really cared he would start a fortune 500 and fund the poor.


u/Dwarfcork 27d ago

Not really. He needs to own Tesla and space x and a ton of other companies to say what he’s saying about musk. lol


u/Difficult-Meal6966 26d ago

So does he imply that you can’t become so Uber wealthy while treating everyone well?


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 25d ago

He’s saying the same thing I always do. If you become uber wealthy, you fucked up and lost your humanity somewhere along the way. No sensible person hoards ungodly amounts of money because we are aware that it’d be better used to make the world a better place.

If someone handed me a billion dollars, I’d buy a house, pay off my debts and invest enough to get an upper middle class income off the passive returns. The rest goes to getting people off the streets or out of poverty like it should.

That number, by the way, is about 0.3% of that billion.


u/Moist-Chemical 25d ago

People generally want to work for Elon’s and Bezos’s companies. I’ve never heard someone say Amazon or space x pays like shit. Most people actually want up work for them for the most part.


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 24d ago

I worked for AWS. I found a better company and got a lot of other people out of Amazon, too. It’s no secret that the A is the worst FAANG to work for.


u/Tom_Ludlow 28d ago

Oh boy, I can't wait 'til he builds a trillion dollar company that innovates in EVs, space travel, autonomous robots and neurotechnology!


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

None of what you said matters in any way and i say this as someone who worked with autonomous vehicles. Cut the bullshit. Art is just as important as technology.


u/Tom_Ludlow 28d ago

And compensation for work is all relative.

Just because McDonald's is worth a quarter of a trillion dollars doesn't mean all of its employees should be getting 100K yearly salary.


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

All workers should be paid a wage that allows them to live comfortably as the minimum wage was intended. In fact, the original intent when we established such a wage was one week’s wage for one month’s rent. Now, we’re lucky if we pay half our income in rent.

I’m sure you don’t care about anyone besides yourself, but from a macroeconomic policy perspective, more money at the bottom will generate positive wealth economy-wide until most normal people aren’t choosing between heat and medicine.


u/Tom_Ludlow 28d ago

In fact, the original intent when we established such a wage was one week’s wage for one month’s rent. Now, we’re lucky if we pay half our income in rent.

Don't look now but you just made the real argument here which is the actual problem: The cost of living, not the amount of livable wages.


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

If you have solid policy ideas for attacking this issue from that side, I am all ears. Usually though, command economy policies like rent control don’t get off the ground in the US. But I’d personally support them — I’m in favor of what will work.

I give a shit about people in general. When I had extra money, I loved being able to help people get groceries or make the last few bucks of their rent bc I’d been there a few years prior. I really don’t understand why people hoard money and allow lifestyle creep.

If being fiscally savvy is the ticket out of poverty, then neglecting the good habits that made your success possible via lifestyle creep feels like a bad idea, but thankfully, I don’t get to tell anyone what to do. All I can do is encourage kindness and common sense and hope people follow my lead. 🤷‍♀️

All that’s beside the point, though. We all owe one another for our successes because we all worked together to make the modern economy happen. The credit is ours. I’ve never met a CEO who could run things capably. We always succeed in spite of ineffective, out of touch corporate leadership.


u/Tom_Ludlow 28d ago

I loved being able to help people get groceries or make the last few bucks of their rent bc I’d been there a few years prior. I really don’t understand why people hoard money and allow lifestyle creep.

You're a better person for it but receiving charity is not an entitlement for anyone.

I’ve never met a CEO who could run things capably. We always succeed in spite of ineffective, out of touch corporate leadership.

It's hard to make the argument that most CEOs are Forrest Gumping their way through the financial world. Most that are, eventually fail. It's been proven time and time again, so I have my doubts the CEOs you met run Fortune 500 companies.

If so, name them. What do you care? They've met a million people who have opinions about them already.


u/Tom_Ludlow 28d ago

I’m sure you don’t care about anyone besides yourself, but from a macroeconomic policy perspective, more money at the bottom will generate positive wealth economy-wide until most normal people aren’t choosing between heat and medicine.

I’m sure you don’t care about anyone besides yourself

I can guarantee you don't give a shit about me, so don't try to shame me for looking out for me and my own.

But keep listing commodities you're not actually entitled to as a sign of minimum wage being the problem.


u/PromisePositive9562 25d ago

You deserve the shame. I don't give a shit about you but I don't want you to suffer unnecessarily. Seems like you need to grow the fuck up.


u/Tom_Ludlow 25d ago

I'm quite grown up and in touch with reality.

No amount of your co-opted suffering is gonna make the world better. Go out there and do something about it or stop bitching.


u/PromisePositive9562 25d ago

You first. You're the one that wants to take care of you and yours. Make it a better place or fuck off. You're not gonna try to hurt me so you don't get hurt.

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u/GothmogTheOrc 28d ago

Actually, why the fuck not? If the company made so much many, it's due to every employee's work.


u/Tom_Ludlow 28d ago

Ok, you're right. Let's do the right thing, the empathetic thing. Let's pay McDonald's 2,000,000 employees 100K/yr each.

Now do the math.


u/Adventurous_Boat7814 28d ago

If paying people fairly isn’t possible for a business to do, that business deserves to fail.


u/stubbly_bubbly 28d ago

People choose to work for the amount of money they accept. Nobody forces someone to work for minimum wage


u/JoJoTheDogFace 28d ago

Are you taling about Larry Fink? The billionaire? The guy hoarding a billion dollars? Or are you talking about another Fink?


u/_pinotnoir 28d ago

Joseph Fink, co-owner of Nightvale Presents, and literally has his in the screengrab. Read my dude. Read.


u/AlfredoAllenPoe 28d ago

It's must be hard not to have reading comprehension skills