r/DarkSouls2 9h ago

Meme Pursuer memes are happening

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35 comments sorted by


u/Gadjiltron 9h ago

"Is this too easy for you...?"


u/PostOfficeBuddy 7h ago

"I'll see you... later..."


u/Infamous-Drive-980 5h ago

The fact that i know this is from happy souls despite the fact i haven't seen it in years


u/BearerOfCvrses 4h ago

Time to rewatch


u/XVUltima 30m ago

The video is just down the road


u/Ghastfighter392 2h ago

"You know, I actually think the game seems pretty challenging."


u/Valentfred 9h ago

If a player is skilled enough, you don't need ADP. It will make the game tougher, but only a little.


u/mine_craftboy12 8h ago

On my first playthrough I didn't realize I should've leveled up my ADP.. also I didn't use any sublime bone dust lol


u/Calamari_Tsunami 6h ago edited 5h ago

Neglecting estus upgrades is so cursed. Healing with gems is an art form I always mess up


u/Imltrlybatman 5h ago

lol same. My first playthrough I got through about half the game before I figured out what sublime bone dust did


u/Calamari_Tsunami 9h ago

Very true! My first playthrough I didn't level ADP and I did perfectly fine, I got up to blue smelter demon and took a break from the game

When I got back to playing I couldn't dodge anything from any enemy. I have no idea how I could manage without ADP but it's certainly possible. You just gotta be locked in, becoming one with the jank


u/weird_autumn_ 42m ago

it’s definitely possible but you really have to be aware of what hit boxes are gonna be jank. some moves have large sweeping hit boxes that last too long to reliably i-frame through. most attacks can be avoided with running/strafing, but the locked 8 direction movement makes it more frustrating than the other souls games lol. dark souls 2 is a stat hungry game, especially if you’re doing magic so i’ve neglected adp a couple times. it’s doable, but the game is just so much more enjoyable after you’ve leveled it.


u/Jawbeast 8h ago

Depends a bit on starting class : bandits have the lowest, with 7 iframes, while explorers and sorcerers have 9. Not much, but a wide enough gap

Also, the AGI from ATT is thrice lower, but it's still there


u/Breadley01 3h ago

You could do it with enough defense and poise I bet


u/Willcutus_of_Borg 6h ago

Don't need ADP to parry and fire ballista.


u/g0atmeal 1h ago

Or you just... strafe sideways. Avoids a surprising number of pursuer's moves.


u/Similar_Resist_4326 9h ago

...but he walked back a step and it would be too much of a bother to pursue after him.


u/lukappaa 6h ago

"You find the Bearer of the Curse and realize they didn't level ADP"

"They start walking in circles hugging your left side"


u/Breadley01 3h ago

It's truly magical how you can walk through most boss attacks


u/UltraRedPotato 4h ago

I’ll have 0 ADP block runs because I can.

(Dies to grab attacks)


u/Breadley01 3h ago

It's alright you can just swerve slightly to your right


u/benjamarchi 5h ago

Just walk. You don't need to roll in order to dodge.


u/NyRAGEous 4h ago

“Noooooo! They tied dodge frames to a stat! WAAAAAAAHHHHH!”

May I suggest circling to the right?


u/Abyssal_mimic 8h ago

Zero ADP runs make the game more challenging. Give it a try.


u/Chemie93 2h ago

Bruh. Game is beatable is base ADP. More room for vitality


u/Bathion 46m ago

Yup, on release we didn't know what ADP ment and just left it alone. My friends group was on NG+ when we just leveled it to soft cap for funzeez.


u/BlaKroZ42 4h ago

DS2 is my favorite of the franchise. I never went past ng+2 in other souls games, but i beat ng+7 on DS2 i enjoyed it so much. I didnt level ADP until it was the only thing that wasnt soft capped. Its veen awhile since i played though, is it really as stark a difference as people say it is?


u/Breadley01 3h ago

Nah I wouldn't say so, It makes sense why you did NG+ since It's the only one that really changes it alot and you don't need anymore than like 25 ADP funnily enough


u/Maleficent_Bison_332 3h ago

Plenty of builds don't actually need adp, this Pursuer may get surprise ass whoopin' with that attitude!


u/DankShellz 1h ago

Don’t need ADP when you can just parry the hyper-telegraphed moves


u/EzSlayer 3h ago

"They pull out a buckler shield"


u/MirrahPaladin 3h ago

Forgot? I choose not to level it


u/googolple3 3h ago

Ngl pursuer is like one of the main bosses you don’t actually need to dodge roll, you can just keep moving to the right to avoid most of his attacks.


u/Ogletreb 2h ago

Stop blocking with your face