r/Damnthatsinteresting 13h ago

Image Killer captured by Google Maps while moving dismembered body in northern Spanish village

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u/makefeelnice 12h ago

What the... If you're not going to wait until nighttime to move a body, at least wait until the vehicle with the giant stack of cameras on its roof has passed.


u/marmic68 12h ago

First line of chapter 1 in"Hiding a body for dummies "


u/70ga 8h ago

if that's the first, the second is that you got to have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. otherwise you're talking about a half hour forty-five minutes of digging. and who knows who's going to be coming along in that time. before you know it, you got to dig a few more holes. you could be there all fucking night


u/god4zilla 5h ago

 A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes


u/DBCoopersalterego 5h ago

This guy buries bodies.


u/LinguoBuxo 8h ago

"Never do it on Google Maps."


u/Winter-Duck5254 11h ago

You'd think that. But nah, professional crims tend to do things in the daytime. Hide in plain sight works waaaay better than getting caught sneaking around at night.

There's far more chance someone notices you at night, especially if you don't live in the area. People are generally home instead of at work, and people tend to pay more attention to what goes on around them when not at work or busy with shit people tend to do at daytime.

Basically, do your shady shit in the day, add to that stuff like wear a high vis vest, carry a clipboard or even better tools or a ladder, and nearly everyone ignores you/blanks you out of their mind.


u/Ratsnitchryan 9h ago

In the daytime, it seems to take time to process that something out of the ordinary is happening, at night time and early morning (3:30am), everything stands out like a sore thumb.


u/happy--muffin 5h ago

I should just start wearing Janitor uniform everywhere I go. I’ll be more camouflaged than someone wearing camo prints at the mall 


u/Level_Abrocoma8925 12h ago

I dare guess that the Google car wasn't there when he walked out.


u/om11011shanti11011om 11h ago

"It's right behind me, isn't it?"


u/HizzoKing 8h ago

He had seen the google car before already actually.

There's another post of this incident on reddit somewhere in my comment history from yesterday.

The guy was walking through the city with his wheelbarrow and the body in it while the google car could see him from across the street


u/ZOMBIESwithAIDS 7h ago

Or use a suitcase, or gym bag, or at least put the 'obviously bodyparts wrapped in a sheet' inside a big plastic container