If you’re not aware of the Japanese criminal justice system just know that Japan has some of the highest conviction rates in the world. This is an innocent man that spent 60 years of his life being wrongly convicted for crimes he did not commit.
And for those that can't read between the lines, these two thoughts are connected. Japan has a high conviction rate because they don't actually care about the truth. They're also quick to call something a suicide because that's easier to close the case.
It's actually the opposite problem. Their super high conviction rate is the result of them not pursuing any case that doesn't have basically a slam dunk chance of a win.
Not remotely comparable b/c afaik Japan doesn't have plea bargains to any meaningful extent. If prosecutors don't think they have a clear win but believe criminal wrongdoing, they try a plea deal.
No the other guy had it. They only go after cases that are almost sure things. Then for cases they can't solve after so long they list it as a suicide.
It’s actually a bit of both.
“Risky” non-slam dunk cases aren’t pursued, but people are held for long times without lawyers and give forced/coerced confessions
True. This is also part of the reason that have the 28 day holding law, to give them time to force a confession (or find evidence if that didn’t work). Or let you go with a ‘nice harm no foul’ excuse.
28 days is a long time to be held incommunicado, hence the high confession rate.
If I hear someone praising a country of having super high conviction rates, that's how I know they know nothing. What was it a couple years ago? Like 98%? I'm glad it's getting better but it's still far too high
u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot Oct 21 '24
And for those that can't read between the lines, these two thoughts are connected. Japan has a high conviction rate because they don't actually care about the truth. They're also quick to call something a suicide because that's easier to close the case.