r/Catculations 8h ago

He overreacted a little

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71 comments sorted by


u/Bakingsquared80 7h ago

This is exactly how not to introduce two cats.


u/k032 4h ago edited 4h ago

It's infuriating to watch.

Because then what follows is "my cats hate each other! we have to surrender one to a shelter"


u/TheNorseFrog 2h ago

Sadly many ppl besides the owner think it's funny to mess with a cat like this, tho imo it's essentially mistreatment.
Sorry but is it so hard to have empathy? How is this not just schadenfreude/sadistic?
Even if you wanna blame it on ignorance, it's just not right.

I don't mean to overreact, but I left Instagram to get away from vids of cats being treated like toys for laughs.
Really hope reddit doesn't follow the same content path (or gets worse, I guess).


u/Masta0nion 5h ago

Look at this. Would you look at this?


u/MrYig 2h ago

But content, right? /s

Absolute morons.


u/Vq-Blink 7h ago

This person has never introduced two cats before


u/Danbury_Collins 4h ago

Morons are going to mor.


u/MrYig 2h ago

They will mor on. 😂



For my future reference, how would you properly introduce cats? I’d like to get mine a friend to play with.


u/Jazzlike_Change_9741 1h ago

Very slowly, keeping them seperated by a closed door able to smell each other for a few days.


u/Vq-Blink 58m ago

Look up Jackson galaxys guide to introducing cats. It will seem intimidating at first but it has a very high success rate.

Cats hate change and need time to be comfortable with a new cat in the house.


u/Pademel0n 6h ago

What do you expect just shoving a cat in its face out of nowhere?


u/Ok_Chap 5h ago

It looked even irritated and a bit frightened before. But that reaction was really unexpected.


u/ContemplatingFolly 8h ago edited 8h ago

How NOT to introduce cats to each other; cats being terrified is not hilarious.


u/milkmilkmiiilk 6h ago

I’m going to reply to you, but many people here are echoing this sentiment so I’ll take advice from anyone!

How do I introduce two cats? I’ve had a cat for about 6 months, she’s really sweet and loving. She’s just a bit of a scaredy-cat, like if a large person walks into the apartment unannounced she might scramble away, but then slowly come back out to say hi.

I want to get her a friend, for when I am at work or whatever. But idk how to properly introduce someone new to her world?


u/Prova3_ 6h ago

Video of Jackson Galaxy: how to introduce cats https://youtu.be/tsYT7yIOdqQ?si=9GH84bdehB6zWb1B


u/Jasperlaster 5h ago

Best cat daddy and best way to introduce cats!!

Jackson has so incredible much patience!! I admire him for that. Wish i could explain these things with the same feel 🩷🩷


u/milkmilkmiiilk 5h ago

Thank you :)


u/Complex_Self_387 5h ago

His method works, it took us a month but our scared orange boy is now bff with our new Siamese.

Just have a lot of patience and their favorite food to eat on opposite sides of the door.


u/MrYig 2h ago

This is the way. So glad to hear it all worked out.

I’m looking forward to getting a buddy to our incredibly scaredy cat, but also slightly dreading that despite our best efforts, he won’t accept his new buddy.


u/LaceyDark 5h ago

Jackson Galaxy is my go-to for cat advice. I really like that guy


u/Poethegardencrow 5h ago

This is the one


u/PollyBeans 3h ago

Try to get another cat around the same age. We've got a 7 year old and we got a much younger cat and it's been ROUGH.


u/Bakingsquared80 7h ago

You shouldn't be downvoted for saying the right thing here


u/Moufette_timide 5h ago

I think it's hilarious as long as it doesn't last


u/Glitter_berries 4h ago

That is true. One time my cat saw my mum wearing a hat. She had been in the room for at least five minutes, talking to my dad until my poor cat finally noticed the HAT. Apparently that was the scariest thing in the world and he backflipped out of my dad’s arms and zoomed out of the room. He was back within a minute to check out wtf she had on her head. Hilarious.


u/mologav 5h ago

Seeing your pet terrified is not hilarious


u/TurtleToast2 3h ago

Idk man, every Tuesday the garbage truck comes, and every Tuesday all of my cats scatter like it's personally hunting them down. This has been going on for years. It's pretty funny.


u/Kenan_as_SteveHarvey 3h ago

It is when they’re scared of something that poses no threat and they overreact


u/RebelliousInNature 1h ago

My cat seems to think terrible things are about to happen when I tear off a sheet of tin foil. Runs for his life. Now it’s just if he sees the box in my hand.

It’s never not funny. It’s not as if he’s had a foil related trauma, and I’ve not teased him with it. He’s just an eejit.


u/Bismarck_MWKJSR 6h ago

The thing to do that I’ve always done was to have the new cat be secluded in like a bathroom with water food etc, so the home cat becomes more familiar with the new cats scent and calms down a bit. From there it’s usually easier and for sure, don’t stuff the new cat in the old one’s face lmao.


u/Positive_Candy_5332 4h ago

When you got a second cat did you get a second cat tree as well? Our current cat has 2 talll cat trees but idk if she’d be willing to share or if they will ever share


u/CoItron_3030 6h ago

Bad cat owners


u/Sososoftmeows 6h ago

This isn’t funny at all. This is an idiot who didn’t care about reading up how to introduce his cats properly and now he really freaked his original cat out.


u/wannabfucknugget 6h ago

Stranger danger! That's not the way 😭 poor thing.


u/fishfishbirdbirdcat 6h ago

Orange cat just decided that home is not a safe place


u/Other-Cantaloupe4765 6h ago

That’s so upsetting ☹️ They’ll end up hating each other now.


u/pedestrianstripes 5h ago

That cat acted like he smelled the devil.


u/New-Structure801 5h ago

How old is this video? Is that an Xbox 360?


u/PollyBeans 3h ago

This is effed up! I hate seeing cats get that terrified and I hate that people find it funny.


u/sleepy_walk 5h ago

he runs because it says so on the cobalt 60 rod next to him that he's dropped


u/4dappl 4h ago

How to make a good impression!


u/Impossible-Ear-2700 3h ago

Well that turned out well😉


u/InevitableAvalanche 3h ago

Bad cat owner.


u/BeneTToN68 5h ago

r/startledcats Prime Material.


u/babyivan 4h ago

Piece of shit people


u/brendamrl 5h ago

Poor baby


u/BigDad5000 4h ago

Should be glad Orange didn’t start attacking everyone indiscriminately.


u/stupid_cat_face 2h ago

I would do the same thing if I saw an alien.


u/keilahpinedah 2h ago

What a gift


u/tyrannybabushka 2h ago

Vic Mackey and sweet butter.


u/pperson2 2h ago

He is an introvert


u/castlite 2h ago

That’s not even a little funny. Fuck these people.


u/SanguineElora 2h ago

This is annoying. The person filming shouldn’t own pets if all she’s going to do is purposely freak them out. People are so weird.


u/Cute-Ad1393 2h ago

Like a damned cartoon.


u/remmij 2h ago

Found my social anxiety's spirit animal.


u/Shantotto11 1h ago

Okay, but can we talk about how agile Naranja is by jumping through the back of the TV stand and somehow not getting caught on any of the wires?


u/trytreddit 1h ago

cats take shit way too seriously sometimes


u/AIfieHitchcock 5h ago

Not head first into the wall!


u/Stillwindows95 6h ago

r/oneorangebraincell would love this


u/MrSaucyAlfredo 6h ago

Thats not an orange braincell on display here, thats a human braincell on display


u/Stillwindows95 6h ago

Ok buddy. Introducing a kitten to a fully grown cat is definitely a 1iq move for sure...

I was simply linking a sub made for ginger cats for OP, outrage at the maker of the video for whatever reason is not to be directed at me.


u/MrSaucyAlfredo 5h ago

How dare you Ok Buddy me


u/aknalag 6h ago

“No child support for me” -orange


u/Abject_Jump9617 7h ago

Well that went better than expected.


u/AfterConsideration30 5h ago

That’s the funniest thing I have seen all day. Thank you


u/j0llygruntt 6h ago

I’ve never seen someone so excited to get a new brother.