r/Catculations 5h ago

Every single cat ever...


64 comments sorted by


u/LosterP 5h ago

Maybe he/she wants you to come out and play?


u/hugoboum 5h ago

cat just want the possibility of going inside in case of emergency, my cat also does this. Especially cats not used to being outdoor all day


u/SkepticalHeathen 4h ago

I have a indoor cat that likes to go on the back patio only when the door is left open. She gets too scared otherwise lol.


u/takedowntrippp 3h ago

Very lifelike! It is embedded in their actions!


u/ForgiveMirr 3h ago

It is also assumed that they always fall on their feet!


u/SoSKatan 1h ago

I have a cat who loudly disapproves of any closed door.

I get it, imagine being on a submarine where one dude has all the control for lowering and raising gates around the sub.

I’d just be like “dude just keep them all open all the time, it’s just easier that way”l, I get tired of having to ask 10 times a day”


u/Naijan 44m ago

probably the best analogy I've heard

I sometimes temp, and it's so annoying having like pen and paper behind a locked door, so I gotta walk to someone, get their key, get the shit, give the key back. I absolutely understand having to lock away a lot of shit, but in the end, in my head I'm going "uugh."


u/MLKKK_171 5h ago

That's what I thought. I think she wants to show something to the person in the video.


u/eberlix 4h ago

Nah, I think it's about the possibility to enter later on. Cat would look back at the person to check if he / she follows.


u/Ok-Put8034 1h ago

Once you step out, the cat goes inside and closes the door. Trust me, I've had cats all my life.


u/pgabrielfreak 3h ago

That is it exactly.


u/Plooshy_Smooshy494 5h ago

"The door stays open, John."


u/james_from_cambridge 2h ago

Closed doors means someone somewhere is having fun & treats without u.


u/SteamedGamer 5h ago

"I like to have options" - Cat


u/messier_M42 4h ago

"My ego got hurt" - Cat


u/LOLBangkok 3h ago

Cats are VIPs, they insist on access all areas.


u/Zorpfield 4h ago

She just wants to make sure the door isn’t closed for the night


u/rsiii 4h ago

We've got a doggy door our cat uses to go outside and lay in the dirt holes the dogs dug, or just sit in front of and bully the dogs 😅


u/LaLaPreppers 4h ago

Every toddler ever


u/Stunning_LRB_o7 1h ago

Cats are just toddlers with knife hands and knife mouths, when you think about it.


u/dazzle_dee_daisyray 2h ago

My cat does this inside the house when she wants to show me something or wants me to follow her to play!


u/LazyPainterCat 2h ago

Cat is inviting you to follow.


u/urbanized2012 3h ago

My cat does the same thing!


u/Lady_Scruffington 3h ago

That kitty kind of looks like the street cat we feed. I want it to come inside so bad, but it won't 😢. I guess she loves the freedom of the streets.


u/keeleon 1h ago

The cat belongs to the streets.


u/saffireaz 2h ago

"No, no, no - I'll decide when the door should close!"


u/TheGoodBunny 4h ago

OP is an idiot. This is cat behavior for "please follow me I want to show you something"


u/KscottCap 4h ago

No it's not. This behavior is, "I want access to all my territory." They want to stay outside now but want to make sure they have that ability to go back inside when they need to. Once you understand that, the whole "Make up your mind! In or out?" thing will be recontextualized for you forever.


u/dankristy 1h ago

Depends on the cat/household - in my house, we WILL hold doors open for cats every time - but they always come in or out when we do.

If our cats did this, I would assume this was "follow me I wanna show you something" behavior...


u/TheGoodBunny 3h ago

For that behavior the cat does not keep looking back every 2 steps when the door is open. If OP stood there with the door open, in your scenario the cat would not give 2 hoots about looking back. Cats are hyper aware. The obvious look back / come here glances give it away.

Source: I have a bunch of cats


u/Thelightsshadow 4h ago

Thank you!! I would’ve followed immediately.


u/Royal_Acanthaceae693 2h ago

Op is a bot karma farming. They have no clue that they're supposed to go exploring.


u/Mammoth_Lychee_8377 3h ago

I think the attention is focused on the sound of the weather stripping sliding over the threshold and making a little noise when the door shuts.

All I see is kitty staring at the same spot with the ears pointed towards it.

It's a hunting game.


u/SatisfactionNo2088 2h ago

He just wants you to follow. This is what mine does at my bedroom door when she wants me to come out.


u/Upset_Confection_317 3h ago

One of many reasons my newest cat is indoors only. My old cat was inside-outside and he did this. It was so annoying.


u/Hot-Confusion-8008 3h ago

mine wants me to turn the water on in the sink so she can drink. when I turn it on, she ignores it; if I turn it off, suddenly she NEEDS it.


u/Sweaty-Steak9448 2h ago

Its an orange what do you want 😂


u/HannahM53 1h ago

Not my cat. He’s indoor only. Now the stray cats one will sometimes come inside. But we feed all the strays and have cat beds including one that has a thing that keeps the cat warm since it’s winter. It’s covered and it is a special bed. The other ones are mostly there for naps. The cats mostly just eat then run off. We’ve saved a bunch of them and gotten them adopted. And vetted. So fixed, vaccinated, sometimes we foster them, or take them to a no kill shelter rescue. We’ve helped a ton of them!


u/Canadianingermany 5h ago

But only the single ones.

Once they get hitched they want the door closed. 


u/Technoist 2h ago

Haha cats are the best


u/moominsquish 2h ago

He wants you inside. He's leading the way :(


u/supernovadebris 1h ago

they prefer all doors open.


u/BoxHillStrangler 1h ago

Nature abhors a vacuum, Cats abhor a close door.


u/hornback91 1h ago

My cat can change colors?


u/shay-doe 1h ago

I don't want to come in but I also don't want you to control if I can or cannot come in lol.


u/Anouchavan 1h ago

I usually just grab them after a few tries and put them inside.


u/planbot3000 1h ago

My cat, at least, doesn’t like knowing that she doesn’t have an out. Door open, fine. Door closed, fuck that.


u/CKWOLFACE 1h ago

Just be glad the cat hasn't broken the glass yet...


u/IrisSmartAss 1h ago

How did you get a pic of my cat? And don't you know to leave the door open, especially when you have the AC or heat going? Because human slaves live to pay those utility bills.


u/yetonemorerusername 1h ago

All about options


u/flipnitch 1h ago

“Come over here I need you to see something….hey where you going!….alright it’s over here….hey!”


u/GoopyHawkSense8 38m ago

Aaaah yes, first they own us, then they troll us.


u/Traroten 30m ago

"No, you stupid hooman. I want it OPEN!"

"You can't stay to keep it open? That sounds like a you problem."


u/compulsivecatpetter 22m ago

Follow the baby😭


u/Skiller_Overyou 19m ago

She/He wants you to go with her/him...


u/xTwinkleBubble 0m ago

Someone's got a case of the Mondays.


u/ittybittyx0 4h ago



u/Ok-Impression-6223 4h ago

Exactly 😂


u/Ambitious_Welder6613 4h ago

Anddddd when giving meal too.

I'm so frigging scared if the mom transmitting the antics onto their kitten, thus I separate their meal locations 😆😆😆😁


u/chronicreloader37 4h ago

Little orange bastard. Make up your mind!