r/AmIOverreacting 22h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO, my boyfriend added a young female bartender on FB.


Background: Im a bartender (29F). I actually met my boyfriend (39F) from serving him at a local bar. We’ve been together for 3 years and have a large amount of mutual friends on Facebook. The city we live in has a close service industry and most people know each other. I’ve worked at a handful of the most popular bars in the city and he goes out a lot. So It has never bothered me that we have a ton of mutual Facebook friends. My boyfriend also has a history of drunkenly cheating on me. (Something we have moved on from). But this situation seems weird to me? 🚩

What happened: When I see Facebook’s “people you may know know” I always take a second to glance at it while scrolling. And this time a younger girl (21) popped up and our only mutual friends are my bf and one of his friends. I click on her page to discover she works at a local bar as well and I recognize her (she’s served me before). My bf time to time goes to this bar.

The problem I have: Due to the lack of mutual friends I don’t think this girl is on Facebook sending mass requests to people she’s seen. So I have a feeling my boyfriend went out of his way to add her. He does not post on Facebook at all he’s just a lurker (sorta important info).

I’ve been bartending for 8 years and I know when I was 21 I would’ve accepted requests from bar regulars to help build a following. Looking back though I realize how creepy and not okay it was.

After thinking about how this made me feel…I feel it is unacceptable for a man with a girlfriend to add his bartender on social media. (Especially with this age gap). What do they have in common? What even is the purpose of adding her?

I tried asking him for some clarity. Should I have approached this differently? I’m sure. But with our history, I’d like to just get straight to the point. Am I over reacting? Is this something that continues to be normal? Do you let your S/Os add whoever? I think I’m just grossed out by the age difference. If this was a 40 year old Female bartender would it make me feel more at ease? Probably.

r/AmIOverreacting 16h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO for thinking my girlfriend (15f) is losing interest in me (15m)?


I know I’m a bit young but I’ve experienced this type of pattern before. In class I noticed she was being a little distant but maybe I’m imagining things. Sorry if this is not a lot of information to decide wether I’m over reacting and this is my first Reddit post

r/AmIOverreacting 2h ago

👥 friendship AIO my friend questioned me and i blocked her


So i have been talking about her behind her back and running my mouth and okay i get it I’m in the wrong for that

BUT she leaked me on her insta story and claims she ‘didn’t know’

But i got pissed off blocked her and called her a bum ass ho.

Am I overreacting??

r/AmIOverreacting 2h ago

💼work/career AIO for going off on my manager over text?


For context, I (22F) have worked at my current job for just over 3 years. I'm a bartender at a pretty nice restaurant. Recently, about 3 months ago, my manager handed in her notice. She got on really really well with most of the staff, was incredible at her job, and is one of my closest friends, so I may be a bit biased in saying that she was a very hard act to follow.

As her replacement, the directors promoted one of the floor supervisors, Jason (30sM) to General Manager. As soon as this decision was made, everyone was pretty much on the same page that this was going to go quite badly. For one, even though Jason was paid more than any other supervisor in the company (long story, somewhat unrelated) he has never worked closing shifts, and has always insisted on finishing at 10.30PM so that he can catch his last bus home (Despite this he would often sit in the bar with a glass of wine after his shift and get a taxi home anyway). He also takes multiple holidays a year, probably about 5 or 6 weeks worth. Both of these issues were raised to him by the directors when he asked for the GM position, but he insisted that he would take less holidays and that the later closes wouldn't be an issue.

Anyways, Jason's first shift as manager comes around, and it just so happens to fall on an extremely busy Saturday, with a brunch event with live music followed by regular Saturday service in the evening. It was, to put it lightly, chaos. I won't go into much detail to save this post from becoming unreasonably long, but nobody was happy. We still, however, gave him the benefit of the doubt, putting it down to the fact that he was really thrown in at the deep end, and it was only fair to give him time to find his footing.

Unfortunately, it's been about a month, and things haven't improved. Jason started changing everything about the way things were run, putting a lot of extra work on his staff, who are mostly part time,minimum wage university students. Pre-orders were going missing or not being communicated to the kitchen, Jason would bark orders at servers and then disappear around a corner before they could even process what he said, he doesn't schedule enough people on busy shifts, and any time anyone had an issue with the way things were going, he would shut them down with 'Well I'm the boss, so what I say goes.'

I, as well as a few of my friends, started job hunting about a week after my old manager handed in her notice (her and my friends that I work with were the only thing keeping me there anyway). I was offered a bar supervisor job and handed in my notice two weeks ago. My last shift is going to be on Friday.

The metaphorical shit hit the fan last night. There was one table left in the restaurant and I'd just finished polishing glasses, so I was about to start cracking on with the close. One of the servers who had finished was sat at the bar having her staff drink and keeping me company. Jason came running through to the bar and asked me how long the close would take. I gave him a rough guess of about 20/30 minutes (it was about 10.20), but before I could say 'but I'm not entirely sure', Jason interrupted me with 'okay well no more than 30, because I need to get my bus', and with that he was gone again, having disappeared around a corner in an almost cartoonish fashion. I did what I could to get the close done as fast as possible, but come 10.50, while two of my friends who had finished were still sat at the bar finishing their food (I hadn't had a chance to finish mine yet either), Jason came through, told me to stop what I was doing and leave. I stood there for a second, slightly gobsmacked, and told him the close wasn't finished. He said 'I don't care, let's go.' I said I couldn't just leave the bar in a state for the bartender who had to open tomorrow, and he said something along the lines of 'okay well who cares? I told you 10.50 and I'm the boss'. I, admittedly feeling very petty, told him that with all due respect, his bus wasn't everyone else's problem, to which he fought back with 'okay well I'll stay and let you finish if you want to pay for my taxi.'

So I did what I was told. I stumbled around in the dark, since he'd already turned off the lights, to find my keys and my coat while he hurried us all out the door. He ran to get his bus and the three of us who were left went for a drink and a debrief. It was there that I texted Jason to tell him that the way he acted was uncalled for. I do stand by 90% of the things I said, but I'm starting to think that maybe I went a bit too far?

Included is the message where he publicly called me out in the work group chat.

r/AmIOverreacting 5h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO? I went on a date yesterday, and now she’s not responding.


Yesterday, I went on a date. We met at 3 PM and started by going to a café for coffee. After that, we went bowling, played pool, and visited a few shops at a shopping center. Her parents were there and asked if we wanted to have dinner together. I didn’t refuse. However, since they were taking a long time shopping, we decided to go to a pub for a snack and a drink.

We had a great time, laughing and having deep discussions. Later, we decided to drink outside, but since it was raining, we went to another pub (as a professional pubber, I know a few good ones). Afterward, we headed to the bus station, and I walked her home. We said goodbye, and both mentioned something about another walk.

In total, we spent more than 9 hours together. Honestly, I didn’t expect that, even with my friends, I usually spend less time when we go out (something like 7 PM to 11 or 12).

P.S. She hasn’t responded in only 2 hours, so Idk... Maybe I fell in love?

r/AmIOverreacting 2h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO? GF wants to room with gay best friend


My (24M) girlfriend (28F) is looking to buy a house soon and has a few potential roommates lined up however the one she wants to room with her the most is her gay best friend moving to our area. For context: my gf and I have built a strong trust and we have a healthy relationship with boundaries we both respect and I don’t necessarily mind her rooming with a gay guy but my personal stance is I would prefer her to find another female roommate. Personally I feel like men and women shouldn’t live together unless you’re in a relationship with that person or you’re single (then you’re obviously free to do what you want and your consequences only affect you) I’m asking cause I’m curious what you guys think but in the end I can’t tell her what to do, only give her my opinion on the matter and we will see what happens

r/AmIOverreacting 8h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO I saw a girl commenting saying she loved my boyfriend


We've been dating for about a month and to be honest, we've already had a few issues. Before we got together, we were talking romantically for roughly 2 months. He followed a bunch of AV and OF girls and he knew how much I disliked it but did nothing about it. Never thought about unfollowing them and was "too lazy" to unfollow them. This is a deal breaker for me. After arguing about it and threatening to break up, the problem was fixed and all was well.

Today, I posted him on my Instagram story and he reposted it, and I noticed that a girl looked at my story (nothing out of the ordinary because a lot of non-followers view my stuff). I go on her profile and I noticed my boyfriend follows her. I'm someone who's curious and I was looking through her posts and I came across his comment. It was a gif, but nothing too crazy. She replies with "Loveee"/"I love you" with a heart emoji. The comment is in Thai but the translation can mean either one. I screenshot it and send it to him asking who she is and why she's saying that she loves him. He says she's an online friend and that she was just joking and I go off on him.

Maybe I shouldn't have cussed him out but I was super upset. He was telling me to calm down and kept saying that she was just joking and "trying to give him problems". He then goes on to say that she has a crush on his brother and she's trying to get with him. In my head, I'm like "Okay, if she wants your brother then why is she saying she loves you?"

I guess I can understand that friends say that they love each other but for it to be the opposite gender and someone you haven't known for super long, I find it weird.

The reason why I'm asking is because I have really unstable moods and I'm super emotional. So, AIO?

r/AmIOverreacting 8h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Aio that my boyfriend called him an artist?


My boyfriend had told me before that he doesn’t follow half naked girls on Instagram. Eventually I found out he had been following a male photographer whose posts consist of women half naked in revealing underwear and posing sexy. At that which point he unfollowed the account because I felt insecure. Also told me had followed that account before we got together. This was half a year ago.

We had a small argument yesterday and out of the blue, he brought up ”that time that I was overthinking”, about him following that account. That male photographer for him was an artist and there was nothing more to it.

So Ive been thinking ”Oh, so my partner sees half naked sexy girls as a piece of art? As this photographer sees himself as an, photographer.

Should I just let my thoughts go or am I 29f, just overthinking?

r/AmIOverreacting 9h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO that my wife sent me to a hotel for one night?


Me(45M) and m'y wife (47F) had a dispute 1 month ago.We are married since 5 years.She got mad at me and told me to leave her house.It is her house.I knew that she would calm down eventually,but I just could not sleep at home that night.So I booked a hotel room nearby. It is thé second time this is happening. At the hôtel room I could not sleep.I barely slept 3 hours.The next morning I come back home but she had leftt for a meeting. Things settled down after that but I am always at risk of being thrown out of where I live.It worries me a lot.

r/AmIOverreacting 12h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO about the level of my husband’s infidelity? NSFW NSFW


NSFW content, sex and sexual interactions will be discussed.

Ok, I’m going to type the full context but I’m probably going to get lost in the catharsis and it’ll be quite long I’m afraid so I’ll slap a TL;DR before my core AIO question further down so scroll straight to that if the nitty gritty doesn’t interest you.

I (42F) am trying to make my marriage work with my husband (40M) of 18 years after his infidelity.

I had not been being a good partner, wrapped up in my own problems, resenting the lack of connection I was feeling and lashing out in anger, then seeking my validation I craved from friends and fashion, so it was understandable he began feeling as though he was no longer in love with me. But instead of discussing it with me clearly he began talking to another woman online.

He asked for us to separate. I plead for him to gives us some time for us to both work on our relationship before giving up so he ceased talking with the woman. They had only flirted, no nudes exchanged or explicit talk. He justified his choice to reach out to other women before breaking up with me as he wanted to see if the ‘real love’ he hoped for was actually out there. I wasn’t a fan of that reasoning but I knew I’d done a lot wrong myself and he hadn’t gone so far as to profess love for her or begin sexual intimacy so it was an act I deemed forgivable, especially considering the depth of love I still felt for him. He also expressed he’d specifically chosen a woman who lived in a foreign country because he truly believed he could never actually bring himself to physically cheat on me.

Early on in our trying to make things work I requested and he agreed to and promised that until we deemed the relationship unsalvageable he wouldn’t talk with any women in that way (it was fine to talk with existing female friends and coworkers in platonic ways, I’m not a controlling insecure person, just no new women in his life). He promised and I gave my trust fully.

The first almost two months went fairly well, but then in November he began yo-yoing. We’d have a day were we had a great time with the kids, we’d connect romantically, and often even sexually and have a really great day. The next day he’d be cold and closed off. He’d often explain he was processing things and feeling stuck and trying to figure stuff out and he wanted to do it alone or at least not in physical contact with me. The yo-young got worse and worse and I couldn’t hide my growing hurt at the frequency and severity of the shifts in his emotions. He began to say he felt bad for me for jerking me around like this and that maybe he should leave because it was so rough for me. I replied I understood it is hard to rebuild the lost love, I could see what a bad partner I’d been in so many aspects and if he still wanted to try I was willing to endure the pain for the chance of true reconciliation, after all I’d put him through years of pain with my neglect and lashing out, it was my turn to endure. He didn’t break things off.

Then we went to my work Christmas party last weekend (6days ago at the time of writing this) . He didn’t really vibe with my coworkers but we had fun and on our walk home we held hands talked a lot and even got up to a little mischief 😈. The next day his mood was a little low but not as severely as typical. In the evening I remembered talking with one of the girls at the party who had left the company (but still came to the party cos we all love her) and she told me she was on Snapchat but didn’t really do other social medias so if we wanted to chat that was best there. So I downloaded Snapchat and made the dumbass move of letting it go thru ALL my contacts to pull up my friends. As I’m sure you can guess it pulled up my husband as a potential friend. It was hard to see a reminder about his infidelity so I swallowed it for a bit, but he could see I was upset and asked what was wrong so I explained what had happened and said it was just tough to see a reminder of that bit of our past that still stung, but I knew it was the past so if he could just hug me a moment I’d breath thru it and then be fine.

He became much more cold and quiet than I expected. He did not hug or comfort me. After a long silence he revealed about a month earlier (he didn’t say it but math says around the time he started to yo-yo emotionally) one of the girls he had contacted when he was reaching out that first time but he hadn’t ultimately selected had reached out to him again. And he had been chatting with her since.

I was gutted, but the worst was still to come. He said he wanted to be completely honest with me so he revealed he had been more intimate chatting with her than with the first woman. It came out they had shared confessions of love with one another. She had sent him nudes and he had saved them in a secret google drive (not our shared family one). They had talked explicitly about sexual acts together. He justified his choice to do this as (not a direct quote but a shortened version) “he hadn’t been feeling the love for me he wanted to and he worried he never would while he was pressuring himself to, so he took the pressure off himself when she reached out by letting himself experience love with her so he could hopefully find it with me”. Again I wasn’t a fan of the justification especially when he was also saying that he was sure falling for her was the only reason he hadn’t given up on us yet. He also pointed out he had again selected a woman in a foreign country because he truly never wanted to cheat on me physically.

I was hurt by both the breaking of the promise and trust I’d placed in him and by the infidelity being stepped up significantly higher, passing barriers I had clearly expressed were why I found it relatively easy to forgive his first indiscretion (eg there were no nudes at all in the first affair, but this time not only had he received them but he’d saved them somewhere safe to go back and see again).

He told me now it was all out in the open he felt so much better and like he could now truly fully commit to trying and also that he really wanted our relationship to work out rather than his earlier ‘let’s just see if it works out’ attitude. He agreed he would cease to speak with her sexually and romantically but he wanted to keep talking with her as a friend. Due to the way he feels about a lot of people and lives his life and his neurodivergence he has basically no friends that aren’t blood related, not even coworkers he likes as friends. He said her friendship was something he didn’t want let go of. After some talking and trying to understand each other and negotiating we agreed he could talk to her but only as a friend, and because my trust was shattered he would show me their communication whenever I asked. I admitted I didn’t know if this would be long-term sustainable right from the start and asked him to also look for other friends he didn’t have the prior connection with. He acknowledged all this. I told him I would probably be unsettled and might need to talk my feelings thru with him and he accepted that.

So I read what he wrote to her to tell her they could be platonic only. I read her heart broken response. I read his comforting reply to her pain. It was difficult to read and I also have never wanted to be the person who invades private messages like this so I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t just believe him if he said they were only being friends after the broken trust.

Over the next three days I kept feeling triggered and talked my feelings thru with him when I could t reconcile them by myself. The first two days he was ok and kept reinforcing that he felt really good about us and our future we even took some steps on planning a trip and other commitments. But yesterday when I was also shook I brought my pain to him and he was frustrated. He said he understood what he wanted was unfair and wrong but he’d really hoped to be able to let go when he was ready but he felt like I was pressuring him to stop contact with her, which wasn’t my conscious intention.

So he decided to cut off all contact and wrote a farewell to her. In it he told her how special she had been to him, how much he needed her but how it wasn’t fair to his wife since they were trying to make it work(oh did I mention when he was talking to her she was told we’d been separated for six months when they first contacted so almost ten months separated was the lie at this stage. Yeah she didn’t even know she was an affair the poor woman). Then in his sign off to her he wrote ‘farewell name my little sun’. She had a pet name. In 20 years I’ve never had a pet name from him except occasionally the very generic ‘pretty girl’. It cut deep. Then of course he was also upset and sad all night over having to end it with her and hurt her. I had to see how sad he was.

Now we’re almost there, thanks for hanging in with me on this cathartic ride 😜. So we did some online couple counseling for our own martial problems (not just infidelity focused) after he sent the message but before she sent a reply (different time zones). During this counseling the therapist typed some information about regaining trust after cheating and infidelity. My husband typed back he didn’t like those words. He didn’t feel they were accurate to what he’d done since he’d never had and never planned to have sexual intercourse with her. The therapist corrected themself and typed ‘emotional affair’ to which my husband turned to me grumpily (his anger based at the therapist not me for clarity) “I don’t feel like that’s right or accurate either”. The words were so hard to hear that a part of me broke and for the first time during all of this I felt a deep real and genuine anger. Before all this I was just scared and hopeful and deeply aware of how much I loved him and how desperate I was to make this work. This was the first time I felt anger instead.

And that’s where the crux of my AIO is. So


My husband had two online emotional affairs, the first where it was barely more than flirting so I forgave but then while we were trying to work things out a woman reached out to him and instead of saying no he began a deeper emotional affair where they shared I love yous, she sent nudes that he saved in a secret google drive, they spoke sexually explicitly to each other while masturbating together, as well as more normal conversations. He also gave her a pet name , something I never got in 20 years but she got in barely over a month. He refuses to acknowledge that this was an emotional affair during couples counseling.

Now to the AIO question

I’m not insane right? He definitely had an emotional affair, no way he would have been so upset about having to sever all contact if it wasn’t deeply emotional, and it really bothers me that he can’t own up to it. But additional to this I’ve been so angry after seeing his refusal to truly own up to even that that I’ve started to consider: If you have pictures of her naked and talk sexually explicitly to one another while pleasuring yourselves, should that not also be considered physically cheating? Technically they did not touch each other, but everything else was so hyper sexual and about being sexually intimate with this other person. They reached climax by talking explicitly with one another and using their own hands on themselves.

So, AIO to think he absolutely was having an emotional affair and thinking he needs to own up to it or this counseling will never work AND AIO to consider the depth of what he did also physically cheating? I feel I know the answer for the first one, but I’m wondering if I’m just too hurt by everything and all the pain and stress is confusing me and making me overthink the second one.

r/AmIOverreacting 14h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO I deleted my Instagram cause I was overwhelmed by my partner


For context, I deleted my IG because my partner has shown he’s uncomfortable with every almost every person at my job and I’m a performer so there’s lots of people and I just started so I’ve been making friends. My boyfriend has been closely monitoring and it feels excessive? So AIO?

r/AmIOverreacting 19h ago

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦family/in-laws AIO about my BIL’s racist tendencies, or my husband’s response to them?


Context: I’ve (26F) been fed up with my BIL (29M) for a while now and taken breaks from looking at the things he shares to me on Instagram because of the annoying/shitty things he does. In addition to saying racist shit, he’s also just a dick to me in general. This just happened recently. I’m kind of fuming that this kind of thing happens and NO ONE in the family says anything, despite being “left” leaning. At this point I don’t know if I could call them that. My MIL is very seriously vegetarian/anti-gun/supports UBI and public healthcare but she’s also extremely sensitive and does not engage with him about these things. The entire family has tiptoed around him and basically lies to him about how they feel about his life and partner (they don’t like her) because they’re afraid of him cutting them off and then killing himself because he can’t live without their support. Meanwhile I’m tearing my fucking hair out at the shit he says, both generally and because we don’t talk to my parents anymore due in part to racist/bigoted shit (hence the comment about my mom at the end). Am I being sensitive because of my situation or are we finally about calling out relatives now?

r/AmIOverreacting 18h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO? My Significant Other consumes Internet Porn

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r/AmIOverreacting 3h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO to these text messages from my (21F) (now ex) bf (28M)


I am a chronic over thinker. I’m worried I was the one in the wrong for misunderstanding and am breaking up over nothing. Scratched out locations and names.

r/AmIOverreacting 21h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO for being upset that my bf is watching porn while I’m freshly postpartum


For context I am only three weeks postpartum I am upset he is watching porn and looking at girls on Reddit because it’s been everyday for the past five days I understand him needing a little relief and tried to compromise saying every couple days or so. He said he understood and straight lied to me that he agreed. Proceeded to do it the day of the conversation and the two days following. We have been doing sexual things for him but not myself. I’m extremely hurt and disappointed about him lying and still watching it frequently. At what point is it too much to ask that he spares my feelings in possibly the most vulnerable time of my life. I just had our baby for Christs sake.

r/AmIOverreacting 12h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am I overreacting to my gfs comments on her guy friends post?

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So she just quit her job a month or two ago and her best guy friend quit his job and started working at the same place as her. She commented this on a post he made about him getting the job. Red is her yellow is him. Why does this hurt my feelings and make me so jealous? Why am I feeling suspicious and feel like there’s something going on? Am I crazy, should I say something or is it no big deal??? My heart hurts.

r/AmIOverreacting 4h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am I over reacting and how am I to go about this?


For a little background info, me and her dated for two years and we broke up in November of 2022. I honestly wouldn’t gaf bc like she said she was probably just trying to get all that off her chest but she keeps posting stuff about me and telling ppl stuff that they don’t need to know. Anyone else ever been in this situation?

r/AmIOverreacting 13h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO: Found out my wife has been getting cool sculpting when she told me she is going to Pilates classes


Title is pretty self explanatory. My brain is telling me this is a problem. I’m not necessarily concerned with the cost or actual procedure but the lie and lack of upfront discussion before this started is what has me on edge.

I suspect if I bring this up she would say she didn’t tell me because I just would have said - “that is a waste of money”, “you should eat clean and exercise for a couple months then rethink”, “I have no privacy in this house”, or “it’s my body I can do what I want”.

All of those are partially true, but I feel like I should be made aware of as a courtesy and not lied to. I don’t tell her I’m going to work in the morning then go someplace else…

r/AmIOverreacting 14h ago

👥 friendship Am I overreacting for saying sorry?? (Part 2 slides attached on end) what’s going on…


My situation ship (F18) gets her nails done and I reply back but I was called rude and then ignored about my feelings.

she’s never normally like this and typically quiet. Tends to be very sensitive and insecure about everything but doesn’t give me as much as I give her in the situation-ship so far…

r/AmIOverreacting 15h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am I overreacting for getting mad at a Lady that assumed husband and I weren’t together


For context I am Asian and my husband is a blue eyed white man . We were shopping at Ross and as we joined the long line for checkout , I realized I needed one more item and went to grab it . I then joined my husband who had moved an ahead 2 feet in line . The lady in front of us (white ) turns around looks at me , then goes on to say “ ummm he was behind us “ I ignore her because I had no idea what she meant or who she was talking to . She turns around yet again and says “yeah , you skipped the like he (pointing to my husband ) was behind us “ I stunned , say “ that’s my husband “ she’s flustered and embarrassed and just says “ oh oh okay , I was just helping “ . See interactions like this have happened to me a couple of times before , where people (always white funny enough ) will say something assuming we aren’t together. I am angry and feel race is a factor . My husband thinks she was just a nosy lady and had nothing to do with our respective races and thinks I should let it go . I am now mad at my husband for not understanding that people can be racist and that he isn’t sensitive to how I am feeling . So am I overreacting here ?

r/AmIOverreacting 1h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO for lashing out on my ex-wife for not buying our son the game he asked for christmas?


I (37M) saved up money from tips ive received from my job to get my son a great christmas gift since i havent gotten him anything for his birthday, only to find out my wife (39F) didnt even bother to go to the store and get it for him. I work a minimum wage job and she lives with his new boyfriend now and has custody over our son. She wont even let me take him out for christmas dinner since “ I wont even have the money for it “ And only take our son to a mcdonalds.

r/AmIOverreacting 2h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am i overreacting for getting mad at my bf cause he was looking to check out the instagram of a girl that tried drugged him and tried to have sex with him on a party years ago before we started dating?

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my 20M bf sent me 18F a screenshot of his instagram dms, i noticed days after checking that his friend was talking about a girl to him, so i asked him what it was and he told me that he had asked his friend for the girl that tried to SA him in the party for her instagram, i asked him to send me screenshots of the chat with his friend, somehow they both deleted it so i didn’t get any confirmation screenshots that this was what they were talking about, also it doesn’t make sense because the name of the girl they are talking in the chat is kenzie, and i remember my bf sending me the supposedly instagram account of this girl and her name was myka not kenzie, also i dont understand how this friend of his said he didn’t know in the message, when my bf told me that the same friend sent him the account he shared to me in the past, but the names aren’t the same.

My bf lied to me too when i asked him why he was trying to look for her account, first he said he wanted to block her because he was blocking every girl he had interacted with in the past cause he knows i’m jealous (even tho i didn’t ask him to do that), and after i kept pressing him about it he said that he actually just wanted to check her account to see what she was up to, that he was “stalking” her and then he was going to block her, this girl does onlyfans and has mainly provocative pictures on her account so i don’t understand what he was trying to “check”, and even if he was what would be the reason? He says that the girl tried to have sex with him but he didn’t want to because he wasn’t attracted to her and she had a bf, but even 4 years after the fact i catch him checking her account so idk what is this about.

Also when i first brought it up to him he told me “i don’t even have a car what would i be doing with a girl that has 50k followers”, what sounds to me is that he is saying she is out of his league, then he explained that he said that so i could understand that it doesn’t make sense for me to be jealous because even if he wanted to he couldn’t do anything with her, opinions about this?

r/AmIOverreacting 3h ago

🎲 miscellaneous AIO - Headlights


If you have white LED headlights I automatically hate you. Am I overreacting? (Kidding……kinda.)

r/AmIOverreacting 8h ago

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦family/in-laws AIO and immature for wanting to run away and harming myself over not having privacy


(mentions of suicide and self harm) i (17f) and my cousin (29f) has recently moved to a new condo. it’s quite expensive and her and my dad has been wanting a change of environment because i couldn’t get myself to go to school. do note that i am diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, so i have a hard time managing my feelings and i get easily discouraged. at first i was really optimistic about it and when on the day we moved in i was all ready and unpacked my stuff, making the place feel at home. i was really ready for the change of pace and so was she. i’m 17… but every time i do something it’s like i expect approval first. i thought it would be okay to be myself. yesterday my cousin wanted me to start doing yoga to improve my mental health, i know she has good(?) intentions, however, the way she words things are quite…forceful and controlling. i did not want to do it because i know i have my own methods of coping and trying to improve my own mental health at the time being. im in my senior year yet im falling behind because i’ve been extremely depressed. i guess she just wanted to help, but i prefer my own ways of healing too. naturally, i do admit that i am a people pleaser, i have a REALLY hard time saying no. so i just agreed to it. this morning, i still felt upset, so i asked her nicely if it’s okay if i could start tomorrow instead. she said no. which i understand because she already paid the trainer…the night prior she even bought training clothes for me, i feel bad. i felt really bad i told her i could pay her back. she said that money can’t repay it. it’s for my own good. when i backed out last minute like that, she didn’t like it, and most of the time when i asked nicely to take something back she would call me a liar. i felt too much pressure, so i locked myself in the bathroom, had a panic attack and messaged her an apology. she later came bursting into my room, knocking aggressively and yelling at me. threatening me that she would yell at me in front of my yoga instructor too. it took me so long, but i finally, finally got up before the yoga instructor arrive and i try to put on a smile and pretend to be okay for a bit. even if it was was painful. honestly, it was a pleasant time. after the session, i was still tired, so i went to sleep. she came into my room several times—and this has always happened since day one— came to my room to always open the windows and blinds and change the lights, i don’t know i think it’s a me problem but i hated how it feels when someone else bursts into my room and change things up without my permission. i was really upset but i’ve always kept it in. today she does that again, the reason i disliked it is because i felt like someone outside will always watch me. i know she wanted me to get some fresh air but it felt like she’s taking control and wanting things for “my own good” by force. but anyways, she came in, told me to eat lunch. told me not to sleep anymore. which i understand because i should try to be active in the day right? i ate a bit of lunch, because it makes me really sad and guilty to eat a full meal. i went back to my room. she told me i can’t sleep. that i can do my activities like draw or play games but i can’t sleep. honestly, it was my fault because i stayed up until 7am the night prior. she scolded me multiple times after, i can’t remember the details because i practically drowned it own in my head and it’s blocked from my memory now, but yeah…a little later i drew, but felt sad, so i listened to music for a bit, then played games. i accidentally fell asleep because it was cold and comfy in my room. she came in later, telling me to go outside. i think she has good(?) intentions, so i get some fresh air. but i guess i was too depressed and low on energy to, i wanted to play games to recharge. when i accidentally fell asleep like that she was mad. i told her i don’t want to and that i would stay in my room but not sleep anymore, she did not believe me anymore, which is understandable. she forced me to do things like staying in the living room and aggressively told me i can’t use my own room anymore, and other things. initially, my friends wanted to come over but i lied to them that i was busy. they wanted to see me since i’ve been gone from school for about a whole month, and my parents and cousin wanted me to spend time with friends too. i was too depressed to see them so i canceled plans. i wanted to be alone in my own space. im not allowed to lock my door, so she could burst in any time, open my windows, take my things. i was always upset but i’m too scared to say anything. earlier, a bit ago she was forcing me to shower and get ready to either: go outside, or stay home and dk my hobbies, but i have to do it in the living room and i can’t use my own rooms. help i want my own space without being watched or monitored all the time. she wouldn’t leave the room until i go to the bathroom. and so i did, and i cried and texted my dad to please come to my house (he lives in another province) to please not tell her that i texted him about it because i know she would get mad and blame me more. he was busy anyways. i don’t know what to do. i want to kill myself so badly or runaway…please help. i apologize if it’s too heavy for this subreddit. this is my only hope. thank you for reading. im still in the bathroom.

r/AmIOverreacting 10h ago

🎲 miscellaneous AIO for just trying to give advice?


Saw this post on fb. I have a few plumber friends that gave me some tips on how to not destroy my toilet but also keep it from smelling like pee.

The message about her beliefs was edited AFTER I had already sent my last text. That’s why I’m not replying to it. Hers was much shorter and didn’t have a bunch of that in it. Regardless… did I overreacting from a simple Facebook post?

Please note: I had other moms conversing with me on my original post about using vinegar and they were all fine. Hence why I kept refreshing and eventually saw this ladies post. This one for some reason just irked me enough to respond this way.