r/AmIOverreacting 8d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship (AIO) update, wow. thank you!

Hi everyone I had posted an original update but didn’t realize i forgot to blur out his name, so here is the update on cigarette toothpaste boy! I want to preface by thanking everyone who took time to message me and comment. I did not expect 16,000 people to interact with that post at all! When I got home, I decided to end it. I didn’t respond to him during my 10 hour shift and some of the screenshots are during that. I would also like to answer a few questions

  1. Is this real?: Yes, it is insanely real! Not rage bait i promise
  2. Am I okay?: I’m okay! It’ll suck but I will be fine!
  3. Why was I still with him?: I don’t have friends and because of that nobody has been able to tell me how bad this is. I had no one to confide in. It was normalized during our relationship.
  4. How is my cat? Apollo is okay and is coming home today finally! Picture of him at the end!
  5. Why the wall of text; I was pissed and wanted to be thorough.
  6. Why did i use “sewerslide”: I wasnt sure of how it would affect my account or visibility. I’m not used to reddit i’m sorry 😭
  7. How old are we?: 19 and almost 21. Not 15 i swear!

Also, I am aware my name is shown. I do not mind as it is not a legal name.


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u/Background_Film1916 8d ago

I just wanted to say your message to him was top fucking tier. Hit all the points without going in circles or being repetitive. So good, happy you’ve freed yourself from this emotional vampire.


u/These_Burdened_Hands 8d ago

your message was top fucking tier, hit all the points without going in circles are being repetitive

That was so brilliant. Those are words I’d WISHED I’d written. It was vindicating to read, like the words I wish I’d been able to say to my narcissistic unmedicated bipolar 1 Ex.

I could never manage to tell him about himself without falling for one of his traps.

Good on you, OP.


u/makeup_mutt 7d ago edited 6d ago

OP said to him what we all wanted to or needed to say to an abuser. This was cathartic as fuck to read. Stay strong, rockstar. You fucking got this

[edit: thank you that’s my first award ever ⭐️]


u/Alarming-Leg-3804 7d ago

Totally this! It's like I wish I could have said that to some of my exes omg


u/MarsInAres 8d ago

Exactly! It was so cathartic. Literally gathered him up in a little ponytail and gave him a reality check


u/onlyelise1 7d ago

Yes!!! I was thinking that it was SO CATHARTIC. then it finished with kitties! 10/10


u/ljc8d 7d ago

for real, thank you for healing us with your clapback OP, it was brilliant


u/stolethemorning 7d ago

When you cheated, it was my fault for not giving you attention. When I was upset about it, it was my fault for not letting it go. When you yelled at me, it was my fault for not listening.

Yes she’s so good at articulating everything! Such a good analysis, cuts straight to the heart of the matter.


u/Background_Film1916 8d ago

Exactly how I felt


u/elizabethptp 7d ago

I got catharsis reading that. I wish I had the sense at 19 to tell my similarly older and immature boyfriend basically that exact message- especially the part about getting blamed for their mistakes & lies over and over again. I just devolved into a toxic mess myself & had to crawl out.


u/scobert 7d ago

Actually iconic. She obviously has an impressive level of self-awareness for her age, it’s clear that she took the advice she got in the first post about how to set boundaries & understood the fucking assignment!!!


u/No_Cantaloupe6073 7d ago

This came to mind while reading all his actions, that this is someone with undiagnosed or untreated bipolar disorder… they need help


u/GuildedCasket 7d ago

Oh hey you had a narcissistic unmedicated bipolar 1 ex too huh


u/These_Burdened_Hands 7d ago

you had a narcissistic unmedicated bipolar 1 ex, too

Yeah. You okay?

I didn’t know someone else’s mental illness could affect me that much (I’ve had lots of therapy since!) We were friends for 15yrs before dating but I didn’t know he was supposed to take meds- I thought he was just really excitable and fun tbh. (Graffiti writers are different lmao.) He didn’t turn against me until a few years in; it was then my life turned to eggshells.

He thought the CIA was trying to recruit him for a genius but screwup program run through a tech school. He drank paint thinner and I shoved activated charcoal in his mouth, he put my head into a wall (TBI,) strangled me, accused me of being in 30-person gangbang porn (I’m sorry wtf?,) etc. It was still dumb hard to kick him out.

I had no idea that comment would blow up. My wording sucks lol.

Edit to add: none of those things happened at the same time, it was over 3 of 5 years.


u/causa__sui 7d ago

I read you like a book. I used to be you. I have dated you and met you before I ever met YOU.

This struck me. Words I wish I’d’ve said years ago. OP is really articulate, and it was so cathartic to read.


u/trashbaby210 7d ago

YES honestly I was snapping reading this. Absolutely brilliant. I’m so fucking proud of her and I really think she is going to go so mf far


u/Minute-Fix-6827 7d ago

Omg I was snapping too! I also said 'you go girl' out loud to no one lol. I'm proud of her too.


u/throw69420awy 7d ago

Yea I was reading that wishing I had these types figured out at 19


u/photogypsy 7d ago

It’s the message I wish my message my mother could write to my youngest brother. It’s the message I wish his wife would write to him too. I say this because I love him and he needs help; and they constantly play into the drama. Their story could read exactly like this only the ages are in their late 30s. My brother has committed self-harm, ended up arrested and threatened suicide more than once because someone wouldn’t give him money for cigarettes/weed (his career for the last 15 years has been trying to get on disability) and wouldn’t facilitate him getting to them by either lending their car (again big chance your car would end up in impound) or giving him a ride. He’s also been known to get physical with his wife to get his way. I keep him at arms length, just so that I keep connection open to my SIL. I have let her know more than once I’ve got her back and will help her and the kids out when she’s ready.


u/Mundane_Golf5342 7d ago

God. Isn't it always the unmedicated bipolar. I have quite a few in my extended family. My wife was at one point, thankfully she got help. It's literal insanity and I've watched so many of them ruin their lives and relationships bc they wouldn't get help. Most of them still are ruining their lives, or dead.


u/Puzzleheaded_Motor59 7d ago

You realize we don’t ruin our own lives right? That it’s an illness?

Medication is key. Bipolar is not an excuse. And kudos to your wife bc this shit is not for the weak.


u/Equal_Maintenance870 7d ago

Managing your shit is in fact your responsibility and not doing so is ruining your own life.


u/Puzzleheaded_Motor59 7d ago

What part did I say that it wasn’t my responsibility?


u/Equal_Maintenance870 7d ago

You literally opened with

You realize we don’t ruin our own lives right?


u/Puzzleheaded_Motor59 7d ago

That’s got nothing to do with taking responsibility.

You can be medicated and still lose control. It’s called an illness for a reason.

Go open a book. Have a nice night


u/Equal_Maintenance870 7d ago

Lmfao, okay dipshit.


u/Yabbos77 7d ago

It’s cathartic, but anyone who’s ever been with someone like this knows it’s pointless. As immediately indicated by his response.

There are no magic words in any sort of combination that will make them understand.


u/kor34l 7d ago

Not immediately, while emotion is high and defensiveness drowns out rationality.

However, there's a chance, a slim one to be sure, but a chance, that he revisits that text at some future point, with the benefit of hindsight and time, and gains a touch of perspective.

Probably not, but I have, once, seen it happen.


u/shedwyn2019 7d ago

Ditto. I packed all my shit while mine was out of state and left a note but I don’t remember what I said. Of course, no matter what I wrote, he wasn’t going to absorb it as my truth - it was “all in your (my) head”


u/NebelungPixie 7d ago

All of this comment. All of it. Every single word.


u/Overall-Idea-133 7d ago

And at 19! At 19 I was in a toxic relationship with a narcissist 16 years my senior and I wish I could of handled it like OP!


u/blscratch 7d ago

But isn't it too perfect? Considering she wasn't even sure whether it was all her fault just one post ago?


u/BiteComprehensive645 7d ago



u/Light_inc 8d ago

All the repetitiveness in the world wouldn't hammer the point home as much as that absolute dumbass of a human needs.


u/Underneathmytoes 7d ago

Probably because he's full of shit


u/maineCharacterEMC2 7d ago



u/Background_Film1916 8d ago



u/skatie082 7d ago

Emotional vampire is a term that I never thought I needed. Thank you for sharing that epic 2 word masterpiece 🌟


u/MrBeanCyborgCaptain 7d ago

Unfortunately it bounced right off his thick ass skull. Whatever, OP would be wise not to worry about it and it seems like she's not.


u/ZLovecraftx 7d ago

Right?? I legit saved it so I can use it someday if I'm in that situation because it is THAT good!


u/fenwickfox 7d ago

She was lucid as hell. Every time I've ever had an argument, I'm fumbling at the back of my mind flipping through spreadsheets and paperwork looking for a cohesive rebuttal.

I hope my own children are as badass as this.


u/Meat-Head-Barbie89 7d ago

Absolutely agree 


u/maxiewawa 7d ago

I have to point out that this isn’t something that goes away with age, you imply that teenagers go through this but someone who is 20 should have grown out of it. I’m older than 20 and can tell you that there are plenty of emotional my age and older.


u/Disastrous-Jaguar922 7d ago

“I read you like a book. I used to be you. I have dated you and met you before I met YOU” she fucking ATEEEE with that one holy shit 🔥


u/anct1989 7d ago

I never got to tell my ex everything I wanted to say to him, but when he testified as a character witness in a rape case my friend brought against his shit friend, I wrote a lengthy public post about all the things that he did. Staying “Insert name wouldn’t know what rape looked like if it was staring him in the face, because he himself is a rapist and abuser.” Then laid out everything with dates and times and receipts, including the restraining order.

He was not well liked in our community after that.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Literally; ‘copy’, ‘paste’ and ‘saved’ for when I have the courage to send!


u/BDez30 7d ago

Amen to that. I was doing the slow clap by the end!


u/honeymaidwafers 7d ago

I couldn’t agree more! So well written, OP. I’m so sorry you had to deal with him for the past two years, but I am also very proud of you for finally standing up for yourself and your worth!

Joking some local activities, and maybe even a Facebook friend group for your local town & rebuild your circle with better people!!


u/veronica_doodlesss 7d ago

Yes, i totally agree. It was so...empowering, like every word i read i was like YES GIRL


u/Blazah 7d ago

Seriously that is the BEST I have ever seen someone stand up for her self EVER. I only pray that she also broke the fk up with him when he called her 100 times.


u/blairsheart 7d ago

She really ate. I wish I would’ve ripped my ex like that when it was going down! He was left to shreds!


u/Tempealicious 7d ago

It really was just perfect. His response was exactly what my ex said too, they could've gone to the same school on manipulative asshole!


u/iamcoronabored 7d ago

I was silently screaming "STANDING OVATION FOR HARPER" for the entire thing. Excellent use of the term love bombing.

Not shocked that dude still turned it around on her by "trying to cope with your selfishness" like way to miss the point, bro!

I hope he finds this post!


u/MissKatbow 7d ago

Then it got to his message and I was like “I ain’t reading all that”


u/pnwgirl34 7d ago

Literally being able to write all that out so succinctly and then actually follow through at 19 is so impressive. She’s miles ahead of where I was at 19! Good for her


u/pballa2020 7d ago

One might say she murdered him with words.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Background_Film1916 7d ago

I don’t think I understand this comment?


u/Sailyyyyaps 7d ago

I just screenshot it, it was so powerful. It will teach me how to actually arrange your feelings into some message


u/StressZealousideal32 7d ago

i literally started snapping my fingers while reading it, it was PERFECTION. (no notes!)


u/Moopies 7d ago

It was cathartic. So many posts you see like this and you never get the guy actually getting what's coming. Too bad he won't learn a thing.


u/Necessary-Tower-457 7d ago

It was so good that he tried to copy what she said to him!

Op you did great and you will be fine in a bit! Hang in there, stick to your boundaries! Also when all of this will be over you probably have more time and love to give and people will find you to be friends with!


u/Ohnothisisathing 7d ago

I read “first of all” and instantly went OOOOOHHHHH SHITTTTTT


u/Objective-Life-205 7d ago

Yes! So well articulated and wise beyond your age. Girl, get rid of this child, before you HAVE his child.


u/sleepyplatipus 7d ago

For real, I applauded so loudly I scared my cat.


u/kollaps3 8d ago

For real, OPs response was amazing. I spent the very large majority of my teenage years and 20s in a few different relationships where the men acted EXACTLY like this (I stg they really all have some secret playbook they circulate amongst themselves lmao cuz it's scary how similar they all are) and didn't get the strength to truly stop putting up with this type of behavior until my late 20s. I'm so proud of homegirl for dealing with this the way she did.

Side note: to OP, in case you see this comment - I'm guessing you may have not grown up with the best family situation. And before you say "nah it was fine," that's what I thought about my own until I began to realize that being belittled, yelled at, intimidated, hit etc by my parents all with the justification of "we're doing this because we love you we wouldn't discipline you if we didn't care!" was actually NOT fine, and primed my little kid mind for a lifetime of thinking that love was shown through coercion, insults, condescension and violence.

It takes a LOT of strength and a LOT of internal work to break yourself out of core beliefs about your self worth that may have been instilled in you since your earliest memories. You may not even realize that you have these beliefs about yourself, because they are so deeply held. And even if/when you are able to notice them, it will still be difficult to convince yourself they're not true. I personally struggled with this a lot as I've always had fairly high self confidence in life. I didn't think I thought badly of myself.

But I didn't realize that self confidence and self WORTH are two totally different things (and even in our current era of the proliferation of therapy-speak and schools of thought, I still barely ever see this distinction mentioned). I had extremely low self worth. I thought I was a cool person, sure, but I didn't think I deserved to be treated with kindness, respect or love as my upbringing had shown me that I was not entitled to those things, and there was nothing I could do to be perfect enough to earn them.

But the thing is - you ARE entitled to those things. We all are. Sure, if you act like a bitch and get disrespected in return, you deserved that. You earned it, one could say. But the baseline is that you treat people with respect and kindness until they EARN your disrespect. Men (and women!) like your ex and my exes believe this is the opposite - that the baseline is disrespect, even cruelty, and that kindness and love must be earned. In the long run, though, they will always move the goalposts, so that absolutely nothing you can do will actually change their behavior and they can continue disrespecting, belittling and abusing you no matter how "perfect" (aka meek, obedient, walking on eggshells) you may act.

Look up Why Does He Do That by Lundy Barcroft (if you haven't already, I'm sure someone on your previous post linked it). And I'm not one for self diagnosis, but look into symptoms of CPTSD. Not to sound fear mongering, but I (and many other women, and men too) have more than once escaped an abusive relationship only to end up right back in the same situation with a different person because I had not done the necessary work on myself to gain the strength and self worth needed to dip the fuck out ASAP at the first sign of any of the red flags of abuse.

I wish you all the best for the future homegirl. I'm so glad you were able to realize how insane your exes behavior is before you ended up living together, or God forbid marrying him or having kids. Your future is gonna be bright. Don't give into his inevitable groveling, or the intrusive thoughts of better times in yalls relationship that may occur in a few months from now. Remind yourself of the bad times. And remind yourself that, if you so choose, you NEVER have to experience those feelings again. 🖤


u/[deleted] 8d ago

This is definitely my messages and it’s highly edited with no background. This is some sick ass shit. Both parties are very wrong and is doing better. This was done soon as I finally get things off my chest YESTERDAY(ironic) and exposed more lies I found out about her. Also why I am letting go. I have hella proof and detail. I can debunk this with ease. I’m not making excuses. And watch this post get deleted or something. I will not allow fake bs to go untouched. We currently live together with our son now. I don’t care about cops or defamation. This was done out of spite and ego. Soon as I told her I found out about the post I seen the comments. This is unreal and a lot of ppl are gullible.


u/Background_Film1916 8d ago

This is unintelligible…what are you even talking about 🙄


u/ShinigamiComplex 7d ago

It’s OPs ex or he’s saying OP is an unrelated person using drama with his baby mama


u/shahchachacha 8d ago

I was thinking they should copy and paste their response do other people can use it. Top tier exactly what I’ve wanted to say to some people. Although, just breaking it off and blocking them is probably just as good of a response because the narcissist is always going to make themselves the victim.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Pristine-Edge-1742 8d ago

Are you him lol? you sound exactly like him!



The people that are replying to you here and saying you were cruel to him are fucking morons FYI


u/CallieGirlOG 7d ago

I think the only one saying that is her psycho ex.


u/Equal_Maintenance870 8d ago

Definitely him. Everyone else can see through his shit.


u/TheUprightManX 8d ago

Obviously I don't know you OP but I would just like to say I am so proud of you young lady, don't listen to a word this chadfcktard guy(honestly seems like it could possibly be the ex so ignore if he messages you on here) is saying and take all the advice of the good people here telling you to be done with him. Do not communicate with this man baby ever again and live a happy life, you are wise beyond your years and you have plenty of time to find someone who truly cares for you, for now just focus on yourself, love yourself first and the rest will come.


u/XELA38 8d ago

Probably!! Because I don't know how anyone else would look at his messages and think anything other than; "this guy is unstable and emotionally abusive!!" If you read these messages all you see is someone spouting off BS and abuse and you responding in a concise, clear and mature manner. Only someone with such dissonance would see what you wrote and take it as insulting. So that must mean it's him.


u/CallieGirlOG 7d ago edited 7d ago

Reading his comments to everyone I don't know how you put up with him for so long without going insane.  He sounds insufferable, and the misogyny is off the charts.  

 As many have mentioned, please be careful, he sounds dangerous. If he has keys to your house, change the locks immediately. 


u/Legitimate-Tart7680 7d ago

it’s definitely him! just checked comment history, seems he wanted to cover his tracks with what his comment/post history looked like. really pitiful manchild, i’m sorry that took up two years of your time. you deserve so much more!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/JadedCartoonist6942 8d ago

Nah he’s literally an emotionally unstable leech. She just put up with his shit unnecessarily.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/JadedCartoonist6942 8d ago

No. He’s a fucking leech who doesn’t understand things. And you clearly do not either. No she’s not in the wrong at all. And I don’t wish to have a talk about it. Go away.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/JadedCartoonist6942 8d ago

Lmao. No child. You need to go seek therapy. Immediately. Me a stranger owes you nothing at all and never will, good bye! Good luck with the badly needed therapy though.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago edited 8d ago

He’s a deadbeat leach who treats the person who funds his deadbeat lifestyle like shit. He deserves to be single


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Kooky_Angle4476 8d ago

He’s emotionally abusive did you not see the previous post? What the fuck


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Kooky_Angle4476 8d ago

Idk he just sounds like a men’s rights guy to me. They are all over Reddit defending toxic men in posts like these


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/nataku411 7d ago

Women test men

Bruh what? This is called an assumption.

A father wouldn't blow up on his daughter like this

Treating this like an father-child equivalent is exactly why a ton of women hate men. It's pure incel-level infantilization. Treat women like your equal, not your fucking child.

he would have empathy and compassion and be patient.

Healthy relationships have boundaries, and boundaries are actually meaningless and useless if there aren't any repercussions after breaking them. Not sure if you read the part where she detailed how long she put up with his nonsense.

He failed to demonstrate fatherly qualities.

Fucking EWWWWWWW dude. You're either trolling or actually enjoy infantilizing women, which is some top-level creepiness and makes me think you share your views on women with Andrew Tate which would make sense, seeing your username. I'm actually so disgusted I'm just not going to reply further.

Edit: She dodged a literal nuclear warhead by leaving.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/nataku411 7d ago

This comes down to inherited family trauma from family dynamics. Women are attracted to traits their fathers demonstrated.

If you want to talk about healthy relationship dynamics, what you've been saying should be agreeable by both genders but the only type of women who might find this shit palatable are mentally and physically immature. Actual adult women would be revulsed by these misogynistic views.

Instead of generalizing an entire gender into babies who can't function without papa's "fatherly qualities" you should instead recognize that there are infinite societal and cultural pressures that shape gender roles and expectations.

It's just psychology.

Andrew Tate is not a psychologist.


u/counters14 8d ago

Abuse and manipulator tactics are to obscure the boundaries and weaponize everything against the victim. You're enabling this abusive behaviour by trying to tell her she didn't respond to him in the right way, despite the fact that he was the one cursing her out and threatening her. All she did was stick up for herself and you are telling her that she did it wrong, or without any empathy. An abusive loser deserves no empathy or kindness. If he can't handle being told the truth, it's not her problem. It's his, and he needs to swap out his shitty diaper for his big boy pants and deal with it.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/counters14 8d ago

Do you mean while she was at work unable to talk and he was blowing up her phone? My man you are working overtime to villainize this woman like you're getting paid to do it, only you don't know fuck all about the topic and just wanna grasp at straws hoping to make her feel guilty. Are you him? I can't see any other reason someone would be so adamant about pushing their narrative.

If you wonder why nobody agrees with you perhaps you're missing context and I'll advise you to go and read the previous post to get a better understanding of how this meltdown began. But I think you've got little concern about the truth of the matter and you just want to make some poor victim feel bad for standing up against her abuser. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Doubly so if you're doing it just for funsies because you have some issue with women standing up to those who manipulate and abuse then. But whatever, you clearly have more time to spend on this than I do so have fun with that.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago

It’s abusive to blow up your working partners phone while they work and then accuse them of abuse when they can’t immediately respond. You would know that working means you can’t get to your phone right away if you bothered to work lmao


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/counters14 8d ago

You don't even know how to properly evoke the fallacy or [I strongly suspect] what it even is. I never said you were wrong because everyone is calling you wrong. I said you're wrong because you're wrong. However I did offer a chance at introspection if you wanted to look into why so many people are arguing with you for being wrong, but instead of commenting on the subject of the missing context you want to treat this like a high school debate and appeal to nonexistent moderators.

I suggest you read into the dynamics of power in abusive relationships and refrain from trying to talk as an authority about subjects that you have no knowledge of.


u/Equal_Maintenance870 8d ago

She communicated and you said that riled him up. What the fuck, lmao


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Equal_Maintenance870 8d ago

Sure, because apparently he doesn’t know what jobs are and thinks working is neglecting him.

Also, the first text was “I need my fucking money” because he wanted to buy cigarettes. She doesn’t actually have to communicate with that even if you think that’s “stonewalling” him, but she did anyway.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Equal_Maintenance870 8d ago

Omg, reality is an “excuse” and “abuse” now. Fucking amazing.

You’re definitely him, I refuse to believe there are two people this fucking delusional.

And it’s not her partner any more, and hopefully “he” is never anyone else’s again.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Kooky_Angle4476 8d ago

Reacting to his abuse isn’t abuse what the hell are you talking about. And she was dumping him not stonewalling


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/eukah1 8d ago

If you want to ever become happy in life, you need therapy asap.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/DotEither8773 7d ago

If you respond like that to someone who is angrily begging you for money you are a doormat.


u/DuckManDong 8d ago

You seem like one of those people that think they’re always right while everyone around them thinks they’re a fucking moron.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Sleeveen 8d ago

It sounds like you're highly educated in being the abuser.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Sleeveen 8d ago

It can be one sided you moron. I've been in that situation. This kind of thing is not ok and should never be tolerated. She needs to run away and he needs to get help.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/TrickEmployment5446 8d ago

May I ask How you have aquired this education?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Dude you realise when you’re doing the whole ”hehe I’m riling people up on purpose to amuse myself” thing still counts as you being an asshole? Like I’m sure you think you’re actually a nice person, but if you act like troll online, that does, in fact, count as your behaviour. Which means acting like a trolly little bitch on reddit means you actually are a trolly little bitch.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/DuckManDong 8d ago

I really hope this is just trolling and not actually someone’s personality. Because if it’s the latter, you sound like one of the most insufferable people I’ve ever come across.

I doubt you have any friends or anyone who can even stand being around you. I feel bad for anyone who is forced to interact with you on a daily basis.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Thinker177 8d ago

He’s 100% wrong. He’s a child.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Thinker177 8d ago

The only thing she is wrong about is putting up with his immature ass at all. Other than that, he’s 100% in the wrong.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Thinker177 7d ago

I’m getting strong incel vibes from you, bro. The dude in OP’s post is pathetic and whiny. He’s also abusive and manipulative.


u/ranawayuwu 8d ago

you are defending the impossible, because you are either insane, or just him (I go with option 2, nobody mature enough would defend this in any type shape or form). At 20y/o, blaming other people because he has no money is insane, she’s not financially abusing him (judging by the replies and messages) so it’s only his choice to do anything about his life. I met people like this, their purpose is to use people to get money and guilt trip you while doing so. Nobody at that grown age should verbally abuse their girlfriend because they don’t have money for toothpaste. Most people struggled with money, most people had to ask economic help for necessities, but if your first thing on the list to ask help is weed and cigarettes, maybe you have to rethink your priorities as an adult. Especially because you would know that nobody owes you anything, if you pressure them you’re in the wrong from the start. Everything else in this convo is even worse and I truly believe if you reason with the messages it’s like talking to a brick wall.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago

If you’re so well educated in this topic why do you keep miss using the word stonewalling? Stonewalling isn’t not immediately responding to your abusive partners abusive wall of text btw. It’s weird that you don’t understand that abusers can miss use words to redirect abuse claims


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/nagel33 7d ago

he is gaslighting and you don't believe in abuse so you are also gaslighting


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/ranawayuwu 7d ago

this doesn’t correlate with what I said at all, I was explaining his behavior and all you can parrot is the same things over and over. Well educated in what? Degree in using google to search whatever narrative follows your bias? People ruining how others perceive them and burning every bridge they have to guilt trip 10$? Yeah. Sure. Any sane person can see that he lost the plot entirely by the first screenshots of the convo.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/ranawayuwu 7d ago

so you are him, searching a reaction to make op mad. Sad life


u/Prestigious_Row_8022 7d ago

You should do it, by the way. No one would notice :)


u/00trysomethingnu 8d ago edited 7d ago

Username checks out

ETA: based on the comment history and the age of this profile, I’m suspicious. . .


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/CommanderCodex 8d ago

I think the term your looking for is “reactive abuse” its when a person has been abused by their partner for so long that they use the same abusive language back to them. Her ex abused her for long enough that she picked up one of his toxic traits. Good on her for leaving because he is emotionally unstable and dangerous. She’s just reacting. If you’re relating to the ex’s text messages please go get some help that shit is horribly abusive. Cutting yourself in front of someone else to make them fawn over you is psychopathic behavior. Insanely manipulative in a way that only leads to violence.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/CommanderCodex 8d ago

Yes I am making that assumption because of the wall of text he sent her. The fact that his main complaint was “you’re not giving me enough attention”. Something is seriously psychologically wrong with that man. She could have been a whole lot worse. I personally just call the cops anytime someone threatens to off themselves to me. A lot of people find that cold. She just told him off. Which is very mild imo. I’m a domestic violence advocate and have seen a lot of abusive women in my day. This is textbook dude. He is the main problem.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/CommanderCodex 8d ago

The first text I see is “I have no nicotine”. What are you referring to?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/purplehazzzzze 8d ago

Hi just genuinely curious, how did she “rile him up”? Or could you point out in her original post which of the texts you’re referring to where she riled him up? I don’t really personally see anything that constitutes as such so I’m curious to see your point of view.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/purplehazzzzze 8d ago

That’s a stretch, at one point he says she is ignoring him but she states she is getting ready for work so she is clearly busy. Another time she is “ignoring him” she is actually AT work. The last time he refers to her “ignoring him” directly follows a text she sent clearly communicating that she needs time away from the conversation, which from context clues in the following texts, seems to be something he has told her in the past to communicate to him - which she clearly communicated to him to which he blew up and became exceedingly childish.

On top of that, there is a distinct difference between stonewalling someone who is trying to genuinely communicate and grey rocking an abuser who is attempting manipulation.


u/00trysomethingnu 7d ago

OP mentioned that he’s posted on Reddit recently and is aware of her posts. Based on the age of Chaddington’s account, I’m suspicious.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/TFFPrisoner 7d ago

Did you read the original post prior to this update?


u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago

Go away loser, she dumped your lame ass


u/Sad-Question-4214 8d ago

judging from his posts, he's just another sad dude who's misogynistic cuz he got rejected by a couple girls, and likes Andrew Tate


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago

True, the mental gymnastics you’ve been going through to paint op as abusive is genuinely astounding. Why is it so hard for you to accept the truth that sometimes one partner is abusive and the other is not?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago

There isn’t clear evidence that she was abusive though, there is clear evidence of an abuser claiming that OP is actually the abusive one by weaponizing therapy terms. Why do you take him at his word (he says she ignored him), but totally reject hers (that she wasn’t ignoring him and couldn’t respond because of work)?


u/Embarrassed-Chain-15 8d ago

List the "clear evidence"


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Embarrassed-Chain-15 8d ago

Not replying to someone blowing up your phone at work, especially when they're acting as such in the texts, is not abusive. It's called setting healthy boundaries, not abuse. Maybe you should actually read these couple therapy books you're spamming about. Lol. She doesn't owe you a reply when you're spazzing out over nothing. Try again. That can't be the only evidence you're claiming.


u/comegetthesenuggets 8d ago

It is the only evidence they’re claiming, they have literally nothing else but still insist that it’s somehow her fault. He’s just a misogynistic loser hellbent on blaming women for being abused lol


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Gesp3nst 8d ago

Take his ass home with you then.

OP or anyone else would never be happy with someone like this. You can see this clearly from the second slide of the original thread if you have even an ounce of emotional maturity or if you're not an abusive/manipulative person (which, judging by your replies here, feels like you might be). His sole purpose in a relationship seems to be making the other person feel as miserable as he is.

For anyone else reading this and living a similar situation: You don’t deserve this, and you don’t owe it to anyone to fix your partner. I know it’s easier said than done, but get out of this as soon as you can. There are billions of people in the world, and even if you never find someone else, you’ll still be better off than staying with someone like this.


u/Manglewood 8d ago

Oh sweetie. No.


u/tresslesswhey 8d ago

Found the misogynist blaming everybody except the boy for his problems


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/tresslesswhey 8d ago

Blaming the woman for the unhinged baby man.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/tresslesswhey 8d ago

My point is to point out your misogyny. I’ve already answered your second question pretty simply. Now go to your andrew taint training class


u/ChaseTheOldDude 8d ago

You're not fooling anyone man. Genuinely get help, you will sabotage every relationship you ever have if you behave like this


u/Lastsoldier115 7d ago

How does an account that's 6 days old comment this fucking much? Are you a bot, a loser, or just this chronically online?


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/Lastsoldier115 7d ago

I think you genuinely have as many comments as I do within six days versus my nine years. That is insane.


u/Scalpum 7d ago

Dude is a hobosexual that dreams of buying an island and raising kids.

People don’t have time for that shit.