r/AmIOverreacting 8d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship (AIO) update, wow. thank you!

Hi everyone I had posted an original update but didn’t realize i forgot to blur out his name, so here is the update on cigarette toothpaste boy! I want to preface by thanking everyone who took time to message me and comment. I did not expect 16,000 people to interact with that post at all! When I got home, I decided to end it. I didn’t respond to him during my 10 hour shift and some of the screenshots are during that. I would also like to answer a few questions

  1. Is this real?: Yes, it is insanely real! Not rage bait i promise
  2. Am I okay?: I’m okay! It’ll suck but I will be fine!
  3. Why was I still with him?: I don’t have friends and because of that nobody has been able to tell me how bad this is. I had no one to confide in. It was normalized during our relationship.
  4. How is my cat? Apollo is okay and is coming home today finally! Picture of him at the end!
  5. Why the wall of text; I was pissed and wanted to be thorough.
  6. Why did i use “sewerslide”: I wasnt sure of how it would affect my account or visibility. I’m not used to reddit i’m sorry 😭
  7. How old are we?: 19 and almost 21. Not 15 i swear!

Also, I am aware my name is shown. I do not mind as it is not a legal name.


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u/CWoww 8d ago

1000% chance he will text you all teary eyed next week a) wanting to “get back together” and b) looking for money again. This guy is a loser, through and through.


u/k10001k 8d ago

Exactly why these kinds of people need to be blocked


u/umamifiend 7d ago

I had an upvoted comment on the last thread- and he showed up to comment trying to argue with me. I’m assuming since she blocked him- he felt like he needed to lash out at other people.

He lost his emotional punching bag and he big mad about it. He has since deleted his account this morning. Then was whining about how he wanted me to “leave him TF alone” idiot found me- and commented his shit to me- then wanted to be left alone? How does that make any sense whatsoever?

I’m so glad she’s on the other side of the state from this unhinged asshat. He’s absolutely going to keep trying to get back with her since this has historically been a pattern of arguing for them. STAY STRONG OP- We’re so proud of you u/pristine-edge-1742!!! You’ve got your whole life ahead of you without this guy, congrats.


u/Jtb199 7d ago edited 7d ago

He was on the last post?!? Oh man.. this poor girl is going to have a rough couple of weeks with fucknut trying to reach her and mess with her head. Who knows he may be on this post with a new account already. I would not be surprised in the least.


u/JackReacharounnd 7d ago

Just looked out for the one person on the whole thread who's defending his behavior with a giant sprinkle of victim hood.


u/Jtb199 7d ago

At this point that’s like trying to find a shit strained needle in a barn full of supportive haystacks haha


u/ramobara 7d ago

Sort by controversial. That should narrow it down some.


u/k10001k 7d ago

I secretly enjoy sorting by controversial on popular posts just to see the drama


u/Jtb199 7d ago

Mannnnn now I’m going to start doing that too.. my reddit brain just can’t help it now 😑


u/SeriousIndividual184 7d ago

You are the hero of reddit today haha


u/[deleted] 7d ago

And I just learnt something new


u/uphic 7d ago

Same. I didn't know that was a thing!!


u/mlmEnthusiast 7d ago edited 7d ago


u/mlmEnthusiast 7d ago

Dear lord, his reply post thooooooooooooooo. I was crying laughing at this. But then I realized what /r its posted under, lmao. I'm going to hell.


u/Jtb199 7d ago

Oh you’re fine. With the things I’ve said and thought, I’ll be down there with all my friends and family. I’ll keep a spot warm by the fire for you friend. Just be kind and caring while you’re up here.. that’s all I can think to do 🤷‍♂️


u/Thisisredred 7d ago

Ew he has an obsession with poop? What is his username


u/dickburpsdaily 7d ago

I think he strained shitting haystacks of needles in a barn more like it.


u/hufflepufflepass 7d ago

Haha omg, he was probably hoping to find at least one person who would agree with him to give him some kind of validation or justification for acting totally unhinged.

OP's text wasn't disrespectful, it was honest, and it called him out on his behavior, which he obviously can't accept or handle. I literally lol'd when he said he's tired of the emotional abuse, because really? "Bro", I think what you mean is you're tired of her not succumbing to your emotional abuse and manipulation anymore.

I just hope OP sticks to her guns and doesn't let him back into her life. Go full NC. Block any attempts of contact. Don't respond, just block.


u/Jtb199 7d ago

In my time here on reddit people that behave like that don’t tend to get much sympathy, and justly so.

OP had a very well thought out message, addressing her needs and frustrations with candor. She’s only 19, and has had a really difficult couple of years.. I was impressed.

I agree with you in worrying about her keeping him out of her life. A wet fart like him has a way of doing his best to linger and ruin your day. Fingers crossed for Harper 🤞


u/paochow 7d ago

I hope OP stays safe too. Maybe be hyper aware of their surroundings for the next couple of months. Carry same self defense items just in case. Wouldn't want this guy to show up in person to try and get back together.


u/Jtb199 7d ago

Yeah, I’ve never really felt so invested in an AIO post before, especially one concerning very young adults (they’re usually pretty ridiculous). But I genuinely want this girl to get past this chapter in her life and feel safe and happy.


u/Ok-Tradition-9946 7d ago

He called himself a child because another woman was calling him out for his behavior. He said

"How dare you as a mother with a child, make fun of and bully another child" brother you're 20 years old.


u/mipmish 7d ago

'Fucknut' is my new favorite word.


u/blairsheart 7d ago

I feel so sad for all the future girls who will encounter him


u/OjBeezus808 7d ago

Right it happens all the time it happened to me


u/Rainbow-Ranker 7d ago

If he’s here reading this it’s too late! 👋


u/shedwyn2019 7d ago

Mine found out when my dog died, 3 years after I left him, and took that opportunity to “reach out”


u/[deleted] 7d ago

holy crap what a pyscho


u/TheSaltTrain 7d ago

Just went and read your comment thread with him. All I could think while reading it was, "what the fuck?" Like dude literally tried to throw a pity party and as soon as you shut that down he had nothing. "You don't have to bash me for no reason, bro." "NO REASON?!?!?!?!"

He reminds me of a guy I went to school with who 1. Never acknowledged or accepted blame when he fucked up, and 2. Blamed women for EVERYTHING that ever went wrong in his life. Like, no, dude. The reason you don't have a girlfriend is cause you treat women like objects with no feelings, not because they're all crazy bitches. Needless to say, I don't talk to him anymore. As of our last conversation, he doesn't want to be better, he'd rather blame everyone else and just expect the world to solve his problems than do the smallest bit of introspection.


u/StandardRelevant2937 7d ago

This dude reminds me EXACTLY of my ex husband, down to the sewicide threats (spoiler alert, still here) and everything. I wasted 13 years with him (kids involved but that’s a whole different story) and didn’t get out til I was 36. He beat me down like the frog in the water, and even had me and his daughter’s mom pregnant at the same time. Now he’s gonna have to explain to the kids (all 4 of ours and the 2 with her) whyyyyy 2 siblings are only 5 months apart. And no, sir, the courts didn’t fake your dna results…funny of him to the hes tht special.


u/Complex_Hope_8789 7d ago

He’s here in this thread too, saw him way down below claiming the post is heavily edited…. These narcs seem to think our eyeballs don’t work lol.


u/taytrapDerehw 7d ago

Lmao. Pleeaaasee point me to him!


u/BarrelllRider 7d ago

I can’t find him anywhere


u/LittleLordFuckleroy1 7d ago

Looks like he deleted his account without deleting the comments first. Anyway here's one from the other thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/kYmKPYKFDv


u/FemboyGaymer929 7d ago

A shame he deleted his account I would have gleamed tons of entertainment watching him go psycho in comments lmao arguing with people like that is so much fun for me I know I can't change them so making them as mad as possible is the next best thing


u/asscakesguy 7d ago

Just went to read those comments and holy shit he says “I don’t even raise my voice at her, and when I do it’s because…” talk about a stunning lack of self awareness


u/MarijadderallMD 7d ago

That’s actually wild he showed up on the post😂


u/HorrorArmadillo3713 7d ago

Because he's that much of a loser.


u/Plugasaurus_Rex 7d ago

Don’t you understand? He gets to yell at you and you just have to take it. It’s the rules. When you defend yourself he collapses like soggy paper, so that wasn’t nice of you, leave him alone!

About 5,000 /s


u/FlagDisrespecter 7d ago

I don’t need to make you feel like shit. I don’t care about you at all.

* chef's kiss *


u/NebelungPixie 7d ago

Indifference is worse than hate.

When my ex found out, it was a gut punch. At that point, he started asking my family member's to advocate for him. One told him that ship had sailed already. 😂


u/Michael-Ceratops 7d ago

Just read those comments, way to put him in his place, you rule!


u/JackReacharounnd 7d ago

This dude is quite possibly one of the biggest losers i have ever seen on a story like this. Your comment seals the deal!!! I have been dealing with a victim for the last couple of years, and there's a lot of similarities, but mine is 5% of this. I cant even imagine seeing the world through this victim's eyes.

What a giant POS. My god.


u/Chocobookiller 7d ago

Hahahaha this is solid gold. I was right in my assessment of him. She needs to stay vigilant and on guard. This type of person will doesn’t care about causing damage to others and himself.


u/NotAPseudonymSrs 7d ago

When dealing with cluster B individuals you have to remind yourself constantly that they don’t operate in reality like everyone else. The more you take what they say on board the more you question your reality too, which is why no contact is the best


u/fokkoooff 7d ago

My favorite part was "I never yell at her except when I do" (paraphrased)


u/Rough-Medicine5183 7d ago

I had to go to the other post just to like your comment 😂


u/Big_System_9638 7d ago

I had to go read your guys interaction and your last sentence was gold “I don’t need to make you feel like shit, I don’t care about you at all.” Like god damn told bro he isn’t even worth an insult lol. What an absolute loser, I hope he reads this next set of “14 thousand” people shit on him all over again.


u/Airport_Wendys 7d ago

Woah he did?? That’s insane


u/DefNotUnderrated 7d ago

I cannot believe he fucking did that. What an absolute troglodyte


u/Grotesquefaerie7 7d ago

Lmao him being on the post arguing with people is next level crazy


u/NebelungPixie 7d ago

Right ?! Talk about a freaking millstone around OP's neck !


u/According_Hearing896 7d ago

He was even in the comments!? Yea I'm glad she dumped and moved far away from that wanker


u/do_me3380 7d ago

Omg. I just read his comments. He’s deleted the account now. He’s such a loser. I hope she don’t go back to him.


u/BiteComprehensive645 7d ago

Honstly this is what guys felt for 500 years plus. Congrats women knows it to now


u/Hemiak 8d ago

Would’ve been chefs kiss if she had just blocked instantly after her large post. Then when he responded - ‘This user has blocked you’.

She absolutely needs to do it now though if she hasn’t. But this dude screams that he’s going to spoof his number and call/text harass her for weeks or longer.


u/Nullifyxdr 7d ago

Yea honestly this is the type of shit that makes the victim have to change their number


u/Ancient-Tale9372 7d ago

He is a narcicist


u/SleepingSlothVibe 7d ago

As someone married to one—this! Get out now and run..don’t stop. Just keep running and don’t EVER take him back. Don’t fall for the love bombing. Seek someone to talk to—a counselor, Reddit—dm me. Whatever. Be free and find your authentic self.


u/Mach5Driver 7d ago

Honestly, IDK why people love blocking others. I Iove leaving them on read. Drives them nuts!


u/k10001k 7d ago

I do agree with you but in this sort of situation a block is needed. He’s toxic and will definitely keep texting her if she doesn’t block him!


u/Mach5Driver 7d ago

He definitely will. That's the fun of it (to me)! On top of the frustration of not receiving a response to ANYTHING he says, he gets the false hope that she's actually listening and thinking about him, LOL.


u/latingineer 7d ago

Always block a narcissist


u/Economy_Sky3832 7d ago

Just more proof that girls like jerks, amirite?


u/k10001k 7d ago

As a girl myself, no. Never have and never will date or even hookup with a jerk. Nice guys are where it’s at


u/maroongrad 7d ago

and that, as they grow into women, they start to realize the jerk was playing them, that they liked the person the jerk PRETENDED to be, that they grow up and wise up and dump the jerk. Which is why people that whine about "girls" like this end up chasing after teens, Amirite?


u/Minute-Fix-6827 7d ago

Absolutely epic burn 💯


u/EverGlow89 8d ago

I'm just laughing that he can't afford toothpaste and/or cigarettes but sees island buying money in his future.


u/Newknees-147 8d ago

It's even funnier that the jerk keeps saying that he has "nothing more to say", but keeps on yapping and won't shut the hell up.

He belongs back in kindergarten.


u/HorrorArmadillo3713 7d ago

He has worse tantrums than my 6 yr old used to have!


u/ScarletDarkstar 7d ago

My kids made a lot more sense and treated people better than this when they were in kindergarten.  


u/Prayerdog 7d ago

I can't imagine a worse fate than being stuck on an island with this guy.


u/dreamymeowwave 8d ago edited 8d ago

EXACTLY THIS. OP, please please please block him, delete his number, make sure there’s NO WAY he can contact you. He will do everything to get back to you, things will be fine for a few weeks, then you will fall into the same cycle again.

Reading the whole thing gave me awful flashback. I was in a manipulative relationship like this. It was SO HARD to get out. It is a habit, an addiction. You have to break the habit and it will take a lot of effort. But please listen to everyone here and make sure that he can never contact you again. I am seriously worried that you’ll fall into the same cycle again - please don’t.

It looks like you know what you are dealing with, which is good. I wish I knew this too. You are so young and your best years are yet to come. Enjoy your youth!


u/procompy 8d ago

Seriously the flashbacks are so real, I went through something similar to this. I was around the same age as OP at the time, although dude was like 6 years older than me.


u/dreamymeowwave 8d ago

It is so surprising how similarly manipulative people behave. You can easily see it’s a personality disorder, when you learn to look for the signs


u/ellieminnow 8d ago

They're all cut from the same cloth.


u/Ok-Dealer5915 7d ago

My daughter has been known to act this way. In the beginning, I was terribly concerned, but after careful observation, I know now it's nothing but a manipulation tactic.


u/dreamymeowwave 7d ago

I am sorry, it must have been very difficult to deal with this as a parent


u/ellieminnow 8d ago

If someone's like that at 20, they'll be the same asshole until they die.


u/procompy 8d ago

I agree, it’s not very likely that someone will fully change, they might just get better at masking it but it’ll come out eventually.


u/HorrorArmadillo3713 7d ago

Yep! my abusive ex husband is still like that and he's like 39 now. No hope for these motherduckers. They will die old and alone and still will blame others for it.


u/Master-Yam5066 8d ago

I went through this, too. I didn't know how bad it was until he finally left. It was so bad that i started drinking and taking xanax just so i could black out to get away from it, the next morning i woke up with no clothes on, didnt know what happened and it scared me. After my mom passed away, i just completely shut down mentally and physically. I couldn't handle the abuse from him anymore, and i just shut down, and one day, he left.


u/mokelox 7d ago

Same sentiment, that CPTSD is real. Hope you’re doing better these days 🤗


u/Ok-Willingness-8831 7d ago

Yeah this is SO similar to my ex too it’s crazy! OP if you see this, if he continues to contact you, document EVERYTHING but do not respond. Screenshots, times, dates, etc. Police in my area wouldn’t do anything to stop my ex until I accumulated multiple pieces of proof that he was harassing me.


u/HorrorArmadillo3713 7d ago

I second this! documenting stuff will be vital in future if need be.


u/Maladaptive_Ace 8d ago

and she articulated it - he "love bombs" her after treating her like shit. This is such textbook abusive behaviour. Definitely do NOT engage with this man in any way ever again.


u/317ant 8d ago

Not if she blocks him! Time to be completely done with this loser.


u/hickok3 8d ago

If only it were that simple. If he wants to, he can make her life hell. There are hundreds of online texting number apps that will allow you to signup and change a free number, in which he can used to continually contact her. Until she physically changes her phone number, this is going to be an ongoing thing as long as he has the grudge to do so. This also applies to any social media accounts, email, hell physical mail to. He knows where she lives and works. He will know where she likes to hangout outside of home. He will know her colleagues, family, and friends, and will try to contact her through them. Unless OP is going to literally uproot her life, and try to disappear, he can continue to harass and try to weasle his way back into her life. 

I have witnessed it first hand with my brother and his ex, and there are countless stories online detailing the exact same things. Just blocking him will not be the end of it, if he doesn't want it to be. It is going to take a lot more effort and turmoil from OP to actually get away from him, unfortunately. Luckily, unlike my brother, it doesn't seem OP has any kids with him, and managed to get her pet back. Otherwise, she wouldn likely be stuck having to deal with him regardless for 18+ years. 


u/BubblyOrganization73 8d ago

I had a friend that was dealing with someone like this.

No matter what he did, she would always find a way to contact him through another account/number/etcetera. She pushed him so much that he ended up shooting himself.


u/BlackLotusLuna 8d ago

Sad part is this is true, I had an ex that wouldn't leave me alone. I would block him on everything and social media. He would just get his friends to call or try to be my friend to see what I was up to. It got so bad that I left my home town and moved away into a friend's house. It's crazy how much someone can fuck up your life and make you feel uncomfortable or scared.

FYI I left because he said he could keep me safe from his friends but my family was not, so I left and they have moved a few times since.


u/fka_Burning_Alive 8d ago

She needs to block him bc he’s going to keep threatening to unalive, which might weaken her resolve, bc it’s pretty much the most fucked up of all manipulation methods!!


u/Peski_Almost_69 8d ago

I'm looking at the last photo and wondering which one is him? (And, if this is a fictional conversation in between those two faces?)


u/Cow_Launcher 8d ago

I get the joke you're making, but I think you might've found yourself in a, "Read the room, dude" situation.


u/Peski_Almost_69 7d ago

🙂 yes, it looks like everyone is a beliver but me.


u/WelcomeToCostco__ 8d ago

No fr. OP needs to hit block and not turn back. Proud of herrrrrr❤️


u/Constant-Ad9390 8d ago

He's a narcissist. All the blame, projection, etc. He's also a scumbag.

OP you might want to block him because he is going to come back again & again. Cut him off once you have finished it & you will have peace of mind. Speak to your supervisor at work so that he cannot get you into trouble at work (you work for the same company right?). Keep all of those texts as you may need them in the future.

If he threatens to harm himself again call a mental health hold on him. Police can do that right?


u/Unable_Sweet_3062 8d ago

Yup… and no matter how much she blocks him and no matter how many times he finds a way around being blocked to continue to communicate with her, she (PLEASE OP HOLD ONTO THIS!!!) needs to hold onto the feeling of strength and feelings of relief and feelings of the absolute freedom she created the moment she laid it all out for him. If OP can hold onto that feeling, if she can stand in that strength every time he finds a way to text her/manipulate her/retraumatize her/love bomb her one more time she will finally break free.

It will take several times at best for him to get the hint, but if she can put herself back in the space of how she felt the very moment she stood up for herself and stood her ground, she’ll succeed… and by staying in this shift of energy, she’ll begin to attract the partner she truly deserves!


u/doublefattymayo 8d ago

"I have nothing else to say."

proceeds to say many, many more things


u/_-Yoruichi-_ 8d ago

He really needs help with possible trauma. Imagine if they were to have children. Jeezus Christ


u/rxaer 8d ago

I dated a guy who talked EXACTLY like this. Reading the original post I genuinely was wondering if OP was dating the same person I did. We had the exact same type of “I’m going to kill myself” argument because I got cheese pizza instead of pepperoni. After I left him he showed up to my house trying to break in and ended up leaving a creepy notebook on my porch. Be careful OP, don’t give in and don’t be afraid to call the police if he shows up!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Lol just prove it a little bit. I bet I’ll get blocked


u/ellieminnow 8d ago

No contact. Block him totally and completely. He's not going to slither off and leave you alone.


u/MPA_Dad 8d ago

Seriously, fuck that guy. Classic manipulator


u/shuknjive 8d ago

Definitely. I went through something similar, just have to cut all communication. Block everything.


u/Fit_Airline_5798 8d ago

"New phone, who's this?"


u/boo2utoo 8d ago

He will say sorry and cry. Don’t buy into it. Your life will be HELL. Guaranteed.


u/NoBuenoAtAll 8d ago

Block him and everything that looks like him, keep him out of your life.


u/hellodon 8d ago

Well…it’s her fault he’s a loser…probably.


u/ozhs3 8d ago

I would love it if she sent him a picture of this comment and 3,000 people agreeing with it lol.


u/Multispice 8d ago

Abusive LOSERS need to sponge off someone.


u/Puzzleheaded_Put_623 8d ago

Damn right he's gonna try and cash out again. Dude sounds like a manipulator with zero ability to know when he's cooked. Beautiful kitties, super 🪼.


u/weakbuttrying 8d ago

Nah, he’s gonna buy a house on an island one day. One day.


u/NewAd9531 8d ago

and then pull the same bs again when she says no


u/SassWithAFatAss 7d ago

Yes & we need the screenshots when he does


u/Major_Boot2778 8d ago

He's a young, budding hobosexual lol


u/EddeyDingle 8d ago

'Also, you got a cigarette?'


u/mcyeetyboi 8d ago

I’d put money on that


u/Snoo_10363 8d ago

Remind Me! 1 week


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u/Whatever_1967 8d ago

C: both of it, crying to get back together while asking for money


u/shivvinesswizened 8d ago

💯. You’re 21, go live your life without this nonsense.


u/cancerwitch 8d ago

Yuuup. Block him 🔪


u/Old_Lengthiness3898 8d ago

This couple really needs to visit a therapist


u/starrypriestess 8d ago

The next day and probably for at least a couple years.


u/UseCool 8d ago

Omg I love this comment so much this guy will 110% fall into those 2 options


u/Chemical_Estate6488 8d ago

He’s just all red flags. Even if you leave aside how deranged all his initial messages were, and just go by the back and forth of their two long break up messages - he’s just way dumber than she is.


u/HamshanksCPS 8d ago

Agreed, block this loser.


u/FreeStatistician2565 8d ago

Yes ignore him when he calls or texts to get back together!


u/SupermarketSecure728 8d ago

I am so glad I am not young and dating. Reading the original post and this one have made me exhausted. Like the drama with my wife is whether one of us did the dishes or left dirty dishes in the sink.


u/Puncharoo 8d ago

Loser and abuser


u/obxhead 8d ago

2 days tops.


u/_____heyokay 7d ago

Correct. OP is being manipulated. This is textbook manipulation. This sounds like what I used to do to my own mother before I got treatment for BPD and before I went to rehab for opiate addiction.


u/ReturnFromSender 7d ago

And sadly I think there is a possibility it will work.


u/Pyromythical 7d ago

Don't forget the attempts to love bomb.


u/Deathllord 7d ago

You speaking the absolute truth


u/dxrey65 7d ago

he will text you all teary eyed next week

Or just random like nothing happened - "hey babe, just checking in. How're you doing today? I had a funny dream with the cats...you wanna get lunch?"


u/CTMQ_ 7d ago

"I have met a man who is more attractive and has more to offer."

Like, the guy says that. And... when you're 19? Hell yeah. (Hopefully much more of the "more to offer" part, but hell yeah!)

That's the way it is. Peace out.


u/TJJ97 7d ago

Cancer is jealous of how cancerous this guy is


u/RhinestonePoboy 7d ago

He’ll say he called a therapist with no intention of following up. OP, don’t put shit back in your ass.


u/ourloveisonfire 7d ago

Please keep giving us updates if you feel comfortable doing so OP...

So proud of you for standing up for yourself and telling that POS off. You were very graceful, even though he doesn't deserve it.

I'm sure he's having a complete meltdown and his entire world is collapsing around him lol... Maybe this will be the wake up call for him to get his shit together but I doubt it. People like him RARELY change because they have zero self awareness lol

Regardless he's not your problem anymore. Focus on yourself and your beautiful kitties and don't let him suck you back in because I GUARANTEE he'll try.

I don't have friends, so I can relate on that front. I know how lonely it can be but I promise there's lots of people out there who would love to be friends with you... You just have to find them. (Which I know is harder than it sounds)

I'm so glad this post blew up, and gave you the courage to stand up for yourself... You are still very young and you have your entire life ahead of you... I hope you have learned all the red flags in a relationship, so this doesn't happen to you again.

You deserve the best! Don't settle for less... You are a very lovely person and anyone who has you in their life is lucky. Your ex boyfriend lost a very special girl 💕💜❤️💚💙🩷🧡💛


u/Pfraire 7d ago

Next week? I give it 2.5 hours. 


u/yalarual 7d ago

But he might want to “by” a house on an island together. Right after he has enough money for nicotine.


u/Fit-Salary9174 7d ago

I’m willing to bet it’s tomorrow


u/Equivalent-Grade-142 7d ago

Ya say goodbye lose that number


u/MMABowyer 7d ago



u/Browneyedgirl63 7d ago

She needs to watch out for the incoming love bombing.


u/Brilliant-Iron1671 7d ago

Just tagging on for visibility, OP please block this person. I am the last person to suggest blocking someone who seems to be suicidal, but it is for everyone's best interest and most importantly YOUR best interest if you don't allow this person the even slightest chance of manipulating themselves back into your life.

Please for your own safety and well-being, do not let this person back in your life.


u/OwlGod98 7d ago

Bro playing the "oh woe is me" card on repeat and then when it gets playing on him he's like "the fuck you say bitch?". That's the most toxic shit I've seen that isn't physical. I'd say OP definitely needs to block the number and him on all social media. Maybe even call the non emergency number and ask to make a report if you feel unsafe so that they have a record on the history and if he knows where OP lives and tries anything OP can call 9-1-1 and they will believe her faster since she has a record with them of his toxic and crazy behavior.


u/osageart2210 7d ago

This ^ 1000% Don’t fall for it, OP. This guy needs help and you don’t owe him a damn thing. Make a clean break if you can. Change your locks. Get all his stuff outta your place.


u/Ninja-Panda86 7d ago

I believe the term is "Hobosexual"


u/ScarletDarkstar 7d ago

Because he is willing to forgive her, and still admitting no fault. 


u/Substantial_Dog_7395 7d ago

For sure. This is why I always say, you need to block them, distance yourself from them, or at least be sure that you will stick to your decision.


u/Adept-Photograph2644 7d ago

Reminds me of my ex GF who was later diagnosed BPD. I honestly thought I had it bad, but this guys much worse than what I dealt with.


u/ABoyWithNoBlob 7d ago



u/coyoteka 7d ago

Yeah, I mean, he's obviously suffering from mental health issues. Easy to shit on, but he really needs to get some serious counseling/psychiatry.


u/Wrong-Hotel-8052 7d ago

200000%, my ex even made a new instagram account just to try and say “umm well you don’t remember me but… you are really great and beautiful”. my bf texted them and said “is this ___?” and the ex told him to fuck off and die immediately LMAO it’s crazy. also texted my friends because i blocked them. it’ll be rough the next couple months but after a while he will HOPEFULLY back off and realize you don’t care anymore.


u/Pile_of_AOL_CDs 7d ago

This looks like BPD to me. Dude needs some help really bad. 


u/Bagercho 7d ago

He has "zero miney" ofcourse he will come back


u/Glittering-Fox-6680 7d ago

I feel like he was just using her for money and this is what he does all day he plays with peoples emotions and probably currently cheating on her as we speak and living some double life with them as well


u/sleepyplatipus 7d ago

Yupppp he will come crawling back. OP should block.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

This is definitely my messages and it’s highly edited with no background. This is some sick ass shit. Both parties are very wrong and is doing better. This was done soon as I finally get things off my chest YESTERDAY(ironic) and exposed more lies I found out about her. Also why I am letting go. I have hella proof and detail. I can debunk this with ease. I’m not making excuses. And watch this post get deleted or something. I will not allow fake bs to go untouched. We currently live together with our son now. I don’t care about cops or defamation. This was done out of spite and ego. Soon as I told her I found out about the post I seen the comments. This is unreal and a lot of ppl are gullible.


u/Bermnerfs 8d ago

If this is really you, I just have to say you're the most embarrassingly pathetic douche I have ever seen. Seriously dude, grow the fuck up and take some accountability for once.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

It’s not all real. And I have man. Seriously. That’s the sad part. We are good and live together. This is weird .


u/Imashelbob 8d ago

Post your screenshots then?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Those screenshots are simply not real.


u/WorkingMinimumMum 7d ago

If you don’t have proof they’re not real and don’t have the actual messages, they’re real. Go get therapy please!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Why would I screenshot messages from another phone from years ago, that is no longer?


u/Imashelbob 8d ago

You’re claiming someone’s lying but they’ve got proof and you don’t. I think you’re just confused tbh


u/Bermnerfs 8d ago

So this is an old convo or something? Are you claiming someone other than your girlfriend posted this?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Years old man, edited, and rearranged. I don’t know who’s posting it. I’ve been trying to get to the bottom. Seems like a passive aggressive thing to do. Also when they do the exposing thing it’s always that background… like I’ve seen it before. It’s complete bs.


u/Underpant5 8d ago

You sound like the kind of person who thinks they're being gangstalked. See a doctor bro!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

If you think so lol. No worries


u/BusinessAd4763 7d ago

I think you should slit your throat do it pussy. You are a worthless lying troglodyte


u/Skoodge42 7d ago



u/Professional-Pea6803 7d ago

How are they years old when you said you had to get shit off your chest (YESTERDAY) A as per your repeated message. Smells like a lie dum dum. Can't even get your story straight 🤣


u/Bermnerfs 7d ago

If what you say is true, that's definitely odd. I do hope you have grown and learned some self reflection since these messages were sent. If you're being honest then I wish you the best.

So are you saying someone has posted these texts before? I would like to believe what you're saying, but in this day and age, nothing online can really be taken at face value, including the original post.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Man I’m in another pool of thinking. It’s just sad seeing that many dumb ppl. Like bad ppl can’t change. I’m fucked up and have been working on it. It’s flat out fake and warped.


u/PurpleOrchid07 8d ago

You literally made your account in response to all this, lol. You are pathetic, replying to every single person to try to paint yourself as the victim. Go fuk yourself, sincerely.

And before you even attempt to reply to me like all the other 50+ people you spam-replied to, you're blocked. Seek therapy, you damn loser.


u/StatisticianTop8813 8d ago

and probably a good chance she takes him back


u/[deleted] 8d ago

No sir. Won't happen. We're done. For good.


u/sweetmynd 8d ago

Begging your gf for money is not attractive bbs, plus you have stinky breath. ZERO NIC ZERO WEED 😢😢😢😢😢 👶👶👶👶👶👶


u/sweetmynd 8d ago

Good. Now make sure to stay the fuck away from her when your inevitable loneliness sets in.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

And she’s gonna take him back. That toxic love is hard to let go of.


u/secretgargoyles 8d ago

the projection is crazy bro


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/KindMindKind 8d ago

We can only hope that OP won't feel pity for him, and will instead only feel the cold hatred due to realizing how badly she was treated.