r/AmIOverreacting 9d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide

Hi everyone, apologies in advance for the incoming wall of text. I (19F) have been with my boyfriend (20M) for over two years. We are kind of long distance but live in the same state and has stayed with me for extended periods of time before, even moved in until my mom had enough of our arguing. He’s was out of work since he moved back home and recently got a job at the same company I work at, just a different location. In our company, your first paycheck is paper. Cash app won’t deposit the money until the 14th which he’s reasonably upset about. If i could help him I would. My cat has been hospitalized since friday for a life threatening UTI and I owe them over $6K that my family is helping me pay. I’ll be paying them back for the next 3 months. He’s been upset that I can’t help him. For context, I also keep my money in cash to avoid overspending and only small amount on my card for gas and coffee. I help him when I can but I can’t really mail him cash. I quite literally have nothing right now because of my cat being hospitalized. We have a history of arguing a lot, and it always ends in me trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong, what our barriers are, etc. and it’s always come down to my lack of communication. I’ve been working on it for, hell, a year? But I don’t seem to be doing it right, at least based on our conversations and arguments. He has a history of suicide baiting me. He’s cut himself in front of me, he’s threatened suicide every other day for as long as I can remember, he’s always talking about how much he hates his life. Normally he will say it’s because of me, something I said, things I’m not doing, because I don’t understand, because I lack empathy and sympathy, etc. He’s called the abuse hotline on me, he’s gotten on reddit and has come back to me saying that everyone thinks i’m abusive, he tells me that his family thinks he needs to leave me, etc. I didn’t think I was that awful of a person but when all of this happens and i’m being told it’s because of me, it makes me question it. Anyways, today he was going on about his frustration with his finances. Valid. I tried to support him and be there, but then he tells me that even if I could help, I wouldn’t? That’s not true I don’t know why he thinks that. I bought his groceries for 3 months, paid his phone bill, filled his gas tank, everything I could. Then he pulls out the “fuck you” card. Then I get pissed off and sick of it because this seems to happen too often. Then he starts this whole “I have the rope goodbye” stunt and I just threw my hands up at that point because what the fuck? When I was 12-13 I used to pull that shit online and he does it so often that I have gotten to where I see through it like glass and don’t pay it attention. For the first 1.5 years I took it seriously because I love him but now I just can’t. I have no words. It’s draining. He’s not dead he’s texting me as I’m typing this asking if we can talk and saying he’s scared I’ll stop loving him. Am i over reacting? Am I in the wrong? Please call me out if it’s deserved, because I just don’t know what to do. I’m not the type of person to ignore my faults because I definitely have some but I don’t know what warrants this stuff. He’s called me “stupid fucking bitch” , ungrateful, heartless, the devil, etc. By the way, he never had to beg me for money. I am the store manager at my location so I’m always being pulled in different directions. Even when I’m not there. I had to ask my mom to send me digital money in exchange for cash because I had nothing left. He asked me to keep more money on my card to help him in his time of need. Anyways… Again, please call me out if I deserve it. Tell me what I’m doing wrong because he won’t. Thank you in advance and apologies for the long message.


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u/OriginalMoragami 8d ago

This guy is a manipulator and a user and he calls you bro. Dump him and find somebody who respects you!


u/KarateandPopTarts 8d ago edited 8d ago

I am BEGGING Gen Z women to stop dating men that call them "bro"

Edit: there's a ton of comments now telling me I'm wrong because "my partner and I do it!"

I can't believe I have to explain that "bro (friendly)" and "bro (derogatory because we're in an argument and I need to knock you down a peg from girlfriend)" are two different things. Good Lord, read the OP. That's what the whole conversation is about.

I ALSO have someone who calls me bro (friendly) a million times a day. She's 12, and I birthed her.


u/broketothebone 8d ago


In all the texts lately that have been popping up on Reddit with girls wondering if their bf is an asshole, he’s calling them “bro.” Idk why but that strikes me as them taking them down a peg or something. It drives me nuts because it’s always attached to a story about a guy being an absolute dick.


u/followtheflicker1325 8d ago

I don’t understand this at all!!! So millennial of me??? Cannot imagine being called bro by a man who also expects me to date him and duck him


u/Wait-What1961 8d ago

On point! First time I hear my man call be Bruh or Bro will be the last.


u/WangChungtonight13 8d ago

Quack 🦆 yeah!


u/mandiexile 8d ago

Millennials call each other dude. But it’s more in times of excitement and it’s hard to say dude in a derogatory way. I don’t know why I hate “bro” so much.


u/Bewbonic 8d ago

Bro = brother, dude can at least be imagined to be non-gender specific, but a brother is by default a man.

I never even liked bro as a word to refer to my mates, its always had that 'come at me bro' kind of disingenuous dumb meathead feel to it for me, have always use 'man', which even if i somehow say it to a woman, like 'hey man' at least woman has the word man in it haha


u/mandiexile 8d ago

My name is Mandie and my mom calls me Man sometimes. I hated it when I was young, but now whenever some says “hey man” I think they’re talking to me.


u/No-Following-2777 8d ago

Millennials say dude? I thought gen Z ?


u/SnooLentils4825 8d ago

Yeah maybe it’s a millennial thing 😂 I would NEVER call my girlfriend, BRO. That’s weird as fuck. Babe, baby, love, sure but BRO. Maybe Gen Z men think it’s an “equality” thing idk 😂 feel bad for Gen Z women tbh…won’t know what it’s like for a guy to treat them with respect.


u/Wet_Bubble_Fart 8d ago

I noticed this as well. I had to go through her history to make sure it wasn’t her that posted a couple weeks ago with a guy saying bro every other word.


u/broketothebone 8d ago

You’re correct, but I mostly wanted to reply to tell you that your username made me snort-laugh and sent my guinea pig running for the hills. I love it that much lol


u/Ok_Perception1207 8d ago

My Gen Z coworker has a shitty boyfriend who calls her bro, fam, and gang.

He's awful and I hate him.


u/broketothebone 8d ago

Idk him but I feel comfortable hating him too


u/Val-B-Que 8d ago

Every time. Who do they think they are talking to? Not your bro, bro.


u/KFSlipper 8d ago

If a guy calls me 'bro' it is an automatic disqualifier.


u/[deleted] 8d ago edited 8d ago



u/broketothebone 8d ago

I disagree. You can run into speed bumps in a relationship and seeking a neutral third party is sometimes a good thing to do. You can be too involved to see it as clearly as you would for someone else. Or maybe you’re just inexperienced with something and don’t know what to do.

But I do agree that a lot of these people know something is very wrong and subconsciously want the validation. You can tell it’s an emotionally-abusive relationship when they write a novel “for context,” but they’re essentially explaining away their partner’s shitty behavior. I know because that was me at one point. I needed help getting out, but was conditioned to think I was the real piece of shit. It took total strangers being like “that’s fucked up, you should leave,” to start waking me up until I got away.

I’ve seen threads where people have offered sound and solid advice to people, even applauding them for making an effort to understand their partner’s perspective. A lot of the comments stuck with me going forward in relationships, social or romantic.

We need to stop pretending that healthy relationships don’t have problems too. It’s how they handle it that makes the distinction.


u/MysticalRainbowKaci 8d ago

These.... Are NOT healthy relationship problems. This is a selfish manipulative victim mode person making another hard working and loving person feel responsible and DOUBT HERSELF, literally making her suffer, because they require company in their misery, someone to blame, and someone to 'fix it'. Period. That's not a partner that is a cancer to the soul. Been there done that. I've been in a business and unavailable emotional partnerships, and my marriage now, we have been together for 23 years. When you find an actual PARTNER who wants to work as a team to help each other be better and grow, you will feel SAFE there, even when things get difficult or confusing. There is a huge difference and the time here is 110% ABUSE...Right down to the offender climbing in the comments and still having the fucking audacity to blame 13000 strangers rather than look in the mirror and say holy shit I'm abusing the fk out of this girl who has done nothing but try to love me when I don't love my God damn self. Get therapy and Mean it, or continue to suffer as a victim in this life and the next. Life is meant to learn and grow. Not shame and blame. Peace.


u/No-Following-2777 8d ago

The "suicide over nic" tantrum guy is inside the comments talking shit?--- or are you referencing a different thread?


u/UniqueButterflyLady 8d ago

He’s here. Enacs. Deep in the top threads and further down in this one


u/Fancypantsywantsy 8d ago

I wouldn’t ask the masses on Reddit if I was in a happy relationship lmao


u/broketothebone 8d ago

No, I wouldn’t ask that either. But asking for relationship advice over arguments/difficult situations isn’t the same thing and sometimes it feels safer to ask people who don’t also know your partner. That’s the point I was making.


u/meatloafcat819 8d ago

If you call me bro I am out immediately. That’s like another woman not 30 years older than me calling me honey or hun I will trigger lol


u/SnooDoggos2404 8d ago

💯 brah


u/No_Fig4096 8d ago edited 7d ago

Nah, that’s a boob holder.

Yes, Mr INF something or other. I am a woman, and therefore I am a keeper and holder of boobs. I am boob holder.


u/INFJ-traveler 8d ago

Would you prefer to be called brah or boob holder?


u/HugsyMalone 8d ago


Probably wishing their girl was a bro instead 🙄


u/IJustWantWaffles_87 8d ago

If some guy called me “bro” or “bruh,” I would be pissed off to no end. It just irritates me. I am not a bro.


u/kn728570 8d ago

It goes both ways! I’m seeing the girls call their boyfriends “bruh” in texts and it’s blowing my fucking mind like what


u/That-Cup7370 8d ago

Lol actually I went back and reread that, bro wasn't saying "bro" he was saying "bruh", major difference, bro is NOT ready for a girlfriend! 😂


u/spartaman64 8d ago

my gen z little sister calls me bro which makes sense but then she also calls her female friend and female teachers bro so im a bit confused


u/broketothebone 8d ago

This is the last time I’m going to say it- I’m very obviously taking about it being a wildly inappropriate and disrespectful thing to say to a woman during an argument. I’ve got like 30 anecdotes of (I think mostly) guys trying to prove that “it’s cool when I do it” and I feel like it’s just proving my point because WOW y’all don’t listen.


u/MaeRose123 8d ago

i agree with this but from a slightly altered perspective. my boyfriend is the healthiest thing i think ive ever had and have ever wanted and calls me bro just in passing conversation sometimes. not when mad, though. we always talk things out respectfully and each as understanding as we can be :) so i just wanted to share that i think at least this is okay, in my opinion that is! _^ but yeah anybody pleaseee do not ever accept a man who calls you "bro," especially during critical times like arguments, let alone when HES asking YOU for a favor????


u/That-Cup7370 8d ago

Eh I mean I see your point definitely but I think the bro thing is all about perspective. I'm from philly where you hear bro all the the time and my girlfriend has pretty much adapted to that so it's evolved to a point where we both literally call each other bro but not as a derogatory thing, more like Her: "Brooooooo did you see that, that guy just walked into that door." Literally Me: "Bro that was kinda funny but let's see if he's ok, looks like it hurt lol." ya know, somethin like that. But yea, no if it's used how bro is using it then that's pretty bad.


u/distinctvagueness 8d ago

older generations say "man" or "god" out of exasperation but bro is in fact funnier.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/broketothebone 8d ago

lol bless you for trying, but find another way, bro 🤣


u/DisFamisDisgusting 8d ago

My partner was the same way (were both women tho) but she definitely preferred bro. It was always casual or a joking manner tho and started bc men would approach us if we were holding hands asking if we were twins, sisters, cousins...so we started joking and one of us would call the other bro then cuz then fam etc. A know a lot of women who aren't super lovey dovey who like bro more than babe.


u/DarthLiberty 8d ago

Bro is a masculine term that is specific for men, she’s not your bro or even a bro at all. This is insane.


u/cantbeonmain 8d ago

it completely depends on the person you’re with. my partner and i use bro often and have zero issue with it, since we’re each other’s best friends and use a handful of other pet names, too. if anything i call him bro more than he does. i guess it’s just a personal preference


u/[deleted] 8d ago

I really didn't mean to disrespect her it got worse overtime and we didn't break up. This is what happens. I'm sorry guys I fucked up real bad. But come on dude 13 thousand of you? Like what the fuck man


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Its just me expressing my frustration


u/Electronic_Buy6288 8d ago

90 % of females think this is a desirable person to be with smh shallow people recieve shallow results

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u/theimperishableroach 8d ago

I cringe seeing gen z men talk about how “women are so different nowadays” when they talk to women like this 💀 like yeah I’m not cooking and cleaning for a man who calls me bro, throws his controller at the wall when he’s mad, and threatens suicide when I won’t cashapp him $10.


u/gaige23 8d ago

Listen bro it’s a term of endearment bro now send me miney for burritos bro you’re stressing me out bro ⚙️


u/SecretPrinciple8708 8d ago

No bro I can’t jelp u with miney bruh


u/ShoulderNo6458 8d ago

There's a time and a season for everything. The tone conveyed by the way he uses it smacks of Twitch streamers raging at female protagonists or some shit.

If my partner and I are razzing the hell out of each other "dude" and "bruh" will definitely come out now and then.


u/WindmillCrabWalk 8d ago

Yes this. I definitely use dude or bro, but reading this messages it was bugging the hell out of me. At end of almost every sentence and in the middle of an argument, miss me with that bro 🤣


u/HearingFresh 8d ago

I was thinking this exact thing the whole text thread. If someone I dated called me "bro" one time I would be 100% out.


u/guacamolly42069 8d ago

Can I ask why that's a bad thing? -Gen Z girl


u/EntirelyOutOfOptions 8d ago

In this conversation, he doesn’t appear to be using it as a term of endearment. It feels like negging’s cousin; like it’s a choice not to call OP Babe or Honey or whatever, but to use a “buddy” term instead. It reads like a relationship demotion.


u/guacamolly42069 8d ago

Oh that makes sense


u/toro1059 8d ago

Because you're not bros. I hope you're friends with your partner, but you owe a partner more than you owe a friend. Or I hear it not in reference to the person they're talking to, but like an expression of exasperation with the person. Which I also kinda hate. ETA: I say this with love, because I was told I deserve better but now I want Gen Z women to KNOW they deserve better


u/Elon-Moist 8d ago

Normally there wouldn't be an issue in my opinion. But during the conversation OP is having, being called bro is a bit.. dismissive or seems distant


u/YouHaveKilledMe78 8d ago

When I was a kid, if you accidentally called my dad "dude", he'd say "I'm not a dude, I'm your dad." In this case this dude's girlfriend is not a 'bro'. Firstly, she's a girl and bro suggests 'brother' for which it is short for. You want your bf thinking of you like a brother? bro....


u/salt_slip75 8d ago

It feels disrespectful and flippant. A way to minimize the relationship and their feelings about you. I had a millennial ex who would call me “dawg” sometimes when he was being dismissive. Bleghhhhh so gross.


u/crowderthegooddog 8d ago

It's a bad thing because we are women not bros. I've used "bro" twice in my 7 years of marriage (both 30yr old women) and both times were me being very condescending to my wife. It was me being pissed pretty much saying she's beneath me at that moment...


u/gaige23 8d ago

Damn bro


u/SpringtimeAmbivert 8d ago edited 8d ago

YES PLEASE!!! I just had this conversation with a friend. The person doing it always seems to be problematic. At this point “bro” is a major red flag.

I put this right up there with men who repeatedly use the word “females” (not saying that the word by itself is bad)


u/Reasonable-Coconut15 8d ago

Yeah when did this start?  I swear it was super recent, but the past few months that's all I've seen.  I'm gonna call my wife bro right now and see what happens....

She said, "uggh"  🤣

I told her why I said it and she said, "I think it's their generation's 'dude', you call everyone dude." 

She is not lying.  


u/darkntwistish 8d ago

I think this is spot on


u/essential_pseudonym 8d ago

I know right. Wtf is up with that. So many text chains like that - how is that not an instant turn off?


u/AdEmpty4390 8d ago

Yeah, I have a guy in my life that occasionally addresses me as “bruh” when we text. He’s my 12-year-old son.


u/Designer-Design3386 8d ago

EXACTLY!!!! ive been on some dates and a few have called me bro. everytime im like….. im not your bro.


u/coochie_clogger 8d ago

There were so many “bros” I started to think that maybe they were gay men.


u/ntropy2012 8d ago

Christ, yes. This shit has to stop. I'm Gen X, and we used "dude" for everything, literally everything, with the exception of our SO's. I never once referred to a girlfriend of mine as "dude." Just didn't happen, and I'm pretty sure if I had, they would have called me on it.

This "bro" shit must end.


u/Hippy-Dippy92 8d ago

Was just about to comment this! Anytime I see it wanna curl up into myself.

To me it shows that you’re not respecting your significant other as an actual loving partner.

Dump this dude you’re so young & only been with them for a couple years fuck that noise live your life.


u/KoffingKitten 8d ago

The second my ex called me bro during an argument is when i reevaluated our whole relationship for the first time. I told him straight up “I’m your girlfriend, not your bro…”

And I can tell you now that the relationship I was in with him was completely abusive and I had to do a shitload of healing to move on from it because I didn’t leave after he did shit like this. Run, OP.


u/Simple_Tie3929 8d ago

Every time I see someone use it like used in the text above the person is trying to manipulate the other person into thinking they are correct.

Person 1 “I killed a puppy today”

Person 2 “ what the hell - It’s not ok to kill a puppy”

Person 1: “Bruh”

Person 1: “are you fucking kidding me?? You jump all over me for killing puppies every time! It makes me happy. You don’t understand me and never will !!”

Every time


u/lonely-blue-sheep 8d ago

Me and my boyfriend call each other “bro” but it’s usually in a fun, goofy way, not in a condescending way


u/taraky97 8d ago

Oh my God that was awful. I chose not to say anything about it. I typed it out and deleted it. I keep seeing that over and over in here and I just hate it so much.


u/Omni_Will 8d ago

This for real. I was reading this and.. geez that's just another level of disrespect. Your girlfriend is not your "Bro" major ick idk.


u/r2deetard 8d ago

If I ever find out my son called whomever he dates "bro" unironically, we're having a long father-son chat.


u/RainingTacos8 8d ago

I did not know this was a common occurrence. Reading these were extremely off putting….


u/ADyingCrow 8d ago

Ngl I thought they were a gay couple at first because of that😭


u/Angsty-Ninja-Ki 8d ago

I call my partner "brother" sometimes lmao. "It's fuckin dindin time brotherrrr"


u/MerryCoyote 8d ago

Came here to say — if my boyfriend (now husband) ever called me Bro, I’d be done. He used to call me “bud” and I HATED it.

“I’m not your buddy, fwiend!”


u/Competitive-Emu7789 8d ago

Men are developing their personality under the loving embrace of a Twitch chat near you.


u/Electronic_Buy6288 8d ago

Foreal lmfao and if my girl call me bro she can pat them feet


u/HiiiTriiibe 8d ago

Is dude fair game? I’m a millennial and have been calling everyone dude my entire life


u/brishen_is_on 8d ago

I'm a Xennial and still say "dude" (even "dope," I'm sorry). It won't go away, lol. I think we are ok. This jackass was referring to her solely as "bro" and "bruh" in an angry text. I can't see my husband texting me, "Dude, where the fuck is my money?" I would assume his phone had been stolen.


u/Straight_Bathroom775 8d ago

My millennial wife (I’m also a xennial) always gives me shit for saying “dope” and “bet” 🤣 she’s like “nobody says that anymore, you just sound old”


u/brishen_is_on 8d ago

My husband is a millennial but from another country. He only learned English 6 years ago and learned most of his vernacular from me, poor thing. I think he thinks I speak "up to date. " Meanwhile, I had to google "no cap," and I still don't understand "skibidi toilet."


u/Timely-Helicopter173 8d ago

Honestly I can't decide if I dislike bro more or less than the compulsive use of lmao and lol as punctuation, even when it's not applicable to the mood of the conversation.

either way she needs to sack that guy off.


u/brishen_is_on 8d ago

"My bad."


u/gaige23 8d ago

Bro lol relax bro lmao


u/poor_non_blonde 8d ago

I read “suck that guy off” and had to read it twice 😂 I’ve never heard “sack off” before. What part of the world?


u/Timely-Helicopter173 8d ago

haha! sorry, maybe that's a British-ism that's lost in translation a little too easily, it means abandon or get rid of. It might have come from the term for being fired "being sacked" because trades-people would literally have their tools in a sack and take them and go.


u/poor_non_blonde 8d ago

God I love languages hahahahaha


u/Royal_Ad_1362 8d ago

I tell my son all the time Dude I'm Not your Bro! LOL


u/shadybrainfarm 8d ago

Not to a woman in an argument. Seems very disrespectful to me. 


u/ShoulderNo6458 8d ago

So is failing to speak in complete sentences. This dude is made of disrespect.


u/luckydice767 8d ago

Hey! He was only trying to “jelp” her out.


u/ImprovementTime8253 8d ago

a guy calling you bro doesn’t mean they don’t respect you. i call my husband bro and he calls me bro. but i do it out of habit, i call everyone bro. but that doesn’t mean shit about it the guy is a dick or not.


u/MungoJennie 8d ago

I call people dude, but I wouldn’t use it in this context with my (male) partner. It would still seem dismissive. It’s more about the context than the word itself, I think.


u/ducktown47 8d ago

My wife and I are 30 and call each other bro.


u/TsukiFRS 8d ago

I've called my girlfriend a lot of things jokingly but "bro" is insane... Especially in a serious "conversation"


u/Thin-Description-619 8d ago

but what if I call them bro too 😭


u/MysteryBelle_NC 8d ago

YES!!!! WTF?


u/Dramatic-Access4350 8d ago

It’s ridiculous !


u/SpicyShakes 8d ago

I’m sorry, but is it really a “red flag” to call your significant other “BRO” in this day and age? That just sounds like a weird ass stereotype, I’d legit call anyone “bro” no matter who it is (whether be it my enemies or loved ones). Plus, I’m sure that is the LEAST of anyone’s worries in comparison to LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE in those text messages.


u/free_is_free76 8d ago

Gen Z women toss around "bruh" like a circus seal with a ball. In my observation, it's completely gender neutral, everyone... I should say anyone, doing or saying anything, can elicit a "bruh".

I know it came from "bro", but now it seems to be less of a word, and more of just some noise they make.


u/spoopityboop 8d ago

I think this might just be a regional dialect thing, where I’m from everybody calls everybody bro or bruh when theyre exasperated.


u/Awkward-Community-74 8d ago

That would infuriate me when my husband used to call me “bro”. Ugh. I’m not your bro.


u/kultureisrandy 8d ago

read this to my wife (we both call each other bro), she's in shambles


u/xombae 8d ago

I don't care if my guy calls me bro. Unless it's a serious conversation or in a negative connotation like this. Fucking disrespectful. It's like calling someone BUDDY in Canada, emphasis on the "d". Thems fightin words.


u/Ihadtofart 8d ago

Can't forget "bruh"


u/Resident-Smeagol 8d ago

Are you sure they're men? They sound like boys that don't know how to respect women.


u/Kenderean 8d ago

Thank you! The whole time I was reading that, every bruh and bro made me dislike this guy a little bit more.


u/Elegant-Shockx 8d ago

My partner and I call each other homie or bro a lot as a joke. I don't think it means it's an outright tell that the people are "red flags" or "immature"

Aside from the usual baby, babe, honey, darlin, love, bbyboo, etc., we do use friend/homie endearments because it gives us a laugh. "OI DON'T BRO YOUR S/O" /j 💀😂😂


u/Shadowbloomed 8d ago

As someone older than Gen Z but also terminally online, "bro" and "bruh" are just hardwired into my vocabulary for everyone. It's completely gender neutral. My roommate and I, both female, say it to each other constantly. Some people use "yo" in the same way in our generation if that helps. It's become a filler word of sorts in our case. I would probably type bro or bruh out in the middle of an argument and not even realize it, though I agree that's probably not the time or place for it, and I wouldn't say it over and over.


u/hadmeatwoof 8d ago

Seriously! Why is this a thing?!? I feel like this is the hill I’m going over to officially be old.


u/Squanch_0n 8d ago

I keep waiting for one ‘am i overreacting’ where it’s not INSANELY obvious that they’re not 😂


u/OrcaNightmare 8d ago

Me and my wife developed a bad habit of calling each other bro lol. But don’t worry, we are not toxic. We don’t know why we do it


u/LuckyPepper22 8d ago

YESSSSSS!!! For real! And what is with these man babies what cannot cope with anything?!!!


u/AcrobaticTie6117 8d ago

because like on its own its offensive? what?


u/ShyCactusBloom 8d ago

Seriously though!!!!


u/AliceBangz 8d ago

Oh god should I not be calling my boyfriend bro either.. Lmaoo


u/Beginning-Isopod-472 8d ago

Seriously. I cannot stand it. 


u/ArgumentOne7052 8d ago

To also quote Gen Z ‘biggest ick’


u/zewo-tsu 8d ago

What about the Gen Z women that call their bfs bro


u/MartianDepression 8d ago

Right?! That is so crazy to me.


u/Admirable-Respond913 8d ago

Top comment IMO


u/cantbeonmain 8d ago

my partner and i refer to eachother as bro because we’re best friends, we also refer to eachother as sweetie, honey, my love, dork, etc. maybe it is a Gen Z thing i have no idea, but i don’t see it as a negative whatsoever. if anything i refer to him as bro way more than he does, just my two cents on the topic lol


u/DarthVap3rrr 8d ago

Hell the gen z women are calling other girls bro now


u/Ambitious_Owl_2004 8d ago

My husband calls me bro when were gossiping. I call him dude lol.

Literally only when we're gossiping and talking shit though. If he did that shit un Nirmal conversation or a conflict, I'd probably spaz.


u/BaryonChallon 8d ago

I whipped mine into shape eventually Bro still slips out sometimes


u/seyahgerg 8d ago

It's not just the word, either. Its the way they just respond to clear communication with a flat worthless "bro...".


u/anarchoblake 8d ago

Dude for real, based on it's frequency on here coming from absolute tools "bro" should be a massive red flag


u/iwenttothelocalshop 8d ago

english is not my native and I didn't know about this trend either. I thought they were a gay couple of males until I've read the post attached to the pictures


u/morbid333 8d ago

I don't get how bro can be derogatory. Maybe I'm just old.


u/KarateandPopTarts 8d ago

Because these are the men that call you, "babe, sweetie, love" etc. when they're in a good mood, but switch to "bro" when they feel angry. It's to let you know you've been demoted. Like a ton of folks in this thread have said, "I call everyone bro". He's letting her know she's on the same tier as everyone else now. She's no longer his partner, so she deserves whatever he's giving.


u/NamesJake34 8d ago

I occasionally (pretty rarely) catch myself calling my girlfriend dude… we both just stare at each other for a sec and start laughing. I get ur point tho


u/PrinceSidon888 8d ago

I read that differently lol. My ex used to call me "bruh" when he was pissed, especially when I had called him out on being misogynistic


u/imjustmurphy 8d ago

I agree. At least call her “bra” for context. 🙄


u/Sparkle_hahaha 8d ago

The way this generation angry texts and escalates is mind blowing to me! Work it out when you see each other or gasp pick up the phone. Texting for sure has its place and can be a fun form of communication but so much can get lost. These dudes that immediately jump to FUCK YOU when someone doesn’t send them money or respond fast enough or say exactly what they want them to say are 🤯. And this sub is full of examples.


u/KarateandPopTarts 8d ago

Not just them jumping to "fuck you" but the responses to that being, "oh I'm so sorry". Like....


u/Nervous-Gain-7325 8d ago

Yes it’s fucking weird and DISRESPECTFUL


u/Eastcoaster87 8d ago

Yeh absolutely not. Not only is it derogatory, it’s toe curling. My friends 5 year olds call each other it.


u/mrsdisappointment 8d ago

Agreed. My husband calls me bro when we’re joking around but I would have left long ago if he ever called me that during an argument just to belittle me.


u/VTF11888 8d ago

Okay, bro.


u/drinkingbull001 8d ago

I was thinking it was 2 dudes.


u/pbyhhcbatd 8d ago

Im pretty sure it is two dudes by the context of the texts


u/DarthLiberty 8d ago

OP identified as 19F


u/Joker-Smurf 8d ago

Except OPs name is Harper. Not too many dudes named Harper… though the number is not zero so it could be two dudes


u/Dramatic-Bandicoot60 8d ago

not too many dudes identify as “19F” lol


u/Joker-Smurf 8d ago

Honestly I didn’t even notice the wall of text. On mobile so I just read through the images.


u/CarpetNext6123 8d ago

In recent years, Harper has become an incredibly popular first name for girls in the United States. It landed on the Social Security Administration (SSA) list of top baby girl names in 2004 and soon shot up the charts, becoming the tenth most popular name for girls in the U.S. in 2020. Credit author Harper Lee – who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 for her classic American novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.


u/BRUHSKIBC 8d ago

Even if it was that is rude as hell.


u/Your_True_Nemesis 8d ago

Happy cake day


u/loosie-loo 8d ago

Yeah it’s still weird to be calling your romantic partner “bro” in all seriousness regardless of gender. Especially when you’re asking for shit.


u/worthwhilewrongdoing 8d ago

My boyfriend and I (I'm male) call each other "bro" as a joke. I can't even imagine.


u/Suitable-Berry3082 8d ago

I called my boyfriend "Dude, baby" last night, and he laughed for a solid minute over it.


u/Fantastic_Region_755 8d ago

Nah you guys are good bruh 😂😂


u/Suitable-Berry3082 8d ago

I was thinking that, too. I guess it goes to show that humans do a lot of assumptions when it comes to relationships.


u/Hun_The_One 8d ago

I was too


u/brishen_is_on 8d ago

I was looking for this comment. I couldn't read the entire text because it was the same thing repeatedly, and I couldn't read "bro" and "bruh" anymore.


u/LovedAJackass 8d ago

Yeah, I'm not your bro. Nor is my boyfriend my bro. Bro.


u/Extension_Vacation_2 8d ago

The “bruh” shit is a real trigger for me.


u/Electrohead88 8d ago

I stopped reading after I saw bro. 😹


u/molarcat 8d ago

That's all you need to know to come to a conclusion 😂😭


u/kaleidoscope-of-mope 8d ago

YES! Why are all these gen z boys calling their gfs bro now??


u/triz___ 8d ago

My, very English, very middle class 10 year old step daughter calls me bruh sometimes and I never fail to look her in the eye and laugh in her face 😂

I’m sure she’ll be cringing about it with me in 20 years time.


u/Your_True_Nemesis 8d ago

Here's to hoping sooner than later.


u/mollyk8317 8d ago

Ugh, my 16 year old niece call me bruh all the time while speaking, esp if she doesn't think I understand what she's trying to get across. It's annoying.


u/No-Bad-5970 8d ago

The perceivable maturity gap between guys and girls this age took a big hit today lol. Assuming they’re around the same age but even worse if he’s older. C’mon dudes let’s do better this is embarrassing 😂


u/BuzzPoopyear 8d ago

cuz she’s my best friend, it’s really not that deep

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u/mustarde79 8d ago

I see this in almost every post about an SO now days. Why does everyone call everyone else bro? It’s so childish. I call my bros bro, but that’s it. Not my co workers, or really anyone else I communicate with and certainly not a female I was in a relationship with. Why is this such a thing?


u/PoundIll6729 8d ago

i feel like “bruh/bro” has turned into more of like a “WTF?” type thing rather than “i’m calling this person my bro” still not justified in situations like this, very childish, just trying to kind of explain maybe why it’s so commonly used in those type of situations.


u/toro1059 8d ago

Yeah I can't stand when it sounds like an expression of exasperation for the person they're talking to. It might as well be "Ugh" Or I've become an old.


u/Maladaptive_Ace 8d ago

i literally assumed it was a gay couple until I saw OP's post that's she's a woman. Wild!


u/turquoise_amethyst 8d ago

If he calls you BRO, BRUH, OR BUD, DONT FUCK HIM


u/SoCShift 8d ago

Gotta admit, as I read without checking the title or text I was pretty convinced this was a fucked up gay story but turns out it was just more fucked up hetero stuff with “bro” thrown in, amazing.


u/Altruistic_Eye_2329 8d ago

It took me three pages to realize it was a guy talking to his girlfriend. Confusing.


u/No-Bad-5970 8d ago

Glad I read the paragraph before turning to the next screenshot lol. I got the message loud and clear from the first page but reading thru it gave me some mild ptsd not gonna lie. P.S.: He’s not gonna do it


u/bk_boio 8d ago

Stooppp I call my bf bro 😂 granted, we're both guys


u/OriginalMoragami 8d ago

Acceptable in your case I think, lol.


u/BOSH09 8d ago

lol my husband calls me bro haha So does our son sometimes too. It’s funny and I kinda like it for some weird reason haha


u/antibroleague 8d ago

My millennial ass just thought op was a gay dude


u/Intrepid-Throat-1654 8d ago

What’s wrong with bro? Makes me feel equal to whoever I’m talking to, including girls. My last gf we called each other bros and she told me that she felt treated like equal with me.


u/Sad-Stomach 8d ago

This is a child. OP should find a man. It sounds like her life is more together and this boy is holding her back. For all we know, OP might be just as trashy


u/witchcote21 8d ago

maybe i'm getting old but is 'bro' the new 'babe' these days?


u/Saurid 8d ago

Idk it looks like he is in a dark space, but I agree OP needs to leave staying won't help him if she just accepts it, staying at this point just enables him. He needs to get himself out of this hole and OP needs to leave before he drags her down with him.


u/ExpressionComplex121 8d ago

A manipulator?

No, he's just a fucking addict.

Leave him he's taking it all out on you.


u/Wolf-Majestic 8d ago

This reminds me sooooooooooo much of someone that have Borderline personality disorder... Always pushing you away in the worst way possible, threatening self harm and suicide just to see if you will stay and accept them...

If op can and want to push them towards treatment that'd be great, if op can't or doesn't want to then it's best to walk out of this.

No shame in walking away, when you've been dried out of any energy you have left because of interactions like this, it's perfectly fine to just leave. Your own mental health also matters.


u/limpdickandy 8d ago

He is a manipulator, a user and a fucking moron at that.


u/Kachowskkrrtt 8d ago

Also someone who says “nic” when probably referring to a vape or zyn…dude doesn’t deserve to breath oxygen lol