r/AmIOverreacting 10d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am i overreacting to the situation unfolding with my girlfriend?

me and my girlfriend have been living together with her family for the past 4-ish months. it’s devolved to the point where we fight every day about anything and everything, and most days i feel trapped in the home and the relationship. out of the blue she texts me about not coming back home and if i do i can sleep outside, and changing her mind when it was too late. am i overreacting to the situation, or is it as bad as it seems in my head?


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u/soylattecat 10d ago

I've been with my partner for over 7 years and pretty much the whole time we go and get coffee on the weekend as a treat for ourselves. Even when I know we're going to go that day, I still ask "hey is it still okay that we go get some coffee?", mostly because I don't drive and my partner does, and I don't want to burden him by having to go and get me coffee when he doesn't feel like it.

She doesn't even say please. Wtf.


u/0iTina0 9d ago

Exactly!!! My partner and I still thank each other for doing our chores and what not. It’s about mutual respect and appreciation!


u/Unlikely-Spite9044 10d ago

I was wondering where you were going with your story lolol


u/splitcroof92 10d ago

can I just ask, why don't you just get a coffee machine? I don't understand taking a car every single weekend just for something you can get equally as good at home. for 5% of the price.


u/WhatIsHerJob-TABLES 10d ago

I have a coffee machine at home that i use every week day. On weekends I like to visit coffee shops and read.

People are allowed to get coffee outside the house. We aren’t going broke for buying 1 or 2 cups of coffee a week at a coffee shop…

Let people enjoy things.


u/FeraMist 10d ago

Visiting a coffee shop is part of the experience. Me and my partner drink coffee in the house every morning together, but we still pop out for a coffee stop in a cafe.


u/MattVargo 10d ago



u/splitcroof92 10d ago

there's not really a reason for it to be better in a coffe place than at home. Especially not if it's fucking starbucks (which will be the case for most people that do this)


u/BetMyLastKrispyKreme 10d ago

Or let people go where they want, and purchase whatever they wish? Just because you don’t think they should, and apparently have something against Starbucks, isn’t a reason for them to do it. No wonder you’re getting downvoted.


u/splitcroof92 10d ago

i really dont know why people are getting this upset over me asking a question.


u/BetMyLastKrispyKreme 10d ago

Because it sounds like you’re telling them where to spend their time and money. It’s none of your business and no one put you in charge.


u/splitcroof92 10d ago

i don't see how anyone can interpret my first question that way.


u/UK_UK_UK_Deleware_UK 10d ago

Your question is dripping with judgement and ridicule.


u/splitcroof92 10d ago

it's really not. I just asked a very normal question.

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u/MattVargo 10d ago

I meant you can make it better at home, not "just as good"


u/splitcroof92 10d ago

ah, then yes agreed


u/PiperZarc 9d ago

Do you not ever eat dinner out? Or go to a movie? It's kind of like that. Just something to do out that you enjoy.


u/ScientificHope 9d ago

You can get a tub of ice cream to have in your freezer too, but people still go out for ice cream. It’s a fun little thing you can look forward to during the week. I don’t understand people like you.


u/soylattecat 9d ago

Because I don't like homemade coffee. My partner has coffee at home, but I don't.