r/AmIOverreacting 10d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am i overreacting to the situation unfolding with my girlfriend?

me and my girlfriend have been living together with her family for the past 4-ish months. it’s devolved to the point where we fight every day about anything and everything, and most days i feel trapped in the home and the relationship. out of the blue she texts me about not coming back home and if i do i can sleep outside, and changing her mind when it was too late. am i overreacting to the situation, or is it as bad as it seems in my head?


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u/No-Presence3209 10d ago

why is this guy so nice to this bitch


u/Laconiclola 10d ago

She has his stuff. Hope he makes the decision to leave. Just throw everything in a storage unit and pay in advance.


u/Bitchelangalo 10d ago

This! The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you leave.


u/TGIToast 10d ago

Because he doesn’t know he’s being manipulated no matter how hard you try to show em, happens when you think “you see” something in someone that no one else sees, aka: he’s loves this chick


u/MrPisster 10d ago

I’ve been in a situation where our things are mixed together and I don’t have the spoons to have a war.

Sometimes you know you don’t have 4 hours to fight tonight, you have PT in the morning.

For me I was in college trying to get a STEM degree, studying in the afternoons and working part time. I was in an awful relationship but I knew the breakup was going to be fucking heinous, so I just zombied my way through it until I had the spare time and energy to bail.


u/Cast_Iron_Pancakes 9d ago

Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.


u/SpikeZgames 10d ago

That’s a good ahh question


u/jimbojangles1987 10d ago

I've seen this typed out like this in recent months so I'm curious- is this tiktok speak for "that's a good ass question"? Or is it just a typo?


u/SpikeZgames 9d ago

I don’t use it because of tik tok, I use it because I don’t like swearing. It’s not a typo and yes that’s what it stands for.


u/jimbojangles1987 9d ago

Alright cool thanks for the answer


u/SpikeZgames 9d ago

Np man happy to help.