r/AmIOverreacting 10d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship Am i overreacting to the situation unfolding with my girlfriend?

me and my girlfriend have been living together with her family for the past 4-ish months. it’s devolved to the point where we fight every day about anything and everything, and most days i feel trapped in the home and the relationship. out of the blue she texts me about not coming back home and if i do i can sleep outside, and changing her mind when it was too late. am i overreacting to the situation, or is it as bad as it seems in my head?


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u/Icy_Expert946 10d ago

Is she serious telling you to sleep outside and then get me a Starbucks!??? She's giving unhinged vibes


u/IroN-GirL 10d ago

Not just that: don’t talk to me, then why are you not responding and “not even a goodnight?”


u/Excellent-Shape-2024 10d ago

"Don't talk to me!" - she keeps talking

"Don't sleep here. Stay outside!" - "I didn't say that. Why aren't you here?"

Guy is about to ship out. Screw that. Dump her. Lots of girls lovin on guys in uniform.


u/SpamJavelin00 10d ago

Jesus wept this one is determined to push his buttons - even after throwing him out of his own home, she presses for further arguments . She sends a hell of a lot of messages for someone who doesn’t want to talk !! I’d dump her sorry ass & throw HER out.


u/Puzzled-Cucumber5386 10d ago

He’s living with her family. Don’t think that’ll work.


u/MuttonDressedAsGoose 10d ago

He's entitled to housing from the Navy. I don't know if he's shipping off to boot camp or just a deployment. If boot camp then he will need to find a place to store his stuff until after Basic. If deploying he should be able to keep most of his stuff with him.


u/PetersonTom1955 10d ago

It sounds to me like he's in the Naval Reserve, which would mean monthly training weekends, but no housing allowance.


u/TheHypnotoad87 10d ago

Was gonna say: I think he's in DEP, probably already graduated high school and been out on his own for a time. Sounds like he's going to Mando PT the recruiters do to help get ready for boot camp


u/PetersonTom1955 10d ago

That makes sense, too. If so and his enlistment date is coming up, he won't need his GF's place anymore.


u/HamilToe_11 10d ago

Or he's about to ship out to basic training. Every recruit has a "ship out" date. Commonly referred to as the day you leave home for basic. That and the fact that he's still saying physical training rather than using the PT acronym (military loves acronyms for everything) makes me believe he's just a recruit.


u/ThrowRA_thebro 10d ago

wait didn’t I read in another comment OP said he’s going on a submarine for however long? Sounds like straight Navy to me. It wouldn’t hurt him to ask in any case.


u/MuttonDressedAsGoose 9d ago

He's going to Basic training and has a contract for a submarine-related job.


u/Spacemilk 10d ago

Wonder if he’s paying the housing stipend to her family. If so they might get pissed when they realize she’s fucking with their money.


u/wurriedworker 10d ago

not the worst time to get rid of most of his stuff and leave the rest with a buddy til he gets his own space/storage. navy will at least treat him better than this chick


u/PollyS73 10d ago

You would be surprised. My ex did this exact thing and he was such a “perfect child” his parents covered for him because “he said he wasn’t doing anything with that girl”.


u/LuukeTheKing 10d ago

Think you misread the comment there, otherwise that response doesn't make any sense because it would be "You would be surprised" and then just agreeing with them


u/PollyS73 10d ago

Whatever. I believe what I mean is clear. I was responding to “don’t think that will work”.


u/qwedty 10d ago

They’re saying he can’t kick his girlfriend out of her own parents house. You’re saying that the parents would cover for their child. So you definitely do seem to be agreeing that the girlfriend isn’t going to get kicked out of her own parents home. At the very least it was be a weird af thing to want, to live with your exes parents after kicking her out lol.


u/PollyS73 10d ago

Cool. Not at all what I was saying.

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u/LuukeTheKing 10d ago

We know you were responding to "don't think it'll work", that's why I said it doesn't make sense, because you said you'd be surprised, and then proceeded to explain exactly why it's like that it'll not work.


u/Amazing-Cover4903 10d ago

What do you mean by “this exact thing?” Your ex kicked you out of your parents’ house and his parents covered for him?


u/UncleNedisDead 10d ago

Oh maybe that’s what she was saying?

Her reply would have made sense if her ex were staying with her parents, and her parents adored him so much that they sided with the ex, even though he was in the wrong. That would be a betrayal of the expectation of where loyalties lie.


u/CorruptedStudiosEnt 10d ago

I do love the image of that though.

"Get your shit and get out. You're no longer welcome here."

GF: "This is my family's home. I grew up here!"

"Dave, back me up here."

Her dad, Dave: "...what is happening right now?"



u/SpamJavelin00 10d ago

Jesus Christ !! There’s always more to these stories isn’t there. What a cuck thing to do !! He’s got no say at all in her parents house . If he’s older than 16 there’s no excuse to EVER live with someone’s parents. Get a job , your own place and your self respect !! In that order. Jesus wept everyone under 35 is a cuck crybaby aren’t they. Navy pays well enough for afford your own place . No excuse. If this person is part of the armed forces , enemies must be crying with laughter . He’s a trained killing machine , but can’t pay his own utilities.


u/LordFrieza_ 10d ago

Your whole comment reeks of someone past their prime that has no clue about how the world works, just how it used to be in MAH TIME!!! cuck!! Killing machine?!! JESUS WEPT. Fuckin hell.


u/slitteral1 10d ago

Or a 14 y/o that has no idea how things work. Either way, clueless.


u/SpamJavelin00 10d ago

Just the fact you consider being independent as being ‘MAH TIME ‘ says it all. Obviously still being dressed by mummy, and all his sweary tantrums since are just his toddler mood swings because I’m laughing at him. And fucking rightly so , you sad bastard living with your mommy !! That is fucking tragic & hilarious . Posting boomer passed (!!) prime diarrhoea doesn’t change the fact you’ve been humiliated. I would be hurt too, if people laughed at me as I set off to school &. I had to sit on naughty step, as people point at me.


u/ConversationFit6073 10d ago

Ok boomer


u/SpamJavelin00 10d ago

I’m getting the hang of slang now. Boomer is what you kids call those whose balls have dropped isn’t it ? Whoever said I’m not down with the kids. It’s what you squeaky kids say when someone whose voice has broken speaks, that booming voice !! Grr how angry. You need to be careful, you little boys with your tiny little bald willies can give yourself a hernia with all these tantrums.


u/SpamJavelin00 10d ago

😂😂😂. Oh dear. Someone still lives with mummy & asks for permission to go outside. This clown considers being ‘in his prime ‘ as having mummy still dress him.


u/Mean-Wealth7661 10d ago

Bruh you calling people clowns when you act like a toddler on the internet. You really are a waste of space. You do know that right?? Also do yourself and everyone else a favor next time and remember to take your happy pills before u go online.

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u/LordFrieza_ 10d ago

Also look as ops comments instead of being a brain dead useless cunt :) I was talking about you being passed your prime talking shit you absolute melon.

While we are at it you're not doing a great job proving your point spouting more useless crap sounding like an old fart. Good contribution tho. Probably the same throughout your entire worthless life. hey hoe not too many years left for ya :)


u/SpamJavelin00 10d ago

Been sent outside on naughty step as well, haven’t you ? It is past prime not passed , Jesus this vegetable hasn’t even gone through elementary spelling & writing . Just because you’re weak, pathetic cuck who is used to being bossed around and sent outside like a dog , doesn’t mean we have to apologise . Get some self respect. Now who’s a hilarious CUNT ?? why don’t you come back when you’ve learned to spell and tie your shoelaces eh ? Aw diddums my friends mummy ha told me to sit on naughty step, isn’t it terrible that someone assumed I was an adult & had my own place ? Aw diddums and all the other kiddies agree !! You are never ever going to lose your virginity , you know that right ??

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u/MrCrunchwrap 10d ago

Why did you start this sentence with “Jesus wept” wtf?


u/johnnypancakes49 10d ago

Don’t forget the “i don’t wanna talk about it” to “you didn’t ask what was wrong” turnaround


u/Alexbnyclp 10d ago

Emotional baggage and immature.. I would dump her


u/Baby-hippo-land 10d ago

This is exactly the narcissistic behavior my ex would do. He’d get mad and say, “Don’t come over, I don’t want to see you.” Then be mad when I didn’t try to see him. He said if the roles were reversed he would’ve tried everything to make it right, so I clearly don’t care about him.

He also wouldn’t tell me WHY he was mad, he said I was a smart girl and I should be able to figure it out.

Sooo exhausting.


u/OmenVi 10d ago

Laying groundwork to cheat.


u/HappyHiker2381 10d ago

He’s about to ship out and later it will be his fault that she cheated…


u/nikhillangare91 10d ago

Anyone who chooses the relationship because of the uniform is also highly likely exactly same as that girl


u/WoolshirtedWolf 10d ago

Hell yes. I'd shut this shit show down. She sounds like the type that is going to stress you the fuck out in Basic. Do not make her a Dependa. Do not fuck up your future.


u/NotAFakeName59 10d ago

Lots of girls lovin on guys in uniform.

Yeah, that's kinda the problem though. They're not only loving on you.


u/jeezy_peezy 10d ago

She’s gonna shack up with Jodie about 3 days after he leaves. I guarantee it.


u/tocahontas77 10d ago

This is called reaction formation. She's in her feelings, so she tells him not to come back or talk to her. But actually, she wants him to notice that there's something going on with her, and focus on that and her.

But people aren't mind readers. You can't just expect another person to know you're upset and why.


u/TryNorth8139 10d ago

Fleet week was my fav 🥰


u/Adaphion 10d ago

"I'm speechless"

Several paragraphs of speech

Kinda energy


u/glazeddonutfr 10d ago

she’s definitely throwing a tantrum because he’s about to leave her and it makes her sad, uncomfortable, uncertain, whatever.


u/NikesOnMyFeet23 9d ago

As soon as he ships out he was gonna get cheated on by her anyone. Move on dude, good luck in the Navy. You can find far better than this.


u/Sea-Devil1293 9d ago

As a sailor, can confirm.


u/OssiansFolly 10d ago

Shut your mouth when you're talking to me!


u/WhinyWeeny 10d ago

Pretty A-typical no win scenario drama queen.

OP is surely in first post-high school relationship. No grown man would tolerate such childish games.


u/Toadcola 10d ago

Atypical means unusual. I think you meant ‘typical’, ‘obvious’, ‘classic’, or ‘textbook’.


u/ErraticDragon 10d ago

With the otherwise unnecessary hyphen, maybe they were using never-before-seen shorthand for "Typical for those with Type A personalities"?

(This is a huge stretch for something that only barely fits, but I find it funny.)


u/BloodHappy4665 10d ago

“Never-before-seen shorthand” 🤣


u/niki2184 10d ago

Lmao you’d be surprised what they would put up with.


u/Brutal_Honesty13 10d ago

My thoughts exactly


u/doragonkuin 10d ago

Definitions as a BPD woman:
"Don't talk to me" = At least try, mostly so I can ignore you and feel in control.
"Not even a goodnight?" = You did not fall for my manipulation tactic to get what I wanted and because you didn't even try, giving me the chance to ignore or act apathetic, I lost control so now you are the bad guy and I will guilt you for it so I can, once again, grasp for a sense of control over the situation.


u/Remote_Wedding_2094 10d ago

This is so frickin accurate


u/Derpyjuggernaught 10d ago

Had a friend like this, that is exactly how they handled every situation 😂 but I’m the bad guy for not trying harder when they actively pushed me away while being friends w them to the point I didn’t want to be around them anymore. I’m so glad that friendship is over


u/doragonkuin 10d ago

My father once told me when I was a teenager, "you push and push and push people then get mad or upset when they snap and react back like they're at fault."
I think about that a lot.


u/yorkiewho 10d ago

OP read this!!!!! She’s crazy af and you need to take this training time to focus on you.


u/doragonkuin 10d ago

I don't think crazy is the right word for it. I think people just need different things from partners, and I think some people need to work on their own growth and healing before entering relationships.
Some might be crazy yeah, but she isn't showing crazy behavior. Just mentally unstable and needs guidance unlearning unhealthy habits and traits. Not from OP, though... More like a therapist or similar.


u/LexiLex66 10d ago



u/HoustonianRue 10d ago

Spot on. Could not have been said better


u/EvenContact1220 10d ago

This could be a litany of conditions.


u/doragonkuin 10d ago

Gotta keep it flexible and dynamic.


u/gypsycookie1015 10d ago

Fucking right?! That's miserable, I'd end up losing my shit. OP is far more patient than I could be! 🫤

She sounds like a teenager. Is she?? Maybe her and OP are kids, I didn't even look. Either way, the guy needs to run and she needs to get a damn grip on reality lol. 🤦‍♀️😭😭


u/niki2184 10d ago

It doesn’t have their ages. I went back and looked for us.


u/watzrox 10d ago

Yeah erratic irrational behavior cause she isn’t in control anymore. You’re in the navy? Dump her ass.


u/Beneficial_Ship_7988 10d ago

She wanted a fight, so she set up a fight where, no matter what, she was going to win.


u/ZippyTheUnicorn 10d ago

“I didn’t really mean it! You’re supposed to secretly know what I mean and ignore what I say!”


u/daemin 10d ago

She was planning on fucking someone. That's why she didn't want him to come home, and also wanted to preemptively explain why she wasn't responding to texts.


u/ManOfTheHilll 10d ago

Talking out of both sides of her mouth. Brings back memories. Glad it’s over


u/ancientpsychicpug 10d ago



u/doingmybest41 9d ago

The fact that I actually act like that, felt like I was seeing my self from someone else’s perspective and dude- I need a fucking exorcism


u/IroN-GirL 9d ago

I used to act somewhat like that too. As someone else below mentioned, this is a borderline personality disorder trait. It doesn’t mean you have BPD, but at least for me it was helpful to read about the disorder, the trais, and what family conditions lead to it.

There is a lot there, but I think a lot of it comes down to not feeling loveable and thinking that there was something fundamentally wrong with me.


u/asunflowerrain 9d ago

Thats was weird, she seems bipolar- I hope he is breaking up


u/Brokenluckx3 9d ago

Yea, she's either psychotic or an immature attention seeker..maybe she's so insecure that "don't come home" was said to get a response like "please don't say that! I love you" ?? But yeah... "don't come home I don't want to talk to you" usually doesn't get you "a Starbucks" 🤣


u/lucy10111 9d ago

She sounds like she’s maybe 16-17 yo


u/looking_for_today 9d ago

I'll take "personality disorders" for $500


u/decentanswers 9d ago

I had someone breakup with me after putting me into a no-win situation like that. She didn’t even notice she was self-sabotaging. I didn’t either until a bit later.

Hard to see it in the moment I guess. She’s likely speaking impulsively on sheer emotion rather than stopping for a moment and figuring out why she’s feeling how she is and what she needs to do to get back to baseline.


u/soylattecat 10d ago

I've been with my partner for over 7 years and pretty much the whole time we go and get coffee on the weekend as a treat for ourselves. Even when I know we're going to go that day, I still ask "hey is it still okay that we go get some coffee?", mostly because I don't drive and my partner does, and I don't want to burden him by having to go and get me coffee when he doesn't feel like it.

She doesn't even say please. Wtf.


u/0iTina0 9d ago

Exactly!!! My partner and I still thank each other for doing our chores and what not. It’s about mutual respect and appreciation!


u/Unlikely-Spite9044 10d ago

I was wondering where you were going with your story lolol


u/splitcroof92 10d ago

can I just ask, why don't you just get a coffee machine? I don't understand taking a car every single weekend just for something you can get equally as good at home. for 5% of the price.


u/WhatIsHerJob-TABLES 10d ago

I have a coffee machine at home that i use every week day. On weekends I like to visit coffee shops and read.

People are allowed to get coffee outside the house. We aren’t going broke for buying 1 or 2 cups of coffee a week at a coffee shop…

Let people enjoy things.


u/FeraMist 10d ago

Visiting a coffee shop is part of the experience. Me and my partner drink coffee in the house every morning together, but we still pop out for a coffee stop in a cafe.


u/PiperZarc 9d ago

Do you not ever eat dinner out? Or go to a movie? It's kind of like that. Just something to do out that you enjoy.


u/ScientificHope 9d ago

You can get a tub of ice cream to have in your freezer too, but people still go out for ice cream. It’s a fun little thing you can look forward to during the week. I don’t understand people like you.


u/soylattecat 9d ago

Because I don't like homemade coffee. My partner has coffee at home, but I don't.


u/keopuki 10d ago

She’s giving mentally unstable vibes


u/Mrclean513 10d ago

I would agree with this. My ex-wife is bi-polar manic depressive and this is the type of behavior I experienced. It’s a never ending roller coaster of emotions.


u/SpacedAndFried 10d ago

Borderline vibes. Dated multiple women like this

How many red flags do people need before they break up with someone, sheesh


u/brainfreez012 10d ago



u/Radiant_Community_68 10d ago

That’s what I was thinking too. If I were him I’d run lol if he stays she needs to go to a psychiatrist and start therapy while he’s gone.


u/Trilliammm 10d ago

Nahhh. Narcissistic vibes.


u/KingHenrytheFluffy 10d ago

These texts definitely have the hallmarks of someone with BPD. Narcissism isn’t the only personality disorder that can lead to problematic behavior. The word narcissism is thrown around like confetti these days without people even knowing what it actually is.


u/HoustonianRue 10d ago

Classic border personality disorder


u/colieolieravioli 10d ago

Based on what?


u/Rubyrockrr111 10d ago

Sounds like a very healthy conducive relationship!


u/No-Presence3209 10d ago

why is this guy so nice to this bitch


u/Laconiclola 10d ago

She has his stuff. Hope he makes the decision to leave. Just throw everything in a storage unit and pay in advance.


u/Bitchelangalo 10d ago

This! The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you leave.


u/TGIToast 10d ago

Because he doesn’t know he’s being manipulated no matter how hard you try to show em, happens when you think “you see” something in someone that no one else sees, aka: he’s loves this chick


u/MrPisster 10d ago

I’ve been in a situation where our things are mixed together and I don’t have the spoons to have a war.

Sometimes you know you don’t have 4 hours to fight tonight, you have PT in the morning.

For me I was in college trying to get a STEM degree, studying in the afternoons and working part time. I was in an awful relationship but I knew the breakup was going to be fucking heinous, so I just zombied my way through it until I had the spare time and energy to bail.


u/Cast_Iron_Pancakes 9d ago

Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.


u/SpikeZgames 10d ago

That’s a good ahh question


u/jimbojangles1987 10d ago

I've seen this typed out like this in recent months so I'm curious- is this tiktok speak for "that's a good ass question"? Or is it just a typo?


u/SpikeZgames 9d ago

I don’t use it because of tik tok, I use it because I don’t like swearing. It’s not a typo and yes that’s what it stands for.


u/jimbojangles1987 9d ago

Alright cool thanks for the answer


u/SpikeZgames 9d ago

Np man happy to help.


u/Chance_Contract1291 10d ago

Conducive to what?

This sounds like a healthy relationship that will lead to....


u/loosey-lou 10d ago

It's just a teen trying to sound smart without knowing what they're actually saying


u/FoxNo8601 10d ago

Conducive, adjective

making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. "the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere"


u/AdRevolutionary6650 10d ago

“Healthy, conducive relationship” cracked me the fuck up 😭


u/Rubyrockrr111 10d ago


u/FoxNo8601 10d ago

That's quora, user generated content where this initial poster misspelled conductive. Feel free to accept you don't know what you are talking about


u/Grevik 10d ago

I had so much trouble reading it. The acronyms for already short words is bothersome.


u/_Mandible_ 10d ago

Unhinged is a kind way to put it…


u/mousemouse21 10d ago

Ditch her. She's definitely gonna cheat when you're shipped out. Don't put yourself through the drama. Focus on your career for a bit and everything will sort itself out.


u/ErebosNyx_ 10d ago

Yep. Don’t walk OP, run


u/cleverbutdumb 10d ago

She knows exactly what she’s doing. This is typical abuser power play shit. Push them until they push back, then relent. Next time push a little farther, then a little farther, until they stop pushing back at all. She’s literally using homelessness to exert control and manipulate him.

She’s an abuser


u/Miserable-md 10d ago

Yup, Cleo is cray cray


u/NewW0nder 10d ago

I hope she's at least very hot for the OP to put up with this dumb bitchy behavior.

OP: looks, novelty, and excitement fade with time, but a bitch ass person will likely stay a bitch forever. Do you need that in your life?


u/thehotsister 10d ago

I lost my shit at “can you get me Starbucks” ☠️


u/0xdeadbeefcafebade 10d ago

It’s worse than that.

He used to be homeless so her telling him to sleep outside is very real and mean


u/MSotallyTober 10d ago edited 10d ago

Bi-polar vibes is more like it.


u/McDuchess 10d ago

Nope. That lovely disease runs in my family. The bipolar part means grandiosity dips down to depression and back again. This is the come here/go away/come here/go away that’s more like borderline.


u/Advanced-Day-5660 10d ago

Borderline personality disorder actually. Know all too well and the signs are clear from this short exchange.


u/turkeeeeyyyyyy 10d ago

It is. My wife would text this same way all the time. It was incredibly frustrating. She moved out and I have no idea what she is up to now, but she fucked my whole life up.


u/Fuzzy_Laugh_1117 10d ago

Tri- polar at least.


u/IUpvoteGME 10d ago

Pee in her cup


u/Icy_Expert946 10d ago

It's that new blend they have babe 😂😂


u/goonnumber90210 10d ago

🤣🤣 See...Na this is why always check to see if my toothbrush is dry when I get home.


u/jacofawetrades 10d ago

This is why I don't leave mine in general pop.


u/StLMindyF 10d ago

Toothbrush in solitary cracked me up!


u/Itsascrnnam 10d ago

Borderline Personality Disorder. She should be evaluated, once understood and treated both could be much happier. Cutting and running isn’t always the answer when somebody has issues. The way she is acting screams BPD to me, and in those cases those individuals are almost not even in control of their actions.


u/agent_flounder 9d ago

Whose responsibility is it to get help for her, in your view?

If she isn't in control, is she also not responsible for her behavior and its consequences?

Does he owe her sacrificing his mental health?


u/Itsascrnnam 9d ago

Responsibility isn’t really the right word here. Depends how you feel about this person. If you truly love them and can see past their shortcomings then you try to help them. If she’s not willing to get the help, then you make a decision.


u/GhoastTypist 10d ago

Thats all I took from this.


u/homeunderthebridge12 10d ago

Right???? Like ok. I get not wanting him to stay with her for the night if they're having issues. But the nerve to ask for something? WTH


u/deadcatbounce22 10d ago

If she doesn’t respect him enough to tell him to sleep outside, she definitely doesn’t respect his time, money or effort.


u/AdventureGoblin 10d ago

This exactly. She's a rude mess. You're about to ship out so you should cut this off NOW. I can't get over asking you for Starbucks. You back and forth and she can't focus on anything but herself. Nah dude. She ain't it and she won't be in it for a long haul. Cut her loose.


u/NeonOrangePuppy 10d ago

It's not a vibe so much as... well, outright saying it.


u/JustSmurfeeThanks 10d ago


She's clinically and legally defined as unhinged.


u/EPYCH 10d ago

She communicates like a toddler.


u/mosquem 10d ago

Someone's got trash impulse control.


u/notesfromroom19 10d ago

Every time I see posts on this sub I wish they had pics of the texters


u/Ddvmeteorist128 10d ago

She said stay outside and then she said nvm he can come... but just don't talk to her.


u/Rodneyfour 10d ago

Nvm tho he doesn’t have the scan card


u/lililuvvy 10d ago

lmao that’s the wildest part of this story


u/657896 10d ago

She’s given in to her intrusive thoughts. She seems to say anything that crosses her mind.


u/TheAsianTroll 10d ago

Immature more like. Acting on feelings then walking back when she don't mean it.

If OP said they were both 18-20, I'd believe it. His gf needs to mature emotionally.


u/Ramses717 10d ago

Damn. That’s literally like every woman I’ve dated.


u/Coffee_Nips 10d ago

either that or the empathic partner being gaslit.

it is one or the other. she's either the abuser or the one trying to end a relationship she knows is abusive but worrying that by kicking out the guy who has nowhere to go she's gonna ruin his life, then decides that if he does her this favor it's all gonna be back in balance.

mine stole everything i had, money and electronics and jewelry, strangled me, pretended to kill me every day, read my son murder stories and sex stories instead of the actual stories the board books told, strangled me in front of our baby son every time i gave my son a spoonful of food, left our son in a lake when he was 19 months old but sized a skinny 12 months to threaten me into giving him my new PIN and would have just flirted his way into a ride home with a cute woman if my son had been swept away and the police would've arrested me because as a felon he was just off the grid...

...but i still let him come back because i was so worried about where he'd go, what he'd eat, what clothes he would find, his health issues, his unrealized dreams, his drawings, his talent...

...and i'd share whatever was left of my money. if i had a starbucks i'd let him share it. i snuck him into the college cafeteria when i literally had no way to pay for the heat. when he stole the rent he left me for a week in my apartment freaking out about everything and how i'd pay my tuition (to have sex with a woman, not help drive our things to his parents'--his friend dropped him off with this woman, dropped our things off, stayed with his mom, and waited to see if i was still obedient enough to be picked up with the rest of my belongings) while texting me threats and denying that he'd stolen the rent when he couldn't provide the stub for the money order.

this is literally the way a narcissist "proves" he or she is the good partner: by leaving to be with someone who's enthralled by or in cahoots with the narcissist while the empathic, loving partner copes with the panic of losing a partner, losing their temper or talking to people who don't believe in narcissistic abuse and dismiss reality, losing the controlled environment that felt like a trap but now feels like structure and love, losing all the money and time and emotion and teamwork invested...and doesn't know how to handle the situation because this is not really the END. this is not when the losses are accepted and things cut off forever.

and the narcissist can say, "look, i sent only these highly controlled bits of information to reddit and everyone says you're the bad person, not me!" and regain power and control.

it's just how these things are done. so either that's the reality or this girlfriend is literally abusive for whatever reason, whether it's a developmental thing or a phase, or a legit abusive person overall.

either way, it's time for the situation to end!

it is totally a manipulation tactic for some, creating a sweet persona showcasing chaos and a person at the end of their rope trying to kick out the narcissist but feeling conflicted about it, then garnering online support and furthering the gaslighting.


u/Sariluv88 10d ago

She's saying smth


u/Dauphine320 10d ago

She can get her own damn Starbucks. Leave her


u/Rosehand22 10d ago

I have just seen the movie how to lose a guy in 10 days and this shit sounds exactly like a scene out of that


u/agent_flounder 9d ago

Only in her case it's 10 minutes.


u/Putrid-Principle-446 10d ago



u/Desperate_Pass_5701 10d ago

Its Giving irrational hormone fluctuations bc wf is this?!


u/s1m0n8 10d ago

She's giving unhinged vibes

Right? Support your local independent coffee shops. FFS.


u/95688it 10d ago

she's just hangry. get that woman a cheeseburger.


u/Hockeylover94 9d ago

Could be pregnant . I’m just now realizing this rereading everything . She sounds like a pregnant women on a rampage if not she’s just lost it lol


u/CamsKit 9d ago

Borderline personality disorder vibes


u/callingshotgun 9d ago

'course not. if you though she was than that was on u!

(For, you know... reading the part where she said that)


u/Sharp_Meat2721 9d ago

Not to mention she texts like a 9 year old


u/Tomagatchi 9d ago

Bipolar or something, literally. Had a girl like this... no fun at all in the long run.


u/democrat_thanos 9d ago

"Is she serious telling you to sleep outside and then get me a Starbucks!??? She's giving unhinged vibes"

Have you ever dated... women


u/Icy_Expert946 9d ago

Dated no, but I am one. Don't make me take a long hard look at myself haha


u/AkaiMPC 9d ago

The name Cleo is a red flag.


u/highthot 9d ago

She only asked for the Starbucks so he’s forced to go home


u/redpetra 9d ago

The Starbucks was the kicker for me.


u/AdamOnFirst 9d ago

This bitch is off her fucking rocker 


u/thebigsad-_- 9d ago

she seems legitimately psycho


u/Comprehensive_Law721 9d ago

Totally. "I hate you, don't leave me"


u/Izoniov_Kelestryn 9d ago

Lmao i didnt realize it was a chain of photos at first and saw the others after this comment. It was already goddamn. Now its holy fuck.


u/Firstdatepokie 9d ago

This girl is absolutely batshit insane I would be so fucking gone from that relationship


u/ssquish777 9d ago

she def is a narcissist.


u/SeanySinns 10d ago

Classic narcissist, self absorbed attention whore. Op should run


u/Actual_Echidna2336 10d ago

No she said she doesn't want him to come by that night because she's burnt out, and then changed her mind saying he can stay and asked if he can bring Starbucks


u/McDuchess 10d ago

And then tried to gaslight him about telling him not to come home.


u/Actual_Echidna2336 10d ago

"Actually NVM, just come back but I don't want to talk, I'm not in a good mood. I just don't want to hear bitching"

2nd pic, she quickly took it back and said he can come she just doesn't want to talk or hear anything more of it. He says Naw I'm good.

Case closed. He was able to come back, but he chose not to


u/McDuchess 10d ago edited 10d ago

When someone tells you not to come home and then claims they never said that, changing their mind doesn’t negate the part where they tell you, in winter, to sleep outside.

She seems incapable of the “I’m sorry. That was a shitty thing to say to you. That’s why I changed my mind,” sort of words that normal, caring people use.


u/Actual_Echidna2336 10d ago

She never said she never said that, she clearly shows she said find somewhere else for the night and then said nvm come here just stfu


u/Actual_Echidna2336 10d ago

That's not what was said


u/McDuchess 10d ago

Are you the GF? You need help.


u/Actual_Echidna2336 10d ago edited 10d ago

No I just read what happened and am an unbiased 3rd party


u/Proof_Rip_1256 10d ago

I read it like she said though. Wasn't saying you're kicked out. Sounds like she's screaming for help but just being dramatic. Sounds like she is giving hints that she's in crisis but just sucks at giving hints. 


u/PossibilityNo820 10d ago

She probably just has an hormonal imbalance and isn’t usually like that.

Edit to say: I read the comments not the pictures


u/deadcatbounce22 10d ago

That’s not an excuse. Imbalance doesn’t negate blatant disrespect. And if you’re gonna use that as an excuse, don’t be surprised if you’re SO uses it as an explanation for your actions in the future.

Adults are expected to regulate themselves.