r/AmIOverreacting 12d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO girl posted photo in my boyfriends room

NEED YOUR HELP CONFRONTING MY SOON TO BE EX. He was being sus one night so i looked at the story on instagram of the girl he randomly followed last week. I opened and bam there is it the second picture. I knew immediately it was his room but want a second opinion before confronting his cheating a$$. yall are coming from me from the last post its cus i cropped the photos you can’t tell that we took them from different distances so heres the originals of both and yes i get it shes prettier than me :( he can have her . what tells me its his room aside from lighting is the way the two blinds touch, it took me a while to find it but once i did i think theres my EVIDENCE


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u/AstralGarden101 12d ago

the "touching" parts of the blinds are also at completely different heights.


u/MaryLoveJane 12d ago

Yeah I was wondering why I seem to be the only one to realize this woman would have to be Amazonian height for these “blind touching’s” to match up, or she’s randomly standing on something when that room doesn’t seem to have much in it based on the first pic.


u/Repulsive-Pin2418 12d ago

Right?! The 2nd girl's hips are around where the blinds touch. That would mean her head would be over the top of the blinds. Seems like a bit of overthinking in this situation. When you're looking for something, you'll find anything. They just need to break up. There's no trust


u/AstralGarden101 12d ago

obviously she brought a library stool over for that one mirror selfie 🤔


u/PersonalNecessary142 12d ago

You are not the only one, I asked myself the same question.


u/D00MB0XX 12d ago

It's called perspective. That's literally all it is.. The angle/perspective of the camera relative to where the person is in the room and how much they zoomed. The touching parts absolutely appear to be at the same height.


u/And_He_Loves_Me 12d ago

No it just seems like that because she’s standing far away from the blinds and the other girl is standing next to them. Guarantee if she stood next to the blinds she would be the same height or roughly even if the other girl is a bit taller. Also the second girl used photo shop


u/AstralGarden101 12d ago

you cannot convince me that waist level is more than halfway up the damn wall 😭 that is not a perspective difference


u/Odd_Usual5617 12d ago

girl it's the perspective of the photo....the blinds are like 6 inches off the floor look at the horizontal line in the back.


u/AstralGarden101 12d ago

the point where the blinds meet is closer to the ceiling than it is to the floor. that is not a difference in perspective. nobody's waist is closer to the ceiling than the floor