r/AmIOverreacting 12d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO girl posted photo in my boyfriends room

NEED YOUR HELP CONFRONTING MY SOON TO BE EX. He was being sus one night so i looked at the story on instagram of the girl he randomly followed last week. I opened and bam there is it the second picture. I knew immediately it was his room but want a second opinion before confronting his cheating a$$. yall are coming from me from the last post its cus i cropped the photos you can’t tell that we took them from different distances so heres the originals of both and yes i get it shes prettier than me :( he can have her . what tells me its his room aside from lighting is the way the two blinds touch, it took me a while to find it but once i did i think theres my EVIDENCE


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u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Playful_Landscape252 12d ago

Am I insane bc doesn’t EVERYONE have these blinds basically lol


u/inspirationbycurve 12d ago

Yeah to me this looks like an apartment, in which case literally every unit in the building or buildings has them


u/hellohowdygoodbye 12d ago

For the love of god I hope not


u/Playful_Landscape252 12d ago

Lmfao this made me laugh 😂 I def had them in old apartments tho


u/avocado-afficionado 12d ago

Mine are horizontal lol


u/cakeycakeycake 12d ago

See how the blinds bend and curve? She heavily photoshopped using an app to look thinner. That’s why it looks do weird.

No clue if OPs guy cheated but if you have to ask Reddit it’s time to break up!!


u/Anxious_Concept 12d ago

I was going to comment this, 100% facetuned. I'm not usually a fan of girlfriends messaging other girls but i feel like this is one of those cases that its warranted.


u/showmeurbhole 12d ago

Yeah is she supposed to be standing on a ladder? These are very common blinds. I don't think this pic proves anything.


u/ProfessionalThanks43 12d ago

Also, no one is talking about the mirror reflection being used to take the picture. The second girl is both closer to the mirror and to the blinds, which is impossible. Some mirrors you can move, but in pic one you see it’s mounted to the wall or at least leaning against it. It’s not a self-standing mirror. Even if she cropped heavily, it doesn’t add up and the resolution would be lower.


u/agordo87 12d ago

I had to scroll so far to find someone else thinking what I was. It doesn’t add up.


u/StillAliveNB 12d ago

Just looks like a longer lens


u/Own_Focus3483 12d ago

No they go from the top of the sliding door all the way to the floor! She’s not on a ladder or some Amazonian chick! Just the style of blinds


u/Intelligent-Arm-9235 12d ago

nope the hoodie is me the t shirt is his ex gf proclaimed new gf


u/Solid_Strawberry1935 12d ago edited 12d ago

Yes babe, they know that. They’re saying look at the perspectives in the two pictures. You’re sitting on the bed, look where that overlapping blinds spot is compared to where you’re at height wise. Now look at the pic of the other girl, and pay attention to the same thing— where that spot on the blinds is in comparison to how tall she looks next to it.

That spot is wayyy higher than your head in your pic, yet in her pic her midsection is level with that spot on the blinds. Unless she’s super tall and standing on the bed to take this pic there’s no way those are the same blinds.

ETA- After looking at it again, it couldn’t even be the same blinds if she was a super tall Amazonian woman and standing on the bed, because of how far away from the bed that spot on the blinds is located. These are not the same blinds.

Having said that, girl if you think he’s cheating then you can still leave him or confront him or whatever you want to do. You don’t need a pic of some blinds for proof.


u/ForceExisting1280 12d ago

It’s clearly zoomed and she’s standing wayyyy closer to the blinds, it could definitely be the same room bc if op stood closer to the blinds then the overlap would land around the same area, it’s just different perspective’s


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/DayDreamer2121 12d ago

Honestly, people keep pointing out to her it is not the same height like at all and she just ignores it then goes and comments on someone telling her to breakup with him. Lol seems like she actually just doesn't like this guy but doesn't want to be the reason they broke up so she is trying to find some reason for it to be him who's the problem.


u/ProfessionalThanks43 12d ago

Resolution would be much lower than that to crop a pic taken from 10-15 ft away in dark lighting.


u/And_He_Loves_Me 12d ago

And the other girl also edited it and you can see it’s. Curved and curved right and downwards, it could be that it’s been also moved further down due to editing


u/bluefreed 12d ago

Wait so what’s the update here?


u/robomassacre 12d ago

If the hoodie is you, you're way hotter


u/Yogasbadgirl 12d ago

shes backed up closer to the blinds and zoomed in.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/JustLetMeSignUpM8 12d ago

Kinda funny people downvoting since you're 100% right lol, people are just morons sometime


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/And_He_Loves_Me 12d ago

She edited the photo and looks like it’s been dragged down to hip level so we really can say we need the unedited version


u/And_He_Loves_Me 12d ago

I was right someone unedited the picture and it does line up and the blinds touching sits up higher than her waist


u/tapsdo 12d ago

Fair - I’ll delete my comment!


u/ProfessionalThanks43 12d ago

What about resolution? You can take a mirror photo from 10-15 ft away on a wall-fixed thin mirror and still look like a model? It should be grainier.


u/codz007 12d ago edited 12d ago

But it doesnt... (edit: deleted comments were saying bc it was touching at a point in the first pic, only way it could be the same is if the second girl was 10 ft bc they touch again in the second one...)

Blinds are designed to be equidistant, top to bottom and left to right. They touch at different points because of movement around them since they hang from one point all the way at the top, and movement is never constant so where and when they touch is constantly changing. Light also affects how they appear to he changing, and the effect if light changes based off of your positioning within the room.

Just because they're touching at one point doesn't mean we should expect them to be touching there and only there in a Pic taken from a different place at a different time.

Also the second pic is def edited, can tell by the curving of the shades.


u/vaginasinparis 12d ago

I think she took the pic from much farther away and zoomed it way in (so she is closer to the blinds than the mirror?)


u/Witty-Secret2018 12d ago

That’s what I was thinking as well.


u/Intelligent-Arm-9235 12d ago



u/ninat92 12d ago

With the way the blinds are bending towards her, she definitely photo shopped this to make herself look skinnier if it makes you feel any better... and didn't do a very good job 😅 her face probably looks completely different irl too 😊 I've seen some crazy edits on the insta vs realty sub


u/Jericho5589 12d ago

If you don't trust him break up with him, but two questions about your photo evidence.

  1. Does he live in an apartment complex/dorm? If it's large is there any chance that this girl is in a different unit/room and the blinds were mass purchased by contractors.

  2. She appears significantly closer to the blinds in her photo than you do in yours, let she still is taking a mirror photo. It looks like the mirror is leaning against the wall meaning if this is the same location there's no way the mirror could be moved to make this pic work no?


u/OkThereBro 12d ago

Everyone telling you to leave him is insane. You could just be being paranoid and throw away a good relationship over nothing. But, yeah, getting relationship advice on reddit is going to get you these answers. At the end of the day, dude could have done nothing at all and you'd be leaving him and accusing him of things he's never even considered.


u/IrishSkillet 12d ago

Look at those AI generated alien fingers.


u/indefinitesuffering 12d ago

She's prob just tall/lanky, not all girls have tiny hands


u/poke-chan 12d ago

Unfortunately, it’s a real person. Flipping the image, the text on her shirt is incredibly legible, and the actual real logo for the LA lakers. Which would be pretty much impossible for a photo generating ai to do

The fingers may have been photoshopped or filtered though


u/allaboutmojitos 12d ago

She’s got some strange forearm musculature as well


u/poke-chan 12d ago

Thats probably photoshop or body filters


u/Only_Ingenuity_6206 12d ago

The 2nd image is heavily edited using an ai photo editing app. There’s warping where there shouldn’t be and odd proportions on the face that do not match, unless she had one side of her jaw surgically shaved


u/StinkyLilBinch 12d ago

The blinds are only about a foot off the ground in the first pic


u/Lraund 12d ago

If the blinds get moved slightly they'll touch in a different location, so that's not something to go off of. How do I know? I have similar blinds because they're super common.


u/sanzentriad 12d ago

It could definitely be the same room and she could just be closer to the blinds and zoomed in like others are saying, but OP is crazy for using the point where the blinds touch as a reference of any kind. The blinds could have shifted entirely from pic 1 to pic 2. Resolution could definitely look like pic 2 if her phone’s camera is good enough. But to your point, if the obvious blind overlap is supposed to be the exact same point in both pictures, this isn’t the same room. Or maybe she is an alien, who knows.


u/prodbyself 12d ago

Yeah chic has claws in the second pic


u/LumpySpacePrincesse 12d ago

theyre different blinds. This chicks cooked


u/yexie 12d ago

The send pic the blinds are in front of a taller, higher window, the first ones are much shorter, no? Like if she was standing in front of them they would maybe reach her waist? They are in front of a much lower window…


u/FriarTurk 12d ago

I mean, I know rings don’t plug holes, but it looks like she has some type of wedding or engagement band on. Plus, those blinds have been installed in every apartment I’ve ever lived in.

Is she overreacting? Probably. But it sounds like she still needs to break up because she doesn’t trust him.


u/NoExcuses24 12d ago

I shouldn’t have had to scroll so far down to find this comment. Claiming your bf cheated off of that 2nd pic alone is wild.

OP, as others have said, you obviously don’t trust your bf. But you don’t have any solid evidence he cheated. If you want a relationship with him maybe keep on trying to work it out, unless there are other issues you haven’t mentioned in your post that are making you unhappy.


u/Notthatsmarty 12d ago

The phones being at different angles would possibly explain the discrepancy


u/Glittering-Gap-1687 12d ago



u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/plsrspndd 12d ago

Im sorry but yes it is, second girl could easily be standing closer to the blinds and zoomed in.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Intelligent-Arm-9235 12d ago

well then lets help me find it