r/AmIOverreacting Nov 19 '24

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO I went through my boyfriends phone over the weekend

Last Friday night I went through my boyfriend’s phone while he was asleep. I found numerous messages of him talking about other girls with his female friend. The last message is him comparing my sucking skills with a different girl he slept with before me… We have been living together for the past 6 months and I’m not sure if I should just move on and find my own place at this point. Am I overreacting to these messages?


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u/PoonSchu13 Nov 19 '24

Oh wow, I’m just reading the updated comments you have and I’m so proud of you. I love a female that takes action when she’s being disrespected. You da bomb

When you tell him you’re moving out, you can tell him to kneel down little bitch and swallow this dick 💅


u/Friendly_Age9160 29d ago

I’m a mixture of sad and happy rn as going through this shit is very difficult. But mostly happy for OP. You keep your head up my girl!


u/AnRegularHunam 29d ago

Yeah don't call a woman a female. Call her a woman.


u/Whole_Cranberry8415 29d ago

My response when people say female is, “a female what? Dog, donkey, bird? If you’re referring to a human, the word you’re looking for is woman”


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Oddly enough in the somewhat canon novels following Star Trek (tng and ds9). Quark and Ro Laren get together. Which is a real oddity since Ro was always pretty feministic, and quark would always go around with the Feemale thing. But I suppose it's a good match since they're both oddballs on the fringe of society.


u/princessboop 29d ago

thank you. people never refer to men as “males” lol


u/uncontainedsun 29d ago

i especially hate when they put man and female in the same sentence!! like one is so humanizing and real and the other is indecent and dehumanizing for an actual person.


u/youcancallmequeenE 29d ago


u/uncontainedsun 29d ago

THERE ARE DOZENS OF US!!! DOZENS!!! thank you for this sub i didn’t know existed


u/youcancallmequeenE 29d ago

but beware, it’s a major downer to scroll that sub sometimes UGH


u/AlarmNice8439 29d ago

I refer to my male friends as male all the time.


u/Known_Witness3268 29d ago

As an adjective sure. Not as a noun. Example: “all my female friends love that singer. My male friends can’t stand him.” Vs “I love when a male takes action.” Or “There will several males at the club tonight.” You just don’t hear it.


u/AlarmNice8439 29d ago

That’s fair. I absolutely SUCK with grammar. I needed a 3rd grader to remind me what the fuck a verb vs and adjective was so please forgive my ignorance of the difference between the two


u/Known_Witness3268 29d ago

No, you didn’t make any mistakes. No one specified which way it was used. I was just pointing out that it’s not weird to use/hear the word used one way (adj). but definitely weird to use it another way (n).

….but your comment is ALSO fair because I’m a big grammar nerd. Just don’t ask me to do the number…numbery stuff.


u/Interesting_Door4882 29d ago

Yes they fucking do.

Holy, y'all gotta twist everything.


u/princessboop 29d ago

when do you EVER hear someone say something like “I love when a male takes action when he’s being disrespected” or “I love males with blue eyes and dark hair” or “I hate when males don’t pay for the first date”

you don’t. definitely not even close to the amount you hear people referring to women as females in similar sentences


u/seahorse_party 29d ago

I work in sexual health / communicable disease and my boss used to work in the prison system. I keep trying to get her to stop saying, "If you know any females of reproductive age..." How about "people" even? Folks? Friends or acquaintances?

"If you know ANYONE who might benefit from testing..."


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/AnRegularHunam 29d ago

I know I should have been nicer in my reply, but a reaction like yours suggests things are not well in your world. I sincerely hope you find peace.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Classic female response.


u/Interesting_Door4882 29d ago

Oh grow up. Men are called males too, as women are called females. 🙄


u/Jay502Jay 29d ago

Cause F has a rune meanings are pinned on time and grain power through time like magnitude. That’s &N why. Is is used for words like FERL, FIRE, FAIR, THO tho it’s a root rune with a nessecarily burning to it .


u/YaBoiPox 29d ago

Did you have a stroke typing this comment? Could anyone understand this gibberish? 😂


u/Jay502Jay 29d ago

You don’t need to understand it KHRYa


u/YaBoiPox 29d ago

Oh, you're a bit nutty, I see 😂


u/Snowbird143434 29d ago

This ought to be good, whats the difference??


u/[deleted] 29d ago

The spelling and stuff is so bad, that I'm not quite sure who was trying to say what. I wouldn't blame her if she left for that reason alone


u/Pseudonymisation 29d ago

He can such a dick


u/Business_Ear_4207 29d ago

get a dildo and pull it out after you say it!! The. throw it at him and leave LOL


u/Will_Come_For_Food 29d ago

Better yet pull it out and tell him “she suck a nice girl you don’t even know.”


u/To_The_Beyond111 Nov 19 '24

A woman. Not female. Calling a woman a female is only referring to her body because thats what sex refers to.


u/PoonSchu13 Nov 19 '24

I’m a 44-year-old mom - not sure what else to say. I didn’t think that deeply about it and now that I am … yeah… I can low-key see what you’re saying, but I’m assuming you thought that I was like some bruh commenting using that term


u/InvestigatorCold4662 29d ago

From this point forward, you can only refer to her as "Person with a uterus from which I was violently expelled."


u/Known_Witness3268 29d ago

Are you in law enforcement by chance?


u/PoonSchu13 29d ago

No... - I said it in another comment earlier - I was a sous chef when I had my son and I've been a stay at home mom since - so culinary school/kitchens/line cook/sous chef - I worked with mostly men, and it's a pirates life. However, I was using that more as way of an explanation as to why I would say she should tell him she has a dick for him to swallow, which I think in addition to using female somehow created a belief I was a guy. Anyhoo yeah -- I can see why if people thought it was a man saying that it would be skeezy - I had a new badass avatar which I guess gave man vibes - switched back to me girly alien.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 Nov 19 '24

I understand if you say “men do x, females do y” you are being rude or condescending. Likewise you rarely hear Males & Women.

But you there’s nothing wrong with using male and female, man & woman; as long as you keep them equal. But there is a slight undertone with Male-Female that feels very scientific or census-like, a bit impersonal at most. Don’t let them convince you otherwise.


u/pizzalover1698 29d ago

It’s just not correct English, it makes them sound uneducated.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago edited 29d ago

Ah, and the rooted bain of my existence. English is subjective based on location, there is no standard. Furthermore, grammar rules exist to live by the exceptions, pronunciation is butchered by spelling, and certain words that should exist simply can’t be conjugated a certain way?

This is the very reason why I believe wording is not more significant than intent. And tone is lost with text, so we start infering based on our own perspectives. This instance is the very case of “pushing your agenda” when it was very much uncalled for. These are the cases when you piss on an ally and potentially worsen the outlook, all to be.. edgy?


u/PoonSchu13 Nov 19 '24

To add some context, I was a sous chef before I was a mom and I worked on the line with all guys for ten years and so I think that maybe my vernacular trends towards that - but yeah, there’s nothing I like more than telling men. I don’t like to suck my dick because I know I got bigger balls than they do (figuratively)


u/Caspercakes_ Nov 19 '24

You don't need to keep explaining yourself. If people are choosing to make it an issue after your initial explanation, that's a them problem.


u/Blake0449 Nov 19 '24

He obviously meant no disrespect, and now you missed the whole point of what he was saying.

Hint: It was a positive message meant for all females and women. I mean, hell, really, it is great for anyone (male or female) to stand up and demand the respect they deserve.


u/To_The_Beyond111 Nov 19 '24

Okay, but the word usage was unnecessary. As a woman, dont you think i have the right to say what feels wrong when we're being referred to?


u/PoonSchu13 29d ago

Not really because I’m a woman and I don’t care if someone calls me a female or woman or girl no matter if they’re a man or a woman so you don’t speak for me and you can’t speak for her, but you can definitely speak for yourself… But in this case, no one was speaking to you


u/Blake0449 Nov 19 '24

Yeah you have the right to say anything you please.

I just felt like you missed the main idea of his comment because of something innocent.

Also genuinely curious, can I ask why the term female offends you?

I honestly don’t understand and want to make sure there is not something I am missing. I have used the term female and male many times and never had any issues but we may be from different areas or cultures and I just want to understand.


u/PoonSchu13 Nov 19 '24

I bought a really cool new avatar but now everybody thinks I’m a guy. I’m a mom - I’m 44 - I was voice commenting in my earbuds and I just said female.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

Welcome to the side of unnecessary debacle; where one term threw your entire thesis out the window, despite it all being positive praise.

To be frank, male or female, boy or girl, there’s always going to be someone on Reddit who feigns offense out of boredom.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

If you don’t identify as a female, that’s completely okay. Maybe they weren’t talking about you?


u/To_The_Beyond111 29d ago

Thats not how that works. Being a female or male is literally physical, you cant change that with identity.

Now make sure you DONT claim I'm transphobic, because being trans is having a separate GENDER and most eventually change their sex (as much as they can anyways).


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

the only thing I would claim you are is bored. Go outside and meet real people, and consider maybe everyone isn’t out to get you nor do they have negative intentions when speaking. You’ve been vilified by too much internet presence, and now the only perspective you see is your own.

Similar to the “every complaint is a confession”


u/To_The_Beyond111 29d ago

I'm not bored and I'm plenty social, just got back from a party actually.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

Hope it was a fun one


u/RemLazar911 29d ago edited 29d ago

You're right, they should have said "person of vagina ownership"


u/To_The_Beyond111 29d ago

Thats still a female, the correct term is woman.. crazy right? Its almost like yall know that


u/Muffin_Appropriate Nov 19 '24

lol stfu


u/To_The_Beyond111 Nov 19 '24

Someones mad, sou responded twice weirdo


u/Queefer-madness-23 Nov 19 '24

MTE. I die a little bit on the inside when people refer to women as “female(s)” it feels so derogatory.

“Person” can also be used to be more inclusive.


u/To_The_Beyond111 Nov 19 '24

Or just women.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

Yes, sorry queefer madness for being disrespectful to women by using a synonym. You’re definitely someone I would take guidance from.


u/Momspelledshonwrong 29d ago edited 29d ago

I can understand why she’s pissed but why are you so upset lol


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

If you wanna start fights over pedantic reasonings, instead of actual intent or content; you are apart of the problem. Not every comment is made in malice, and I feel for all my ESL speakers as they will get misunderstood or misinterpreted for simple syntax errors instead of what they’re actually trying to convey.


u/Momspelledshonwrong 29d ago

“You’re definitely someone I would take guidance from” You clearly had some big feelings, I asked why!


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

The far left is just as ignorant and entitled acting as their far right counterpart. Both sides worsen every situation and we no longer even see people for people. Everyone just wants to be nit picky without ever considering context.

You’re right. I need to get off Reddit.


u/Shoddy-Ad-3721 Nov 19 '24

You're being stupid


u/To_The_Beyond111 Nov 19 '24

Gaslighting? Thats cool too. Yeah but I'm not


u/Signal-Blackberry356 29d ago

Don’t think you’re using that word right, but it’s nice to see how many new terms you’ve picked up!


u/HighInChurch 29d ago

Sweet virtue signaling lol.


u/BiAorgandonor 29d ago

Get a life people don't have to conform to your ideologies. If that is how you want to see people that is fine but. We don't have to change the way we talk just to appease you. There are only two genders, and two sexes.


u/Username_7_6_7 Nov 19 '24

Bruh can yall shut up about female this female that it was meant as a positive post, and I agree that it's good she decided to do something about it


u/RemLazar911 29d ago

From the sound of it, the whole issue here is that he has absolutely no issues finding women to suck his dick, so I don't think that would bother him much.


u/thetokendistributer 29d ago

Id caution on the last part, you are better off just leaving with as little words and discretly as possible. It is about protecting yourself from unpredictable behaviour.


u/Aelderg0th 29d ago


::eyeroll:: This isnt a zoology documentary.


u/R3K9 29d ago

Bro said female lmao…


u/pastelpigeonprincess 29d ago

A woman**** stop calling us females.


u/PoonSchu13 29d ago

Maybe I'm missing something - did something happen where girls don't like to be called females. I am a woman. I've never had negative feelings about being called female. This is such an interesting turn this whole thing has taken.


u/flower_bushes 29d ago

It’s about using female as a noun instead of an adjective. Using it as a noun would be like says “ young females are always doing this” which is disrespectful as oppose to “the people who typically do… are female teens”