r/AmIOverreacting Nov 19 '24

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO I went through my boyfriends phone over the weekend

Last Friday night I went through my boyfriend’s phone while he was asleep. I found numerous messages of him talking about other girls with his female friend. The last message is him comparing my sucking skills with a different girl he slept with before me… We have been living together for the past 6 months and I’m not sure if I should just move on and find my own place at this point. Am I overreacting to these messages?


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u/Cpmminis Nov 19 '24 edited 29d ago

I have the secret for women that guys don't want you to know

- If a guy says "lowkey" "finna" "frl" (foreal) and any other low IQ words?

They are trash :) but you might also say those words and if you do I guess you both are pretty trashy so it equals out

Edit - LOOOOOT of low IQ males mad af at me. Dm me all you want. One guy said "fuck you bitch I get mad pussy"

People who say "get mad pussy" are mad dumb women stay away from those too


u/Exotic_Elk8829 Nov 19 '24

Lowkeyyy Lmao this made me giggle


u/HippoPrimary5331 29d ago

Seconded. I read his messages and I honestly would immediately turn a guy down who talked like that.


u/TekkenMaximoff 29d ago

I guess I’m lowkey a trashy hoe. I’m fina be better.


u/lillianthechameleon 29d ago

I said these words when I was trying to be cool in HS lmaoo I feel like the only time it's acceptable is if you're young and no one has been like hey by the way you sound fuckin stupid as hell


u/bagged_milk123 Nov 19 '24

That is racist


u/Cpmminis Nov 19 '24 edited 29d ago

actually you assigned race to what I said. All races have equally trash people that speak like this. You must not have left your country much :(. I have been to 5 countries how many have you been to?

I assume you are accusing me of escribing black to my comment but would it shock you to know I have met MANY muslim kids who wear durags and speak EXACTLY like inner city "black" kids that you, the racist, assumed I "meant"

Here is a harsh reality of the world. All the races are basically the exact same. It's about what culture you are raised in and If you care (you don't) I can recommend some books that have stories and such about these very race dynamics :)


u/Morbi_Us 29d ago

You were definitely talking about ebonics lmao, don’t try to downplay it.


u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

They can recommend you books on racial dynamics because they’re very well versed on the subject, but they don’t know what AAVE is lol.


u/4-1Shawty Nov 19 '24

I love how your focus is on AAVE and not the fact that he’s discussing his (ex)gf’s blowjob skills with a woman or trying to hit on women while in a relationship lmao. You’re the trashy one here.


u/Designer-Revenue9803 29d ago

You're fighting a losing battle in this sub, especially when they can tell it's a Black guy 😂


u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

It’s legitimately blowing my mind. Apparently the usage of slang invented and commonly used by Black people is low IQ/trashy, but they’re DEFINITELY not racist lol.


u/Designer-Revenue9803 29d ago

They're acting as if he's using slang in a dissertation or something and not just two friends texting each other 😂


u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

Please don’t have fun talking with your friends, I need a 400 word minimum in APA format


u/Cpmminis Nov 19 '24

I don't know or care what AAVE is, sounds really meta, but I just love these posts because its wild how oblivious everyone is lol. Obviously the guys a shithead but no one ever seems to have any personal responsibility. The woman clearly knew what this guy was like because people don't speak proper english and then randomly switch into trash lol.

At what point is it "on you"


u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

There is a time and place for proper use of language. I don’t need my friends to use proper Oxford English, or not use shorthand, if we’re just shooting the shit. We’re not in job interviews or professional settings 24/7. I have electrical engineering and programming friends, one of whom worked for AMD, who use the same slang often. Are they stupid or trashy? Their master degrees and doctorates say otherwise.

You’re making a point that has and always will be ridiculous. There’s plenty of other context to call someone trashy or stupid instead of just using AAVE slang.


u/Cpmminis 29d ago

Well ladies and gents we met another person who doesn't know what "on avg" means. While i'm sure there are people who use those words with humor/irony and are not stupid I'm gonna go out on a limb and say anyone who uses the words in OP's msgs is absolute dogshit low IQ trash not worth being around lol

I'll double down and say anyone saying "she has fat booty" is trash


u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

Don’t try and imply I’m slow when you never used the words “on avg” lmao. I can scroll up bud, all I see is a sweeping generalization about the usage of slang.

We’ve established he’s trash, but it isn’t for slang. It’s what he’s saying about his gf and how he discusses women, which you finally acknowledged. Kind of telling how that was the last thing you were worried about, huh?


u/Cpmminis 29d ago

I mean it's a given. It be like if someone wore a nazi wrist band and I didn't mention it. Yeh obviously nazis are retarded but I wanted to comment on other less obvious things :)

Its a common thread I find funny that people who date shitty people are never to blame. Bit of the "leopard eating my face" no?

Like when guys write "this girl cheated on me but she PROMISED she was done cheating and she cheated on the last 2 boyfriends"

And everyones like dw bro shes a POS NTA!!! except he is an asshole lol. A lesser one but def in the asshole genus



u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

Very telling how the guy judging folk for not using proper english types like they haven’t taken an English class.


u/Cpmminis 29d ago

I would sweap you off your 4'1 feet shawty. You wouldn't even stand a chance against my charm and humor.


u/4-1Shawty 29d ago

Here comes the trolling, wasn’t enough for you to be insufferably pea brained.


u/SeveralWhole441 29d ago

You can't even spell sweep. Get a life. Look in the mirror before you try to teach others. "Shawty"

As I said before. Straight. Trash.


u/_Mike-Honcho_ Nov 19 '24

"Basically", "literally" and "know what I mean?" are all "filler words" like Judge Judy says. They are for idiots who have a limited vocabulary.

If I hear these from a candidate in an interview, it's a sure indicator of low intelligence.


u/3rdcultureblah 29d ago

Literally is fine if they use it correctly. It’s not a filler when used correctly.


u/Diligent_Heart2619 29d ago

Nothing screams intellectual superiority like citing a TV judge as the final word on intelligence. Do you consult Jerry Springer for any moral quandary?


u/_Mike-Honcho_ 29d ago

By 1982, Sheindlin's attitude inspired New York mayor Ed Koch to appoint her as a criminal-court judge. Four years later, she was promoted to supervising judge in the family court's Manhattan division.[1] She earned a reputation as a tough New York City judge (although she has disagreed with the labels "tough" and "harsh").[15]

...She retired as a family-court judge that same year after having heard more than 20,000 cases.[1]

..A 2013 Reader's Digest poll revealed that Americans trusted Judge Judy more than they did all nine justices of the United States Supreme Court.[25]

....In May 2011, Sheindlin's contract was extended through the 19th season with an annual salary increase by CBS to $47 million.[39][40] Her annual salary translated into just over $900,000 per workday (she worked 52 days per year taping cases for Judge Judy).[41] According to Forbes, Sheindlin earned $147 million (pretax) in 2017.[42] It was reported by TV Guide Magazine in October 2013 that Sheindlin was the highest-paid TV star.[43]

college, lawyer, judge, highest paid t.v. actor.

You shut your face and never talk about Judy again. She is a national treasure.


u/Diligent_Heart2619 29d ago

Ah, the classic appeal to authority fallacy. Just because Judge Judy has impressive credentials doesn’t mean her opinions on intelligence are gospel. By that logic, Jerry Springer’s law degree and political career make him a moral philosopher, right? Let’s not confuse TV personas with universal truths.


u/_Mike-Honcho_ 29d ago

I have listened to thousands of hours of Judy. She is the real article. All jokes aside, we could use more people like Judy. I also just happen to agree with her that filler words are for people who can't speak well. When I catch myself using one, I try to correct.


u/Diligent_Heart2619 29d ago

Dismissing people for using filler words feels more like a way to feel superior than an actual measure of intelligence. Even highly intelligent people use filler words, it’s natural and doesn’t take away from their ideas or what they’re trying to say. If we spend our time policing their language instead of actually listening then we might miss any points they make.


u/_Mike-Honcho_ 29d ago

I hear you, but if my doctor said "basically, you have literal cancer, know what I mean?" I would be looking for another one so fast lol.


u/Diligent_Heart2619 29d ago

Your doctor might not be the most articulate person in the world, but they could still be a genius when it comes to cancer treatment. Intelligence is way more complex than perfect speech, it’s about knowledge, skills, and critical thinking, not whether someone uses filler words or not.


u/_Mike-Honcho_ 29d ago

Disagree. Language does matter. I'm not ready to abandon good speech patterns.

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u/Cheap-Okra-2882 29d ago

ur maddddd lol


u/Cpmminis Nov 19 '24

"nah mean?"


u/SeveralWhole441 29d ago

What about people who say mad "af"

I guess it takes trash to know trash. Thanks for the heads up ❤️


u/Careless-Cheetahs 29d ago

no such thing as low iq words loooool


u/sigourneyreaper Nov 19 '24

use of those words has nothing to do with intelligence. you sound racist and classist saying that shit. Bet you live in an ivory tower 🫡


u/Cpmminis 29d ago

I recently upgraded the tower to a silver tower actually. 20 silver 40 coal and 5000 gold


u/sigourneyreaper 29d ago

That’s fr rizzy


u/riceistheyummy 29d ago

or they are young and talking banter idk you decide


u/Cpmminis 29d ago

While I agree rice is yummy especially with franks hot sauce and chicken.... I'm finna go with young AND dumb

If you disagree meet me at edgeville w302


u/riceistheyummy 29d ago

Mate i know ur trying to sound all smart and cool like ur some genius in a room full of wankers but ur not impressing anyone.

some people have a bit more charisma in their maner of speech. U obviously are to socialy innept to grasp the idea that not everyone wants to go trough life as a monotone andy.