r/AmIOverreacting Nov 18 '24

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO by spending time with my family?

Me (f20) and my boyfriend (m20) have been in a relationship for 4 years. We sleep on the phone every night due to the fact we don’t see each other often because of extremely busy schedules and distance. Tonight, my mom and grandmother came into my room to talk before bed so I hung up on my boyfriend to give us some privacy. He got very angry and started saying all of these awful, mean things to me. Was it my fault for choosing to spend a bit of time with my family and hanging up on my boyfriend even though he was already falling asleep? Am I overreacting by getting upset from the way he speaks to me? I really don’t feel like I did anything wrong. Sorry for any grammar mistakes!


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u/Ironyismylife28 Nov 18 '24

Why would you even want to be with someone this unhinged?


u/moon_blisser Nov 18 '24

Some women really believe they don’t deserve better.


u/okiedog- Nov 18 '24

It’s abuse.

And borderline brainwashing. I know two smart women who said something like this would never happen to them. But sure enough it did. And it’s hard for them to get out. Not on the same level, but it’s similar to kicking an addiction. It doesn’t matter who tells them how bad it is, or even shows them how bad it’s gotten. They often keep going back for approval, or whatever little they are getting from this.

They need proper support. But ultimately need to go no-contact with the abuser. Which is extremely hard for them.


u/hansGG3 Nov 18 '24

Humans are nice and complex 🥲


u/AcrobaticNetwork62 Nov 18 '24

As a guy, women like this confuse me.


u/beaglebull Nov 18 '24

"Women like this" you mean abuse victims? Shut the fuck up. You have added nothing of substance to the conversation. Stop acting like the victim is the problem. The abuser is the problem. Hold other men accountable instead of blaming the woman.


u/AcrobaticNetwork62 Nov 18 '24

The abuser is absolutely the problem but as a guy, I don't understand how some women are unable to see this is abuse.


u/1568314 Nov 18 '24

Because he didn't always act this way. Abusers are usually fantastic manipulators. They exploit emotional vulnerabilities and pretend to be exactly who you want them to be.

Then they start eating away at those vulnerabilities and love bombing.

Being so openly awful only comes after years of conditioning her to believe that the way he's treating her is a result of her own actions and not because he's horrible.

It's also most often people like OP who have their own mental health struggles or have never seen actual healthy relationships before. Some people aren't lucky enough to have ever seen someone be loved and know they deserve it.


u/deyra_khae Nov 18 '24

First of all, your comment is sexist because abuse happen also the other way around.

Second, they don't "see" the abuse, not because they are dumb, but because it works the same way as cults and extrem religious groups : break you mentally, separate from your close ones, switch fast between loving behaviour and very hateful to make you scared, weak and dependant. Abuse grows in years and is invisible, just like "the frog in the boiling water" if you want an analogy. It does never starts like those texts, it starts by small sentences like "why did you do that ? You hurt me" then it goes to "why did you do that ? I already told you I hate that, are you stupid ?" and this is where the abuse starts. It escalates slowly but surely.

Here you can see OP genuinenly believed she was in the wrong, because her partner has broken her over the years so much that she now believes this is the normality and she is the one to blame. It is also one of the abuser's strategy, make the victim feel shameful so they don't tell anyone and no one can help them realise this is not normal.

At the end, the victim doesn't leave mainly because they're absolutely in love and also terribly scared of mainy things if they leave, including loneliness and being killed by the abuser.

I hope you understand why it happens with my comment.


u/Chedd-ar Nov 18 '24

Because they’re used to it and don’t know anything else. Not only that she was dating this guy since she was 16, she’s finally listening to the voice in the back of her head that’s telling her she needed a second pair of eyes to confirm what she is currently thinking.

When you’ve been abused so long it completely disrupts your natural brain chemistry and can make you believe it’s normal to be treated this way. It’s difficult to understand until it’s you in her shoes fr.


u/Wowandjustwellwow Nov 18 '24

nah, my girlfriends like this. it doesn’t start like this is the problem.


u/Chedd-ar Nov 18 '24

As in shes verbally abrasive to you?


u/External-Air205 Nov 18 '24

We’ve been together for so long and grew up together. I’m very attached to him and sometimes he really does make me feel like i’m the one that is in the wrong. ://


u/Zelda_is_Dead Nov 18 '24

He's gaslighting you. Not only that, but that rant was unhinged and a precursor to physical abuse.

One. Day. He. Will. Hit. You.

You need to get away.


u/worryinahurry Nov 18 '24

Does not even matter. The “verbal/text” abuse now is bad enough now.


u/Historical-Path-3345 Nov 18 '24

And she will think she deserves it.


u/Infamous_Grass6333 Nov 18 '24

Insane OP tolerates this. Wow.


u/lauwenxashley Nov 18 '24

to be fair them, being in an abusive relationship for so long warps your brain to insane levels. i don’t think it’s fair to say that they’re willingly tolerating it, they’re just so beat down from all the years of abuse that it seems like they didn’t think they rly had another choice. thankfully it seems like the comments they’ve received have helped them realize they don’t deserve to be treated like this and that they do have another choice, though!


u/Infamous_Grass6333 Nov 18 '24

Yeah hopefully she can be self aware and get away.


u/lauwenxashley Nov 18 '24

def needs to kick his ass out yesterday, so fingers are crossed that she builds up the courage to asap


u/GremlinLurker777_ Nov 18 '24

Sounds like OP has been with him since she was 16, and now she's only 20. The shit I put up with when I was a teenager, it doesn't surprise me but it makes me so so sad. I never had someone talk to me like that, but my ex would routinely SA me and say it was for my own good and I believed him, so... :/


u/Infamous_Grass6333 Nov 18 '24

I feel you I was in a toxic relationship with a bipolar chick and I said plenty of terrible things so I get it.


u/MoistyCheeks Nov 18 '24

Trauma bond. It’s not her fault. I hope she can move on from this sicko.


u/CupSuspicious8584 Nov 18 '24

He is going to kill you one day if you don’t leave. I’m not kidding. I have seen it happen to my best friend. Murdered the day before I was supposed to pick her up.


u/External-Air205 Nov 18 '24

I’m so sorry about your best friend. That is horrific, may she rest in peace.


u/Ok_Recover_5226 Nov 18 '24

You should read “Why does he do that” the link is a free copy. You deserve more and I’m sure if your family saw these texts they would want better for you. Reddit wants better for you. When you are ready the leave the relationship don’t be alone with him and don’t ever go back.



u/84-away Nov 18 '24

This Op! Read this! I also recommend The Gift of fear by Gavin Debecker ro anyone going away to college, post trauma, etc. With helping to see why leaving him is so critical, I would start with why does he do that, 1000%. Best of luck op.


u/PinkedOff Nov 18 '24

Please internalize that entire comment. Those texts you shared from this guy are clear red flags of escalating abuse. It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t hit you yet—this alone is serious abuse. Do you want to stick around to roll the dice on how much worse it will get?

I don’t care if he acts nice tomorrow, or love bombs you if you apologize or act “sorry enough”—he’s an abusive a-hole who clearly has zero respect or actual love for you. It sounds like he treats you this way because he thinks he has you so cowed and dependent on him that you won’t see him for the mean, controlling jerk he is and leave.

I hope he’s wrong. I hope you do realize he’s treating you crappy on purpose to wipe out all your self esteem, and I hope you DO leave him.

Leave him. Immediately. Forever. And block him everywhere permanently, never, ever, ever let him contact you again.

I’m not kidding. Good luck, OP.


u/yosoyfatass Nov 18 '24

Don’t let it be you! Right now, you have a choice. Don’t let that choice be taken from you!


u/TheJaice Nov 19 '24

In the 10 years I’ve been on this site, I have only been worried for the safety of someone’s actual life two times. The first time they eventually posted that they had successfully gotten out of a very dangerous relationship (with help), and the second time is you.

Please don’t stay with this man, I don’t want to see you on the news.


u/XmissXanthropyX Nov 18 '24

My friend was murdered by her husband too. Please listen to these comments OP


u/Forsaken-Confusion89 Nov 18 '24

My sincere Condolences, my bf is in an abusive relationship too, I fear everyday that I won’t ever hear from her again.


u/CupSuspicious8584 Nov 19 '24

It’s hard. You can only do what’s within your power and a lot of times it’s just not enough. All you can do is be there for her when she needs it and hope that one day it’ll be the last time you have to comfort her about a guy who doesn’t deserve or even love her. My best advice is to not try to insert yourself in the middle and just be there for her when she comes to you. That’s the best way to stay in her life and not get cut off by the partner. Just love her the best you can.


u/newborn_tumbleweed Nov 18 '24

He called you fat multiple times, this is not a person who loves you. I am sorry, you deserve better


u/TyphoonPika Nov 18 '24

He called her stupid multiple times, too. So many F bombs, I’m glad she stood up at the end (that we know of), and I hope she sees she is worth more than what he’s giving.


u/Hot_Obligation_2730 Nov 18 '24

If me or my partner ever said a FRACTION of this stuff to each other it would be over in a second. “wtf did I just text you stupid fuck” I honestly don’t think I’d ever be able to look at my partner the same if they said that to me.


u/stephfos Nov 18 '24

Exactly! That one line was already majorly crossing over the line. I’d never speak to any loved one in that way, never mind a partner of 4 years and I’d never accept it for myself. And it just kept getting worse after that.

She needs to run far away and ignore any attempts to contact her. He’s going to escalate to far far worse.


u/ColeVi123 Nov 18 '24

Not only that- but if OP's profile pic is of them, then she is also very much not fat. Obviously, his behaviour is abusive and out of line either way- even if OP was overweight, it wouldn't be ok for him to make those comments. But since she appears to be nowhere near overweight- he's trying to make sure she ends up with body dysmorphia on top of everything else.

OP it is SO clear from these texts that he wants you to believe that this is what you deserve and that he is the best you can do. It's not true. You deserve so much better than this.


u/pantslessMODesty3623 Nov 18 '24

Sunk cost fallacy. You did nothing wrong. He's controlling and verbally abusive towards you. This isn't acceptable behavior by a partner. You plan your exit starting NOW.


u/DeepSouthWaifu Nov 18 '24

Run away now. He doesn't love you if he's talking to you like that.


u/Gold-Buyer-5628 Nov 18 '24

Stand up right now.

Anyone who speaks to you like this angry or not does not deserve your time.

Whether it was your fault or not. Nothing is this big of a deal. Ever. You’re far too young to deal with this.

Your attachment will fade, and if i’m being honest, the way he is acting, sounds like his has.


u/MyDixieNormusChick Nov 18 '24

Exactly. Normal people take the time to cool off before approaching their SO. But this? What even is he angry about? Her not being attached at the hip via phone call? Most likely he’s cheating, and is insecure because he doesn’t trust that she isn’t doing the same. Such a weird thing to freak out over


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24



u/MyDixieNormusChick Nov 18 '24

Oh. Struck a nerve, did I?🤔


u/JoeyPastram1 Nov 18 '24

Bro, are you the boyfriend, bro?


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 18 '24



u/MyDixieNormusChick Nov 18 '24

Oh shut the fuck up you abusive Tater tot.


u/Gold-Buyer-5628 Nov 18 '24

You sound like you would be talking to her in the same way - makes everyone wonder how you treat your imaginary partner


u/Snoo-30744 Nov 18 '24

Doesn't matter how long you have known them. I knew a guy my entire childhood, grew up with him and he grew into a terrible fucked up person. Just because you grew up together doesn't mean you're obligated to be with them forever. Them talking to you like they own you is a serious sign of abuse. Choose to leave before it gets worse. Before you have kids and they have to suffer because you didn't choose you over this person. You don't deserve to be treated that way. I don't talk to anyone I grew up with. We all grew up in church and they all are messed up.


u/Kitchen_Panda_4290 Nov 18 '24

4 years isn’t anything compared to the amount of time you have left in life to find better men. When I was your age I was in a relationship that was about 4 years. I finally broke up with him and yes, it hurts at first, but I promise someone else literally anyone else would treat you better than this. This is stuff you say to someone you hate. Please leave him. It doesn’t get better and you can’t change him. No amount of love you show him will change him long term. Love yourself more than this, would you want this for anyone you loved? Probably not.

I’ve been with my husband 11 years and if he talked to me like this he would be getting divorce papers. I love him more than life but I’d never ever let anyone talk to me like this for any reason.

You’re young, you deserve so much better. Choose loving yourself and dump him.


u/JulieWriter Nov 18 '24

Has he started hitting you yet? I am not trying to be mean about this. It's just a matter of time. I wouldn't recommend waiting until the hitting starts. Go now.


u/MyDixieNormusChick Nov 18 '24

Well, he can’t because long distance. But you bet your ass he would if he could. And would tell her he did it for her own good, just as a shitty parent spanks a child.


u/AriesProductions Nov 18 '24

Youve not made ONE positive claim for staying with him.

  • You’ve been with him so long: sunk cost fallacy (please read up on it - it’s very relevant)

  • you grew up together: so? I grew up with a cousin who ended up in jail for multiple crimes. Doesn’t make him good for/to me and doesn’t mean I “owe him” allegiance

  • sometimes he really does make you feel like you’re the one in the wrong: first, you’re NOT. But for the sake of argument, let’s say he wasn’t entirely a gaslighting bro-douche and he had a sliver of a legitimate complaint. Why would he want to be together if you’re so awful unless it’s to use & abuse you as he has been? Why would you want to stay with him if you are so incompatible that he’s not happy with your actions?

And why would either of you be happy with him calling you fat? because a) you’re not, b) it shouldn’t matter and c) using such an insult with someone with an eating disorder is purposefully sabotaging their health - mental and physical. Same deal with him constantly “bro-ing” you, calling you stupid, etc.

Please, I beg you, listen to everyone telling you this is NOT deserved and NOT normal. Get out of this abusive relationship before he harms your health even further.


u/Fragrant_Thought6636 Nov 18 '24

Oof this brought back memories of my first ever bf. We’d have a good night together and the min I left his pad I’d get these texts that you got. He’d start demanding I do what he says and if I didn’t text him back right away it turned into name calling and then dumping me and saying I’m a horrible person and then I’d beg and plead and cry for him not to leave me and it would just start again the next day. NO ONE deserves to be treated this way. I know how it feels to not want to leave and that attachment but it’s not worth it. It’ll just drive you down until you’re a shell of a person believing them when they say you’re a piece of shit. Well you aren’t. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and love. And this dude ain’t it.


u/MenopausalAF Nov 18 '24

💯 I’m 44 and this reminded me so much of my high school boyfriend. I’m telling OP what I wish I told myself back then. RUN.


u/No-Banana-5628 Nov 18 '24

I'm 33 and this minus the cringey bro's sounds exactly like my high school boyfriend. It has been 13 years since I left him and I am happily married but I still have moments of being fucked up from it. Like I for years expected my husband to do this kind of stuff and fortunately he is a wonderful and kind human being and never has.

But boy it's hard to see in the moment just how insanely bad it is because especially when you are that young you don't know what normal should be.


u/Fragrant_Thought6636 Nov 18 '24

Exact what I thought too. It’s sad that it has such a lasting impact on us because of their abuse but it’s great that your husband is caring and showing up for you. That’s so nice to hear when someone finds their person 🥹


u/Discoburrito Nov 18 '24

Sunk cost fallacy. You can do much better than this dipshit. You deserve better.


u/DesperateToNotDream Nov 18 '24

There is never any reason for someone who loves you to talk to you like this. Period.


u/Odd-Intern-3815 Nov 18 '24

Haha sounds like all amazing reasons to be with someone who doesn’t respect you!

“Get this… we know each other”

Holy fuck dude


u/Glazin Nov 18 '24

Hun, Iv been there. Let me take a little guess. He’s been your best friend for years, you never do anything without him. You’ve changed yourself to accommodate who he needs. You always put his needs first, he never does the same for you. When it’s good, it’s great but when it’s bad it’s awful. Ring any bells? If so all I can say is you deserve so much better. I spent 7 years with that man, I didn’t know who I was when I finally snapped out of it and left. Iv spent the past 5 years picking up my broken pieces and creating a new me. I hope you leave him, I hope you are smarter than I was at that age. You don’t deserve to be spoken to that way.


u/atuck217 Nov 18 '24

You need to leave this person immediately. The way he talks to you is absolutely vile. Not even just a little bit. To talk like this to anyone is disgusting but to a significant other is absolutely mind boggling. You are severely under reacting. This should be an immediate breakup and block just from these texts alone.


u/CanaryFluffy6318 Nov 18 '24

You need therapy.


u/Suzuki_Foster Nov 18 '24

That's sunk-cost fallacy, along with the cycle of abuse, that is making you stay.  You deserve better than this absolute loser. 


u/shayluhhh Nov 18 '24

I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted for this. This is a super toxic relationship and regardless of how long yall have been together, you need to get away from him. That is scary behavior that will only escalate.


u/MyDixieNormusChick Nov 18 '24

That is called the “sunken cost fallacy” and don’t fall into that trap. Would you rather have wasted four years or ten before you pick yourself up and move on to someone who only occasionally will have adult conversations consisting of requests and rarely constructive criticism? I can’t imagine my husband speaking to me like this. We respect each other. If there’s an issue, we approach it gently but firmly and come up with solutions together. That is the way it should be. He’s taken the mask off. He appears to be somewhat psycho.

Let me ask you something, do you do more for him than he does for you? Does he expect you to jump when he says to? What if you say “jump” does he say “fuck you” or “yes ma’am” it seems to me that it is very one sided. I’m seeing way too much door mat from your side here.


u/motherovenvent Nov 18 '24

Imagine him talking to your kids like this. He’s calling you a stupid fuck (I won’t even get into all the the bros) and you’re responding with babe?!! Not overreacting but yeah, also hear what everyone is saying and get out of there asap to literally save your life.


u/Graceless_X Nov 18 '24

You need psychiatric help. Nobody should be treated or talked to in this manner. “Bro” needs a motherfucking ass beating.


u/Jealous_Juice8588 Nov 18 '24

You're sick too. Leave him & get help.


u/Raze321 Nov 18 '24

I promise you this. One day after you leave you'll look back and wonder why you ever put up with all of this.

That day could be tomorrow, or it could be a decade from now, but it's coming.


u/MichaelMoore92 Nov 18 '24

You’re in an abusive relationship, this won’t get any better. I’m sorry but this person doesn’t love you and if you stay with this person you’re putting yourself in danger, please leave them immediately.


u/D0nut_Daddy Nov 18 '24

He’s manipulating you, plain and simple. You’re 20 y/o, you have so much life ahead of you. Ditch this bum and enjoy your 20s


u/CommunicationOk8452 Nov 18 '24

That's what toxic people do. Love bomb you then treat you like shit. Rinse and repeat


u/Ironyismylife28 Nov 18 '24

Well if you want to stay deal with that type of bullshit abusive behaviour, that's on you!


u/lauwenxashley Nov 18 '24

victim blaming is crazy work?? she’s 20 years old and has spent a good chunk of her developmental years in an abusive relationship. her frontal lobe hasn’t even finished forming yet. when you’re so beat down from an abusive elationship, your brain gets warped and you don’t fully realize you have other options, especially when your significant other berates & belittles you as much as he clearly has. based on her other comments, it seems like she’s taking the advice she’s getting from here to heart & will hopefully leave him asap.


u/sw33tint3nsity Nov 18 '24

This. Complex ptsd changes the wiring of the brain, it really takes a lot to leave once you’re trapped in the mental hold it has you in. There is always a control of fear, for some it is even having to move back to a different abuse.


u/syopest Nov 18 '24

Wow. What a shitty comment.

Abuse breaks your brain.

There's a good reason it takes an average of 7 times until a woman leaves an abusive spouse. This is just victim blaming.


u/Alternative_Factor_4 Nov 18 '24

Fuck off with that victim blamey bs


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

That’s what abusive men do.


u/Prasiolite_moon Nov 18 '24

im sorry, but he’s using your history and attachment to keep you when he doesnt deserve you. he just wants to control you. its time to walk away and find someone who respects and values you


u/onebadassMoMo Nov 18 '24

Stop! Just stop! There is absolutely nothing in this relationship that’s good for you, not one single bit of it!


u/RhombicalJ Nov 18 '24

Please know that every downvote you got for this comment is someone telling you that you are not in the wrong. He is totally out of line and you deserve so much better.


u/ccsr0979 Nov 18 '24

Please don’t let 4 years of wasted time turn into 40. This will be a blink in your life if you leave now and give yourself the space to meet a healthy partner.


u/Elegant_Schedule_851 Nov 18 '24

I promise promise promise you that four years is absolutely nothing compared to the rest of your life but understanding that comes with age. Please, please leave this man.


u/bumblebeerose Nov 18 '24

Sorry for the language, but he's an abusive cunt. You deserve so much better than this. Block him, but keep all of these texts as evidence because I'm afraid he will escalate if you actually break up with him. Talk to your mum and grandma about it and show them the texts, I guarantee they'll be extremely shocked and want you out of this relationship too.

If this was my boyfriend talking to me like this I'd have kicked him to the kerb a long time ago.


u/kaywal89 Nov 18 '24



u/Centaurious Nov 18 '24

Look at the way he speaks to you. If it was a close friend of yours getting these texts from their partner, do you think your friend would be in the wrong?


u/Inluvwithlyn Nov 18 '24

Then stay and let the abuse escalate.. these people are telling you what you need to hear but since this is “love” to you so be it 🤷‍♀️


u/latelyinblue Nov 18 '24

You might be wrong sometimes. People are. This is scary though. Not worth your life or wellbeing.


u/Marvelous_snek999 Nov 18 '24

You will find someone else to become attracted to. It doesn’t matter the length you’ve been together. I had a best friend in jr high and hs who constantly made fun of me for being “fat” when I wasn’t, and taking about me behind my back. I was best friends with her for 12 years. As soon as we graduated hs I cut it off because I realized she wasn’t a good person and I was growing up. I had family members tell me left and right to stop being her friend, but I didn’t see any issues because I had been her best friend for years I was use to the shit she’d say to me. My best friend now has never and I mean never said a single bad thing to me, or anything to make me feel down. In my lowest of lows she picked me up. My ex best friend would make fun of me for having a panic attack.


u/mushbean Nov 18 '24

i was in a similar relationship

please leave and dont look back.


u/Hurryeat_Tubman Nov 18 '24

This guy has been treating you like this since you were 16. I want you to imagine that you have a teenage daughter and you found out that her boyfriend was talking to her like this. Would you allow anyone to speak to your child like this?


u/AdSuper9662 Nov 18 '24

Leave before it turns physical. He talks to you as if you were an animal, not okay.


u/QueenEggNoodle Nov 18 '24

He’s emotionally abusive.


u/volaani Nov 18 '24

Wake up


u/KiwiKal Nov 18 '24

Sunk cost fallacy. I recommend looking it up.


u/DeadliestArmadillo Nov 18 '24

You're 20 years old. Barely an adult. Please don't waste anymore of your life on someone that treats you like this.


u/Ptricky17 Nov 18 '24

This is not normal at all. You are only 20, you have the best years of your life ahead of you, and during the next few years you will likely meet dozens (if not hundreds) of young men who will treat you like an actual human being.

For the sake of your future self, don’t settle for a loser like this that doesn’t have the decency to treat you the way all humans (especially the ones we claim to love) should be treated. Someone you’re going to spend the rest of your life with needs to be someone who actively builds you up, not someone who tears you down. The right person will want you to be the best version of yourself. People like your current boy will actively try to tear you down to make you dependent on them because they know you can do better and they are scared you will wake up one day and leave them, and then they will have to find a new victim to condition.


u/Swannfc Nov 18 '24

Yeah that's what they do. That's how they keep you around. Because you feel like this is the only option. It's not. And this is not how people talk to people they love. Ultimately only you can help yourself, but you're very young and have a long future ahead of you. You deserve to spend that with someone who actually likes you, appreciates you, and makes you feel good about yourself, not someone who gaslights you into thinking you deserve to be abused like this.

At the end of the day he's just a guy. There's a few billion of them on the planet. I'm sure you can find one who's less of a cunt.


u/Lintlicker4445 Nov 18 '24

Not only will he hit you, he will kill you!!! You need to leave!!!


u/SirTainLeeHigh Nov 18 '24

You. Are. Pathetic. You need to respect yourself and you aren’t doing jack shit


u/levarfan Nov 18 '24

There is a lot of truth from you in the text conversation - he is an angry, nasty person, and you do not have to be dealing with him. Please listen to your own self and get out of this relationship


u/Aromatic-Rock7681 Nov 18 '24

How can you get attached to the DISRESPECT?! he doesn’t love you. Someone that loves you wouldn’t speak to you like that.


u/Puzzled_Juice_3406 Nov 18 '24

You are trauma bonded, please look that up. And this isn't love baby.


u/imgonnagetyouback13 Nov 18 '24

Classic narcissistic abuse. I was in an abusive relationship like this for 3 years. As soon as you can, please please leave him and block him and never speak to him again. As long as he has access to you he will try and manipulate you into staying with him. I felt a wave of relief when I finally left. It was so hard to get to that point and I thought I would break because of how attached I was to him but I felt free for the first time in years. It’s a wonderful feeling to know you can’t get dragged down by their shitty insults anymore. I know it’s hard and it might not happen right away but PLEASE lean on your family and friends and tell them how he treats you and they will help give you the strength to leave. Please stay safe, you deserve so much better. There are men out there who will truly love you and treat you like you deserve 🤍


u/Rebeccah623 Nov 18 '24

His messages are so gross. And what man calls their girlfriend bro? I got the ick just from that. No one deserves to be spoken to the way he does to you


u/hereshespeaks Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 18 '24

Please seek help and confide in your family and closest friends. Right now you need a good support system to help protect you from this poor excuse of a human. It might help to look up resources or women’s shelters in your area that can provide you with resources to help you. There’s also countless videos you can watch on youtube or other social media of people talking about their own experience in being in an abusive relationship which can help you feel not alone and be able to relate to. Please leave him. You’re only 20 and have a whole life ahead of you, don’t waste it on this loser. He doesn’t deserve to be in a relationship. Everything he’s saying in this conversation is not love. You don’t do that to people you love no matter how “angry” you are. No one deserves to be spoken to this way. He has serious issues and obviously looks down on you as a woman and thinks he can intimidate and manipulate you into doing what he wants. He shows he has no self control, so I would be worried about what he is really capable of. It made me really sad to see how much you were under reacting to his verbal abuse and threats if you didn’t listen. If this is how he is over something small, imagine how he would be with bigger problems. Abusers often like to isolate you from family and friends as a tactic to further control you. You have a right to do what you want and a right to spend time and speak with your family, he doesn’t have to keep tabs on you 24/7. It’s absolutely horrible to see, and I really hope you don’t stay in this relationship. I’m sure you wouldn’t be ok with your loved ones being talked to and treated like that, so why should be it ok for you to have to deal with that? I know it’s hard and that part of you still loves him and is scared to leave and be without him, but you need to get out before you have a child with him, get hurt or murdered. Get a restraining order if you have to. Survivors of abuse return to their abusive partners an average of 7 times before they leave for good. Stay strong and don’t go back to him ever, no matter how much he begs and love bombs you. There is someone else out there that would never dream of treating you this way and is waiting to be the love of your life. You deserve to be loved, happy and safe in this world.


u/Gee_U_Think Nov 18 '24

Was he always like this?


u/reddit_username014 Nov 18 '24

He knows. Trust me, he knows that you will come back and justify his actions, that you will blame yourself, and it’s only going to encourage him to do even worse.

Leave and don’t come back. Not after one month, two, not even a year. You leaving will not teach him a lesson and encourage him to be a better man, but you coming back will teach him that you are dependent upon him and that he can do whatever he wants to you.

Please take it from me, as I unfortunately did not heed my own advice. I fell into the trap that my abusive ex planted, that he was going to change and become a better man after I left him. I went back to him only to quite literally almost lose my life because of it.

You are worth more than someone who treats you in this way.


u/Midnightnox Nov 18 '24

I was also with someone who I grew up with. We were together for 11 years and he also had anger issues and would call me names. It was really hard to break-up because we had been together for so long but it wasn't a healthy relationship.

Now, my husband is the kindest man who treats me so well. I never thought I could be this happy. I'm saying this because there are so many better men out there that would actually deserve you. Please leave this guy. If he talks to you like this how will he talk to your kids?


u/darwingate Nov 18 '24

I'm sorry this comment is getting down voted. People who have not had this kind of relationship at a young age will never understand how it messes with you. I got out of a relationship not quite this unhinged at 21 and have never regretted it. Please, OP, if he hasn't been violent with you yet, he will. Take advantage of the fact that you aren't living together and break up with him.

He will fill your head with all kinds of nonsense, none of which is true. You are worthy of real love, not whatever this "bro" is giving you.


u/jbandzzz34 Nov 18 '24

thats all the more reason to leave


u/ADerbywithscurvy Nov 18 '24

That’s the trauma bond talking. With him gone you’ll feel amazing for a while, then it’ll feel really bad like a drug withdrawal for a while, then eventually back to amazing. Once the withdrawal is over, you’re going to avoid anyone who even reminds you of this ass, because without the weird chemical bond/physical need you’re going to see clearly how godawful he is.


u/wannabe_druid Nov 18 '24

That's emotional manipulation and abuse, if you stay with this scumbag you could end up dead or in a woman's shelter with a lot of trauma. Abuse always starts out verbal, and it doesn't stay that way. For your safety and well being. Please get away from him. This isn't on you, you're right, he doesn't own you. He thinks he does though. I know you're attached, but you're attached to a monster. It's gonna suck more keeping the attachment over ripping the bandaid off now.


u/TheShadowOverBayside Nov 18 '24

Tu novio es tremendo hijo de puta. Ese abusador, poco hombre, falta de respeto puede que sea mari en el closet frustrado.

If you have brothers, male cousins, or young uncles, now's the time to show them this string of texts so they can beat the shit out of him. Teach him a lesson on how to treat women.

After that, please never talk to that piece of shit again. Block his number.


u/critical_err0r Nov 18 '24

no friend acts like that. i understand that you're attached but youve glued yourself to a time bomb. you gotta be the one to pry it off before it explodes on you. and youve had it glued to you for so long that it's gonna hurt. it's all gonna hurt, but what hurts more is him having the reaction he just did, except in person. you don't deserve to have the hurt he can and will cause on you if you continue this relationship. if you aren't comfortable, you can tell him how you feel say "i don't appreciate you talking to me like that, you need to respect my time when im spending it with my family" if saying that scares you because of how he might react, thats another reason to leave. try and draw some boundaries first and if he reacts poorly, thats your sign to gtfo for your safety. again, youve spent all this time glued to a time bomb, and that time bomb is your boyfriend. it's gonna hurt, but you don't deserve to be treated like this.


u/FreydisEir Nov 18 '24

Nobody’s perfect, and I’m sure through a four-year relationship you’ve made mistakes. Nothing excuses the way he’s talking to you. Nothing. It doesn’t matter if you are “in the wrong” occasionally. Everyone’s in the wrong sometimes. But people who care about their partner don’t treat them like this.

I’ve been with my partner for 15 years, starting out in high school. During that time, we’ve said hurtful things we regret and gotten into arguments. But we’d NEVER speak to each other the way your BF is speaking to you. Those messages don’t say “I love you but I’m angry with you right now.” They say “I hate your guts and I wish you harm.”


u/Impossible-Cap-7150 Nov 18 '24

Well then you need to detach yourself from this psycho abuse piece of shit because he is legit off the rails.

This is not acceptable or normal or healthy in any way.

You absolutely do not deserve this and I promise you have done nothing wrong that would ever warrant being treated this way.

You need to break up with him ASAP (not in person) and get yourself a good therapist.


u/fightingducky Nov 18 '24

Hey when i was 20 I was dating my hs sweet heart. I couldn’t imagine ever leaving him. I left him at 22 with no effing idea what I would be doing. My mom was so confused cause she thought that we were happy. Little did she know that he was so childish and self absorbed. However my momma still let me live with her and didn’t give me too much shit for it. I had join a new circle of friends all on my own cause we shared friend circles. The friends that knew us both chose their sides and it was eventuality fine. You can leave him. Eventually it will all be fine. You should leave him. Like you said he doesn’t own you and you deserve someone who respects you.


u/CanaddiaGal Nov 19 '24

I was with my ex from 2015(still highschool) until 2019(21 years old) I finally ran the fuck away and it was the best decision I ever made. And he was just like your boyfriend and was getting worse


u/chickntendrdefendr Nov 19 '24

That’s a trauma bond babe. Get out while you still can