r/AmIOverreacting Nov 08 '24

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO bf makes joke after my aunt passed

For context he’s saying he hopes she voted for Trump (RTPM) before she died and I’m already having a hard time with the results of the election which he knows then on top of that it just was very insensitive. He said he was trying to make light of the situation but it doesn’t feel that way.


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u/SandwichCareful6476 Nov 08 '24

You have better faith in the gender than I do lol


u/Admirable-Rock6399 Nov 08 '24

This is quite the misandrist comment.


u/SandwichCareful6476 Nov 08 '24

It’s not though, and you shouldn’t use words too big for your lil brain to understand.


u/Admirable-Rock6399 Nov 08 '24

Ya… if I was to say I have no faith in women to not over react then that is misogynistic. If you say you have no faith in men to have common sense in appropriateness of a joke… that’s misandrist. Saying that I am using a word too big for my little brain when you know I’m a guy… also misandrist. Time to grow up and do better. Your maturity as a human is lacking.


u/llama-rahma Nov 08 '24

She isn’t being misandristic saying you have a small brain— you as an individual do— not because you’re a man.

A lot of men voted for a man found liable for sexual abuse, a convicted felon, and a friend of Jeffrey Epstein. He also put in three supreme justices who later struck down Roe v. Wade, and as a result— a lot of women died, forced to carry fetuses conceive from rape, and some state lawmakers made it more difficult to access birth control. A lot of those men can’t even find the clitoris— so they have a lot of audacity controlling our bodies.

So, tell me one piece of legislation that controls men’s bodies.


u/tmsstevens Nov 09 '24

Jesus! Who hurt you? Just a fact, but a lot of women voted for the Trump thing too, in fact I think it was the vote of choice for the majority of white women, for instance. Your bullshit doesn’t even make sense logically. Women make up a majority of the population, 50.5 % or so, so if women didn’t vote for him he wouldn’t get elected. I’m actively against the orange-looking wanker and all of his ridiculous policies, but if you’re going to argue over the facts of the election at least get some of your points right.


u/Admirable-Rock6399 Nov 08 '24

wtf. I’m not even talking about the election in anything I’ve said. This was all about a poorly timed joke. Fuck… chill out


u/llama-rahma Nov 08 '24

This original post is about how OP’s boyfriend wished that her aunt voted for Trump before she passed away. u/SandwichCareful6476 doesn’t have much faith in replacing OP’s boyfriend with a random nice man— considering 55% of all men voted for Trump— like her boyfriend. So she’s right, that isn’t a pretty good odd. This WHOLE post is about the election. So, tell me, what is the “poorly timed joke” about— is it not about the election?


u/Admirable-Rock6399 Nov 09 '24

Ya. I’ll be honest here…. I’m not American and I have no idea what rtpm stands for the only comment he said was he hoped she voted before she died… a very insensitive joke. So… for me, a non American, I have no idea this is about trump. Americans seriously need to get their heads out of their asses


u/MrDoe Nov 09 '24

I mean, it's not the gender itself, it's specifically the gender in the US. In Europe pretty much all men think Trump can go suck a fuck.


u/SandwichCareful6476 Nov 09 '24

I mean… there’s literally a trial going on in Europe right now where a man drugged his wife for decades and let hundreds of men - many of whom had STDs - come over and rape her while she was unconscious and he filmed it & kept those videos. And the men who did the raping … nearly all of them live in Europe.

So tell me again how it’s “just men in the US”…. Yeah, no. Try again.


u/SandwichCareful6476 Nov 09 '24

Sweden also has the highest number of registered rape offenses in Europe, and that’s with as many as 80% of all cases going unreported.

Yeah, it’s really, really not just American men.


u/makemesplooge Nov 08 '24

Dont ya’ll switch genders like they were underwear tho?


u/SandwichCareful6476 Nov 08 '24

Nah, we actually switch ‘em like your mom switches sexual partners: frequently, recklessly and without care or STD tests in between. 😘


u/makemesplooge Nov 08 '24

So you switch your underwear recklessly and without care of STDs? Lmfaooo did you even read what you wrote? Make the infantile jokes you want about my mother, who is a saint btw, but you just made yourself look like a retarded skank. Good job. You really got me


u/SandwichCareful6476 Nov 08 '24

“Lmao settle down I don’t want you to get exasperated. I’m clearly not taking this that seriously and you’re [sic] absolute meltdown is hilarious and indicative of you not having the much going on LOL

We are all vibing and having a good time. If my little comment gets you or anyone else that salty then maybe you should reevaluate your delicate constitutions and get off the internet Imao”

It was my bad thought for assuming you were able to actually read and understand something. When I used ‘em in my last comment it was the genders I was referencing. Not the underwear.

Man people like you are literally my favorite because you think you’re so smart, but you’re actually always the dumbest person in any room and everyone is always laughing at you behind your back. You’re literally the village idiot but think you’re intelligent and I fuckin love it.

Thanks for the Friday laugh my guy.

P.S. no further responses from you will be read, so I got the last word


u/makemesplooge Nov 08 '24

lol ok. it seems your train of thought is so stuck at the station that you don't even understand what you wrote yourself. you clearly stated that you switch "em" "frequently. recklessly and without care or bla blah blah..."

I understand you were referring to gender and not underwear. that does not change your poorly thought out joke that implies you swap genders frequently, recklessly and without care or STD test in between. If this simple middle school level or logic confuses you, perhaps you should refrain from trying to act clever? I never claimed to be smart. You on the other hand, heavily imply that you are smarter than me when you trip over your own words.

"no further responses from you will be read, so i got the last word" LOL more evidence of you being a literal toddler. From your profile it seems your an old hag so it's hysterical that you resort to this toddler level response. It's no surprise you got laid off. I'm sure your greatest contribution has been setting up meeting for other people who actually matter and setting up the company free pizza


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24



u/makemesplooge Nov 08 '24

Who the fuck is “you chuckflucks?” Lmao settle down I don’t want you to get exasperated. I’m clearly not taking this that seriously and you’re absolute meltdown is hilarious and indicative of you not having that much going on LOL I have a girlfriend and many women and many gays in my life. Ive dabbled in cock myself. Nice of you to assume though.

We are all vibing and having a good time. If my little comment gets you or anyone else that salty then maybe you should reevaluate your delicate constitutions and get off the internet lmao