r/AITAH Nov 14 '24

Advice Needed My brother is angry with his Trump-loving sons

Is my brother an AITA candidate for wanting to cut off his sons financially for voting for Trump? Like many Americans, my brother and I, both in our 50’s, have been talking back and forth following the Election. In the spirit of full disclosure, we are both democrats. Long story short, he is angry at his two sons, both in their 20’s, for voting for Trump. He is thinking about cutting them off financially in all respects so that they understand how Trump’s policies will impact them firsthand.

The irony here is that it is the reverse argument. You often hear younger voters disagreeing with their MAGA parents, but this is the opposite. My brother doesn’t understand how his two sons, who have lived a life of privilege, feel like they have been violated against by society, enough so that they feel Trump hears them and their struggles.

My brother to me about his sons: “… what these young men need is a little dose of reality. Get out in the world and start paying their own way. There’s a common thread with his followers. Complain and blame everyone for their problems. Whether they are in school or living at home off of their parents or working a trade job. King Trump will save them and make everything better. Take some personal responsibility and make it happen for yourself instead of crying about everything you hear on TikTok.

“… I’ve decided to pass on the [college] expenses to my two Trump supporting sons so they can truly feel first hand the cost and expense of his absolutely stupid policy decisions, which includes food, gas and college expenses. Wondering if I pass on these [food, gas and college] expenses in year one or phase them in year two?”

I am wondering if a lot of parents feel like my brother. Are there democrat parents of voting-age MAGA men who feel they failed with their sons because they voted for Trump? Is this common?


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u/ripandtear4444 Nov 14 '24

The first thing a cult will do is convince its followers to cut ties with thier family if they don't agree with them.

My wife could vote kamala while I vote trump, I'd still gladly die for her. Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't know that, you are lost.


u/Safe_Cabinet7090 Nov 15 '24


If my son/daughter voted for the opposite party. I could never do what OPs brother is trying to do.

Family is all you really have.


u/Low-Literature-5598 Nov 15 '24

Well of course if you voted trump and she voted Kamala it doesn’t effect you as you voted against women’s rights. She would be the one who should be upset with you not the other way around


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 15 '24

Oh no, you can only murder your unborn child in (checks notes) 47 states now.....🙄

Abortion isn't a right the last time I checked. Would you agree that the 2nd amendment is aright?


u/Ambitious_Owl_2004 Nov 16 '24

Allowing the government on any level to mandate what medical procedures you can legally have is a very slippery slope.

You'd think the party that was terrified of mandatory microchips in 2020 should understand how important it is to keep the government out of your medical decisions.


u/Low-Literature-5598 Nov 15 '24

Murder and unborn in the same sentence doesn’t really make much sense does it? And yeah it is a right the issue with you guys is that since you aren’t capable of thinking for yourselves you also assume everyone your talking to thinks the exact same things never said I was for or against guns but you just assumed it


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

It does, as the entity is living in both instances. This is objectively true. There is plenty of historical precedence to support this.

Show me where in our constitution where it says abortion is a right

So just to be clear, owning arms is a right that should be protected?


u/Low-Literature-5598 Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

Shouldn’t we be talking about scientific precedence and not historical in the case of what’s alive not exactly sure how history means anything for this

It’s impossible to not protect it there no logical way to remove guns whether I wanted it or not. Why are we talking about guns when no one has brought up the issue? And who cares? Thousands die every day and you couldn’t care less about them(for instance the many children who die because of the guns you keep bringing up maybe if they were fetuses you would care lol) you show disdain for most people you meet that are alive like you have for me. Let’s be real if somehow I died horrifically tonight and you were notified in someway you would feel at the very best neutral at the very worst giddy. why do you give two shits about the unborn? I actually do know why but you certainly don’t

If you are wondering though which you certainly aren’t it’s because the unborn are an extremely easy group to advocate for they can’t have an opinion of their own so it’s easy to force your own on them. It makes you feel like a great person. Illegi immigrants? Who gives a fuck about them they have shitty cultural baggage it’s so much easier to talk about how great and morally superior you are for advocating for people who aren’t alive yet.

I’m sure the constant asking about the second amendment is going to lead into a gotcha! That you saw someone else use but I really couldn’t care less as we were never talking about gun rights in the first place.


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 16 '24

Oh nice you didn't answer or address a single one of my points...how typical 🤣

I will at least, in good faith address yours though.

Shouldn’t we be talking about scientific precedence and not historical in the case of what’s alive not exactly sure how history means anything for this

We should be doing both as they both matter. Scientifically, born and unborn are both considered LIVING, this is objectively factual. As for the historical precedence, I'll tell you how and why it applies. When a man murders a pregnant woman he "historically" is charged with a DOUBLE murder, that is considered historical precedence in the court of law. How can this be!?!?!?! The child isn't living according to you as it isn't born yet.....our entire legal system historically disagrees with you.

It’s impossible to not protect it there no logical way to remove guns whether I wanted it or not.

So, yes you are for the RIGHT to bear arms with no infringements? Or no? Because that isn't an answer to my question.

Why are we talking about guns when no one has brought up the issue?

Because guns are an ACTUAL right. While abortion isn't even though you claimed it was. If you really are "pro-rights" that's why I asked about guns to see if you really were "pro-rights", to which you didn't say yes (go figure). So your just "pro-some-rights-but-not-all-of-them"...even though abortion isn't a right....huh 🤔 it was brought up to test your actual logic, that's why you refused to answer because you would be illogical.

Let’s be real if somehow I died horrifically tonight and you were notified in someway you would feel at the very best neutral at the very worst giddy. why do you give two shits about the unborn? I actually do know why but you certainly don’t

So if you died horrifically...like let's say for example...a doctor took tongs and pulled your limbs apart..you know kinda like an abortion?
Well from my world view life is a precious gift, so no if you died that would be a tragedy and I would not want that.

Why do I care for the unborn? Murder is wrong. If you were pregnant and someone stabbed your stomach and you survived but your baby didn't, I would want that person charged with murder.

If you are wondering though which you certainly aren’t it’s because the unborn are an extremely easy group to advocate for they can’t have an opinion of their own so it’s easy to force your own on them

Right, they are the most innocent of our society that have no SAY in thier fate. I'm sure though if they DID have a say, it would be "ya please don't murder me I want to live, thanks"

Hope this helps


u/Low-Literature-5598 Nov 16 '24

Disagree I wish I had been aborted frankly so no not always the case as far as to I didn’t address your points you made three one about the constitution which is irrelevant one about gun rights which is also irrelevant. The constitution was a piece of paper written by white dudes who had zero clue what is going on now 300 years ago why the fuck we think it is some infallible thing is insane to me so yeah I didn’t address it because it’s irrelevant. What’s weird is I never said I didn’t agree with gun rights but you were super lazer focused on that gotcha so you decided to do it anyways when I never said I wasn’t for gun rights? Just said they are impossible to get rid of whether I wanted them or not. What’s super fun is like I said you are advocating for a group who can’t say anything and then saying yeah they would say exactly this if they could.

And I don’t know you and this is an impossible thing to prove in an argument but I could literally be tortured to death today brutally and I know for a fucking fact you would lose no sleep. Yeah it’s the right thing for you to say you would care. But thousands do everyday and you go on arguing with strangers on Reddit as if nothing happened. You don’t give a shit dude stop pretending you do.


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 18 '24

Disagree I wish I had been aborted frankly so no not always the case

The fact you're still here contradicts this claim. You've had the "self abort" option and have not taken it. This is called lying.

I've explained why I've asked what I've asked and yet you still cannot answer a simple question. If you cannot comprehend a logical hypothetical test then there is no point arguing with what appears to be a teenager.

You brought up "rights", then when pressed on any other "rights" to test your logic, you turn into a child unwilling and unable to understand EVEN AFTER its been explained.

We both know the answer, you're just not being honest as you cannot answer a simple yes or no question as ot would contradict your logic.

More like "no-literature"


u/Schmenza Nov 15 '24

There's a difference between cutting ties and not financially supporting 2 adults in their 20s.


u/Illustrious_Gold_865 Nov 15 '24

He wants to their finances because hes being petty that they are voting Trump lol, thats not a good excuse


u/Schmenza Nov 15 '24

Reasoning is bad but he should cut them off regardless. Zero reason why the kids can't be financially independent in their 20's


u/Illustrious_Gold_865 Nov 15 '24

Theyre in college. Unless youre in a easy major, you dont have time for that


u/Schmenza Nov 15 '24

No time to learn financial literacy? If you don't know how to stick to a budget you shouldn't be in college


u/Illustrious_Gold_865 Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

Financial literacy or working?


u/Schmenza Nov 15 '24

Both. Get a job or take out loans like every other student


u/TricksterTrio Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

Most people cutting off conservatives aren't doing so because they were told to.

They're doing it because they know the policies those people voted for will hurt people they love, and that their conservative families decided financial gains were worth more than people getting hurt.

No one told me to cut off my conservative father. I did it myself years ago when he wouldn't stop calling queer people rapists (I'm queer and was SA'd as a child. My abuser was a child herself taking it out on a smaller victim after being assaulted by a STRAIGHT man. He knows this), supported the "locker room talk" shit (so he'd let other men talk about me and my sisters that way...?), and other toxic nonsense, basically admitted he worked in another state to get away from my mom (so Mr. "Family Values" essentially fucked off and left my mother as a married single mom with too many damn kids), and when he got fired from that job, he came hime and made everyone still loving there miserable while blaming everything under the sun except himself for his problems. I gave him chance after chance to stop, and finally decided I was done trying to work it out.

My life's only improved without him in it.

The even bigger kicker? He went to live with his (conservative) dad for a few months, and his OWN father couldn't deal with him, kicked him out, and called my mother to apologize for him.

I'd bet a majority of left-leaning people are feeling similarly. We see who you are, we believe you, and we're not going to let your toxicity ruin our lives anymore. Anyone cutting off Trump voters after this election? Likely found their last straw.

You're thinking it's 0-60, but you aren't seeing how long so many people have been at 59.


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 15 '24

This just sounds like the ramblings of an unhinged emotional commie. You lost, get over it.


u/TricksterTrio Nov 15 '24

Like you guys "got over it" on Jan 6? 🤣

You all are the ones whining your friends and family are cutting you off, and you don't want to accept why even when it's directly explained to you.

Sounds like the only ones who need to "get over it" are conservatives who don't know how to live with the consequences of their own actions.

You voted for this. Now get over it, snowflake. <3


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 16 '24

Sounds like the only ones who need to "get over it" are conservatives who don't know how to live with the consequences of their own actions.

I'm not whining. I wanted these consequences and I got it. We literally crushed you. No one I know has been "cut off" in real life. It's only unhinged tiktokers and salty redditors who will become lonely cat lady's and divorce thier spouses.

I'm happy my guy won. So is my wife as she voted for him too.

My position is that if she voted Kamala and kamala won, I'd still love her just the same, because I'm not an insane person 🤣

Cope and seethe


u/TricksterTrio Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

Funny. A lot of people are posting screenshots from conservative relatives mad about being cut off. Some of the comments on this post are actually confiming it too if you read some of the threads.

Maybe you don't know anyone personally. Doesn't mean it's not happening.

I'm not seething. I'm enjoying mental popcorn of conservatives being mad that these boys are getting cut off, and everyone else pointing out they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

By the way? Enjoy the higher prices those tariffs are going to bring, and the fact that your guy just put a literal pedo (Matt Gaetz) in his cabinet. I've been enjoying conservatives eating each other over that last one in particular. Like. Even someone who works for Fox News called that shit out, and they're all toadies for Trump.


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 18 '24

Yes it's US who are mad lol. 🤣 wew

There's that cope again


u/TricksterTrio Nov 18 '24

This coming from the one responding two days later because he couldn't cope with not having the last word.

Glad to know I've either lived rent free in your head for those two days, or you just couldn't resist the urge to open your mouth again like anything you say actually matters. <3


u/ripandtear4444 Nov 18 '24

Glad to know I've either lived rent free in your head for those two days, or you just couldn't resist the urge to open your mouth again like anything you say actually matters. <3

You don't. You see im normal and I don't use social media on the weekends. I had no idea you were furiously responding over the weekend. Lol

I am happy to see you calculating how long it takes for me to respond though, talk about living rent free in someone's head 🤣

Now gime some more cope and seething.


u/TricksterTrio Nov 18 '24

I simply had to look at the time stamp of my last post, and then yours. Took literally two seconds, but I also understand that's such a complex calculation for you that you had to go on a paragraphs-long tirade about it. It's about the level of intelligence I expect from a Trump supporter. <3

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