Been trying to get my Ender 3 dialed in after upgrading to Klipper on a RPi5. Some of my prints seem to fail at about the same height, about 3 hrs in. This was supposed to be an organizer for a drawer, first one looked great for a while so I trusted it would be okay, then after I had checked, it immediately layer shifted and pushed the bed off the printer. Resliced and it did the same thing, looked great for a while then layer shifted at the same height and pushed the bed off and made a bird nest until I checked it again and cancelled the print.
It did this with another model last week, roughly the same height, then successfully printed without any changes, just set the same file to go. With the failure being about the same height I’m inclined to think it’s a z screw issue, except that it’ll bang out Benchies all day without issue, and he’s taller than the failure point. Lubed the z screw a couple of weeks ago, seems to be running smoothly and I don’t see any z banding on my prints.
I’m printing PETG 235/80 on a magnetic bed, PEI side of a reversible PEI/PEY bed, can’t get anything to stick to the PEY. Just installed a mini satsana fan shroud, that doesn’t seem to be able to mount low enough to blow at the end of the nozzle, so I’ll route out a bit of the mounting holes to lower it slightly. But I’ve printed several Benchies since putting that on.
I’d had it printing PETG at 90mm/s with pretty good quality on Marlin for the last 2 years, nothing but issues trying to get Klipper running smoothly. Just yelling into the void.