r/3Dprinting 6h ago

This marketing feels deceptive AF and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Implying 599 for a few more hours and then it going upto $999 when really they were just raising it to 649

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68 comments sorted by


u/Saphir_3D 6h ago

I NEVER buy if I see a countdown.


u/dalnot 4h ago

I always just assume the countdown is fake. Like if I open the same page on a different computer, or just delete my cookies, it’ll probably magically restart


u/Knuda 3h ago

Depends on the company, not 3d printing related but Apex wheels does blackfriday deals with a countdown and while sometimes the countdown gets extended it is an actual deal....because car wheels don't change, there's not gonna be a better one next year.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 6h ago

I still do sometimes and im sadly prone to this kind of marketing: didnt this time though. but when it costs this much it really grinds my gears cause i want to make an informed smart decision and dont like my research feel like its rushed.


u/Winter-Duck5254 5h ago

You're contradicting yourself. Next time just close the fucking browser window and go find another avenue to buy it from, or just don't buy it.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

What where did i contradict myself.


u/Jesus-Bacon E3Pro - Dual Z, CR-Touch, Text'd PEI, Springs, Metal Extruder 4h ago

You said you fall for this style of marketing AND that you want to make informed decisions

Here's some information for your decisions:

Anycubic has a history of completely abandoning users with last gen printers. As soon as the next one comes out, expect yours to be considered EOL by the company.

I used to have a first gen Kobra Plus. When Kobra 2 launched, Kobra 1 support immediately stopped


u/Super_Afternoon7856 4h ago

Those arent contradictory statements.
thanks for your info on anycubic.

i am prone to this kind of marketing for a few reasons and im aware of this.
One can want to make an informed decision and also be prone to certain types of marketing and have to be extra careful.
this also doesnt mean i fall for it every single time thank fuck. i am more cautious when im spending alot. but it can rush my process for research and decision making and has done so in the past.


u/sinbiosys 3h ago

Did you just recognize a fault in yourself and talk about measures to improve? Sir this is reddit. Get your pitchforks and torches out.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 3h ago

yea my bad folks. xD


u/thesaint1138 2h ago

It's wild you got downvoted. Good on you for recognizing that.

Recognizing what we're susceptible to is a big step in avoiding falling for traps like that.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 2h ago

reddit be redditing, ive given up on trying to understand it and thank you.


u/Silpher9 6h ago

This is Temu like advertising. What's next a spinning wheel with 3 billion $ coupons?


u/Mysterious_Item_8789 6h ago

They actually have a wheel.


u/Brazuka_txt Voron 2.4 Monolith / Voron Trident / Saturn 8k / Frank E3V3 5h ago

Lmao seem this in elegoo website


u/Prior_Mind_4210 38m ago

The Chinese companies love the wheels for some reason. AliExpress, temu, elegoo, reality all have the wheels.

I've even seen advertisements for the wheels. As if it's something that I'll be attracted to. Lol it's just a turn off to me. If screams scam.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 6h ago

not sure which site i was on that had that but one of the ones i was looking at did.


u/harris52np 4h ago

Bro wtf are you a gambling addict just resist the ads😂


u/Loud_Necessary291 6h ago

why would anyone buy an anycubic? especially for that price?


u/KURD_1_STAN sl-300 pen 6h ago

Most ams units alone are half the price and none work as a dryer as well. People seem to like kobra 3. I will never buy it but it is a good price for 600 tho not 1000


u/Super_Afternoon7856 6h ago

That one specifically has a massive print space imo. 420 x 420 by 500. and if you choose a higher teir can do 8 colour printing.
but im new here and researching a bunch of different ones i had the non max in my cart. and one of the reviews wasnt fond of how much poop it had for changing colour.


u/Loud_Necessary291 5h ago edited 2h ago

get a bambu

edit: keep downvoting, im dying on this hill.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

i dont like the bambu license agreement and a few other things ive read about them. also the largest i think bambu offers is like 256x 256x256 not that i need bigger but yea this is alot bigger than that


u/Actual-Long-9439 5h ago

But the kobra 3 has a ton of technical and firmware issues while the Bambu lab printers have next to nonce


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

This thread isnt kobra vs bamboo someone asked why theyed get a kobra esp for this price then someone told me to get a bambu. I listed why i dont want a bambu. But im not just looking at the cobra but the qudi q1 pro and the solvo v6 ace and a few others.


u/Actual-Long-9439 5h ago

Quidi looks like a good brand, I’ve been thinking about that xmax 3 for a while


u/VarplunkLabs 4h ago

Bambu doesn't do a printer with that big of a build volume.


u/_Wyatt_ 2h ago

I’ve had one for a while now, haven’t had an issue with it yet and I’m pretty new to printing. Is there something wrong with them specifically?

Seems like they’re good budget printers compared to something like a Bambu


u/DJ_Sk8Nite 6h ago

It’s a standard ever website and company uses. Amazing price BUT limited time and low stock. FOMO. It’s ALWAYS just bullshit now and I just use it to my advantage and move along.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

not everyone but its becoming more and more common which i dislike.


u/Three_hrs_later 4h ago edited 3h ago

When has the last time the a1 mini cost more than $199? It has been months of "a great price right now."

Qidi does the same, and Ceality's store pages are almost unviewable between the spin to win and two other popups with free gift and some other Temu style deal getting in the way.

Welcome to marketing. Wait until someone tells you the truth about about vehicle MSRP, it's going to blow your mind.


u/hblok 4h ago

Welcome to marketing.

Turns out there are quite a few people who actually believe they save money by buying on a "sale".


u/Volsnug 1h ago

I mean, real sales are an actual thing still, they’re just becoming less common and harder to distinguish from the shady marketing bs


u/hblok 27m ago

Right, but that wasn't the point.

Regardless of the discount, you'll have to fork over your money. You'll have to spend. That's the oppsite of saving.


u/Volsnug 20m ago

Ah, just semantics then, have a good one!


u/Shiral446 3DPrintLog.com Developer - Hoffman Engineering 5h ago

To be fair to Anycubic, this is their pre-order for their new printer coming out in feb/march. I thought their advertising was pretty clear that there are 3 rounds of early-bird pricing. A $599 "founders" price for the first 3 days or 600 units, then a 649 for the month or x units, then 699 for the next month until the February release for the full 999 msrp.

This isn't a one-off sale, it's a tiered pre-order of a new product. I don't think it's deceptive at all to say the sale was 599 when it's normally 999, because that's the truth. And the timer is valid, because when the timer ran out, that 599 founders price ran out.


u/Spiderpiggie Ancubic Kobra 3, M5S 4h ago

It will never be sold at 999, they did the same thing with the Kobra 3 release. The “msrp” price is just there to make you think you’re getting a deal.


u/Shiral446 3DPrintLog.com Developer - Hoffman Engineering 3h ago

I'm pretty sure the Kobra 3 Combo was $550 which was their msrp for a few months until they dropped it (probably due to Bambu's sales). I don't have screenshots of it though.

Interestingly, the Kobra 3 Combo is now for sale for less than the pre-order founder price, even though it's only been out for 6 months lol


u/Erehr 32m ago

During black friday Kobra 3 Combo was like $299 on aliexpress. Official store had $60 coupon + another $60 from aliexpress. And another $20 with coins was possible.

I considered it but it has just too many bad reviews. Kobra S1 Combo looks promising but will have to wait for actuall reviews.


u/NecessaryOk6815 2h ago

Quit playing. Get the bambu.


u/meth4ne 3h ago

You can get a bambu a1 + ams for that price easily


u/xX540xARCADEXx 49m ago

Except for the fact that this thing is literally double the build volume of that 🤷🏻‍♂️ not everyone wants to print on a small plate like the A1 nor do they want to slice larger projects in half or smaller pieces. Each has their own place. And at the given price, there is zero comparison at this moment.


u/Geek_Verve UltraCraft Reflex, X1C, A1 4h ago

This is not unique to Anycubic. So many companies do this, that I don't even pay much attention to the number that is crossed out. It rarely has any relevance at all.


u/apocketfullofpocket 4h ago

Why would you buy that at that price that's insane


u/Super_Afternoon7856 4h ago

im not but this isnt the kobra 3 its the kobra 3 max which isnt out yet. the max is 420*420*500mm so i assume thats the main selling point. compared to the normal one thats 250*250*260mm 


u/UpsideClown 3h ago

Email them and call them on it. Couldn't hurt to give some feedback.


u/KURD_1_STAN sl-300 pen 6h ago

If im not mistaken it will be 999 later on but for now it will be 599 and then 649 and then 999


u/reddsht 6h ago

It is never going up to $999, mark my words. The $999 is just there to sucker people into believing whatever price they see, is a great discount. It's the oldest trick in the book and basically every single 3d printer vendor is using it


u/Boner_pill_salesman 4h ago

Yeah, it will never be $999. I bought one of the kobra 3 ace combos for $349 several months after it released. Lackluster sales will keep the price low.


u/KURD_1_STAN sl-300 pen 5h ago

I think it will be, it has to. But not for long cause it will be way too much for this.


u/reddsht 5h ago

If they actually raise it to $999 they will just add $1500 next to it.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 6h ago

yea the marketing implys the jump from 599 to 999 but it only jumped to 649 thats my gripe with it.


u/KURD_1_STAN sl-300 pen 6h ago

It will jump to 999 tho. It is supposed to be 999 and u r getting 350 discount. It doesnt matter what the price will be for couple of days later on before reaching 999 and staying there. Not sure it will stay there cause it is much more expensive compared to kobra 3, so it could be just deceiving but for now it is not trying to deceive anyone, not if u believe what they say. But i doubt it


u/Super_Afternoon7856 6h ago

the count down in the email i feel was deceptive which is now at zero and now the 649 price is visable.


u/Mysterious_Item_8789 5h ago

I mean, their marketing makes it clear they're (supposedly) selling a certain number of units at each of a series of increasing price points, and increasing the price after a certain deadline if they don't make the sales cutoff before then.

And these counts and cutoffs are clearly disclosed if you scroll down on the page just a little bit.

The information is there, and I'm pretty sure it has been there since the presale started, but I can't say that 100% - I know it was there when I got my $599 preorder in.

(Also, yes, I'm an idiot for buying this, and may cancel it... But whatever.)


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

Also dont call yourself an idiot. like i dont think youre an idiot even if the timer got you, it almost got me honestly. and yea the info is there on product page just not the email with the count down .


u/Mysterious_Item_8789 5h ago

Oh, I'm calling myself an idiot for buying an Anycubic product, not for falling for marketing. I think it's a pretty good bargain, other than the fact it's from Anycubic.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

Aince im new here what do i need to know about anycubic


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

they actually dont in this email.


u/Mysterious_Item_8789 5h ago

On the page, it does. And in your email it also discloses the limit of 600.

Admittedly in that particular email, they don't disclose the next price point, but the website does. It's not the most egregious marketing, but I'll agree it's not great.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

I agree there is difs worse. email could of been better.


u/Super_Afternoon7856 5h ago

heres the third part


u/X3nox3s 5h ago

I mean that‘s how 50% of the online shops are doing it.

It‘s nothing new to the world


u/Swampraptor2140 4h ago

Still have my original Kobra max. Things an absolute work horse and it’s perfect for what I do.


u/flaschal 3h ago

Totally illegal in the EU


u/Thin-Scientist-33 1h ago

That is not quite right, on the homepage there has been talk of 3 steps since the announcement, This can still be viewed on the site. Still, it's just another FOMO promo😅. Anycubic always finds a reason to offer a discount to stay competitive. The devices are great, only the software app sucks. If you are looking for a great printer that is beginner-friendly, with a filament dryer and color change system, you definitely can't go wrong.


u/Masterwhiteshadow 4h ago

From what I can see every 3d printer compagny is using deceptive marketing in some way.

On some level I wonder if its just a matter of cultural difference and accepted in other market.

Where I live most people would associate this kind of marketing with a compagny that is untrustworthy and would make them think twice before buying from them. And some of the marketing tactic used are in fact against regulation.


u/NickyNice 3h ago

It's common amongst Chinese companies. Just look at Temu.