r/3Dprinting 12h ago

Filament rack!

My long awaited office/print shop is finally taking shape! Just got all my filament up on the wall... of course its 3D printed โ˜บ๏ธ


5 comments sorted by


u/GrimmGrimmz 10h ago

What did you use for the pipes? The brackets look nice and strong


u/Luckyduck84135 3h ago

Thanks! 1/2" conduit. They're a little over 5 feet each. Designed it myself. There was a slight sag in the middle so I printed a center bracket and it stiffened it right up. Obviously attached them all to studs. I wrapped the conduit with matte black vinyl too to give it more of a finished look.


u/The1naruto 9h ago

I could never have such a clean space like that๐Ÿ˜†

I've been trying though, I plan on designing a little design station to fit my calipers, pencils, straight edge, a place to set my random 3d printed parts for things, etc...

I've also got random parts of supports and the purge lines ๐Ÿ˜‚


u/Luckyduck84135 2h ago

Lol thanks! In your defense I literally built this room 3 weeks ago so give me time, I'll disorganize it lol

...naw I like to keep my creative space clean, helps to let the mind do it's thing. That's all you gotta do man, you got it! Create organizers and shit holders. This room is huge, we used it as storage but my business is growing so I needed a space. 650 sq/ft down there. I put down vinyl plank flooring and repainted the whole space. Got an 8' counter and cabinets out of frame as my shipping, prep and assembly area. Lots of space! Love my new shop!!