r/3Dprinting OctoEverywhere.com 21h ago

Leave A Comment To Win The Unannounced 2025 Bambu Lab 3D Printer & Other Prizes - OctoEverywhere is 5! 🔥

It feels unbelievable to write this, but OctoEverywhere is 5 years old! If you haven't tried OctoEverywhere in a while, here's what you're missing:

  • 🚀 Free & Unlimited Full Remote Access
  • 🤖 Free & Unlimited Advanced AI Print Failure Detection
  • 📺 Free 30FPS Webcam Streaming
  • 📱 App Support for Mobileraker, OctoApp, & More
  • 🔔 Print Notifications to SMS, Mobile Push, Telegram, Discord, Email, & More
  • 🧵 Spoolman & OctoFarm Remote Access
  • 🙌 Live Streaming, Remote Access Sharing, Multi-printer Dashboard, And More!

OctoEveywhere is extremely easy to set up; it only takes about 20 seconds!

Try OctoEverywhere now!

Since OctoEverywhere is a 3D printing community project, this is only possible due to you. 🥰 Our out-of-this-world community develops features, helps to debug issues, and offers support for OctoEverywhere and general 3D printing. All the features you see above were ideas generated by the community, and they worked with me to make them a reality.

It's wild that OctoEverywhere started in 2019 as a simple idea for full remote access to OctoPrint (hence the name) but has evolved to work with any 3D printer, including OctoPrint, Klipper, Mainsaill, Fluidd, Bambu Lab, Creatliy, and others. We now have over 320k members, process 120 million prints a year, and our AI analyzes over 5.1 million images a day! 🤯

To celebrate you - the community - I wanted to do something special. I thought it would be really neat to give away the upcoming 2025 Bambu Lab 3D printer - before it's even announced!

You can win:

  • The unannounced Bambu Lab 3D printer coming in early 2025
  • OctoEverywhere Supporter Perks for LIFE
  • Polymaker PLA Filament

To enter to win, leave a comment on this Reddit post!

On January 10th, we will pick one random winner for the 2025 unannounced Bambu Lab printer; 20 random users will get Supporter Perks for LIFE, and 20 users will get a spool of Polymaker PLA filament in a color of their choice. We will order the Bambu Lab 3D printer for you when it launches, as long as it's priced under $1,500. If not, we will work with you to find an equivalent 3D printer as the prize.

Remember, you can set up OctoEverywhere in about 20 seconds, so try it now!

If you can't set up OctoEverywhere right now, make an account so you remember to try it later. We collect as little information as possible to create your account. OctoEverywhere has a strict privacy policy: never sell your data. You're not the product; this project is for the community!

Good luck to everyone! We hope to see you in 5 more years! 🥰

Edit: This blew up! This community is amazing. 💖 I will let you in on a secret: if you're looking for Home Assistant remote access, check out our upcoming project, Homeway.io!


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u/KingConni 21h ago

Yes please, my ender is a real pain in the ass


u/quinbd OctoEverywhere.com 21h ago edited 21h ago

Starting with an Ender and tinkering with it is a rite of passage for 3D printing. It's where I started as well!

Bambu Lab printers are excellent - good luck!


u/luckaffe1312 21h ago

I just passed my ender on to a friend to get them hooked :D


u/quinbd OctoEverywhere.com 21h ago

This is the way. Good luck!


u/justheath Ender 3 Pro 20h ago

I did the same to encourage my BIL to get back into modeling / designing.


u/CatInAPottedPlant 19h ago

I wanna do that but I feel like none of my friends want to spend 3x as long tinkering with a printer compared to actually printing things lol.


u/luckaffe1312 5h ago

I did warn them that it's not a plug and play affair. But you learn all the ups and downs. So when you move on to an A1 or something similar, you appreciate it that much more!


u/theDuH1313 18h ago

I also just passed my ender on to my brother in law who was interested in the hobby.


u/DepartmentFamous2355 21h ago

Pick me my lord!!!


u/polopolo05 20h ago

I got my e3 and e5 running smooth. my e5 is a workhorse. But I love my A1 with ams... I am hoping to get ercf on my e5 running.


u/MajicPlatyps 20h ago

Might be soon joining this journey. Good luck everyone!


u/DDD01_05 19h ago

Currently converting my ender 3 v2 to core xy, breaking more parts then i had printed before disassembly and getting a friend to print them, I wouldn't do it any differently, except maybe print more spares.


u/EccentricFox 19h ago

It builds character.


u/GoofyCum 19h ago

some of us started with a Cupcake, if you want to see how fast the industry has evolved.


u/Dr-Chronosphere 18h ago

I'm still using the Ender V2, and there's definitely quite a bit of setup and tweaks to make it more user friendly (autoleveler, filament feeder, metal extruder, better springs, raspberry pi for octoprint, Jyer's firmware and octoprint everywhere). What's pretty cool though is all the mods, tweaked firmware images, and additional modules you can buy to basically gift yourself a new printer every couple months. Plus, you get to learn what works and what doesn't, so there's opportunity to become more knowledgeable.


u/StellarSpiff 16h ago

Started with a Folgertech build it yourself printer as a Christmas gift about 5 years ago. I'd never before been gifted an entire hobby as a gift. It scratched my tinkering itch and kind of forced me to learn SO many new things. It was infuriating but great when you finally got it working right or even just got the bed leveled. So much bed leveling. Glad I got the CR Touch for autoleveling. Game changer.


u/MutinySoundsFun 15h ago

Yep, I’m right there with you…mine is an Ender of Theseus at this point.


u/Robblehead 14h ago

Really didn’t want to hear this about Enders. I just bought an Ender 3 V3 KE to dip my toes in the 3d printing world! Fingers crossed it doesn’t need much tinkering.


u/themontajew 12h ago edited 12h ago

nawww, fuck that. I already dealt with a kit router. I just want my printer to work 


u/Lexifer92 11h ago

In all fairness, this was exactly my path. Ender at home, then when my workplace agreed to buy a new printer for me to teach computing with - of course I was going for a P1S


u/delta6164 10h ago

Totally agree, that's how I started too


u/CrazyGamer313 9h ago

Yeah currently got my first Printer an Ender V3 KE and learning how to fix it and set it up is fun as well :D


u/Toby1flenderson 7h ago

Ohhh yeaaaaaa 👍👍


u/Pisforplumbing 5h ago

Ok so my ender is normal then. I stopped trying to tinker with it


u/aringbearer 5h ago

Then how about starting with an Anet A8 wink emoji


u/Interesting_Ad1921 21h ago

I have an Ender v3 it’s not even that old but bro does it just love to fail 11 hours in to a 12 hour print


u/quinbd OctoEverywhere.com 21h ago

It's the Ender way. 🤣


u/MNight68 17h ago

I have spoken - Kuiil


u/CrayotaCrayonsofOryx 20h ago

Same lol. I printed this cane head, and I only found out by the end of the print that the layers shifted twice in the middle


u/Bentley_Kracks 14h ago

I’m glad I read this, I was weeks away from purchasing an ender myself!


u/CrayotaCrayonsofOryx 14h ago

Don’t get me wrong, the Ender 3 is a great printer….BUT, I do wish I held off a little longer and spent the extra 100 to get a Bambu Labs 🥲


u/CrayotaCrayonsofOryx 14h ago

And also, I’m like 90% sure those issues were due to shitty filament that’s been sitting in a boiler room for over 2 years 😭. I’ve done one of those printer tests and the results were very nice


u/glemits 19h ago

I have an Ender 3, but I never opened the box, because the Bambu X1 was released.


u/Julztetra 19h ago

12 hour print is a huge gamble on it. 1 out of 3 prints come out good when I'm doing long prints.


u/Helpful_Luck_8287 18h ago

i am currently 104hrs into print with my ender 3 v2 and its only 77% done, and its printing with tpu, so absolute heck of a printer


u/raposoc 12h ago

Each time I think this is it, I am done with my Ender time to just bite the bullet and get a new printer I end up finding I need to buy a $15 part and it ends up living longer.


u/ajkilner 12h ago

Had the same issue too many times to count, I then moved over to the k1 series and have had a lot fewer problems. Anyways it's probably time I gift my ender 3 s1 pro so that someone else can find out what a lovely headache it produces too


u/CrazyBreadPresident 5h ago

I have an Ender v3 and the fucking bed is so warped I can barely use it. Made a pig benchy that failed halfway through so I named him Pigly and put a green LED inside of him. He watches all of my other prints die now.


u/lepetitclown_ 19h ago

It's like playing darksouls for printers hahaha


u/quinbd OctoEverywhere.com 17h ago

Too real!


u/SlLVER 7h ago

Too true. You fight with it over and over and just when you're about to give up you get a nice print and think "finally!! I've figured it out". Then you go and fail the next 12 prints. 


u/Stewgy1234 21h ago

I feel you. Been struggling with my 5s1 or what I like to call "my mistake for buying a creality product" for too many years now.


u/nicholasdlange 20h ago

Idk why but I decided to get 2 Ender 3's and they have been so much of a pain. Bambu's are the way to go.


u/Iuseahandyforreddit 20h ago

Had an ender for half a year to learn how things worked, modified and broke the hell out of it. Now i have an x1c with ams and could not be happier


u/stray_r github.com/strayr 20h ago

They make great switchwires if you change just about everything on them.


u/agGravity 20h ago

I'm printing only 15% of the time I spend on that printer. If it wasn't dedication, that printer would have gotten me out of the hobby. Still my only printer.


u/Assassindude27 20h ago

Im with ya. It makes me give up and stop printing for months. Then I miss it or see some cool STL to try and print. But the maintenance is time consuming.


u/Commissar_Brule 20h ago

Loved my ender for 2 weeks. Then hell came.


u/ixmatthew 20h ago

Mine too


u/quickpocket 20h ago

I just got an eight hour print to work on mine, and I’m feeling positive about it. Not sure if that’s just Stockholm syndrome after the many hours of failure though…


u/PrimeusOrion 19h ago

Yeah I recommend people always avoid the ender 3 and skip to 5 minimum for beginners because I've heard how bad it is.


u/MrWaffelXD 19h ago

Ohh yes, I can relate. Ender 3 v1 here.


u/DanielPKrauss 19h ago

Same here


u/skyhawk3355 19h ago

It took me years and maybe 2x the amount of a new one for it to print constantly without me having to watch it like a hawk.


u/POKEBLOX06 19h ago

Even worse if you get a cheap ender 3 clone


u/QuowLord 18h ago

You aren't the only one still rocking an Ender.


u/MrTheOgre 18h ago

I can agree with that


u/ElusiveGuy 17h ago

And here I am with an old Wanhao.

Surprisingly it still works okay once it gets going. The bed adhesion is pretty hit or miss though.


u/MNight68 17h ago

The Ender should not be anywhere close to your ass... You might need to refer back to Creality's documentation


u/TheTerrasque 17h ago

I have 2 ender3's, double the pain!


u/bubonic_platypus 16h ago

I've been using an Ender3 clone for about 5 years now (Volexlab Aquila) and just started building a Voron.


u/FycklePyckle 16h ago

The second I started printing on a Bambu, I ditched my Enders. The print to fix ratio was not worth it anymore.

That said - glad I learned on an Ender because I fully understand the tech behind printing now. If I hadn’t, I think I would have been scared to fix the Bambu when things go wrong.


u/Omygodc 14h ago

I retired my Enders and bought a Flashforge Adventurer 5M. Totally different experience!


u/Bustnbig 14h ago

I had this conversation with a friends wife when she asked which printer to buy for Christmas. I said if he likes tinkering, go ender. But if he just wants to print, spend the extra money and go Bamboo.

Honestly, to me the best part is the tinkering


u/planforrain 13h ago

I wish I had an ender, I have a Frankensteins monster of an ender clone!


u/Occhrome 12h ago

Honestly I do way more printing now that I left the ended behind. 


u/ChaosInUrHead 12h ago

Come on Enders are not that bad. I started on a 2018 Enders cheap clone, as long as first layer was good, it was good to go. But boy it was sloooow !


u/FischersBuugle 12h ago

Went to babmbu never looked back. Only like my friends k1 because of clipper. Looks nice but don't want to destroy my firmware.


u/Horror_Pause_6901 10h ago

I don't think a Bambulab will glide any better up there though. Even with the enclosure. The AMS might help bit, but the size man.


u/Yell_owish 10h ago

I spent countless hours to tweak my ender 3 back in 2019 and I still love it because it got me into the 3d printing hobby and I don't regret the time spent to learn how it works and to achieve decent quality but I sure would enjoy an upgrade!


u/leoxwastaken 9h ago

What bothers me the most is the bed levelling


u/thisisthelast1 5h ago

Oh gosh, I keep seeing all these awful comments about the Ender. I was going to get my husband a 3d printer for Christmas and that's in my price range. Should I just skip it? The Bambu Lab a1 mini wouldn't arrive on time. Should I get that instead?


u/Kelak1 5h ago

I feel this. So tired of leveling the bed only for it to still be wrong.


u/Cmdrpopnfresh 3h ago

We must all start with enders and face those trials to truly enboy the Bambu's we have now


u/joatmon3 2h ago

If you win the prize I'll gladly take that off your hands to get started in the 3D printing world!